jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

adjetives and appearance

27 de octubre de 2016
* Fotocopias, pautas para hacer los ejercicios:
1- Read the whole text before you start
2- Read all the words than you can choose
3- Think about what type or word (adjetive, noun, verb) than you can use
4- Pay attention to puntuation

a) 1- She doesn´t have a partner at the moment / 2- She goes on a date with each man/
    3- Which one does she prefer?/ 4- What kind of men do I like?/
    5- I don´t like usually like men with beards.

b) 1- she lives/ her chooses/ she thinks/ she goes on date/ I love goin to / I often feel like/
        she says/ I get on / I think / I have / I like interesting men/ I prefer/ I sure/ they know/
        she could find/ she has known
     2- she - he - it watches/ she-he-it studies/ she-he-it goes/ she-he-it has
     3- I-you-we-they don´t / he-she-it doesn´t

c) Grammar bank 1B pag 126. 1B present simple
- Usamos el presente simple para lo que hacemos cada dia, cada semana, cada año
                                               para lo que es cierto o lo que ocurre siempre.
    Ej.: Afirmativo       I usually work at home /    He knows me very well
           Negativo          They don´t live near here / It doesn´t often rain here
           Interrogativa   Do you speak French? /     Does Alice like jazz?
           Respuesta        Yes, I do.  No, I don´t /       Yes she does.  No, she doesn´t

- Norma de la 3 persona singular he, she, it
  Infinitivo termina en consonante menos H a la tercera persona se le añade- S 
     Ej.: work - works
  Infinitivo termina en consonante mas Y    a la tercera persona se le añade- IES
     Ej: study - studies
  Infinitivo termina en SH, CH, S, X           a la tercera persona se le añade- ES
    Ej: finish - finishes
  Infinitivo GO/DO                                     a la tercera persona CAMBIA- DOES- GOES 
    Ej.: He goes - she goes -it goes / he does - she does - it does
  Infinitivo HAVE                                         a la tercera persona CAMBIA- HAS
    Ej.: He has a car

- Adverbios y expresiones de frequencia
  Se utiliza el presente simple con los adverbios de frecuencia 
                                  (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never)
                    y con las expresiones de frecuencia (every day, once a week, every year, etc,)

  Los adverbios de frecuencia van antes del verbo principal.
                       Ej.: We often go out on Friday night.
                                                          después del verbo TO BE.
                       Ej.: She is never ill / She's never ill.

  Con el adverbio NEVER siempre se usa la forma positiva del verbo. Ej: It never rains

  Las expresiones de frecuencia (every day, once a week, etc)  van al final de la frase.
                  Ej.: She gets up early every day / We have English classes twice a week.

  Grammar bank 1B pag 127. 1B present simple
  a) 1- Does Anna like music?/ 2- My sister has a lot of hobbies/
      3- I don't get on very well with my parents/ 4- My brother studies at university/
      5- My neighbours don't have any children/ 6- When does the film start?/
      7- He goes out twice a week/ 8- We don´t often talk about politics/
      9- How often do you email your brother?/ 10- I don't go on Facebook very often

  b) 1- I always go to bed before 11:00/ 2- Kates hardly ever sees her family/
      3- We never go shopping on Saturdays/ 4- I go to the dentist´s twice a year/
      5- They sometimes have breakfast in the garden/
      6- We usually listen to the radio in the morning/ 7- Alan runs in the park every day/
      8- I never drink coffee after 4.00/ 9- John doesn´t often go to the cinema/
     10- I visit my mum a once month

d)  The kind of man Charlotte likes o doesn't like?
     1- She likes interesting men/ 2- Can make her laugh/ 3- The men are taller than her/
     4- They have a nice smile/ 5- They are into literature and art/
     6- She doesn't like men with beards

e) Alexander . Her mother´s choice
    How old is he? He´s 32 years old/ Where is he from? He's London/
    Where does he live? He lives in Brigton/ What does he do? He's a journalist/
    What does he like? He likes modern art, classical music/
    What doesn´t he like? He doesn´t like sport

   Oliver. Her friend's choice.
   How old is he? He's 25 years old/ Where is he from? He's from Scotlant/
   Where is he live? He lives in London/ What does he do? He´s a doctor/
   What does he like? He likes sport, music, goog books and films/
   What doesn´t he like? He likes clubs and discos

f) Alexander has a big mouth and dark hair and broad smile
    Oliver has blue eyes and short blonde hair and
                  he looks serious (verb look + adjetive serious parecer, personality)
    I think than Alexander is better for Charlotte

 - Vocabulario:
    beard= barba (bied)/ interesting man= hombre interesante (intrestin man)/
    hardly ever (adv freq)= raramente, casi nunca (jarly ever)/ a lot of= muchos (alotof)/
    get on (verb)= estar (guet on)/ go out (verb)= ir fuera, salir (gou aut)/
    email (verb)= mandar emails (imeil)/ go on Facebook= navegar en Facebook (go on feisbuk)/
    go shopping (verb)= ir de compras (gou shopin)/ dentist's=  consulta del dentista (dentists)/
    listen to (verb)= oir (lisen tu)/ laugh= reir, carcajada (la:f)/ taller= más alto (toler)/
    into literature= gustar la literatura (into litrecher)/ broad= ancho (brou:d)/ 
    handsome= atractivo, guapo (jansem)/ good looking= atractivo (gud lucking)/
    pretty= bonita (priti)/ at last!= por fin (at la:st)

a) She thougth that he's much older than her/ No, she didn't want to see to him.-
    He's very different at me

b) adjetives (physical appearance)                   /   adjetives (personality)  
    older, tall, dark , quite, good-looking                extrovert, funny, very good sense of humour,
                                                                               interested in art and music

c) Oliver is more attractive, he has blond hair and blue eyes

    adjetives (physical appearance)                   /   adjetives (personality)
   more attractive, short blond hair, friendly,          smoker, bit shy, to chat, generous
   warm, quite tall, lovely blue eyes

d) Alexander he wasn't your type of man. Oliver he was a smoker, she hate smoking people.

- woman= pretty (bonito) para referirse a cosas y chicas
- men= handsome (atractivo, guapo) solo referido a chicos
- woman & men = attractive, good looking

- there │ is a lot of │ chemistry between X and Y
           │  isn't any  │

               │ something│                                to│have │ a  │good │ first impression
- to have │ a lot          │ in common                │give │     │bad   │
               │nothing     │

- at last!= por fin

- TO RELAX :  I relax/ you relax / he - she -it relaxes/ we relax/ you relax/ they relax

a) - La pronunciación final cuando los verbos y los sustantivos terminan en -s / -es
      - la terminación -s se pronuncia como (s) o (z). La diferencia es mínima
      - la terminación - es se pronuncia (is) después de CH, C, G, SH, S, Z, X.

b)  verbs: chooses/ cooks/ goes/ lives/ stops/ teaches
     nouns: boys/ classes/ dates/ friends/ languages/ parents

   Name Roger / Personality serious / cheerful/ age 32/Job sportman baseball/ likes sports, clubs/
   Doesn't like smoke/ Appearance heigh medium, short dark hair, strong,
                                                        good looking, american boy

- Fotocopias Pag. 18-19 Comprehension RC Task 2