miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017


8 de mayo de 2017
-Questions and answers - Hockey Game Information -
                  Questions:                                                     Answers
1-What day is the match?  /                             The match is at 8:00 pm on February 18th 2017
2- Where is the match going to be played?/    The play is going to be played in Toronto, Canada
    Where are they going to play the match?
3- How much does the ticket cost?/                The ticket costs $45
4- What teams are going to play the match?/  The teams that are going to play are The Toronto
                                                                         Maple vs The New York Rangers
5- What are we going to eat or drink there?   we are going to eat  Hot Dogs, Pizza, Hamburguers,
                                                                         and we are going to drink Soda and Beer

- Questions and answers - Road trip through New England

                 Questions:                                             Answers
1- Which states will we visit? /          We will go to visit Connecticut, Rhode Island,
                                                           Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine
2- When will we travel?    /     We will travel from Monday, July 31st to Monday , August 14th
3- What cities will we visit?                 We will visit Boston, MA and Providence, RI
4- How much money will the rental car cost? / The rental car will cost $35 a day
5- What kind of food will we eat?   We will eat Seafood (lobster) and New England Clam Chowder
6- What things will we do?              We will explore cities, we will go hiking,
                                                           we will go to the beach, and we will go camping

hot air ballon (hot eer be'lu:n)= globo aerostático/ below (bi'lou)= abajo, debajo/
Clam Chowder (klam sfauder)= sopa de almejas/ lobster (lobster)= langosta de mar

15 de mayo de 2017
- Make three sentences with the word "drive", and one sentence with "less" plus "drive".
      most -- to move, to go, own car    /  less -- town

   Learning how to drive is very important to move in the city, and you can drive your own car. If I
   have a license to drive I can go to other cities because I like sightseeing.
   It's less important to have a driving licence in the city because there there is public transport to go
   from one place to another.

- You are Canadian, tell us because your country is the best.
   I'm Canadian. My country is the best because it's beatiful. I like its  nature,
   its landscape, its big lakes and its waterfalls. It's a very clean country.
   Canada is near the U.S.A.
   I don't like its weather, it's very cold and rainy in winter

- Tell us about your job, you are a MECHANIC
   I like cars. I like to repair car motors. My best moment is when I turn on the motor and
   it starts for the first time. I love my job.

- To make sentences with there words: - football/ Parlament/ wardrobe/ witch/ foreign/ spices/
                                                                  lamp/ tennis/ Cardiff/ boxing/ birds
   - He scored a goal in the football match
   - He tried to kill the King in Parlament
   - This morning I hung my dress in the wardrobe
   - The witch uses the broom to fly
   - I'm learning a foreign language
   - Spices are good for your healt
   - The lamp was lit
   - She's playing tennis
   - The champions League  will be played final in Cardiff
   - I watch boxing matches on TV
   - Crows, ducks and eagles are birds

 hacer las preguntas y respuestas correspondientes a estas tarjetas.

 1- When is the museum open?/When does the museum open?/What time does the museum open?
               │              │
              verb      subject
      It opens from 10 am to 8 pm / It's open from 10 am to 8pm
             │                                             │
           verb                                        Adjective
2- Is it open every day? /  Does it open every day?
     The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday
3- How much does the ticket cost?
     It costs € 6.50 (six euros fifty or six euros and fifty cents)
4- Is there any public transport to go there?  / Can I go there by public transport?
     Yes, you can go by bus, and underground. Its underground station is at Moyua station
5- Is there a shop in the museum? Yes, there is a shop on the ground floor

4 de abril de 2017
- Can you name them?
1- You go there to buy food and drink  supermarket/ 2- You go there to read book library/
3- You go there to play tennis and volleyball stadium, sports centre/
4- You go there to get money bank/ 5- You go there to see films cinema/
6- You go there to catch a bus bus stop, bus station/
7- You go there to swim swimming-pool, beach/
8- You go there to buy fruit and vegetables grocery, fruit and vegetables shop

- Suggest a time when yu can both attend the party
10:00 Arobic Class                                        
11:00 Shower                                              Questions: 
12:00 Lunch with Sister                               - When do you have a free time?
13:00                                                          - Are you free at XX:XX p.m/ a.m?
14:00 English Lesson                                  - What time do you prefer at XX:XX or YY:YY?
15:00                                                         - Can we meet at XX:XXX?
18:00 Shopping
19:00 Shopping
20:00 Movie with John
21:00 Movie with John

- Your hometown (ask your partner)
1- What is the name of your hometown? My hometown is Bilbao
2- What is the population? Its population is three hundred and fifty five thousand
3- Do you live in a city or a town or a village? I live in a city
4- Is it quiet/noisy, beatiful/ugly? It's a quiet and beatiful city
5- Does your hometown have public transport? (it has Buses, trains, trams)
    It has buses, trains, trams and metro station
6- What are the main sights? (places to visit)
    The main sights are Guggenheim musseum and San Mames Stadium,
    too there are some important churchs and pedestrian street with some beatiful cafés

City is much larger than a town, town is much larger than a village but smaller than a city
Neighbourhood is an area within a town or city (barrio, distrito)
- 16:00 se dice four p.m / 11:00 a.m. se dice eleven a.m.

coastal town= ciudad costera/ town hall= ayuntamiento/ townhome= ayuntamiento/
pebbles sand= playa de piedras/ views=vistas/ two stories bus= autobus de dos pisos/
butchers= carnicerias/ fish counter= pescaderia/ tennis court= pista de tenis/
basketball court= pista de baloncesto/ bus stop= parada de autobús/
bus station= terminal de autobús/ neighbourhood= barrio, distrito/ tram= tranvia/
hanging bridge= puente colgante/ daily schedule= agenda diaria/ appointment= cita

- We are 5 members in my family/ There are 5 of us in my family/ I'm married /
   I got married in 2000/ I like sight new countries/ I like visiting new countries/
   I like sightseeing in places I visit/ I like going sightseeing/ I live in centre of Bilbao

25 de abril de 2017
-Tell your group three things you did during Easter holidays
1- I went to Plentzia/ 2- My pony's had a new baby pony/
3- Last Saturday I went to listen to Burning band in the Antzokia pub

- What animals do they appear in this image?
elephant/ lion/ butterfly/ parrot/ giraffe/ zebra/ duck/ flamingo/ panter/ leopard/ snake/ ant/
krokodile/ monky/ baby elephant/ baby zebra/ baby giraffe/ rhino/ eagle/ teer/ snail

- Tell four facts about you, and one have be false
1- I have a long blond hair/ 2- I'm a man/ 3- I wear a black T-shirt/ 4- I sleep eight hours everyday

2 de mayo de 2017
- What is he wearing your parnet?
He is wearing a black T-shirt, and black jeans. He is wearing too black trainers.
He isn't wearing a watch and anything of jewelry .

- Describe me!. Choose the correct words
Clothes: suit, tie, sunglasses, handkerchief
Job: He is fighter
Personality: Arrogant, unfriendly, brave, confident
Nationality: Irish
Who is he? His name is Commor Macgregor

- Ordenar los adverbios de frecuencia
1- Always/ 2- Often/ 3- Sometimes/ 4- Rarely/ 5- Never

- True or False
1- I often go to the gym T/ 2- I always eat healthy food T/ 3- I sometimes smoke F/
4- I never lose a fight F/ I rarely think about fighting T

- Write any questions about him?
1- Where was he born? / 2- How many years has he fought?/ 3- Why is he famous?/
4- How did he learn to fight?

clock= reloj de pared/ watch= reloj de pulsera/ striped shirt= camisa de rayas/
checked shirt= camisa de cuadros/ headband= cinta de cabeza/ denim shirt= camisa vaquera/ cardigan= chaqueta de punto con botones/ to lose= perder/ featherweight= peso pluma/
to reach= alcanzar/ high-heels= tacones altos/ to compete=competir/ to entertain= entretener/ confident= seguro de si mismo/ sky= tímido/ successful= exitoso, afortunado/
to reach the level of success= alcanzar el nivel de éxito/ handkerchief= pañuelo de bolsillo/
eccentric personality= personalidad excéntrica/ self-belief= creer en uno mismo

* SPEAKING. Práctica Exámen,

              Questions                                                        Answers
- Where is the flat?                                      The flat is in the city centre
                                                                     It's in the center of Bilbao

- Does it have an elevator?                           No, it doesn't

- How many rooms │ does the flat have?        It has         │    two rooms
                            │ are there in the flat?      There are  │

- How much │does it cost│( a month) ?       It costs €800 a month
                     │is it         │

- What's your phone number?                       The phone number is 944624126,
                                                                       You can contact Asun at 944624126
                                                                      Your contact is Asun and her number is 944624126

- Can you give me your phone number?       The contact number is 944624126

- Who can I contact?                                      The contact is Asun

- Do you have a contact?                               Yes, the contact is Asun

El apostrofe al final de la frase se utiliza solo para personas y animales
- Usamos What para preguntar en lugar de Which,
          porque Which se utiliza cuando hay una lista de selección . Ej: Which of these ....