jueves, 6 de abril de 2017


6 de abril de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 143. 9B
a) 1- How long have you been frightened of clowns?/ 2- How long have your sister had her car?/
    3- How long have you lived here?/ 4- How long have your dad been a teacher?/
    5- How long have you known your boyfriend?/ 6- How long has Britain been in the EU?/
    7- How long have you had your cat?/ 8- How long has he worked for the same company?

b) 1- I've been frightened of clowns since I was a child/ 2- She's had her car for three years/
    3- I've lived here for a long time/ 4- He's been a teacher since 1990/
    5- I've known my boyfriend since May/ 6- It's been in the EU since 1973/
    7- We've had our cat for about two years/ 8- He's worked for the same company since 2008

9-   His daughter born in Madrid when he had twenty years.
      His daughter was born in Madrin when he was twenty years old -- CORRECT
      born- es adjetivo, no verbo / siempre que se refiere a edad el verbo TO BE /
      si se pone years debe de ir siempre acompañado de old
10- How long do you know your teacher? - From past October
      How long have you known your teacher? - Since last October -- CORRECT
      El present simple es para referirse a una actividad concreta, por lo tanto se utiliza
      present perfect porque hace referencia a una actividad continuada en el tiempo.
      Since siempre para referir un punto concreto en el tiempo.
      Last para referir al tiempo pasado como el último
11- I like the city in winter, when is quite and there isn't much people.
      I like the city in Winter, when it is quiet and there aren't any people -- CORRECT
      There aren't en lugar de there isn't porque people es plural
      Many en lugar de much porque es una frase negativa. Much solo afirmativas e interrogativas
      it is falta poner el pronombre personal en when is
      Quiet = tranquilo/a,  quite = bastante
12- I looking forward to hear from you soon.
      I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.-- CORRECT
      Present simple            I look forward to hearing from you soon          --- formal
      Present progressive    I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon --- informal

- We are 5 members in my family/ There are 5 of us in my family/ I'm married /
   I got married in 2000/ I like sight new countries/ I like visiting new countries/
   I like sightseeingin places I visit/ I like going sightseeing/ I live in centre of Bilbao

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 26. Listening Comprehension. Task 2.
1- The visitors are going to the 103rd floor F/
2- The elevator takes one minute to go up to the top floor F/
3- There are 83 elevators in the building F/ 
4- The Empire State was the tallest building in the world for over 20 years T/
5- In the marathon, people run up 1,860 stairs T/ 6- Visitors can see a distance of 80 miles T/
7- Every year 110 million people visit it F

for over= más de

around │  
             │ 20 years = 20 years more or less = 20 años más o menos
about   │

over X = more than X = más que X

actually = de hecho = in fact

at present = presently = currently = ahora, actualmente

1- Where is it? How big is it?
a) Reading is a town in the south of England, on the River Thames.
    It is about 40 miles west of London.
    It is a large town and it has a population of about 250,000.
    It is famous for its music festival, which is one of the biggest in the UK

2- What's it like?
    5- boring                    exciting/ interesting
    3- crowded                 empty
    6- dangerous              safe
    4- modern                  old
    1- noisy                      quiet
    2- polluted                 clean

3- What is there to see?
   Religious buildings  / Places where you can buy things  / Historic buildings and monuments
     cathedral                        department store                              castle
     church                            market                                             museum
     mosque                          shopping centre                               palace
     temple                                                                                    statue
                                                                                                    town hall

c) There are a cathedral and old market, but there aren´t any castles and  there aren't any mosques

large = big = grande
look like = apariencia / like = descripción
landsmarks = monumentos
monument = es un monumento en memoria de alguien ha fallecido
mayor = alcalde

a) 1- I live in Kayseri, which is an important city/ 2- It has a population of over 1,000,000 people/
    3-  It's near the famous Cappadocia area/ 4- and there are also many historic buildings/
    5- but Kayseri also has modern residential areas/
    6- The weather in Kayseri is typical of the Middle Anatolia Region/
    7- It's also famous for its food/ 8- Kayseri is that we are so close to nature/
    9- enjoy the mountains, rivers, waterfalls

b) 4 What's it famous for?/ 3 What's the weather like?/
    5- What's the best thing about it? Do you like living there?/
    2 What's your home town like? What is there to see there?/
    1 Where do you live? Where is it? How big is it?

- Write you composition about you hometown following the order of the paragraphs in the text
   on page 114 (about 110 words). Send it to marianclass2000@gmail.com - Tuesday April 18th
- Frases 13 - 16 inclusive
- Cuaderno Gris Units 8,9,10,11,12

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