martes, 4 de abril de 2017


4 de abril de 2017
- Can you name them?
1- You go there to buy food and drink  supermarket/ 2- You go there to read book library/
3- You go there to play tennis and volleyball stadium, sports centre/
4- You go there to get money bank/ 5- You go there to see films cinema/
6- You go there to catch a bus bus stop, bus station/
7- You go there to swim swimming-pool, beach/
8- You go there to buy fruit and vegetables grocery, fruit and vegetables shop

- Suggest a time when yu can both attend the party
10:00 Arobic Class                                          
11:00 Shower                                              Questions:  
12:00 Lunch with Sister                               - When do you have a free time?
13:00                                                          - Are you free at XX:XX p.m/ a.m?
14:00 English Lesson                                  - What time do you prefer at XX:XX or YY:YY?
15:00                                                         - Can we meet at XX:XXX?
18:00 Shopping
19:00 Shopping
20:00 Movie with John
21:00 Movie with John

- Your hometown (ask your partner)
1- What is the name of your hometown? My hometown is Bilbao
2- What is the population? Its population is three hundred and fifty five thousand
3- Do you live in a city or a town or a village? I live in a city
4- Is it quiet/noisy, beatiful/ugly? It's a quiet and beatiful city
5- Does your hometown have public transport? (it has Buses, trains, trams)
    It has buses, trains, trams and metro station
6- What are the main sights? (places to visit)
    The main sights are Guggenheim musseum and San Mames Stadium,
    too there are some important churchs and pedestrian street with some beatiful cafés

- City is much larger than a town, town is much larger than a village but smaller than a city
- Neighbourhood is an area within a town or city (barrio, distrito)
- 16:00 se dice four p.m / 11:00 a.m. se dice eleven a.m.

coastal town= ciudad costera/ town hall= ayuntamiento/ townhome= ayuntamiento/
pebbles sand= playa de piedras/ views=vistas/ two stories bus= autobus de dos pisos/
butchers= carnicerias/ fish counter= pescaderia/ tennis court= pista de tenis/
basketball court= pista de baloncesto/ bus stop= parada de autobús/
bus station= terminal de autobús/ neighbourhood= barrio, distrito/ tram= tranvia/
hanging bridge= puente colgante/ daily schedule= agenda diaria/ appointment= cita

- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 42. 5B Grammar 
b) 1- Who's the most generous person you've ever met?/
    2- What is the most difficult language you'ever learnt?/
    3- What is the best restaurant you've ever been to?/
    4- What is the most expensive gadget you've ever been bought?/
    5- What is the coldest place you've ever visited?/
    6- What's the longest journey you've ever made?/
    7- What's the most delicious food you're ever eaten?/
    8- What's the most beatiful place you've ever been to?/
    9- What's the most boring film you've ever seen?/
   10- Where is the farthest you've ever been on holiday?

- FOTOCOPIA 30/3/17. Correct this sentences
5- Do you like going to the mountain? INCORRECT
    Do you like going hiking?/ Do you like trekking?/ Do you like walking in the mountains?
    La expresión going to the mountain está mal, ya que en inglés se dice trekking o hiking,
    y walking in the mountains, siendo mountains plural NUNCA singular

6- a - What are you going to buy Jill for her birthday? CORRECTA
    b - A compact disc  CORRECTA
    a - She hasn't a CD player INCORRECTA -- She doesn't have a CD player - have main verb
    b - Oh! I'm going to buy her a book, then INCORRECTA
    Por que no se refiere a ningún plan o previsión, sino a una decisión ya tomada.
    La frase correcta es Oh! I'll buy for her a book, then

7- I study English since three years ago INCORRECTA
    I've studied English for three years (acción que aún continua)
    I studied English three years ago (acción acabada)

8- When have you seen to my brother? INCORRECTA
    When did you see my brother?
    No se puede utilizar el present perfect junto con When, 
    Con when se utiliza el past simple

- El objeto directo depende del verbo
  Ej.: He bought me some flowers    / He bought someflowers for me
                           │             │                                       │           │      
                          OI           OD                                      OD          OI
  Si ponemos el Objeto Directo antes del Objeto Indirecto debermos poner FOR antes del OI

- Para expresar un decisión inmediata, lo cual no implica futuro utilizamos 
                              WILL + INFINITIVO
    Ej.: I'll take it    / I'll buy a book   / I'll change it

- El present perfect se utiliza para expresar una acción que transcurre
            desde un momento pasado hasta el momento actual y que todavia no ha finalizado
     Ej: I've studied English for three years / I've taught English since 1980

- FOR se utiliza para expresiones que se refieren a un periodo concreto de tiempo
    FOR + expression of time referred to a period
     Ej: He's studied English for │ two years
                                               │ a long time
                                               │ a decade

- SINCE + pointing time when the action of the verb started
     Nos dice cuando comenzó la acción que realiza el verbo
          Past                   Today                Future

  Ej: He`s studied English since │ 2014
                                              │he was a child

-                                            time                                           
               2014           -------------- for --------------           Today    
  Ej: I've studied English│ since 2014 (la acción todavia continua)
                                  │ for 3 years

        I studied English 3 years ago (la acción ha terminado)
        I've been an English teacher since 1980 / I've been an English teacher for 37 years

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 142. 9B Present perfect + for or since
- Usamos el present perfect + For or since cuando hablamos de acciones o hechos
                                   los cuales comenzaron en el pasado pero todavia continuan ahora
   Ej.: I've lived in Manchester for twenty years

- NO SE UTILIZA PRESENT SIMPLE para este tipo de frases
   Ej.: I live in Manchester for twenty years   I've lived in Manchester for twenty yeas

- Usamos HOW LONG...? para hacer preguntas acerca de la duración de una acción o hecho.
   Ej.: How long have you lived in Manchester?

- Usamos FOR + a period time para señalar un periodo de tiempo
   Ej: for two weeks / for ten years /  for a long time / I've had this car for three months

- Usamos SINCE para marcar el comienzo de un periodo de tiempo
    Ej: since 1980 /  since last June  / I've been afraid of spiders since I was a child

coastal town (koustal taun)= ciudad costera/ town hall (taun jo:l)= ayuntamiento/
townhome (taun joum)= ayuntamiento/ pebbles sand (pebels sand)= playa de piedras/
views (vjus)=vistas/ two stories bus (tzu sto:ris bas)= autobus de dos pisos/
butchers (buchers)= carnicerias/ fish counter (fis kaunter)= pescaderia/
tennis court (tenis ko:t)= pista de tenis/
basketball court (basketbol ko:t)= pista de baloncesto/ 
bus stop (bas stop) = parada de autobús/ bus station (bas steiszon)= terminal de autobús/ neighbourhood (neiberhud)= barrio, distrito/ tram (tram)= tranvia/
hanging bridge (janin braidz)= puente colgante/ daily schedule (deili skedzul)= agenda diaria/
appointment (apoinment)= cita/ afraid (e'freid)= asustado

- Student's book. Pag.143. 9B a,b
- Fotocopia 30/3/17. Corregir las frases de la 9-14 inclusive
- Cuadernillo gris exercises. Unit 8,9,10,11,12

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