jueves, 27 de abril de 2017


27 de abril de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 141. 8B.
b) 1- If you tell me your secret, I won't tell anybody else/
    2- If I don't write it down, I won't remember it/ 3- Will you call me if you get any news?/
    4- She'll help you if you ask her nicely/ 5- I'll phone you if I hear from Alex/
    6- You'll miss your friends if you move to Paris/
    7- If you listen carefully, you'll understand everything/
    8- The boss won't be very pleased is you be late for work/
    9- I'll drive you home if you give me directions.

1- a) Conocí a Peter en 2000  ---- I met Peter in 2000
    b) Ahora le conozco muy bien   ---   Now I konw him very well
    - TO MEET: Conocer, presentar. Se suele utilizar en forma Past Simple
          Se utiliza cuando conoces a alguien superficialmente o la primera vez que lo conoces
    - TO KNOW: Conocer, conocer desde. Se suele utilizar en forma Present Perfect
          Se utiliza cuando conoces muy bien a alguien.

2- a) Ese día llevaba una camisa roja  ----  That day │he wore          a red shirt
                                                                             │was wearing

    b) Llevaba un maletin de cuero ---- He │carried            a leather briefcase
                                                             │was carrying
    - TO WEAR : llevar puesto, vestir. Se usa para las prendas y joyeria cuando lo llevas puesto.
    - TO CARRY: llevar, acarrear.
                            Se utiliza cuando transportamos algo de un sitio a otro, o con las manos

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 160. Confusing verbs.
a) 2 wear -- carry ----- wear jewellery, clothes  /  carry a bag, a baby
    1 win   -- earn  ----- win a medal, a prize, a match   /   earn a salary, money
    5 know-- meet ----- know somebody well, something  / meet somebody for the first time, at 10
    1 hope -- wait  ----- hope that something, good will happen / wait for a bus, for a long time
    3 watch- look at --- watch TV, a match  / look at a photo, your watch
  11 look -- look like-- look happy, about 25 years old  / look like your mother, a model
    4 miss -- lose   ----- miss the bus, a class  / lose a match, your glasses
    9 bring-- take  ----- bring your dictionary, take an umbrella, your children to school
    6 find  -- look for -- find your glasses, a job  / look for your glasses, a job
  10 say   -- tell   ------ say sorry, hello, something to somebody / tell  a lie somebody to smth
    7 lend -- borrow --- lend money to somebody  / borrow money from somebody

-  To borrow  /  To lend
  a) Can I borrow your pencil? (I need one)            / Puede   cogerte tu lápiz?
  b) Can you lend me your pencil?  (I need one)    /  Puedes dejarme tu lápiz?

- To say   /  To tell
  a) say + OD   Ej.: He said that he wasn't feeling well
  b) say to + OD + OI   Ej.: He said to me that he wasn't feeling well
                                                       OI                OD

  Tell + IO (normally) =  Tell + to +IO. Ej. He told me that he wasn't feeling well
                                                                          IO                DO

  Tell + noun Phrase verb. Ej. He told the truth to the police
  - SIEMPRE TELL + TO     /     SAY + TO

- To miss  /  To lose
  -  to miss: perder algo que ya no puedes volver a recuperar, definitivamente
     to lose : perder algo que no encuentras cuando no sabes donde está
     TO LOSE # TO FIND.   He loses him keys every day
     TO LOSE # TO WIN.    He loses all his matches

- To wast  / To spent
  - to wast: malgastar, desperdicia.  I wasted 5 € in tabacco, but I don't smoke.
  - to spent: gastar, pasar.                 I spent  10€ in some meat because I have a dinner this night

- To bring / To take
  - to bring: llevar, traer.                                They brought me some flowers
  - to take: coger, llevar algo para alguien.    They took some flowers from the vase

- Workbook. Pag. 52 exercises a,b,c
                     Pag. 53 everything
- Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 99 (If we go... If you see... etc.
- Fotocopias Pag. 45. 8B Grammar. Exercises 3, 4
- Fotocopia 27-4-17. Corregir las frases.


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