martes, 25 de abril de 2017


25 de abril de 2017
-Tell your group three things you did during Easter holidays
1- I went to Plentzia/ 2- My pony's had a new baby pony/
3- Last Saturday I went to listen to Burning band in the Antzokia pub

- What animals do they appear in this image?
elephant/ lion/ butterfly/ parrot/ giraffe/ zebra/ duck/ flamingo/ panter/ leopard/ snake/ ant/
krokodile/ monky/ baby elephant/ baby zebra/ baby giraffe/ rhino/ eagle/ teer/ snail

- Tell four facts about you, and one have be false
1- I have a long blond hair/ 2- I'm a man/ 3- I wear a black T-shirt/ 4- I sleep eight hours everyday

- Fotocopia. Corregir las frases
13- Let's go out for a drink. It's my birthday CORRECT

14- If you want to pass your exam, not forget to study every day
      If you want to pass your exam, don't forget to study every day CORRECT
      el auxiliar es don't no not, no se pone sujeto por ser una frase condicional del tipo 2

- Fotocopia Examen
Task 1
1- These are people who go into homes/ 2- What a strange job!/ 3- I'm not embarrased about it/
4- I'm not going to waste my time/ 5- then taking them down again/
6- we become even less tidy/7- creative people in the world are untidy/
8- my wife doesn't agree with me/ 9- It's more efficient to keep things tidy

Task 2
1- Littleton Children's Home C/ 2- Littleton Children's Hospital G/
3- Rosemary Old People's Home D/ 4- Street Food B/ 5- Littleton Club for the Young E/
6- The Night Refuge A

Task 3
1- The objective of the bank is to help people get out of poverty B/
2- It lends small amounts of money to people A/
3- Most of the people who ask the bank money are women A/
4- Grameen Bank workers meet people who ask for money in their villages C/
5- People return almost all of the money to the bank B

* IMPERATIVES - Invitation to do something together
- Imperativo de la primera persona del plural (us)
Let's + to infinitive = Let us (1st person plural, object personal pronoum)
Se utiliza para invitar a alguien ha realizar la acción del verbo 
              conjuntamente entre el que habla y la persona/s a la que se dirige el hablante
 Ej.: Let's read a new novel

- Imperativo de la segunda persona (you)
 = to infinitive     Ej: Come here   solo el verbo en infinitivo sin TO
    no subject        Ej: Be quiet      el verbo no va acompañado de sujeto

  forma negativa
   DON'T + TO INFINITVE     Ej.:  don't come here/ don't be silly
   IMPORTANTE= es la única vez que se utiliza don't como auxiliar del verbo TO BE

La oración se compone de dos partes, separadas por una coma.
       Y  una de las dos frases que la componen tiene que tener IF
 Ej: If all students pass their exam in June, I'll open a bottle of champagne
                              A                                                      B

Hay tres tipos de conditional sentences:
IF+ SUBJECT+PRESENT....│ type 0 Subject + Verb Present
                                                  │ type 1 Subject + will + to infinitive
                                                  │ type 2 Imperative .... don't have subject (no tiene sujeto)
Type 0: If you heat water at 100ºC, it boils / If it rains, you get wet
                         V                                  V               V               V
Type 1: If all students pass their exam in June, I'll open a bottle of champagne
                                                                            Subject +will + to infinitive
Type 2: If you come class late, don't make any noise
                                                     imperative... no subject

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 140
8B first conditional: if+present, will/won't
- Usamos if + present para referirnos a una posible situación and will/won't + verb 
                                                     para hablar acerca de la consecuencia de dicha situación.
  Ej: If I miss the last bus, I'll get a taxi

- La frase con IF puede ser la primera o la segunda de la oración.
  Si la frase con IF es la primera,  podremos una coma "," antes de la siguiente frase
  Ej: If you don't go, she won't be very pleased

- Se puede utilizar el imperativo o can+ infinitivo en lugar de will+ infinitivo en la otra frase
  Ej: If you miss the last bus, you van get a taxi

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 141. Exercise 8B
a) 1- The ticket will be cheaper if you travel after 9.00 D/
    2- If  I don't see you this afternoon, I'll call you this evening G/
    3- You'll learn more quickly if you come to every class E/
    4- If yoy get that new jobe, will you earn more money? F/
    5- You won't pass your driving test if you don't have enough lessons A/
    6- If I lend you this book, will you give it back to me soon? B

instead (in'sted)= en lugar de/ deer (dier)= ciervo/ snail (sneil)= caracol/
branches (bra:nches)= sucursales/ to borrow (tzu bo:rou)= pedir prestado/
loan (loun)= préstamo/ poverty (poveti)= pobreza/ agree (e'gri)= estar de acuerdo
embarrased (imba:rasd)= avergonzado, turbado/ even ('i:ven)= incluso/
messy ('mesi)= desaliñado, desordenado/ sick (sik) =enfermo/
homeless (jom'les)= gente sin techo, sin casa/ although (o:l'dou)= aunque, a pesar de que

- Student's book. Pag. 141. Exercise 8B b)

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