jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016


22 de diciembre de 2016
* FOTOCOPIA 22/12/16. Pag. 16
1- Often I like stayin in my house/ 2- I get on well with (mostly) the almost of people/
3- I sorry to bother another time/ 4- She desires to kown to you/
5- Which of these things do you prefer: sunbathing or sightseeing or go out for a walk?/
6- The things went wrong when we left Bangkok/ 7- We stayed at very expensive hotels/
8- We argued by everything/ 9- Suddenly, I realized that this was a better place to be than inside/
10- He loved the atmosphere because all the students were fighting for freedom
11- She was born in 1940
12- She droven very fast because she was in a hurry

this= esto / this one= este (algo concreto)

on holiday Cuando holiday va precedido de la preposición on SIEMPRE ES SINGULAR

remember= recordar ( yo ) solo se utiliza acompañado de objeto directo
remind=      recordar ( a mi) se utiliza siempre acompañado de objeto indirecto
 Ej.: el recuerda los ejercicios que hicimos  = He remembers the exercises that we did 
                                              │                                                                  │
                                   Objeto directo                                             Objeto directo
        el me recuerda los ejercicios que hicimos = He reminds me of the exercises that we did
             │                                │                                                │                     │
    objeto indirecto           objeto directo                        objeto indirecto    objeto directo

       ella me recuerda a su hermana │ she remembers her sister
                                                        │  she reminds me of her sister

b) She ask to him a beatiful song more later he called to her by phone and he invited Hannah
     to have dinner at French romantic restaurant. Another day Hannah was in a hurry and it was
     raining when she was driving, suddenly a man crossed the road when she was driving
    a little fast

c) I want the history to be happy end

d) she stopped the car and she didn't hit the man

e) 1- She didn't see the man because he was wearing a dark coat
    2- The man than was crossing the road is Jeremy
    3- Because he was in a hurry
    4- They went to coffee bar
    5- They ordered two capuccinos
    6- He went to buy two tickets for the concert
    7- The concert is on 15th October
    8- Because they met themselves three months ago

A menudo me apetece = Often I like...+verbo -ing
Me llevo bien con = I get on well with
Siento molestarte = I sorry to bother you
Está deseando conocerte = He desires to know to you
Cual de estas cosas prefieres? = Which of theses things do you prefer?
Las cosas se torcieron cuando = The things were wrong when
Nos alojamos en hoteles = We stayed at hotels
Discutíamos por todo = We argued for everything
Le encantó el ambiente = He loved the atmosphere
Ella nació en ..= she was born in ....
Iba muy rápido porque tenia prisa = She was drove very fast because she was in a hurry
De repente me di cuenta que este era el mejor sitio =
                                                Suddenly, I realized that this place was a better place to be

- Student´s book. Pag 18 Grammar. Vocabulary a,b
                            Pag.19 Can you understand this text? a, b, c.
- Workbook. Pag. 15 exercise 2a
                     Pag. 16 exercise 4a, b. exercise 5 + Useful words a phrases

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

CONECTORES Although, so. but, because

20 de diciembre 2016
- Book Much ado about nothing. Book's expressions
That's wonderful news = ¡Qué maravillosas noticias!
   news (nius) es singular uncountable  
        Ej. The news are good. a news. one news  INCORRECTA
                   CORRECTA  The news is good, No news is good news. Some news. A piece of news

Forniture= muebles, mobiliario. singular, uncountable   Ej.:a forniture. one piece of forniture

          He thinks that he's the bravest man in the world =
                                                  El piensa que es el hombre mas valiente del mundo
 La terminación -est en un adjetivo indica superlativo del adjetivo.
 Ej. Madrid is biggest city in Spain / Francisco is the tallest man of the group
                        Adj.     Noun                                         Adj.   Noun
 IMPORTANTE el Adjetivo siempre antes del sustantivo al que identifica

I 'm going yo marry her if I can! = ¡Yo voy a casarme con ella si puedo!
   El verbo marry no necesita preposición. INCORRECTO  marry with her
                           got  married  =  married
                          verb    Adj.            verb

  Ej.: Brad se casó con Angelina en 2000 = Brat │got married  │ to  Angelina in 2000
                                                                             │     married   │
         Brad y Angelina se casaron en el año 2000 = Brad and Angelina got married in 2000

          Brad y Angelina se casan en marzo = Brad and Angelina get married in March

To agree someone = estar de acuerdo con alguien

Her father don't agree = su padre no está de acuerdo
                                       I  agree / he agrees
My mother didn't agree = mi madre no estaba de acuerdo

Enjoy verbo transitivo - necesita de objeto directo
       Yo quiero que │disfruteis
                              │ lo paseis bien
I want you all to dance and enjoy yourselves

                │ the party =  me gustó la fiesta
I enjoyed │ my self at the party = me lo pasé bien en la fiesta
    verbo             pronom
    transitivo       reflexivo  (objeto directo)

All the women in Messina are in love with him . SIEMPRE in love with him NO in love of him
    todas las mujeres de Mesina están enamoradas de él

Everyone just laughs at him = todo el mundo (simplemente) se rie de él
  laugh at = se rie de....                 laugh with = se rie con...

Let's take off our masks = Vamos a quitarnos las máscaras
Let´s = let us = invitación o sugerencia (mi idea) IMPERATIVO.
Let´s buy something to eat = Vamos a comprar = Compremos.

a) personal 1- Subject I, you, he, she, it       SINGULAR/ we, you, they   PLURAL
                   2- Object  me, you, him, her, it SINGULAR/ us you them     PLURAL

b) possessive pronoms mine, yours, his, hers, its SINGULAR/ ours, yours, theirs PLURAL
                      adjetives my, your, his, her, its       SINGULAR/ our, your, their       PLURAL

c) relexive myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself   SINGULAR
                  ourselves, yourselves, themselves            PLURAL

* WORKBOOK. Pag 129 2C
a) a-5 / b-3 / c-1 / d-8 / e-4 / f-6 / g-2 / h-7

b) 1- Although it was very cold, she wasn't wearing a coat/
    2- I woke up in the night because there was a noise/
    3- I called him, but his mobile was turned off/
    4- Although she´s very nice, she doesn't have many friends/
    5- There was nothing on TV, so I went to bed/
    6- All the cafés were full because it was a public holiday/
    7- She wanted to be a doctor, but she failed her exams/
    8- The garden looked very beatiful, so I took a photograph/
    9- Although the team played well, they didn't win

e) 1- They got married - they got angy/ 2- I was very tired - I felt very sleepy/
    3- to go to walk at the beach/ 4- It was snowing - It was ill/
    5- we won the match - we gon the game/ 6- the car got break down

  decided to + verbo = decidir + la acción del verbo

a) a│cross / af│ter / a│gain/ a│long / al│though / aw│ful / be │cause / birth │day /
    eve │ning / in│vite / per│fect / se│cond

a) I have a wonderful time/ You drive along the high street/ You meet in a coffe bar/
    You give somebody you email/ You take somebody to a restaurant/ I wait for somebody/
    I'm in a hurry/ You play a song/ We leave the club very late/ You run across the road

Acentuación fonética en palabras de dos sílabas: 
La gran mayoria de las palabras de dos sílabas se acentúan fonéticamente en la primera sílaba.
Muchos de los sustantivos y adjetivos son acentuados en la primera sílaba.
         Ej.: mo│ther,  ha│ppy
Muchos verbos, preposiciones y conectores se acntúan en la segunda sílaba
        Ej.: a│rrive      be│hind      be│fore

To enjoy + reflexive pronoun                      │good         │
                                                       to have a │wonderful │ time
                                                                       │great         │

cross (verbo) = cruzar                          across (preposición) = al otro lado, a través de, tras
Ej.: You cross the road                /               You  go across the road
                 │                                                          │       │
               verb                                                     verb    preposition

 ill (il)= enfermo/ to feel sleepy (tu fi:l 'sli:pi)= tener sueño/
 sunshade (sanzseid)= sombrilla para el sol/ to break down (tu brik daun)= estropear/
 to go (walk) run across the road (to gou (wo:k) ran acros de roud)=
 cruzar (caminando) corriendo la carretera/ bother (bader)= molestar/
holding hands (joldin jands)= cogerse de las manos

- Fotocopias pag. 23, 24, 25 Mozart effect, 30 The Monalisa  ----  Enero
- Workbook Pag. 15 GRAMMAR exercises a,b


jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016


15 de diciembre de 2016
- Fotocopia Pag, 24-25. Task 3
- 1 Colleagues A/ 2- The working day H/ 3- Getting to work D/ 4- Security G/
  5- Continuing education B/ 6- Contract benefits C
- Workbook Pag. 14. 2 VOCABULARY at, in, on. exerc. 2 a, b
a) 1- The results of the election were announced at 11 o'clock/
    2- Mobile phones were invented in the 20th century/
    3- Our flight isleaving on Wednesday at 9.30 in the evening and arriving at 12 o'clock on
    4- We have an exam on Monday morning/
    5- I most countries, banks and offices are closed at Christmas Day and New Year's Day/
    6- I hate driving at night, getting up early in the morning, and working at weekends/
    7- Steve Jobs was born in 1955, and he died on 5th October, 2011/
    8- At Easter we went to Portugal and we're going again in the summer, probably the last two
        weeks in July

b) 1- He took some great photos at the party/ 2- I can't read a book on the bus or in a car/
    3- We want to put some shelves on the wall in the living room.
        We're going to put all our old books on the shelves/
    4- My family are from Ireland but we live in New York, on the 11th floor of a tall building/
    5- I'll meet you at the bus stop/ 6- The adults sat on chairs and the children sat on the floor/
    7- They spent the morning at the museum and then went for a walk in the park/
    8- I met my boyfriend at school and we split up while we were at university

b)Her grandfather saw the photo and six months later when he dead,
   he didn't give any of his fortune to her.

c) It's right my answer

d) 1- In 1968 she wasn't interested in politics A/
    2- She loved the atmosphere all the students were fighting for freedom C/
    3- She was sitting on a friend's shoulders because she was tired A/
    4- She was carrying the flag because somebody gave it to her B/
    5- Her grandfather died six months later C

a) 1- Yes, I have a good photo. I took the photo in the last summer. I was in Singapur/
    2- Yes, I uploaded that photoo onto Google. The last photo I took at Medieval market at Atxuri/
    3- Yes, I have a photo as the screen saver on my computer. It's my last photo took.
    4- No, I don't have. I don't like photos when I was young
    5- Yes, I have some photos in my living room. They are of my travels. It's appears my wife and I
    6- Yes. One photo historical was when Athletic won the futbol's Cup

a) 1- What's your favourite photo? / 2- Who took it? When? Were?/
    3- What was happening when you took the photo?/ 4- Why do like it? /5- Where do you keep it?

b)  2- I took the photo in the summer of 2011 when I was on holiday with some friends in Ireland
     3- There's a big stone on top of it, and she put her arms round it
     5- I have the photo on my phone and on my computer with other photos of Ireland

- Donde puedes tener una foto...
   in   an album                 on    the wall                           by   your bed
         your wallet                      a table
         your bedroom                 your phone
         a frame                           your computer

- by es sinónimo de near. Ej I have my watch by my bed / I have my watch near of my bed

shoulders (szouders)= hombros/ election (i'lekszon)= elección/ shelves (szelvs)= estanterias/
frame (freim)= marco de fotos, de ventana, de puerta, montura de gafas/
split up (split ap)= separarse, dividirse/ fortune (fo:tszu:n)= fortuna/
freedom (fri:dom)= libertad/ upload (ap'loud)= cargar, subir a internet/
download (daum'loud)=descargar, bajar de internet/screen saver (scrin seivor)= salvapantallas/
on top of it (on top of it)= encima de ello/ round it (raund it)= alrededor de/
to be in a hurry ( tzo be in a jarri)= estar con prisa/ so (sou)= por lo tanto/
because (bi'kos)= porque/ although (o:lzoug)= aunque o a pesar de/
argument (a:gyument)= discusión, riña

a) 1- Two minutes later he said/ 2- When Hannah and her friends left the club/
    3- Next day Jamie phoned Hannah/ 4- After that Jamie and Hannah saw each other every day/
    5- One evening in October, Hannah was at work/ 6- Suddenly, a man across the road

b) 1- She spoke to Jamie because she didn't like the music/
    2- He played the son because she liked to him/ 3- Jamie was waiting for her at the door/
    4- It was a very romantic French restaurant/
    5-  Every evening  they met in a coffee bar in the high street/ 
    6- That night was dark and it was raining/
    7- She was going very fast because she was in a hurry/ 
    8- She didn't see him because he was wearing a dark coat.

c) 1- She was going very fast because she was in a hurry/
    2- Although the food wasn't very good, the had a wonderful time/
    3- He was wearing a dark coat, so Hannah didn't see him at first

- so + consequence. Ej.: I was very tired so I went to be early
                                                                   │ CONSEQUENCE │
  because + reason= cause. Ej.: I went to bed early because I was very tired
                                                                                              │reason of      │

  although contrast between A and B. Ej Although I was tired,   I went dancing
                                                                                │   A      │    │        B        │

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 128. 2 C. time sequencers
- Usamos los secuanciadores de tiempo para decir cuando o en que orden ocurren los hechos
- Usamos WHEN como secuenciador de tiempo y también para unir dos acciones o hechos
- Una forma muy utilizada para unir hechos consecutivos es utilizando THEN ó AFTER THAT
   Ej.       THEN/ AFTER THAT I made a cup of coffee
        NO             AFTER I made a cup of coffee. 
    AFTER THAT siempre van juntos no se puede poner solo AFTER

- Utilizamos BECAUSE para expresar una razón por la que ocurre el hecho
   Ej.: She was driving fast because she was in a hurry 

- Utilizamos SO para expresar el resultado de la acción
   Ej.: She was in a hurry, so she was driving fast

- Utilizamos BUT y ALTHOUGH para señalar un contraste de los hechos
   Ej.: She tried to stop the car, but she hit the man
         Although she tried to stop the car, she hit the man

- ALTHOUGH puede ir al comienzo o en mitad de una frase.
  Ej: She couldn't sleep, although she was very tired

- After that - Next day - Next that = referencia a tiempo

- Student's book. Pag 112. Exercise c. About 100 words 22-12-16
- Student's book. Pag. 129 2c a,b
- Workbook Pag.14. Pronunciation, Listinint Comprehension, Useful words, Phrases.
- Essential Grammar in Use Unit 13, 14 (past continuous)
- Libro much ado about nothing. Pag 8-13. only read.


martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016


13 de diciembre de 2016
- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 20. Task 3. Changes
1- The post office is opposite the school A/ 2- The baseball stadium has more seats B/
3- In the downtown are you can't drive C/ 4- In the street next to his there is a green area A/
5- The new restaurants are a good thing A

downtown (dau'taun)= centro de la ciudad/ pedestrianised (pe'destrienaisd)= peatonalizado/
fountain (faunten)= fuente/ cutdown (cat dan)= tirar, cortar/ pity (piti)= lastima/
outskirts (aut'ske:ts)= afueras/ stand (estan) = estar, estar de pie/
benches (benchis)= bancos de sentarse/ improvement (im'pru:fment)= mejora/
pond (pond)= estanque/ filled (fild)= lleno/ shopping mall (szoping mol)= centro comercial/
grassy (gra;si)= hierba/ noticed (neutised)= darse cuenta/ vegetables (fechtebols)= verduras

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 13. Exercise 1 GRAMMAR a,b,c
a) 1- You were laughing when I took the photo/ 2- It was snowing when our plane landed/
    3- We weren't driving fast when the accident happened/
    4- What was he doing when his boss arrived?/ 5- Why were you crying at the party?/
    6- I was sitting on the bus when I saw my boyfriend with another girl/
    7- They were living in New Zeland when their first child was born/
    8- He didn't calll you because his mobile phone wasn't working

b) 1- They were arguing when the waiter brought the bill/
     2- he fell off his bike when he was ciclyng home/
     3- The children were playing video games when the visitors arrived/
     4- We were having a barbecue it was started to rain/
     5- I was finishing my report when my computer crashed

c) 1- I went to Los Angeles/ 2- we were having lunch in a nice restaurant/
    3- my cousin got a call on her mobile phone/ 4- she was speaking to her friend/
    5- I suddenly noticed a man in a black hat/ 6- who was sitting at the next table/
    7- I decided to take my chance/ 8- I got up and went to his table/ 9- he said yes/
   10- I stopped a waitress/ 11- who was passing by/ 12- she took the photo of me/
   13- my cousin came back/ 14- I was smiling/ 15- I looked at the man/
   16- he was laughing too

a) 1- a date on/ 2- a time at/ 3- the morning, the afternoon in/ 4- a room or building in-at

b) 1- a month on / 2- the weekend at/ 3- home, work, school at

a)                      LUGAR                                                               TIEMPO
         IN   paises, ciudades, habitaciones,                   IN  meses, estaciones climáticas, años,
                edificios, espacios cerrados                               partes del dia (excepto por la noche)

         ON  medios de transporte (excepto coche),      ON  fechas, dias de la semana
                encima, sobre una superficie

         AT  school, home, work, university,                  AT  horas, periodos festivos,
                the airport, a bus stop, a party,                           fin de semana, por la noche
                the door

* STUDENT'S BOOK.Pag.100 2B  AT,IN,ON Student a - Student b Pag.106. 2B  AT,IN,ON 
- When were you born? I was born on 9 march 1965 
   Where do you usually have breakfast? I usually have breakfast in the kitchen
  What time do you usually have lunch? I usually have lunch at 15:00
  What days of the week do you usually go out in the evening? I usually go out on Saturdays
  What time of day do you usually do your English homework? I usually do homework at 8:00
  When do you usually have a holiday? I usually have a holiday in summer, in August
  Where do you normally listen to music? I usually listen music on the computer
  When's your birhtday? My birhtday is on 6th July

- Where were you born? I was born in Bilbao
  What time do you usually get up during the week? I usually get up about at 8:00
  Where do you usually have lunch? I usually have lunch at home
  What time of day do you usually meet friends? I usually meet friends in the afternoon
  When do you usually go shopping? I usually go shopping on Saturday
  Where do you usally do your English homework? I usually do English homework in my room
  When do you do housework? I do housework in the morning
  When can you have a nice walk near where you live? I have a nice walk at night

b) Where were you at 6.30 in the morning? I was in my bed/
    When were you at 11.00 in the morning? I was at work/
    When were you in lunchtime? I was at home/
    When were you at 4.00 in the afternoon? I was walking in the afternoon/
    Where were you at 6.00 in the afternoon? I was going home at 6.00 in the afternoon/
    Where were you at 10.00 at night? I was in my house at 10.00 at night/
    Where were you in midnight? I was in my bed in midnight

a) People is a demonstration in Paris in 1968.
b) She is granddaughter of a rich man, and she is doing a demonstration on the street.
    Her grandfather was angry with her

demonstration (demestreiszion)= protesta, manifestación/ flag (flac)= bandera/
shoulder (szolder)= hombro/ monster (monster)= monstruo/ came out (keim aut)= salio de/
book (buk)= reserva hotel/ have a swing (jaf e suiN)= darse un baño en el que se puede nadar/
portrait (po:treit)= retrato

- stand for se utiliza para explicar el significado de un acrónimo
                                      (palabra que hace referencia a las iniciales de un nombre compuesto).

Ej.: U.S.A. stands for    United States of America
       I.T.      stands for     Information Technology

- Fotocopia. Pag. 24
- Workbook. Pag. 14. 2 VOCABULARY. exerc 2a, b
- Irregular verbs. Pag. 164 put - swim

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Irregular verbs

1 de diciembre de 2016
- I drank oranges' juice/ I went to supermarket/ I gave some money in the church/
  Everyday I drove ten minutes/ I caught a coat/ I broke a glass/ I began a new lesson/
  My plants grew a little bit/ I forgot my name/ I found some money on the ground/
  My students came to class/ I chose my clothes/ I ate some fruits/ A bird flew the windows/
  I did some exercises/ I bought my books to class

* BOOK Much ado about nothing. Pag. 43. Activities Act1
1- A lot of soldiers were hurt in the war F/ 2- Hero and Beatrice are sisters F/
3- Beatrice often laughs at Benedick T/ 4- Don John and Don Pedro are brothers T/
5- Claudio falls in love with Beatrice T/ 6- Don John loves his brother T/
7- Don John wants to make trouble for Claudio and Hero T/
8- Borachio and Conrade are Don Pedro's servants F

 - Diferencia entre a few / few
    A few soldiers     A little money  [unos pocos soldados / un poco dinero]
        few soldiers         little money  [pocos soldados /  poco dinero ] menos que lo que se desea
                                                                                                                            se esperaba

 - Diferencias entre in / at
     in hace referencia siempre dentro de un espacio determinado
                   Ej. I sleep in the room
     at hace referencia alrededor de sin estar dentro de un espacio determinado.
                   Ej. I arrived at school

- Question Tag = Tag question
   Es una expresión que confirma o no si lo que se dice es cierto.
   Se forma con un Auxiliar + Sujeto
   Si la pregunta es afirmativa, la coletilla es negativa
   Si la pregunta es negativa, la coletilla es afirmativa
   Ej.: We´ve already met, haven't we?                       We´ve already met, haven't we?  
                                                │                                                               │       │
                                          QUESTION TAG                                               AUX    SUBJ

c)    Sound                                           Phrase
          │                                                  │
      car, call /                       I was driving and then I received a call
      party, dance, Police /    We were dancing in my house when the Police knocked the door
      sing, shower, knock/    He was taking a shower when somebody knocked the door
      sleep, cry baby get up/ He was sleeping when the baby started to cry and he got up
      dog, play friend/           She was playing with her dog when she met a friend

* FOTOCOPIA 1-12-16.
   A helicopter was flying over the sea. The pilots were looking for a man in the sea.
   It was difficult to find him. Finally, they saw the man and they threw ladder down for him.
   But when the man was climbing up the ladder, a shark suddenly came out of the water.
   The shark began to attack the man.
   Somebody in a boat took this photo when the shark was attacking the man.
   In the end,the helicopter rescued the man

  helicopter (jelikopter)= helicóptero/ threw (zri:)= arrojó/ ladder (læder)= escala/

    - Workbook. Pag. 13 exercise 1a,b,c
    - Irregular verbs have - put
    - Fotocopias. Pag. 20 / Pag. 24