martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

CONECTORES Although, so. but, because

20 de diciembre 2016
- Book Much ado about nothing. Book's expressions
That's wonderful news = ¡Qué maravillosas noticias!
   news (nius) es singular uncountable  
        Ej. The news are good. a news. one news  INCORRECTA
                   CORRECTA  The news is good, No news is good news. Some news. A piece of news

Forniture= muebles, mobiliario. singular, uncountable   Ej.:a forniture. one piece of forniture

          He thinks that he's the bravest man in the world =
                                                  El piensa que es el hombre mas valiente del mundo
 La terminación -est en un adjetivo indica superlativo del adjetivo.
 Ej. Madrid is biggest city in Spain / Francisco is the tallest man of the group
                        Adj.     Noun                                         Adj.   Noun
 IMPORTANTE el Adjetivo siempre antes del sustantivo al que identifica

I 'm going yo marry her if I can! = ¡Yo voy a casarme con ella si puedo!
   El verbo marry no necesita preposición. INCORRECTO  marry with her
                           got  married  =  married
                          verb    Adj.            verb

  Ej.: Brad se casó con Angelina en 2000 = Brat │got married  │ to  Angelina in 2000
                                                                             │     married   │
         Brad y Angelina se casaron en el año 2000 = Brad and Angelina got married in 2000

          Brad y Angelina se casan en marzo = Brad and Angelina get married in March

To agree someone = estar de acuerdo con alguien

Her father don't agree = su padre no está de acuerdo
                                       I  agree / he agrees
My mother didn't agree = mi madre no estaba de acuerdo

Enjoy verbo transitivo - necesita de objeto directo
       Yo quiero que │disfruteis
                              │ lo paseis bien
I want you all to dance and enjoy yourselves

                │ the party =  me gustó la fiesta
I enjoyed │ my self at the party = me lo pasé bien en la fiesta
    verbo             pronom
    transitivo       reflexivo  (objeto directo)

All the women in Messina are in love with him . SIEMPRE in love with him NO in love of him
    todas las mujeres de Mesina están enamoradas de él

Everyone just laughs at him = todo el mundo (simplemente) se rie de él
  laugh at = se rie de....                 laugh with = se rie con...

Let's take off our masks = Vamos a quitarnos las máscaras
Let´s = let us = invitación o sugerencia (mi idea) IMPERATIVO.
Let´s buy something to eat = Vamos a comprar = Compremos.

a) personal 1- Subject I, you, he, she, it       SINGULAR/ we, you, they   PLURAL
                   2- Object  me, you, him, her, it SINGULAR/ us you them     PLURAL

b) possessive pronoms mine, yours, his, hers, its SINGULAR/ ours, yours, theirs PLURAL
                      adjetives my, your, his, her, its       SINGULAR/ our, your, their       PLURAL

c) relexive myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself   SINGULAR
                  ourselves, yourselves, themselves            PLURAL

* WORKBOOK. Pag 129 2C
a) a-5 / b-3 / c-1 / d-8 / e-4 / f-6 / g-2 / h-7

b) 1- Although it was very cold, she wasn't wearing a coat/
    2- I woke up in the night because there was a noise/
    3- I called him, but his mobile was turned off/
    4- Although she´s very nice, she doesn't have many friends/
    5- There was nothing on TV, so I went to bed/
    6- All the cafés were full because it was a public holiday/
    7- She wanted to be a doctor, but she failed her exams/
    8- The garden looked very beatiful, so I took a photograph/
    9- Although the team played well, they didn't win

e) 1- They got married - they got angy/ 2- I was very tired - I felt very sleepy/
    3- to go to walk at the beach/ 4- It was snowing - It was ill/
    5- we won the match - we gon the game/ 6- the car got break down

  decided to + verbo = decidir + la acción del verbo

a) a│cross / af│ter / a│gain/ a│long / al│though / aw│ful / be │cause / birth │day /
    eve │ning / in│vite / per│fect / se│cond

a) I have a wonderful time/ You drive along the high street/ You meet in a coffe bar/
    You give somebody you email/ You take somebody to a restaurant/ I wait for somebody/
    I'm in a hurry/ You play a song/ We leave the club very late/ You run across the road

Acentuación fonética en palabras de dos sílabas: 
La gran mayoria de las palabras de dos sílabas se acentúan fonéticamente en la primera sílaba.
Muchos de los sustantivos y adjetivos son acentuados en la primera sílaba.
         Ej.: mo│ther,  ha│ppy
Muchos verbos, preposiciones y conectores se acntúan en la segunda sílaba
        Ej.: a│rrive      be│hind      be│fore

To enjoy + reflexive pronoun                      │good         │
                                                       to have a │wonderful │ time
                                                                       │great         │

cross (verbo) = cruzar                          across (preposición) = al otro lado, a través de, tras
Ej.: You cross the road                /               You  go across the road
                 │                                                          │       │
               verb                                                     verb    preposition

 ill (il)= enfermo/ to feel sleepy (tu fi:l 'sli:pi)= tener sueño/
 sunshade (sanzseid)= sombrilla para el sol/ to break down (tu brik daun)= estropear/
 to go (walk) run across the road (to gou (wo:k) ran acros de roud)=
 cruzar (caminando) corriendo la carretera/ bother (bader)= molestar/
holding hands (joldin jands)= cogerse de las manos

- Fotocopias pag. 23, 24, 25 Mozart effect, 30 The Monalisa  ----  Enero
- Workbook Pag. 15 GRAMMAR exercises a,b


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