martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016


13 de diciembre de 2016
- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 20. Task 3. Changes
1- The post office is opposite the school A/ 2- The baseball stadium has more seats B/
3- In the downtown are you can't drive C/ 4- In the street next to his there is a green area A/
5- The new restaurants are a good thing A

downtown (dau'taun)= centro de la ciudad/ pedestrianised (pe'destrienaisd)= peatonalizado/
fountain (faunten)= fuente/ cutdown (cat dan)= tirar, cortar/ pity (piti)= lastima/
outskirts (aut'ske:ts)= afueras/ stand (estan) = estar, estar de pie/
benches (benchis)= bancos de sentarse/ improvement (im'pru:fment)= mejora/
pond (pond)= estanque/ filled (fild)= lleno/ shopping mall (szoping mol)= centro comercial/
grassy (gra;si)= hierba/ noticed (neutised)= darse cuenta/ vegetables (fechtebols)= verduras

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 13. Exercise 1 GRAMMAR a,b,c
a) 1- You were laughing when I took the photo/ 2- It was snowing when our plane landed/
    3- We weren't driving fast when the accident happened/
    4- What was he doing when his boss arrived?/ 5- Why were you crying at the party?/
    6- I was sitting on the bus when I saw my boyfriend with another girl/
    7- They were living in New Zeland when their first child was born/
    8- He didn't calll you because his mobile phone wasn't working

b) 1- They were arguing when the waiter brought the bill/
     2- he fell off his bike when he was ciclyng home/
     3- The children were playing video games when the visitors arrived/
     4- We were having a barbecue it was started to rain/
     5- I was finishing my report when my computer crashed

c) 1- I went to Los Angeles/ 2- we were having lunch in a nice restaurant/
    3- my cousin got a call on her mobile phone/ 4- she was speaking to her friend/
    5- I suddenly noticed a man in a black hat/ 6- who was sitting at the next table/
    7- I decided to take my chance/ 8- I got up and went to his table/ 9- he said yes/
   10- I stopped a waitress/ 11- who was passing by/ 12- she took the photo of me/
   13- my cousin came back/ 14- I was smiling/ 15- I looked at the man/
   16- he was laughing too

a) 1- a date on/ 2- a time at/ 3- the morning, the afternoon in/ 4- a room or building in-at

b) 1- a month on / 2- the weekend at/ 3- home, work, school at

a)                      LUGAR                                                               TIEMPO
         IN   paises, ciudades, habitaciones,                   IN  meses, estaciones climáticas, años,
                edificios, espacios cerrados                               partes del dia (excepto por la noche)

         ON  medios de transporte (excepto coche),      ON  fechas, dias de la semana
                encima, sobre una superficie

         AT  school, home, work, university,                  AT  horas, periodos festivos,
                the airport, a bus stop, a party,                           fin de semana, por la noche
                the door

* STUDENT'S BOOK.Pag.100 2B  AT,IN,ON Student a - Student b Pag.106. 2B  AT,IN,ON 
- When were you born? I was born on 9 march 1965 
   Where do you usually have breakfast? I usually have breakfast in the kitchen
  What time do you usually have lunch? I usually have lunch at 15:00
  What days of the week do you usually go out in the evening? I usually go out on Saturdays
  What time of day do you usually do your English homework? I usually do homework at 8:00
  When do you usually have a holiday? I usually have a holiday in summer, in August
  Where do you normally listen to music? I usually listen music on the computer
  When's your birhtday? My birhtday is on 6th July

- Where were you born? I was born in Bilbao
  What time do you usually get up during the week? I usually get up about at 8:00
  Where do you usually have lunch? I usually have lunch at home
  What time of day do you usually meet friends? I usually meet friends in the afternoon
  When do you usually go shopping? I usually go shopping on Saturday
  Where do you usally do your English homework? I usually do English homework in my room
  When do you do housework? I do housework in the morning
  When can you have a nice walk near where you live? I have a nice walk at night

b) Where were you at 6.30 in the morning? I was in my bed/
    When were you at 11.00 in the morning? I was at work/
    When were you in lunchtime? I was at home/
    When were you at 4.00 in the afternoon? I was walking in the afternoon/
    Where were you at 6.00 in the afternoon? I was going home at 6.00 in the afternoon/
    Where were you at 10.00 at night? I was in my house at 10.00 at night/
    Where were you in midnight? I was in my bed in midnight

a) People is a demonstration in Paris in 1968.
b) She is granddaughter of a rich man, and she is doing a demonstration on the street.
    Her grandfather was angry with her

demonstration (demestreiszion)= protesta, manifestación/ flag (flac)= bandera/
shoulder (szolder)= hombro/ monster (monster)= monstruo/ came out (keim aut)= salio de/
book (buk)= reserva hotel/ have a swing (jaf e suiN)= darse un baño en el que se puede nadar/
portrait (po:treit)= retrato

- stand for se utiliza para explicar el significado de un acrónimo
                                      (palabra que hace referencia a las iniciales de un nombre compuesto).

Ej.: U.S.A. stands for    United States of America
       I.T.      stands for     Information Technology

- Fotocopia. Pag. 24
- Workbook. Pag. 14. 2 VOCABULARY. exerc 2a, b
- Irregular verbs. Pag. 164 put - swim

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