jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Irregular verbs

1 de diciembre de 2016
- I drank oranges' juice/ I went to supermarket/ I gave some money in the church/
  Everyday I drove ten minutes/ I caught a coat/ I broke a glass/ I began a new lesson/
  My plants grew a little bit/ I forgot my name/ I found some money on the ground/
  My students came to class/ I chose my clothes/ I ate some fruits/ A bird flew the windows/
  I did some exercises/ I bought my books to class

* BOOK Much ado about nothing. Pag. 43. Activities Act1
1- A lot of soldiers were hurt in the war F/ 2- Hero and Beatrice are sisters F/
3- Beatrice often laughs at Benedick T/ 4- Don John and Don Pedro are brothers T/
5- Claudio falls in love with Beatrice T/ 6- Don John loves his brother T/
7- Don John wants to make trouble for Claudio and Hero T/
8- Borachio and Conrade are Don Pedro's servants F

 - Diferencia entre a few / few
    A few soldiers     A little money  [unos pocos soldados / un poco dinero]
        few soldiers         little money  [pocos soldados /  poco dinero ] menos que lo que se desea
                                                                                                                            se esperaba

 - Diferencias entre in / at
     in hace referencia siempre dentro de un espacio determinado
                   Ej. I sleep in the room
     at hace referencia alrededor de sin estar dentro de un espacio determinado.
                   Ej. I arrived at school

- Question Tag = Tag question
   Es una expresión que confirma o no si lo que se dice es cierto.
   Se forma con un Auxiliar + Sujeto
   Si la pregunta es afirmativa, la coletilla es negativa
   Si la pregunta es negativa, la coletilla es afirmativa
   Ej.: We´ve already met, haven't we?                       We´ve already met, haven't we?  
                                                │                                                               │       │
                                          QUESTION TAG                                               AUX    SUBJ

c)    Sound                                           Phrase
          │                                                  │
      car, call /                       I was driving and then I received a call
      party, dance, Police /    We were dancing in my house when the Police knocked the door
      sing, shower, knock/    He was taking a shower when somebody knocked the door
      sleep, cry baby get up/ He was sleeping when the baby started to cry and he got up
      dog, play friend/           She was playing with her dog when she met a friend

* FOTOCOPIA 1-12-16.
   A helicopter was flying over the sea. The pilots were looking for a man in the sea.
   It was difficult to find him. Finally, they saw the man and they threw ladder down for him.
   But when the man was climbing up the ladder, a shark suddenly came out of the water.
   The shark began to attack the man.
   Somebody in a boat took this photo when the shark was attacking the man.
   In the end,the helicopter rescued the man

  helicopter (jelikopter)= helicóptero/ threw (zri:)= arrojó/ ladder (læder)= escala/

    - Workbook. Pag. 13 exercise 1a,b,c
    - Irregular verbs have - put
    - Fotocopias. Pag. 20 / Pag. 24

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