jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016


15 de diciembre de 2016
- Fotocopia Pag, 24-25. Task 3
- 1 Colleagues A/ 2- The working day H/ 3- Getting to work D/ 4- Security G/
  5- Continuing education B/ 6- Contract benefits C
- Workbook Pag. 14. 2 VOCABULARY at, in, on. exerc. 2 a, b
a) 1- The results of the election were announced at 11 o'clock/
    2- Mobile phones were invented in the 20th century/
    3- Our flight isleaving on Wednesday at 9.30 in the evening and arriving at 12 o'clock on
    4- We have an exam on Monday morning/
    5- I most countries, banks and offices are closed at Christmas Day and New Year's Day/
    6- I hate driving at night, getting up early in the morning, and working at weekends/
    7- Steve Jobs was born in 1955, and he died on 5th October, 2011/
    8- At Easter we went to Portugal and we're going again in the summer, probably the last two
        weeks in July

b) 1- He took some great photos at the party/ 2- I can't read a book on the bus or in a car/
    3- We want to put some shelves on the wall in the living room.
        We're going to put all our old books on the shelves/
    4- My family are from Ireland but we live in New York, on the 11th floor of a tall building/
    5- I'll meet you at the bus stop/ 6- The adults sat on chairs and the children sat on the floor/
    7- They spent the morning at the museum and then went for a walk in the park/
    8- I met my boyfriend at school and we split up while we were at university

b)Her grandfather saw the photo and six months later when he dead,
   he didn't give any of his fortune to her.

c) It's right my answer

d) 1- In 1968 she wasn't interested in politics A/
    2- She loved the atmosphere all the students were fighting for freedom C/
    3- She was sitting on a friend's shoulders because she was tired A/
    4- She was carrying the flag because somebody gave it to her B/
    5- Her grandfather died six months later C

a) 1- Yes, I have a good photo. I took the photo in the last summer. I was in Singapur/
    2- Yes, I uploaded that photoo onto Google. The last photo I took at Medieval market at Atxuri/
    3- Yes, I have a photo as the screen saver on my computer. It's my last photo took.
    4- No, I don't have. I don't like photos when I was young
    5- Yes, I have some photos in my living room. They are of my travels. It's appears my wife and I
    6- Yes. One photo historical was when Athletic won the futbol's Cup

a) 1- What's your favourite photo? / 2- Who took it? When? Were?/
    3- What was happening when you took the photo?/ 4- Why do like it? /5- Where do you keep it?

b)  2- I took the photo in the summer of 2011 when I was on holiday with some friends in Ireland
     3- There's a big stone on top of it, and she put her arms round it
     5- I have the photo on my phone and on my computer with other photos of Ireland

- Donde puedes tener una foto...
   in   an album                 on    the wall                           by   your bed
         your wallet                      a table
         your bedroom                 your phone
         a frame                           your computer

- by es sinónimo de near. Ej I have my watch by my bed / I have my watch near of my bed

shoulders (szouders)= hombros/ election (i'lekszon)= elección/ shelves (szelvs)= estanterias/
frame (freim)= marco de fotos, de ventana, de puerta, montura de gafas/
split up (split ap)= separarse, dividirse/ fortune (fo:tszu:n)= fortuna/
freedom (fri:dom)= libertad/ upload (ap'loud)= cargar, subir a internet/
download (daum'loud)=descargar, bajar de internet/screen saver (scrin seivor)= salvapantallas/
on top of it (on top of it)= encima de ello/ round it (raund it)= alrededor de/
to be in a hurry ( tzo be in a jarri)= estar con prisa/ so (sou)= por lo tanto/
because (bi'kos)= porque/ although (o:lzoug)= aunque o a pesar de/
argument (a:gyument)= discusión, riña

a) 1- Two minutes later he said/ 2- When Hannah and her friends left the club/
    3- Next day Jamie phoned Hannah/ 4- After that Jamie and Hannah saw each other every day/
    5- One evening in October, Hannah was at work/ 6- Suddenly, a man across the road

b) 1- She spoke to Jamie because she didn't like the music/
    2- He played the son because she liked to him/ 3- Jamie was waiting for her at the door/
    4- It was a very romantic French restaurant/
    5-  Every evening  they met in a coffee bar in the high street/ 
    6- That night was dark and it was raining/
    7- She was going very fast because she was in a hurry/ 
    8- She didn't see him because he was wearing a dark coat.

c) 1- She was going very fast because she was in a hurry/
    2- Although the food wasn't very good, the had a wonderful time/
    3- He was wearing a dark coat, so Hannah didn't see him at first

- so + consequence. Ej.: I was very tired so I went to be early
                                                                   │ CONSEQUENCE │
  because + reason= cause. Ej.: I went to bed early because I was very tired
                                                                                              │reason of      │

  although contrast between A and B. Ej Although I was tired,   I went dancing
                                                                                │   A      │    │        B        │

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 128. 2 C. time sequencers
- Usamos los secuanciadores de tiempo para decir cuando o en que orden ocurren los hechos
- Usamos WHEN como secuenciador de tiempo y también para unir dos acciones o hechos
- Una forma muy utilizada para unir hechos consecutivos es utilizando THEN ó AFTER THAT
   Ej.       THEN/ AFTER THAT I made a cup of coffee
        NO             AFTER I made a cup of coffee. 
    AFTER THAT siempre van juntos no se puede poner solo AFTER

- Utilizamos BECAUSE para expresar una razón por la que ocurre el hecho
   Ej.: She was driving fast because she was in a hurry 

- Utilizamos SO para expresar el resultado de la acción
   Ej.: She was in a hurry, so she was driving fast

- Utilizamos BUT y ALTHOUGH para señalar un contraste de los hechos
   Ej.: She tried to stop the car, but she hit the man
         Although she tried to stop the car, she hit the man

- ALTHOUGH puede ir al comienzo o en mitad de una frase.
  Ej: She couldn't sleep, although she was very tired

- After that - Next day - Next that = referencia a tiempo

- Student's book. Pag 112. Exercise c. About 100 words 22-12-16
- Student's book. Pag. 129 2c a,b
- Workbook Pag.14. Pronunciation, Listinint Comprehension, Useful words, Phrases.
- Essential Grammar in Use Unit 13, 14 (past continuous)
- Libro much ado about nothing. Pag 8-13. only read.


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