jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016


22 de diciembre de 2016
* FOTOCOPIA 22/12/16. Pag. 16
1- Often I like stayin in my house/ 2- I get on well with (mostly) the almost of people/
3- I sorry to bother another time/ 4- She desires to kown to you/
5- Which of these things do you prefer: sunbathing or sightseeing or go out for a walk?/
6- The things went wrong when we left Bangkok/ 7- We stayed at very expensive hotels/
8- We argued by everything/ 9- Suddenly, I realized that this was a better place to be than inside/
10- He loved the atmosphere because all the students were fighting for freedom
11- She was born in 1940
12- She droven very fast because she was in a hurry

this= esto / this one= este (algo concreto)

on holiday Cuando holiday va precedido de la preposición on SIEMPRE ES SINGULAR

remember= recordar ( yo ) solo se utiliza acompañado de objeto directo
remind=      recordar ( a mi) se utiliza siempre acompañado de objeto indirecto
 Ej.: el recuerda los ejercicios que hicimos  = He remembers the exercises that we did 
                                              │                                                                  │
                                   Objeto directo                                             Objeto directo
        el me recuerda los ejercicios que hicimos = He reminds me of the exercises that we did
             │                                │                                                │                     │
    objeto indirecto           objeto directo                        objeto indirecto    objeto directo

       ella me recuerda a su hermana │ she remembers her sister
                                                        │  she reminds me of her sister

b) She ask to him a beatiful song more later he called to her by phone and he invited Hannah
     to have dinner at French romantic restaurant. Another day Hannah was in a hurry and it was
     raining when she was driving, suddenly a man crossed the road when she was driving
    a little fast

c) I want the history to be happy end

d) she stopped the car and she didn't hit the man

e) 1- She didn't see the man because he was wearing a dark coat
    2- The man than was crossing the road is Jeremy
    3- Because he was in a hurry
    4- They went to coffee bar
    5- They ordered two capuccinos
    6- He went to buy two tickets for the concert
    7- The concert is on 15th October
    8- Because they met themselves three months ago

A menudo me apetece = Often I like...+verbo -ing
Me llevo bien con = I get on well with
Siento molestarte = I sorry to bother you
Está deseando conocerte = He desires to know to you
Cual de estas cosas prefieres? = Which of theses things do you prefer?
Las cosas se torcieron cuando = The things were wrong when
Nos alojamos en hoteles = We stayed at hotels
Discutíamos por todo = We argued for everything
Le encantó el ambiente = He loved the atmosphere
Ella nació en ..= she was born in ....
Iba muy rápido porque tenia prisa = She was drove very fast because she was in a hurry
De repente me di cuenta que este era el mejor sitio =
                                                Suddenly, I realized that this place was a better place to be

- Student´s book. Pag 18 Grammar. Vocabulary a,b
                            Pag.19 Can you understand this text? a, b, c.
- Workbook. Pag. 15 exercise 2a
                     Pag. 16 exercise 4a, b. exercise 5 + Useful words a phrases

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