martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Diferencia " 's". He's, She's, It's

2 de mayo de 2017
- What is he wearing your parnet?
He is wearing a black T-shirt, and black jeans. He is wearing too black trainers.
He isn't wearing a watch and anything of jewelry .

- Describe me!. Choose the correct words
Clothes: suit, tie, sunglasses, handkerchief
Job: He is fighter
Personality: Arrogant, unfriendly, brave, confident
Nationality: Irish
Who is he? His name is Commor Macgregor

- Ordenar los adverbios de frecuencia
1- Always/ 2- Often/ 3- Sometimes/ 4- Rarely/ 5- Never

- True or False
1- I often go to the gym T/ 2- I always eat healthy food T/ 3- I sometimes smoke F/
4- I never lose a fight F/ I rarely think about fighting T

- Write any questions about him?
1- Where was he born? / 2- How many years has he fought?/ 3- Why is he famous?/
4- How did he learn to fight?

clock= reloj de pared/ watch= reloj de pulsera/ striped shirt= camisa de rayas/
checked shirt= camisa de cuadros/ headband= cinta de cabeza/ denim shirt= camisa vaquera/ cardigan= chaqueta de punto con botones/ to lose= perder/ featherweight= peso pluma/
to reach= alcanzar/ high-heels= tacones altos/ to compete=competir/ to entertain= entretener/ confident= seguro de si mismo/ sky= tímido/ successful= exitoso, afortunado/
to reach the level of success= alcanzar el nivel de éxito/ handkerchief= pañuelo de bolsillo/
eccentric personality= personalidad excéntrica/ self-belief= creer en uno mismo

- Fotocopia 27/4/17. Corrección de frases de la redacción.
1- I live in Bilbao, it's a little town of about 350.000 people, more or less
    I live in Bilbao, It's a small town of about 350.000 people. CORRECT
    - small cuando nos referimos a extensiones / - little expresa afecto
    - of about ya hace referencia a aproximadamente

2- It is famous for it's buildings: the Guggenheim Museum, the Arriga theatre, ...
    It is famous for its buildings for example,  the Guggenheim Museum and Arriaga theatre CORR.
    - its pronombre posesivo no it's / - for example para referirnos a una serie de datos /
    - No podemos terminar la frase con puntos suspensivos

3- Bilbao in the past was an industrial city. Actually is a city that is visited by a lot of tourists
    Bilbao was an industrial city in the past. At present is a city which is visited by a lot of tourists
    - la referencia a un tiempo siempre va al final de la frase / Actually significa en realidad /
    - which la cual por que hace referencia a la ciudad

4- It is an university town but also it is near from nature
    It is a university town but it is also near nature CORRECT
    - a porque u es semivocal / - it is also por es adverbio y va siempre después de TO BE /
    - from no se utiliza con near

5- It is one of the most beautiful XXth century building
    It is one of most beautiful │ buildings in the 20 th century      CORRECT
                                          │  20th century buildings                 CORRECT
    - No se usan números romanos en las cifras / - buildings en plural


                          │ Noun Phrase - He´s a plumber
             │ - is + │ Adjetive       - He's a tall
             │          │ - ing             - He's having a shower
- " 's"    │
             │          │past participle   -  He´s lived in Britain for 6 months
             │- has+│
                          │Noun Phrase - He's a car # He has a car

- Fotocopias Pag. 45. 8B Grammar
3- If I can't borrow you dress, I won't go to the party /
    If I don't go to the party, I won't meet anyone/ If I never meet anyone, I won't get married/
    If I don't get married, you won't have any grandchildren

4- If I talk to you now, I'll miss the bus/ If I miss the bus, I'll be late for work/
    If I be late for work, my boss he'll be angry with me/
    If my boss is angry with me, I' ll lose my job

clock (clok)= reloj de pared/ watch (uach)= reloj de pulsera/
striped shirt (straip se:rt)= camisa de rayas/ checked shirt (chekt se:rt)= camisa de cuadros/ headband (jed band)= cinta de cabeza/ denim shirt (denim se:rt)= camisa vaquera/
cardigan (ka:digen)= chaqueta de punto con botones/ to lose (tzu lu:s)= perder/
featherweight (fedweit)= peso pluma/ to reach (to ri:ch)= alcanzar/ 
high-heels (jai ji:ls)= tacones altos/ to compete (tzu kem'pit)=competir/
to entertain (tzu ente'tein)= entretener/ confident (kanfident)= seguro de si mismo/
shy (sai)= tímido/ successful (sek'sesful)= exitoso, afortunado/
to reach the level of success (tzu ri:ch de levol of sek'sesful)= alcanzar el nivel de éxito/
eccentric personality (ik'sentrik pe:se'naleti)= personalidad excéntrica/
self-belief (sef bi'li;f)= creer en uno mismo/handkerchief (jankechif)= pañuelo de bolsillo/

- Workbook. Pag. 32 exercise 2a
                     Pag. 33 exercises 2b, 2c, 3a, 4, useful words
- Essential Grammar in Uses. Unit 90 (the oldest, the most expensive)

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