martes, 10 de enero de 2017

1 & 2 - Revise & Check

10 de enero de 2017
- Something you enjoyed doing during the Christmas days?
  I want to Santo Tomas´ Festival and I has talo and drank txakoli
  He was in his house with his wife and his friends at Christmas night,
  He ate much and he drank more. He listened music and dancing all night
  She went to discotheque
  He was (met)  with his family in Bilbao
  He was with brother-in-law
  She wen to a restaurant with his friends on New Year's Eve

- Did you keep in contact with English person?
  No, he didn't  keep in contact with English

   - On Christmas days (dias de Navidad) / ON Christmas days (dia de Navidad)

   - Noun COUNTABLE, SINGULAR need determinante a/an
       Ej.: to a discotheque/ with his family/ with his brother/ with his family

cliche (cli:Sei)= tópicos (actividades tópicas)/ beside (bi'said)= además de, junto a, al lado de/
among us (emaN as)= entre nosotros/ discotheque (diskatek)= discoteca elegante/
disco (diskau)= discoteca ( ya esta obsoleto hoy se utiliza CLUB)/  saw (so:)= vío/
club (klab)= discoteca, club de.../ clubbing (klabiN)= ir de copas/  with (uiz)= con/
on New Year´s Eve (on niu iar's i:f)= víspera de Año Nuevo/ eve (i:f)= víspera/museum (miu'ssi:am)= museo/ theater (zi:ater)= teatro/ big (bik)= grande/ night (nait)= noche/
celebrate (selibreit)= celebrar/ gloves (glafs)= guantes/ dirty (de:rti)= sucio/
luxurious (lag/suries)= lujoso

- Fotocopias Pag. 25. THE MOZART EFFECT
1- CAN affect our learning/ 2- We all use MUSIC to help us/ 3- a busy day AT work/
4- Campbell ALSO says the music reduces the stress/ 5- ESPECIALLY by reducing pain/
6- classical music has the SAME effect as ten milligrams of/
7- but it can improve your memory, TOO/ 8- before doing a test got much higher MARKS/
9- that children WHO learn to play a musical instrument

- Fotocopias Pag. 30. THE MONA LISA
1- A / 2- E/ 3- F/ 4- D/ 5- H/ 6- I

- Student´s Book. Pag 18-19
1- Do you have any brothers or sisters? C/ 2- Where did you go last night? B/
3- My brother doesn't like football A/ 4- Her parents have a small business C/
5- I never listen to music when I´m working A/
6- In the picture the woman is wearinga blue dress C/ 7- What are you doing? C/
8- She's studying history B/ 9- We went to Malta last August B/
10- I saw the film, but I didn't like- C/
11- When I got home my parents were sitting on the sofa- A/
12- What were you doing at 11 p.m.?- C/
13- She couldn't see him because she wasn't wearing her glasses- A/
14- We went to the cinema then we decided to go for a walk- B/
15- We had a great time, although the weather wasn't very good- C
a) 1- What do you DO?/ 2- What does she LOOK like?/
    3- She doesn't usually WEAR jewellery, only her wedding/ 4- Did you TAKE any photos?/
    5- Where did you STAY?/ 6- Did you BOOK your flights online?/
    7- Let's INVITE your parent to dinner/ 8- Are you going to DRIVE there?/
    9- Ask the Dj to PLAY our song!/ 10- What time do we need to LEAVE home tomorrow?

b) 1- The meeting is ON March 13th/ 2- Shes IN the kitchen/ 3- He was born IN 1989/
    4- It's ON the shelf in my room/ 5- Mark's not back yet, He's still AT school/
    6- It's very quiet town, especially AT night/ 7- We went ON holiday to Malta last year

c) 1- bears is noun los otros son adjetivos relativos al pelo
    2- lazy is actitud negativa y las otras son actitudes positivas
    3- friendly es actitud positiva, las otras son actitudes negativas
    4- tie es prenda masculina, las demás son prendas femeninas
    5- gloves son para cubrir las manos, las demás cubren los pies
    6- scarf es bufanda y las demás son piezas de joyeria
    7- dirty es sucio, las demás hacen refencia al tiempo meteorológico
    8- luxurious es una característica positiva, las demás hacen referencia a cosas negativas

a) 1- J (zsei)/ 2- shorts (so:rts)/ 3- lives (lai:fs)/ 4- weight (ueit)/ 5- university (iu:ni' ve:seti)

b) 1- tal│ka│tive / 2- mou│stache / 3- pre│fer/ 4- dis│gu│sting/ 5- comfor│ta│ble

a) It's a bad because the people doesn't enjoy the art or painting

b) 1-T/ 2- T/ 3- T/ 4- F/ 5- F/ 6- T

c) crow (krou)= multitud/ irritating (iriteitin)= irritante/ pushing (pusin)= molestando/
    make sure (meik sur)= asegurarse/ prove (pru:v)= probar, demostrar/
   posing (posing)= posando,ponerse/label (leibol)= etiqueta, cartel/banned (baned)= prohibido

* Verbs and nouns related with AIRPORT
   to depart (dipa:t)= salida/ to take off (teik of)= despegar/ to board (bo:d)= embarcar/
   to land (land)= aterrizar/ to transfer (transfe:r)= transbordo/ to fly (flai)= volar/
   to delay (di'lei)= retrasar/ to check in (check in)= facturar/ to arrive (erraif)= llegada/
   catch a plane (cach e plein)= coger un vuelo/ take a plain (teik e plein)= coger un vuelo/
   to search (se:ch)= cachear, hacer un registro/
   baggage (baguich) - luggage (laguich) suitcase (su:tkeis)= equipaje/ trolley (tra:li)= carro

trainers (treiners)= zapatillas/ socks (soks)= calcetines/ gloves (glafs)= guantes/
necklace (nekles)= collar/ clever (klever)= inteligente/ lazy (leisi)= perezoso/
mean (mi:n)= tacaño/ tights (taits)=medias de vestir/ worse (ue:s)= peor/
neither (ni:der)= ninguno/ noticed (neoti:s)= observado/ pieta (peita:)= piedad/
worried (uarid)= preocupado/ sad truth (sad tru:z)= triste verdad/

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