martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Past continuous was/ were + verb + -ing

   WORKBOOK. Pag. 11. 2A. 
a) 1- go camping/ 2- go for a walk/ 3- book flights on the internet/ 4- go abroad/
    5- He´s hire skis/ 6- go out at night/ 7- stay in a hotel/ 8- go sightseeing/
    9- sunbathe on the beach/ 10- go away for the weekend.

b) 1- It was comfortable/2- the weather was warm and sunny every day/3- It was very crowded/
    4- the food was delicious/ 5- They were very unhelpful/ 6- It was very basic/
    7- the other people on the trip were very friendly/ 8- the town was lovely/ 9- It was cloudy/
    10 our first meal was digusting 

a) Regular: argued/ arrived/ asked/ rented/ invited/ sunbathed/ stayed
    Irregular: began/ bought// could/ ate/ said/ felt/ chose

b) 1- We didn't stay in a hotel/ 2- They didn't buy any souvenirs/
    3- The people weren't very helpful/4- I didn't sunbath on the beach/5-We didn't hire a car/
     6- He didn't spend a week there/ 7- Our room wasn't very clean

c) 1- we decided to go away for the weekend/ 2- we wanted to go to Portugal/
    3- we booked a beatiful apartment online/ 4- we took a taxi to the airport/
    5- we arrived at the airport/ 6- we went to check in/
    7- the woman at the desk asked us for our passports/ 8- we looked in our bags/
    9- we couldn't find them/ 10- we went home

d) 1- When did they decide to go away for the weekend?/ 2- where did they want to go?/
    3- How did they book the apartment?/ 4- When did they arrive at the airport?/
    5- What did the woman at the desk ask for?/ 6- Where did they go in the end?

a) 1- rented/ 2- wanted/ 3- booked/ 4- invited
c) 1- horse/ bought/ caught/ saw/ 2- cat/ drank/ rang/ sat/ 3- phone/ broke/ drove/ wrote/
    4- egg/ read/ said/ went/ 5- train/ came/ gave/ made

a- 2/ b- 1/ c- 3/ d- 5/ e-4

atmosphere (ætmèsfiè)= atmósfera/ disaster (di'zas:tè)= desastre/ hostels (hostlz)= hostal/
complain (kem'plein)= quejar/ enjoy (in'dZoi)= disfruta/ flirt (fle:t)= ligar/ view (vju:)= ver/
break up (breik ap)= dividir, separar/ go wrong (gèo roN)= ir mal
feel sorry for somebody ( fi:l 'sorri fo: sanbedi)= sentir pena por alguien

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 36 Exec. a
1) 2- Where did you stay ?/ 3- We stayed in Edinburgh/ 4- We booked a hotel online/
    5- we arrived/ 6- we didn't like it/ 7- we left that hotel/ 8- and rented an apartment/
    9- when were you in Scotland?/ 10- I started a university course there/
   11- I didn't finish the course/ 12- I loved Scotland!

2) 13- somebody took my clothes/ 14- I was in the sea/ 15- When did this happen?/
    16- I went for a swim / 17- I wasn't in the water for very long /
    18- Did you see the person take your things?/ 19- when I came out of the water/
    20- my bag wasn't there/ 21- What did you have in your bag?/ 22- I knew it was a bad idea

3) 23- Did you have a good time?/ 24- It was awful/ 25- we stayed in a really basis apartment/
    26- Tom thought the city was dangerous/ 27- we didn't go out much in the evening/
    28- What did you do during the day?/ 29- Did you go sightseeing?/
    30- we spent a lot of money on food/ 31- we argued a lot about it/
    32- tom bought very expensive souvenirs/ 33- I didn't buy anything

conference (kanfrens)= congreso/ jellyfish (dZelifiS)= medusa/ worried (uorrid)= preocupado/
sweat (suet)= sudor-sudar [verb ó noun]/ wet (uet)= mojado/ dry (drai)= seco/
take (teik) [según context]= robar/ went go (uent gou)= fui a/ bath (bazd)= bañarse en casa/
swim (suim)= bañarse en exterior/ came out of (kaim aut of)= salió de/
a life guard (e laif ga:d)= vigilante de la playa-socorrista/colleague(koli:g)= colega,compañero/
employee (im'ployi)= empleado, trabajador/ awful (o:fol)= horrible, muy mal/
dangerous (dein:dzeres)= peligroso

- Entrar y pasar (go,come)
coming (cam in)= voy hacia... algo/ go out (gou aut)= irse, alejandose
si una persona entra en una estancia y la otra no va a entrar go in
si las dos personas van a entrar en una estancia come in

- leave (liv)= alejar, marcharse o abandonar
  to leave (tzu liv)= marcharse
  to leave a place (tzu liv e pleidz)= dejar algo en un sitio

-    Do    you      live      in Bilbao?  | Where    do     you         live?   |   What        happened?
     AUX   SUBJ   MAIN                   |             AUX   SUBJ   MAIN   |    SUBJ     MAIN PAST

   Cuando el sujeto es WHAT no se acompaña de AUX, al no tener axuliar el verbo en pasado

   Cuando la información nueva es la que define el sujeto  Who came yesterday?  Maria came
       al no utilizar el auxiliar el verbo se pone pone en pasado 

- photograph, photography
  photo (foutou)= fotografia/ photography (fou'tougrofi)= fotografia [es el arte]/
photographer (fou'togrefer)=fotógrafo/to take a photo(tzu teik e foutou)= hacer una fotografía

- to play ----- role   (interpretar un papel)
                      part   (jugar un papel)

b) looking screen TV (lucking skri:n)= mirando la pantalla de TV/
    ethnic groups (edznik grupos étnicos/ shout (Saut)= chillar/
    althought (o:ldzou)= en contraste, aunque, a pesar de que/
    go inside (gou in'said)= entrar dentro de/ outside (aut'said)= fuera de/
    holding hands (jouldiN jands)= cogidos de la mano/
    to be holding hands (tzu bi jouldiN jands)= estar cogido de las manos/
   to go mad (tzu gou mæd)= estar exaltado [sinó. crazy]/ arrive in (erraif in)= llegar a
 - arrived at [universtiy, school, 11:15]
                 in [towns, cities, big places]         NUNCA     ARRIVED TO

- go inside = go in  OPPOSITE  go out = go outside

- Los origenes, razas SIEMPRE comienza por MAYUSCULA Spanish, Chinesse, African

c) 1- He wanted to photograh Barack Obama/ 2- He couldn't go inside Convection Centre/
   3- It was warm/4- He took outside the Convection Centre/5-They was looking at the TV screens/
   6- No, he was in the best place/ 7- Everybody went mad

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 128. 2B Past continuous: was/ were + verb + -ing
 - Usamos el pasado continuo para describir las acciones que se desarrollaron
   en un momento determinado del pasado.
 - A menudo usamos el pasado continuo para describir la acción al comienzo de una narración
 - Usamos el presente continuo para describir hechos que han ocurrido,
   a la vez que también utilizamos acciones del pasado simple
   Ej.: I was having luch when my sister arrived
          PAST CONT                                 PAST SIMPLE
 - Normas gramaticales
   Afir: I/He/She/It  WAS WORKING                  You/ We/ They  WERE WORKING
   Neg:                     WASN'T WORKING                                      WEREN'T WORKING
   Int:   WAS   he  WORKING?      Posi: Yes, he   WAS       Neg.: No,  he   WASN'T
         WERE they WORKING?              Yes, they WERE              No, they WEREN'T  

- PRESENT CONTINUOUS= to be (present) + verb -ing
  PAST CONTINUOUS=         to be (past)       + verb -ing

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 129. 2b
a) 1- I took this photo when my wife was working in the garden/
    2- He met his wife when he was living in Japan/ 3- They didn't wait for us when we arrived/
    4- Did she wear a coat when she went out?/ 5- The sun was shining when I left for work/
    6- What did you do at 7.30 last night?/  8- We didn't watch TV when you phoned

b) 1- I broke my arm when I was playing football/
    2- Were you driving fast when the police stopped you?/
    3-It was snowing when we left the pub/
    4- I didn't see the match because I was working/
    5- When you called me, I was talking to my boss/
    6- We was studying in Cambridge when we met/
    7- Was they living in Rome when they had their first baby?

   - Fotocopias Pag. 20  (dia 13-12) / Pag. 24 (dia 15-12)
   - Libro Much Ado about nothing Pag 1-7 leer + pag 43 exercise Act 1

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