jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017


23 de febrero de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 133. 4a)
1- She's bought a new jacket/ 2- He hasn't found a job yet/ 3- Have you spoken to Mr. Jackson?/
4- We've found a fantastic hotel/ 5- They haven't finished eating/
6- Have you seen Peter this morning?/ 7- Have you done your homework this week?/
8- We haven't replied to Mr. Jone's email yet.

* (PAST SIMPLE)                            (PAST)                                 (PRESENT PERFECT)
          Everyday                               Last week                                            Lately

Last week I've come to class on time/ Last week everything has cost a lot of money/
Lately I've cut some flowers/ Lately I've done my homework carefully/
Lately I've drunk a cup of coffee/ Did our parents choose the forniture?/
Where does she like sitting?/ How many single people are there in the world?/
Does she like football?

- Present Perfect grammar rules:
Subject + Aux  + Verb main past partic.│Aux  + Subject + Past Participle? (irregular verbs)
You      have/haven't          spoken                     Have     you             spoken?

Subjet +  Aux  +           Verb -ed    │  Aux + Subject + Verb -ed  (regular verbs)
 You      have/haven't     finished         Have     you       finished ?

-  Diferencia entre He's/ She's/ It's  (he is, she is, it is) y He's/ she's/ it's (he has, she has, it has)
       He's/ she's/ it's + nex verb terminado en ing  (He is/ she is/ it is)   TO BE 
       He's/ she's/ it's + nex verb past participle (He has/ she has/ it has) TO HAVE

* FOTOCOPIAS Pag. 40. 4A GRAMMAR present perfect + yet, just, already
1- Has he done the washing-up yet?/ 2- Has he cleaned the floor yet? Yes, he's already cleaned/
3- Has she done the ironing yet? Yes, she has already done the ironing/
4- Have you taken out the rubbish yet? No, I haven't/
5- Have you done the shopping yet? Yes, I've already done the shopping/
6- Has he done the washing yet? Yes, he's already done washing/
7- Has she cleaned the window yet? No, she hasn't/ 8- Has he tidied his desk yet? No, he hasn't/
9- Has she laid the table yet? Yes, she's already layed the table/
10- Has he made his bed yet? No, he hasn't

to LAY (present) - LAID (past simple) - LAID (past participle)
    SET  (present) -  SET  (past simple) -  SET   (past participle)
          lay= posar, poner con cuidado.
             Ej.: He has laid the table = He has set the table.

f) 1- I've finished ( I haven't finished)/ 2- It hasn't rained (It's rained)/
    3- You haven't changed (You've changed)/ 4- He's arrived (He hasn't arrived)/
    5- We haven't argued (we've argued)/ 6- It's started (It hasn't started)/
    7- They haven't landed (they've landed)/ 8- She hasn't passed (she's passed)/
    9- I haven't studied a lot (I've studied a lot)/ It hasn't stopped raining (It's stopped raining)

a)  el símbolo j se pronuncia i  yacht (iot) /  el símbolo dz se pronuncia chz  jazz (chzas)

b) dz = just/ jumper/ change/ enjoy/ jacket/ bridge/ student/ teenager
       j = yet/ yellow/ new/ uniform/ year/ beautiful/ young/ argue

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 39. 4A Vocabulary Housework, make and do
1- I don't like do the ironing/ 2- She's very untidy. She never puts away her clothes/
3- Shhh, don't make a noise. The baby 's asleep/ 4- My mother does the washing on Mondays/
5- When I was little , I always did my bed before I went to school/
6- Can you do the shopping for me, please?/ 7- Please do the table! We're eating in five minutes/
8- How often do you do exercise?/ 9- My children have made a lot of friends at their new school/
10- I broke a glass while I was making the washing-up/
11- I made the mistake of telling her my secret/
12- Do you like make plans for the future?/
13- Please do your room. There are books and clothes all over the floor/
14- It's my job to make out the rubbish at night/ 15- When was the last time you make an exam?/
16- You've left your towel on the floor. Please make it up/
17- I don't have time to make lunch. Let's eat out/
18- Did you do anything exciting at the weekend?/ 19- Please can you do exercise 1 on page 46?/
20- Can I borrow your phone, I need to make a call

asleep (adj) = dormido     /  to sleep (verb)= dormir
awake (adj)= despierto    /  to wake up (verb)= despertarse
             wake up # sleep  /  awake # asleep

a) 1- The teenagers have a bad reputation, they are lazy and untidy
    2- they have to look after members of the family. Father, mother, brother
    3- They have to help between 25 and 50 hours weekly.

wheelchair (ui:lchear)= silla de ruedas/ crutches (kratch:es)= muletas/
M.E. multiple sclerosis (maltipel skle'rousis)= esclerosis múltiple/  to care (tzu ker)= cuidar/
to take care of (tzu teik ker of)= cuidar a alguien, algo/ rubbish (rabis)= basura/
to lay (tzu lei) = poner con cuidado, posar/ washing-up (uasin ap)= lavar los platos, la vajilla/
asleep (a'sli:p)= dormido/ awake (e:uiek)= despierto/ untidy (an'taidi)= desordenado/
lazy (leisi)= perezoso/ to wake up (tzu weik ap)= despertarse/ to sleep (tzu sli:p)= dormir

- Fotocopias. Pag. 39. 4A Vocabulary housework, make and do
- Fotocopias. Pag. 17. Task 1 Writing
- Student's book. Pag. 29. 5 Listening a, b, c
- Workbook. Pag. 24 & Pag. 25 everything
- Elementary English in Use: Unit 15 I have done
                                               Unit 16 I've just I've already I haven't yet (Present Perfect 2)


martes, 21 de febrero de 2017


21 de febrero de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 154. exercise 1 a)
7 clean the floor/ 6 do the ironing/ 3 do the shopping/ 2 do the washing/ 8 do the washing-up/
1 lay the table/ 12 make lunch/ 4 make the beds/ 10 pick up dirty clothes (from the floor)/
5 put away your clothes/ 11 take our the rubbish/ 9 tidy your room

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 154 exercise 2
a) do a course/ make a mistake/ do an exam- an exercise - homework/ make a noise/
    make a phone call/ do housework/ make friends/ make lunch - dinner/ do sport - exercise/
    make plans

d) I usually make lunch/ I'd done clean the floor/
    My wife is who does the most housework in my family/ Yes, we argue by who do the ironning/
    Yes, I hate do the washing-up/ I don't mind do the shopping/ Yes, I like to make lunch

- homework/ housework NUNCA homeworks / housewor  (uncountable)

- to mind (tzu maind)= importar

- to vacuum (tzu vaekium)= aspirar. Ej.: to vacuum the │carpet
                                                                                          │ floor

- to do the dusting (tzu du de dasting)= limpiar el polvo

a) 1- she doesn't  have the clean room/ 2- He is watching on tv all the time, he's a lazy/
    3- I need to go to the bathroom. You have a lot of time/
    4- I've just cleaned the floor, you need a napkin

b) 1- Have you seen my yellow jumper? - Have you looked in your wardrobe?/
    2- I've already done it/ 3- Have you finished yet? - But, I haven't dried my hair yet/
    4- I've just cleaned the floor

c) a non-specific time (sometime between the past and now)

d) 2- I've already done it - Yo ya los hice - significa ya
    3- Have you finished yet? - has acabado ya? - significa ya
        But, I haven't dried my hair yet - pero, todavía no tengo el pelo seco - significa todavia
    4- I've just cleaned the floor - Acabo de limpiarlo - añade un matiz de inmediatez al verbo

- a jumper   │ jersey   / cardigan = jersey with buttons (jersey con botones)
     sweater  │
     pullover │

- lend # borrow /  prestar # pedir prestado / lender= prestador # borrower = prestatario

- crumbs= migas de pan. Ej.: the some is dropping crumbs

- napkin= servilleta. Ej.: He needs a napkin

- wardrobe= guardarropa / couch= sofa

- already= "ya" en frases afirmativas

  yet = │ "ya"         en frases interrogativas
           │ "todavia" en frases negativas

  just = en frases afirmativas y negativas añade un matiz de inmediatez 
            a la acción al verbo que  precede. 
            Ej.: I just clean the floor = Yo acabo de limpiar el suelo
                   I have not just arrived = yo no acabo de llegar

- Usamos el present perfect: 
   - cuando hablamos acerca de un pasado reciente,
       pero sin decir exactamente cuando ocurrió la acción. Ej.: I've finished my homework

  - usamos el present perfect cuando queremos dar una noticia. Ej: Mary's had her baby!

- Form:         (subject) "to have" (in present) + past participle
                                        auxiliary                          main verb

- Para los verbos regulares el past participle es el mismo que el past simple (+ -ed)
      Ej: finish (inf.) ---  finished (past simple)  ---  finished  (past participle)

  Para los verbos irregulares el past participle algunas veces es el mismo que el past simple
     y otras veces son diferentes.
      Ej.: buy (inf) --- bought (past simple) --- bought (past participle)
             do   (inf) ---  did      (past simple) ---  done   (past participle)

- Grammar rules
   full form         contration        negative                       past participle
   I have              I've                 I haven't                      │
   You have         You've            You haven't                 │ finished the exercise
   He/she/it has   He/ she/ it's    He/she/ it hasn't          │
   We have          We've             We haven't                  │
   They have       They've          They haven't               │

  Interrogative                                        Afirmative       /     Negative
   Have you finished the exercise?        Yes, I have        /   No, I haven't
   Has he done the homework?              Yes, he has       /   No, he hasn't

  A menudo usamos las expresiones yet, just and already con el present perfect
  1- Usamos yet en frases interrogativas y negativas para preguntar is algo ha ocurrido
       o para decir si no ha ocurrido. Colocamos yet siempre al final de la frase.
               Ej: Have you done your homework yet?. I haven't finished yet.

  2- Usamos just en frases afirmativas para decir que algo ha ocurrido muy recientemente.
        Colocamos just siempre antes del verbo principal.
            Ej.: My sister's just started a new job

  3- Usamos already en frases afirmativas para algo que ha ocurrido antes del momento
      del que se habla o más pronto de lo esperado.
      Colocamos already siempre antes del verbo principal.
             Ej.: I've already seen it three times

energy (enedzi)= energia/ energetic (ene'dzetik)/ creative (kri'eitif)= creativo/
to create (tzu kri'eit)= crear/  crumbs (crams)= mijas de pan/ napkin (napkin)= servilleta/
maths (mads) [GB]= matemáticas/ math (mad) [USA]= matemáticas/couch (kauch)= sofa/
strict (strikt)= estricto, riguroso/jumper (dzamper)= jersey/ wardrobe (uo:droub)= armario/ borrow (bo:reu)= coger prestado/ already (o:l'redi)= ya/ yet (iet)= ya, todavia/
just (dzast)= exactamente, en este momento/ clean the floor (klin de flo:)= limpiar el suelo/
do the ironing (du de aienin)= planchar/ do the washing (du de ua:sin)= hacer la colada/
do the washing-up (du de ua:sin)= limpiar los platos/ lay the table (lei de teibol)= poner la mesa/ clear the table (clier de teibol)= quitar la mesa/ course (ko:rs)= curso/
pick up dirty clothes (pik ap de:rti clouds)= recoger la ropa del suelo/
put away your clothes (put e'wei io;r clouds)= ordenar tu ropa/
take out the rubbish (teik aut de rabis)= sacar la basura/ to mind (tzu maind)= importar/
tidy your room (taidi io:r rum)= ordena tu habitación/ to vacuum (tzu vaekium)= aspirar/
to do the dusting (tzu du de dasting)= limpiar el polvo

- Student's book. Pag. 133. Exercises 4A a), b)

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Parents and teenagers

14 de febrero de 2017
- WORKBOOK. Pag. 23.
1- Can we have a table for two, please?/ 2- What's on the menu today?/
3- The starter is chicken soup or tomato salad/ 4- I'll have the steak for my main course/
5- Let's ask the waiter - waitress for another bottle of water/
6- I don't want a dessert, but I'd like a coffee/ 7- Can we have the bill, please?

1- Are you ready to order?/ 2- Yes, please/ 3- Can I get  you something to start with?/
4- No, thank you. Just a main course. I'd like the steak, please/
5- And how would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?/ 6- Rare, please/
7- Would you like that with fries or with a baked potato?/ 8- A baked potato, please/
9- Ok. And to drink?/ 10- Water, please/ 11- Still or sparkling?/ 12- Still/
13- Here's your steak, madam/ 14- I'm sorry but I asked for my steak rare and this is well done/
15- I'm very sorry,madan. I'll take it back to the kitchen

1- So, tell me, Adam, what are your plans? /2- Well, to start with /
3- Do you have any suggestions?/ 4- That would be great/ 5- Could we have the chack, please?/
6- I think there's a mistake/ 7- It's not my day today/ 8- Time to go

a) 1- Over 20,000/ 2- between at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m./ 3- It's over $12.95/ 4- It's 214 E9th St./
    5- Restaurants in the Theatre District/ 6- They cost from $30 to $45/
    7- It's cheapest at lunchtime/ 8- Scandinavian food

b) why not have lunch there instead? = ¿Por qué no almorzar allí?

- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 28. Reading Comprehension. Task 1
  1- that they are certain "rules" to help/ 2- When you have an exam/
  3- to make the best use of your time/ 4- Make a timetable with the dates/
  5- the calculate how much time you need/ 6- Put it on silent mode while you are studying/
  7- It's better to leave it in another room/ 8- then you are not going to be distracted/
  9- Wait until you have finished for the morning

- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 29. Reading Comprehension. Task 2
  1- The adults in the factory couldn't hear the noise because they were too old C
  2- The Mosquito works by making troublemakers want to leave B
  3- Robert Gough found that the device was useful C
  4- Robert Gough told the teenagers a lie about the Mosquito B
  5- The louder version of the Mosquito will be for extreme situations A

- BOOK. Much Ado about nothing. Pag. 49. exercise 6

1- 6. Don Pedro "Why did you try to run away from Messina?"/
2- 4 Don John " I didn't run away. I wanted to visit a friend in Rome"/
3- 2 Don Pedro "That's no true! You left Messina because you didn't want the police to find you!"/
4- 10 Don John "But I haven't done anything wrong!"/
5- 7 Don Pedro "You have! You tried to hurt my friends. You wanted to stop the wedding.
                           Hero nearly died!/
6- 1 Don John "But it was my servant's idea to go to Hero's room with Margaret.
                         I didn't want him to do it!"/
7- 9 Don Pedro " Borachio has told us everything. You gave him money to do it, didn't you?"/
8- 5 Don John "Did I give him some gold? I can't remember?"/
9- 8 Don Pedro "Listen. If you do anything bad again, you will go to prison for a very long time"/
10- 3 Don John " No! Please! I don't want to go to prison! I'll never hurt your friends again.
                            Remember, we are brothers - your friends are my friends!"

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 21. Listening Comprehension. Task 2
1- There weren't many roads on the island A/ 2- People go to the mainland now by ferry C/
3- Where was she born? Near the sea B/ 4- Ella was the youngest of fourteen children A/ 
5- The jail was a top security prison A/ 6- When was the prison built? In the 19th century B/
7- Ella had a vivid imagination B

* What's who or wich or when
1- (Ring) It's a thing which you put on the finger
2- (Take photos) It's an activity that you do when you travel to another country
3- (Tracksuit) It's a thing which you wear to do sport
4- (Bald) It's a person who doesn't have any hair on the head

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 28. 4A Parents and teenagers. 1 Reading
a) teenager (ti:neidze) = adolescente

b) 1- They come into my room without knocking and then are surprised to see things
         they don't really want to know about  TEENAGER
    2- They carry on texting when I'm telling them something really important and
         the say"Yeah, yeah I heard you". Of course they didn't   PARENTS
    3- They always pick up the remote and change the channel when I'm watching something
         really interesting  TEENAGER
    4- They leave their room in a terrible mess and then roll their eyes when I ask them
        to tidy it    PARENTS
    5- They never pick up dirty clothes or wet towels from the floor. They think some elves
        come later and pick them up!  PARENTS
    6- They say no before I've even finished explaining what I want to do  TEENAGER
    7- They tell me to do the washing-up and then complain that I put things in the wrong place
        in the dishwasher TEENAGER
    8- Whenever I need call them their mobile is either switched off or battery is dead  PARENTS

d) without knocking = sin tocar, sin golpear/ carry on texting = siguen escribiendo mensajes/
    change the channel = cambio de canal en la radio, tv/ to tidy it = recogerlo, ordenarlo/
    pick up dirty clothes = recoger las prendas sucias, la ropa sucias/
   do the washing-up = lavar los platos/ complain = quejar, regañar

mess (mes)= desorden/ remote (ri'mout)= mando a distancia/ wet (uet)= húmedo, mojado/
washing-up (uasin 'ap)= lavar platos, vasos después de comer/annoying (a'noi'n)= molesto/
complain (kom'plein)= quejarse, protestar/ annoy (a'noi)= molestar/
dishwasher (dis'uaser)= lavaplatos, lavavajillas/ tidy (taidi)= recoger, ordernar/
elf (elf)= enano, elfo/ elves (elfs)= enanos, elfos/
without knocking ( uit aut no'kin)= sin tocar, sin golpear/
carry on texting (ka'ri on textin)= siguen escribiendo mensajes/
change the channel (dzeindz de dzanel)= cambio de canal en la radio, tv/
to tidy it (tzu taidi it)= recogerlo, ordenarlo/
do the washing-up (du de uasin ap)= lavar los platos
pick up dirty clothes (pik ap de:ty cloudzs)= recoger las prendas sucias, la ropa sucia

- Student's Book. Pag. 154 - Exercise 1
- Exam 1º Cuatrimestre

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Restaurant problems

9 de febrero de 2017
* STUDENT'S BOOK Pag. 26. 1 In the New York office
a) 1- The New York office is smaller than the London office F/
    2- Barbara is the designer of the magazine F/ 3- Rob has never been to New York before F/
    4- Barbara is going to have lunch with Rob and Jenny F/ 5- Holly is going to work with Rob T
    6- Holly wants to go to the restaurant because she's hungry F

b) 1- The New York office is bigger than the London office/
    2- Barbara is the editor of the magazine/
    3- He was in New York when he was eighteen but only for a few days/
    4- Barbara has meeting at 1:00, she'll see they at 3.00/
    5-Holly don't have hungry, she ate a sandwich earlier. she want to talk to Rob

What do you call...?
 1- It's the menu/ 2- They are the courses (starters, main course, dessert)/
 3- waiter, waitress/ 4- the bill, the check/ 5- the tip
What do you say?
 1- Could I have a table for four, please?- Do you have a table for four, please?
 2- Are you ready to order?
 3- Could we have the check, please? - Could we have the bill, please?

a) 1- Rob ordered steak well done and fries . Jenny ordered tunna and green salad.
         Holly didn't order.
    2- Jenny ordered green salad, not fries. Rob ordered steak well done and that is rare

b) Are you ready to order?/ Can I get you something for start with?/
    Would you like that with fries or a baked potato?/
    How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?/
   Ok. And to drink?/ still or sparkling?/ The tuna for you ma'am, and the steak for you, sir/
   No problem. I'll change it/ I'm really sorry. I'll take it back to the kitchen

a) No, they are serious, there is a bad feeling
b) 1- He want to write of his impressions of New York, night life, museums
    2- She │can to introduce Rob to some musicians, actors
               │has some contacts in the music world
    3- They could go to a show and after he could talk to the actors
    4- It includes three bottles of the water, and them only had two
    5- They have a meeting with Barbara at 3.00
    9- No, she doesn't

something  / - one  / - body │
anything     / - one  / - body │  else (es lo mismo)
everything  / - one  / - body │

- kind of potatoes: (GB) chips = (US) -french- fries
                              (GB) crips  = (US) chips (lays, pringles)

- king of steak (how it's cooking) = rare           -  poco hecha
                                                         medium    -  al punto
                                                         well done  -  muy hecha      

- I'd like a (tuna, steak) = I would like a (tuna, steak)
  I'll have (I shall have) ---- Request

  I'd like         │ forma educada de pedir algo = I want ( sería exigir algo)
  I would like │

  shall = indica requerimiento u ofrecimiento. Ej. I shall open the door for you -- offer

- still water = agua natural sin gas
  still   │(adj) │ that doesn't more
           │        │ (about wine or water) that doesn't have bubbles
           │(adv) I still loving you

- Holly & Rob make friends = Holly & Rob se hacen amigos
  Holly make friends with Rob = Holly se hace amiga de Rob
  Hacerse amigo de alguien - siempre la palabra friends en plural

- How old are you? = What's your age? = Cuántos años tienes? = Cual es tu edad?

- Teenagers often │ irritate │ their parents  /  Teenagers can be very  │ irritating │
                             │ annoy  │                                                               │ annoying│

world (ue:ld)= mundo/ caterpillar (katepiler)= oruga/ fries (fris)= patatas fritas (USA)/
steak (steik)= filete/ vegetable (fechtablau)= verdura/ rare (rer)= poco hecho/
bill (bil)= cuenta/ check (chek)= cuenta (USA)/ order (oder)= pedido en un restaurante/
menu (meniu)= menú/ dessert (dise:t)= postre/tip (tip)= propina/
course (ko:rs)= plato de comida/ still water (stil uater)= agua natural/
sparkling (spa:klin)= agua con gas/ bubble (babol)= burbuja/ age (eidz)= edad

- Workbook. Pag. 23 execirses 1,3,4 a-b
- Fotocopias. Pag, 29. Reading Task 2
- Verbs in past

martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

Correction Book - Much ado about nothing - expressions and vocabulary

7 de febrero de 2017
c) emoticon= It's a wordqhich expresses with a drawing emotions intro an icon
    to tweet= It's send a mensagge through the social network called twitter
    Ipod= It's a gadget created by Apple which it's uses to listen to music
    To google= It's when the people use the internet for looking information
    Wifi= It's something which you use to connect your computer to the internet for free
              without a cable (wire)
    Ringtone= it's the sound which you use on your smartphone
    Smartphone= It's a kind of intellegent mobile phone which has internet connection

a) 1- Web rage is the angry feeling you get because of a problem with the internet
    2- A fashionista is a person who always wears the lastest styles
    3- Chik lit is a kind of book which tells a story from a woman's point of view
    4- E-waste is all the electrical machines and devices which people throw away
    5- The sandwich generation is a group of people who look after their parents at the
        same time as they're looking after their children
    6- Agritourism is a kind of holiday where people stay on farms and help with all the work
    7- Netiquette is a set of rules which explains how to be polite on the internet
    8- A staycation is a holiday which you spend at home

b) rage (reidz)= enfado,comportamiento violento/ chick (chik)= pollita, pájaro pequeño/
    waste (ueist)=basura, residuo/ devices (di'vais)= dispositivos, aparatos/ 
    farm (fa:m)= granja)/ rules (ru:ls)= normas, reglamentos/ throw (zrou)= tirar, arrojar/

a) It has two names, It was called Lexico and more later it was called Scrabble
b) 1- Alfred Mosher Butts was ourt of work when he invented the game TRUE
    2- The game of Lexico had a board and letter tiles FALSE
    3- Butts used a newspaper to count the frequency of the letters in English TRUE
    4- Butts gave the letters A,E, I, O, and U one point each TRUE
    5- Butts gave 12 points to the most difficult letters to use FALSE
    6- Scrabble became popular in 1948 FALSE
    7- Butts and Brunot sold the game to another manufacturer FALSE
    8- You can buy Scrabble in more than a hundred different countries TRUE

   - TO │watch siempre con TO Ej.: You watch to the window, there is a bird
           │listen  │                                     You listen to radio, it says a important news

  - TO   search   │= buscar. Ej: To search for something
    TO  look for  │                     To look for something

- BOOK Ado much about nothing. Read pag. 25 to end. Exercise pag. 44-48 incluided
  - Read Act 3. Pag. 44
  1- Where did Borachio go?  Borachio went to Hero
  2- What did Margaret wear? She wore Hero's clothes
  3- Who was watching from the garden? Don Pedro and Claudio were watching them
  4- How much money did Don John give Borachio? He gave to him a hundred pounds
  5- Why was Don John happy? He was happy because it was a trouble

  - Read Act 4. Pag. 44
  Hero and her father were waiting happily at the church/
  He said that the didn't want to marry Hero/ Claudio said some terrible things about Hero/
  Beatrice and Leonato didn't believe him/ Don Pedro said that Claudio was telling the truth/
  When Claudio left, Hero fainted/ She was still alive/ Father Francis had a plan/
  He decided to tell Claudio ande the others that Hero was dead/ She told him to kill Claudio/
  She was angry because her cousin was very unhappy

   - Before you read Act 5. Pag. 45
  1- Borachio and Conrade tell the truth about Don John's escape from Messina
  2- Hero says she will marries Claudio/ 3- Claudio marries Hero/
  4- Beatrice marries Benedick

  - Read Act 5. Pag. 45
  1- Benedick wanted to kill Claudio, but Claudio wasn't afraid 11
  2- Borachio told Claudio the truth about the night before Hero's widding 7
  3- Leonato said that he had a new wife for Claudio 9
  4- Leonato said that his brother's daughter was just like Hero 12
  5- Claudio agreed to marry his new wife, but he couldn't see her face at first 8
  6- Claudio was surprised and happy when Hero took off  her mask 10

  - Activities. Pag. 46. Exercise 1
  1- Claudio/ 2- Beatrice/ 3- Don Pedro/ 4- Leonato/ 5- Hero

  - Activities. Pag. 46. Exercise 2
  A dead and two weddings (NG)/ The married man (NG)/ Don John's plan (G)/
  The lion of Messina (NG)/ Love wins in the end (G)/ Behind the mask (G)

  - Activities. Pag. 47. Exercise 3
  A young soldier called Claudio/ fell in love with my cousin Hero/
  Don John didn't want them to be happy/
  He told Claudio and Don Pedro that Hero had many lovers/
  Don John's servant Borachio told the truth/
  the people in Hero's room were Borachio and Hero's servant Margaret/
  Claudio married Hero and I married Benedick

  - Activities. Pag. 47. Exercise 4
  Last night/ two men/ Borachio and Conrad/ Lady Hero's room/ Don John wanted stop/
  the wedding between Hero and Claudio/ and asked them questions/ they called me an idiot

  - Activities. Pag. 48. Exercise 5
  1- argue to talk or shout angrily/ 2- cousin your uncle's or aunt's child/
  3- toothache when one of your teeth hurts/ 4- wedding when a man and woman marry/
  5- musicians someone who plays a musical instruments/ 6 war fighting between countries/
  7- faint to fall down suddenly because you are ill/ 8- prince the son of a king or queen/
  9- mask a cover that you put over your face/
 10- idiot a stupid person/ 11- hate opposite of "to love"

  - dead (adjetive) - Ej.: the dead body was on the bed
    to die (verb)= die / (past) died / (past) died. -  Ej He died on 1985
    death (noun) - Ej.: The death of JFK was a shock

  - the truth (noun). Ej: He said the truth     /   the truth # a lie       Ej: You don't tell me a lie
    true (adjetive).    Ej. It's true love            /   the true # false       Ej: Your answer is false

* FOTOCOPIA. 7/2/17
  1- Dear Sally Barnes (incorrect)
      (correct) Dear Mrs Barnes or Dear Sally.
      En el encabezamiento de una carta NUNCA puede el ir nombre y apellidos juntos

  2- I'm travelling to UK on 7th July at 17.00h (incorrect)
      (correct) I'm travelling to the UK at 17:00h on 7th July
      Antes de UK o de USA siempre the.
      Cuando decimos fecha con hora, siempre primero la fecha y luego fecha

  3- I'm sure I'll enjoy with you (incorrect)
      (correct) I'm sure, I'll enjoy myself with you
      Verbo transitivo disfrutar conmigo, contigo, con el, con nosotros, con vosotros, con ellos
      siempre acompañado de myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,
                                               ourselves, yourselves, theirselves

  4- Can you say me where do you live? (incorrect)
      Can you say to me where you live (correct)
      El verbo say siempre acompañado de to, en la segunda parte no hace falta poner en
      forma interrogativa ya que en la primera parte de la frase está construida en interrogativa

  5- I send you my mobile phone. It's 876546210 (incorrect)
      I 'm sending you mobile number.
      La frase es en presente continuo, porque la acción es realizada en el preciso momento.

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 34 Listening A town called Hamilton
1) a- Hamilton is a large city F/ b- Hamilton is near the coast T/ c- Hamilton has two seasons F/
    d- People in Hamilton only eat British food F/ e- Kangaroos are more common than koalas T

2) a- Hamilton has 10,000 people/ b- It's 3 hours from Melbourne/
    c- What two places do people go to at the weekend?
         They go to the coast or the mountain range/
    d- What's the weather like? in winter? It's cold, in spring? It's pleasant,
                                                in summer? There is 35º hot/ in autumn? It's pleasant/
    e- Does Leigh think Australians are very different from British people? no/
    f- Food in Australia: peas, mashed potatoes, sausages, chops, carrots/
    g- What two other types of food does Leigh mention? French and Asian foods

pleasant (plesent)= agradable, atractivo/ range (reinch)= cordillera/
mashed potatoes (mast po'teitous)= pure de patatas/ agree (e'gri.)= estar de acuerdo
pies (pais)= tartas, pastel de carne/ to joke (dzeuk)= bromear/ to faint (feint)= desmayar
What's the matter? (uat's de mater?)= que ocurre?, cual es el asunto?/ hurt (je:t)= lastimar/
all of you (ol of yu)= todos ustedes/ with no man (uit no man)= con ningún hombre/
alive (e'laif)= vivo/ worst (ue:rst)= peor/ chops (cho:ps)= chuleta de cerdo, cordero/
they will be able to find (dey uil bi eibol tzu faind)= ellos serán capaces de encontrar/
leave me alone (li:f me eloun)= déjame solo/ that's right (das rait)= es la verdad, está bien/
hidding behind (jaidin bijaind)= escondido detrás/ write it down! (rait it daun)= escribelo!/
he will decide (ji uil di'said)= el decidirá/ one child (uan child)= hijo, hija único/
find out (faind aut)= descubrir, averiguar/ no more (no mor)= nunca m'as/ 
joking (dzeuking)= bromeando/ afraid (e'freid)= asustado/ messenger (mesindzer)= mensajero/ how strange! (jau streindz)= Qué extraño!/ bring him (brin jim)=traerle (a el)/
wanted  to hurt (uantid tzu je:t)= queria lastimar/ farm (fa:m)= granja)/
until then (an'til den)= hasta entonces/ are in trouble (ar in trabol)= tienen un problema/
come inside (kam in'said)= venir dentro, entrar/ come up (kam ap)= sube arriba/
I have found (ai jaf faund)= te he encontrado/you were right (yu uer rait)= estabas en lo cierto
take off (teik of)= quitar/ I nearly dead (ai nirly ded)= casi me muero/
married man (marid man) = hombre casado/ let's no argue (let's not a:rgju)= dejar de discutir/ let's have a party first! (let's jaf e pa:rti fe:rst)= la fiesta lo primero/
rage (reidz)= enfado,comportamiento violento/ chick (chik)= pollita, pájaro pequeño/
devices (di'vais)= dispositivos, aparatos/ /not you alone (not yu eloun)= no solo, no tu solo/
rules (ru:ls)= normas, reglamentos/ throw (zrou)= tirar, arrojar/waste (ueist)=basura, residuo

- BOOK much ado about nothing. Pag. 49. exercise 6
- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 28 Task 1/ Pag. 219 Reading Task 2



jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

New world in English

2 de Febrero de 2017
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 101. 3C What's the word?
a) - A photo which it's a piece of paper with one image on it
    - Lazy is somebody who it's tired because it's watching TV all the time
    - Trainers it's shoes which you use when do you sport
    - I go sightseeing when I stay in a city on holiday and I go to Historic's places
    - Arrivals is something which it's relative at the airports
    - Passanger it's a person who its travels by bus, by plane, by car

- Cuando NO USAMOS un verbo con terminación  -ING  junto con el verbo TO LIKE

     To LIKE +  │ - NOUN PHRASE    He like football
                        │                                    I like your black dress
                        │- ING                          He likes playing football                      
                        │- TO INFINITIVE      He likes to play football
                        │                                    He would  │ like  to play football
                        │                                    He'd          │

a) - Different ways of creating new words in England:
       - by combining two worlds. Ej,: emotion - icono EMOTICON

       - by changing the category of a world:  - noun into verb Ej.: TO TEXT
                                                                      - changing its meaning. Ej. TWEET

       - by adopting words from the other languages. Ej. LATTE

       - by using brands of names on companies. Ej.: IPOD, GOOGLE

       - new words to decribe new technology. Ej.: WIFI, RINGTONE, SMARTPHONE

b) 1- TOY BOY (noun) a young man who is going out with a much older woman
    2- TO TEXT  (verb)  to send a message using a mobile phone
    3- BARISTA  (noun) a person who works in a coffee bar
    4- ROAD RAGE (noun) feeling angry because of the traffic or another person's driving
    5- A LATTE (noun) coffee with hot milk
    6- GASTROPUB (noun) a pub where you can also have very good food

a) 1- A builder is a person who builds houses/  2- A hairdresser is somebody who cutes your hair/
    3- A library is a place where you can read or borrow books/
    4- A campsite is a place where people sleep in tents/
    5- Mugs are things which you drink from/
    6- An Ipod is something which you listen to music with/
    7- An architect is someone who designs buildings/
    8- An internet café is a place where you can send emails and have a coffee/
    9- An art gallery is a place where you look at paintings/
   10- Trainers are shoes which people wear for sport/
   11- A bookshop is a place where you buy books/
   12- Scissors are things which you use to cut paper with/
   13- Lipstick is something which you put on your lips/ 14- A pilot is a person who flies planes/
   15- A tourist is a person who visites another country

a) 1- v verb / 2- adj adjetive/ 3- sb somebody/ 4- sth something

b) Comprobando la pronunciación en el diccionario:
    Este simbolo ( ' ) muestra la fuerza de la pronunciación.
    La sílaba con más fuerza es la que sigue al símbolo ( ' ) 

jumper (dzamper)= jersey/ crowded (kraudid)= lleno de gente/ suit (sui:t)= traje/
lazy (leisi)= perezoso/ barista (beri:sta)= camarero, barman/
borrow (bo:rou)= prestado, pedir prestado/ lipstick (lipstik)= pintalabios/ tweet (tui:t)= piar/
rage (reidz)= ira, rabia

* CORRECTION WORKHOME. Workbook. Pag 21.
a) 1- F That's the hotel where spent our honeymoom/
    2- A I need a phone which has a good camera/
    3- D My mum is the only person who remembers my birthday/
    4- H I love the picture which is on the wall of your room/
    5- B That bus is the one which my brother takes to work/
    6- G Benicasim is the Spanish town where they have a famous music festival/
    7- E David Hockney is the artist who painted Mr & Mrs Clarke/
    8- C That's the restaurant which serves fresh fish

b) 1- Do you know the man who lives next door?/
    2- That's the gallery which had the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition
    3- Are those the people who are selling their house?/
    4- Do you know a good restaurant which is openon Sunday night?/
    5- Is that the bus which goes to the airport?/
    6- We walked past the school where their children go/
    7- She's the woman who everyone is talking about/
    8- I took my laptop back to the shop where I bought it
    9- Anstwerp is the city where I lived as a child/
  10- Is there someone who can speak Arabic in your class?

1- MEAN  It's the opposite of generous/ 2- CARDIGAN It's a kind of jumper/
3- HIRE It's similar to rent/ 4- SLIM It's like thin, but it's more polite/
5- SOUVENIR It's something you buy to remind you of your holiday/
6- SUNBATHE For example, you do this on the beach/
7- PILOT It's someone who flies a plane/ 8- CAMPSITE It's somewhere you can sleep in tents

a) 1- beard b, bald a/ 2- quiet b, quite a/ 3- shoes a, socks b/ 4- suit b, sweet/
    5- sightsee a, sunbathe b/ 6- height b, weight a/ 7- shirt a, shorts b/ 8- crowded b, cloudy a

- Student's book. Pag. 25. 5 READING
- Workbook. Pag. 22. 4 READING
- Book Much ado about nothing Pag. 25 - to end. Second exercise. Pag 46 exercise 1
                                                                                                           Pag 42 everything