martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Parents and teenagers

14 de febrero de 2017
- WORKBOOK. Pag. 23.
1- Can we have a table for two, please?/ 2- What's on the menu today?/
3- The starter is chicken soup or tomato salad/ 4- I'll have the steak for my main course/
5- Let's ask the waiter - waitress for another bottle of water/
6- I don't want a dessert, but I'd like a coffee/ 7- Can we have the bill, please?

1- Are you ready to order?/ 2- Yes, please/ 3- Can I get  you something to start with?/
4- No, thank you. Just a main course. I'd like the steak, please/
5- And how would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?/ 6- Rare, please/
7- Would you like that with fries or with a baked potato?/ 8- A baked potato, please/
9- Ok. And to drink?/ 10- Water, please/ 11- Still or sparkling?/ 12- Still/
13- Here's your steak, madam/ 14- I'm sorry but I asked for my steak rare and this is well done/
15- I'm very sorry,madan. I'll take it back to the kitchen

1- So, tell me, Adam, what are your plans? /2- Well, to start with /
3- Do you have any suggestions?/ 4- That would be great/ 5- Could we have the chack, please?/
6- I think there's a mistake/ 7- It's not my day today/ 8- Time to go

a) 1- Over 20,000/ 2- between at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m./ 3- It's over $12.95/ 4- It's 214 E9th St./
    5- Restaurants in the Theatre District/ 6- They cost from $30 to $45/
    7- It's cheapest at lunchtime/ 8- Scandinavian food

b) why not have lunch there instead? = ¿Por qué no almorzar allí?

- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 28. Reading Comprehension. Task 1
  1- that they are certain "rules" to help/ 2- When you have an exam/
  3- to make the best use of your time/ 4- Make a timetable with the dates/
  5- the calculate how much time you need/ 6- Put it on silent mode while you are studying/
  7- It's better to leave it in another room/ 8- then you are not going to be distracted/
  9- Wait until you have finished for the morning

- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 29. Reading Comprehension. Task 2
  1- The adults in the factory couldn't hear the noise because they were too old C
  2- The Mosquito works by making troublemakers want to leave B
  3- Robert Gough found that the device was useful C
  4- Robert Gough told the teenagers a lie about the Mosquito B
  5- The louder version of the Mosquito will be for extreme situations A

- BOOK. Much Ado about nothing. Pag. 49. exercise 6

1- 6. Don Pedro "Why did you try to run away from Messina?"/
2- 4 Don John " I didn't run away. I wanted to visit a friend in Rome"/
3- 2 Don Pedro "That's no true! You left Messina because you didn't want the police to find you!"/
4- 10 Don John "But I haven't done anything wrong!"/
5- 7 Don Pedro "You have! You tried to hurt my friends. You wanted to stop the wedding.
                           Hero nearly died!/
6- 1 Don John "But it was my servant's idea to go to Hero's room with Margaret.
                         I didn't want him to do it!"/
7- 9 Don Pedro " Borachio has told us everything. You gave him money to do it, didn't you?"/
8- 5 Don John "Did I give him some gold? I can't remember?"/
9- 8 Don Pedro "Listen. If you do anything bad again, you will go to prison for a very long time"/
10- 3 Don John " No! Please! I don't want to go to prison! I'll never hurt your friends again.
                            Remember, we are brothers - your friends are my friends!"

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 21. Listening Comprehension. Task 2
1- There weren't many roads on the island A/ 2- People go to the mainland now by ferry C/
3- Where was she born? Near the sea B/ 4- Ella was the youngest of fourteen children A/ 
5- The jail was a top security prison A/ 6- When was the prison built? In the 19th century B/
7- Ella had a vivid imagination B

* What's who or wich or when
1- (Ring) It's a thing which you put on the finger
2- (Take photos) It's an activity that you do when you travel to another country
3- (Tracksuit) It's a thing which you wear to do sport
4- (Bald) It's a person who doesn't have any hair on the head

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 28. 4A Parents and teenagers. 1 Reading
a) teenager (ti:neidze) = adolescente

b) 1- They come into my room without knocking and then are surprised to see things
         they don't really want to know about  TEENAGER
    2- They carry on texting when I'm telling them something really important and
         the say"Yeah, yeah I heard you". Of course they didn't   PARENTS
    3- They always pick up the remote and change the channel when I'm watching something
         really interesting  TEENAGER
    4- They leave their room in a terrible mess and then roll their eyes when I ask them
        to tidy it    PARENTS
    5- They never pick up dirty clothes or wet towels from the floor. They think some elves
        come later and pick them up!  PARENTS
    6- They say no before I've even finished explaining what I want to do  TEENAGER
    7- They tell me to do the washing-up and then complain that I put things in the wrong place
        in the dishwasher TEENAGER
    8- Whenever I need call them their mobile is either switched off or battery is dead  PARENTS

d) without knocking = sin tocar, sin golpear/ carry on texting = siguen escribiendo mensajes/
    change the channel = cambio de canal en la radio, tv/ to tidy it = recogerlo, ordenarlo/
    pick up dirty clothes = recoger las prendas sucias, la ropa sucias/
   do the washing-up = lavar los platos/ complain = quejar, regañar

mess (mes)= desorden/ remote (ri'mout)= mando a distancia/ wet (uet)= húmedo, mojado/
washing-up (uasin 'ap)= lavar platos, vasos después de comer/annoying (a'noi'n)= molesto/
complain (kom'plein)= quejarse, protestar/ annoy (a'noi)= molestar/
dishwasher (dis'uaser)= lavaplatos, lavavajillas/ tidy (taidi)= recoger, ordernar/
elf (elf)= enano, elfo/ elves (elfs)= enanos, elfos/
without knocking ( uit aut no'kin)= sin tocar, sin golpear/
carry on texting (ka'ri on textin)= siguen escribiendo mensajes/
change the channel (dzeindz de dzanel)= cambio de canal en la radio, tv/
to tidy it (tzu taidi it)= recogerlo, ordenarlo/
do the washing-up (du de uasin ap)= lavar los platos
pick up dirty clothes (pik ap de:ty cloudzs)= recoger las prendas sucias, la ropa sucia

- Student's Book. Pag. 154 - Exercise 1
- Exam 1º Cuatrimestre

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