martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

Correction Book - Much ado about nothing - expressions and vocabulary

7 de febrero de 2017
c) emoticon= It's a wordqhich expresses with a drawing emotions intro an icon
    to tweet= It's send a mensagge through the social network called twitter
    Ipod= It's a gadget created by Apple which it's uses to listen to music
    To google= It's when the people use the internet for looking information
    Wifi= It's something which you use to connect your computer to the internet for free
              without a cable (wire)
    Ringtone= it's the sound which you use on your smartphone
    Smartphone= It's a kind of intellegent mobile phone which has internet connection

a) 1- Web rage is the angry feeling you get because of a problem with the internet
    2- A fashionista is a person who always wears the lastest styles
    3- Chik lit is a kind of book which tells a story from a woman's point of view
    4- E-waste is all the electrical machines and devices which people throw away
    5- The sandwich generation is a group of people who look after their parents at the
        same time as they're looking after their children
    6- Agritourism is a kind of holiday where people stay on farms and help with all the work
    7- Netiquette is a set of rules which explains how to be polite on the internet
    8- A staycation is a holiday which you spend at home

b) rage (reidz)= enfado,comportamiento violento/ chick (chik)= pollita, pájaro pequeño/
    waste (ueist)=basura, residuo/ devices (di'vais)= dispositivos, aparatos/ 
    farm (fa:m)= granja)/ rules (ru:ls)= normas, reglamentos/ throw (zrou)= tirar, arrojar/

a) It has two names, It was called Lexico and more later it was called Scrabble
b) 1- Alfred Mosher Butts was ourt of work when he invented the game TRUE
    2- The game of Lexico had a board and letter tiles FALSE
    3- Butts used a newspaper to count the frequency of the letters in English TRUE
    4- Butts gave the letters A,E, I, O, and U one point each TRUE
    5- Butts gave 12 points to the most difficult letters to use FALSE
    6- Scrabble became popular in 1948 FALSE
    7- Butts and Brunot sold the game to another manufacturer FALSE
    8- You can buy Scrabble in more than a hundred different countries TRUE

   - TO │watch siempre con TO Ej.: You watch to the window, there is a bird
           │listen  │                                     You listen to radio, it says a important news

  - TO   search   │= buscar. Ej: To search for something
    TO  look for  │                     To look for something

- BOOK Ado much about nothing. Read pag. 25 to end. Exercise pag. 44-48 incluided
  - Read Act 3. Pag. 44
  1- Where did Borachio go?  Borachio went to Hero
  2- What did Margaret wear? She wore Hero's clothes
  3- Who was watching from the garden? Don Pedro and Claudio were watching them
  4- How much money did Don John give Borachio? He gave to him a hundred pounds
  5- Why was Don John happy? He was happy because it was a trouble

  - Read Act 4. Pag. 44
  Hero and her father were waiting happily at the church/
  He said that the didn't want to marry Hero/ Claudio said some terrible things about Hero/
  Beatrice and Leonato didn't believe him/ Don Pedro said that Claudio was telling the truth/
  When Claudio left, Hero fainted/ She was still alive/ Father Francis had a plan/
  He decided to tell Claudio ande the others that Hero was dead/ She told him to kill Claudio/
  She was angry because her cousin was very unhappy

   - Before you read Act 5. Pag. 45
  1- Borachio and Conrade tell the truth about Don John's escape from Messina
  2- Hero says she will marries Claudio/ 3- Claudio marries Hero/
  4- Beatrice marries Benedick

  - Read Act 5. Pag. 45
  1- Benedick wanted to kill Claudio, but Claudio wasn't afraid 11
  2- Borachio told Claudio the truth about the night before Hero's widding 7
  3- Leonato said that he had a new wife for Claudio 9
  4- Leonato said that his brother's daughter was just like Hero 12
  5- Claudio agreed to marry his new wife, but he couldn't see her face at first 8
  6- Claudio was surprised and happy when Hero took off  her mask 10

  - Activities. Pag. 46. Exercise 1
  1- Claudio/ 2- Beatrice/ 3- Don Pedro/ 4- Leonato/ 5- Hero

  - Activities. Pag. 46. Exercise 2
  A dead and two weddings (NG)/ The married man (NG)/ Don John's plan (G)/
  The lion of Messina (NG)/ Love wins in the end (G)/ Behind the mask (G)

  - Activities. Pag. 47. Exercise 3
  A young soldier called Claudio/ fell in love with my cousin Hero/
  Don John didn't want them to be happy/
  He told Claudio and Don Pedro that Hero had many lovers/
  Don John's servant Borachio told the truth/
  the people in Hero's room were Borachio and Hero's servant Margaret/
  Claudio married Hero and I married Benedick

  - Activities. Pag. 47. Exercise 4
  Last night/ two men/ Borachio and Conrad/ Lady Hero's room/ Don John wanted stop/
  the wedding between Hero and Claudio/ and asked them questions/ they called me an idiot

  - Activities. Pag. 48. Exercise 5
  1- argue to talk or shout angrily/ 2- cousin your uncle's or aunt's child/
  3- toothache when one of your teeth hurts/ 4- wedding when a man and woman marry/
  5- musicians someone who plays a musical instruments/ 6 war fighting between countries/
  7- faint to fall down suddenly because you are ill/ 8- prince the son of a king or queen/
  9- mask a cover that you put over your face/
 10- idiot a stupid person/ 11- hate opposite of "to love"

  - dead (adjetive) - Ej.: the dead body was on the bed
    to die (verb)= die / (past) died / (past) died. -  Ej He died on 1985
    death (noun) - Ej.: The death of JFK was a shock

  - the truth (noun). Ej: He said the truth     /   the truth # a lie       Ej: You don't tell me a lie
    true (adjetive).    Ej. It's true love            /   the true # false       Ej: Your answer is false

* FOTOCOPIA. 7/2/17
  1- Dear Sally Barnes (incorrect)
      (correct) Dear Mrs Barnes or Dear Sally.
      En el encabezamiento de una carta NUNCA puede el ir nombre y apellidos juntos

  2- I'm travelling to UK on 7th July at 17.00h (incorrect)
      (correct) I'm travelling to the UK at 17:00h on 7th July
      Antes de UK o de USA siempre the.
      Cuando decimos fecha con hora, siempre primero la fecha y luego fecha

  3- I'm sure I'll enjoy with you (incorrect)
      (correct) I'm sure, I'll enjoy myself with you
      Verbo transitivo disfrutar conmigo, contigo, con el, con nosotros, con vosotros, con ellos
      siempre acompañado de myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,
                                               ourselves, yourselves, theirselves

  4- Can you say me where do you live? (incorrect)
      Can you say to me where you live (correct)
      El verbo say siempre acompañado de to, en la segunda parte no hace falta poner en
      forma interrogativa ya que en la primera parte de la frase está construida en interrogativa

  5- I send you my mobile phone. It's 876546210 (incorrect)
      I 'm sending you mobile number.
      La frase es en presente continuo, porque la acción es realizada en el preciso momento.

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 34 Listening A town called Hamilton
1) a- Hamilton is a large city F/ b- Hamilton is near the coast T/ c- Hamilton has two seasons F/
    d- People in Hamilton only eat British food F/ e- Kangaroos are more common than koalas T

2) a- Hamilton has 10,000 people/ b- It's 3 hours from Melbourne/
    c- What two places do people go to at the weekend?
         They go to the coast or the mountain range/
    d- What's the weather like? in winter? It's cold, in spring? It's pleasant,
                                                in summer? There is 35º hot/ in autumn? It's pleasant/
    e- Does Leigh think Australians are very different from British people? no/
    f- Food in Australia: peas, mashed potatoes, sausages, chops, carrots/
    g- What two other types of food does Leigh mention? French and Asian foods

pleasant (plesent)= agradable, atractivo/ range (reinch)= cordillera/
mashed potatoes (mast po'teitous)= pure de patatas/ agree (e'gri.)= estar de acuerdo
pies (pais)= tartas, pastel de carne/ to joke (dzeuk)= bromear/ to faint (feint)= desmayar
What's the matter? (uat's de mater?)= que ocurre?, cual es el asunto?/ hurt (je:t)= lastimar/
all of you (ol of yu)= todos ustedes/ with no man (uit no man)= con ningún hombre/
alive (e'laif)= vivo/ worst (ue:rst)= peor/ chops (cho:ps)= chuleta de cerdo, cordero/
they will be able to find (dey uil bi eibol tzu faind)= ellos serán capaces de encontrar/
leave me alone (li:f me eloun)= déjame solo/ that's right (das rait)= es la verdad, está bien/
hidding behind (jaidin bijaind)= escondido detrás/ write it down! (rait it daun)= escribelo!/
he will decide (ji uil di'said)= el decidirá/ one child (uan child)= hijo, hija único/
find out (faind aut)= descubrir, averiguar/ no more (no mor)= nunca m'as/ 
joking (dzeuking)= bromeando/ afraid (e'freid)= asustado/ messenger (mesindzer)= mensajero/ how strange! (jau streindz)= Qué extraño!/ bring him (brin jim)=traerle (a el)/
wanted  to hurt (uantid tzu je:t)= queria lastimar/ farm (fa:m)= granja)/
until then (an'til den)= hasta entonces/ are in trouble (ar in trabol)= tienen un problema/
come inside (kam in'said)= venir dentro, entrar/ come up (kam ap)= sube arriba/
I have found (ai jaf faund)= te he encontrado/you were right (yu uer rait)= estabas en lo cierto
take off (teik of)= quitar/ I nearly dead (ai nirly ded)= casi me muero/
married man (marid man) = hombre casado/ let's no argue (let's not a:rgju)= dejar de discutir/ let's have a party first! (let's jaf e pa:rti fe:rst)= la fiesta lo primero/
rage (reidz)= enfado,comportamiento violento/ chick (chik)= pollita, pájaro pequeño/
devices (di'vais)= dispositivos, aparatos/ /not you alone (not yu eloun)= no solo, no tu solo/
rules (ru:ls)= normas, reglamentos/ throw (zrou)= tirar, arrojar/waste (ueist)=basura, residuo

- BOOK much ado about nothing. Pag. 49. exercise 6
- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 28 Task 1/ Pag. 219 Reading Task 2



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