martes, 21 de febrero de 2017


21 de febrero de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 154. exercise 1 a)
7 clean the floor/ 6 do the ironing/ 3 do the shopping/ 2 do the washing/ 8 do the washing-up/
1 lay the table/ 12 make lunch/ 4 make the beds/ 10 pick up dirty clothes (from the floor)/
5 put away your clothes/ 11 take our the rubbish/ 9 tidy your room

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 154 exercise 2
a) do a course/ make a mistake/ do an exam- an exercise - homework/ make a noise/
    make a phone call/ do housework/ make friends/ make lunch - dinner/ do sport - exercise/
    make plans

d) I usually make lunch/ I'd done clean the floor/
    My wife is who does the most housework in my family/ Yes, we argue by who do the ironning/
    Yes, I hate do the washing-up/ I don't mind do the shopping/ Yes, I like to make lunch

- homework/ housework NUNCA homeworks / housewor  (uncountable)

- to mind (tzu maind)= importar

- to vacuum (tzu vaekium)= aspirar. Ej.: to vacuum the │carpet
                                                                                          │ floor

- to do the dusting (tzu du de dasting)= limpiar el polvo

a) 1- she doesn't  have the clean room/ 2- He is watching on tv all the time, he's a lazy/
    3- I need to go to the bathroom. You have a lot of time/
    4- I've just cleaned the floor, you need a napkin

b) 1- Have you seen my yellow jumper? - Have you looked in your wardrobe?/
    2- I've already done it/ 3- Have you finished yet? - But, I haven't dried my hair yet/
    4- I've just cleaned the floor

c) a non-specific time (sometime between the past and now)

d) 2- I've already done it - Yo ya los hice - significa ya
    3- Have you finished yet? - has acabado ya? - significa ya
        But, I haven't dried my hair yet - pero, todavía no tengo el pelo seco - significa todavia
    4- I've just cleaned the floor - Acabo de limpiarlo - añade un matiz de inmediatez al verbo

- a jumper   │ jersey   / cardigan = jersey with buttons (jersey con botones)
     sweater  │
     pullover │

- lend # borrow /  prestar # pedir prestado / lender= prestador # borrower = prestatario

- crumbs= migas de pan. Ej.: the some is dropping crumbs

- napkin= servilleta. Ej.: He needs a napkin

- wardrobe= guardarropa / couch= sofa

- already= "ya" en frases afirmativas

  yet = │ "ya"         en frases interrogativas
           │ "todavia" en frases negativas

  just = en frases afirmativas y negativas añade un matiz de inmediatez 
            a la acción al verbo que  precede. 
            Ej.: I just clean the floor = Yo acabo de limpiar el suelo
                   I have not just arrived = yo no acabo de llegar

- Usamos el present perfect: 
   - cuando hablamos acerca de un pasado reciente,
       pero sin decir exactamente cuando ocurrió la acción. Ej.: I've finished my homework

  - usamos el present perfect cuando queremos dar una noticia. Ej: Mary's had her baby!

- Form:         (subject) "to have" (in present) + past participle
                                        auxiliary                          main verb

- Para los verbos regulares el past participle es el mismo que el past simple (+ -ed)
      Ej: finish (inf.) ---  finished (past simple)  ---  finished  (past participle)

  Para los verbos irregulares el past participle algunas veces es el mismo que el past simple
     y otras veces son diferentes.
      Ej.: buy (inf) --- bought (past simple) --- bought (past participle)
             do   (inf) ---  did      (past simple) ---  done   (past participle)

- Grammar rules
   full form         contration        negative                       past participle
   I have              I've                 I haven't                      │
   You have         You've            You haven't                 │ finished the exercise
   He/she/it has   He/ she/ it's    He/she/ it hasn't          │
   We have          We've             We haven't                  │
   They have       They've          They haven't               │

  Interrogative                                        Afirmative       /     Negative
   Have you finished the exercise?        Yes, I have        /   No, I haven't
   Has he done the homework?              Yes, he has       /   No, he hasn't

  A menudo usamos las expresiones yet, just and already con el present perfect
  1- Usamos yet en frases interrogativas y negativas para preguntar is algo ha ocurrido
       o para decir si no ha ocurrido. Colocamos yet siempre al final de la frase.
               Ej: Have you done your homework yet?. I haven't finished yet.

  2- Usamos just en frases afirmativas para decir que algo ha ocurrido muy recientemente.
        Colocamos just siempre antes del verbo principal.
            Ej.: My sister's just started a new job

  3- Usamos already en frases afirmativas para algo que ha ocurrido antes del momento
      del que se habla o más pronto de lo esperado.
      Colocamos already siempre antes del verbo principal.
             Ej.: I've already seen it three times

energy (enedzi)= energia/ energetic (ene'dzetik)/ creative (kri'eitif)= creativo/
to create (tzu kri'eit)= crear/  crumbs (crams)= mijas de pan/ napkin (napkin)= servilleta/
maths (mads) [GB]= matemáticas/ math (mad) [USA]= matemáticas/couch (kauch)= sofa/
strict (strikt)= estricto, riguroso/jumper (dzamper)= jersey/ wardrobe (uo:droub)= armario/ borrow (bo:reu)= coger prestado/ already (o:l'redi)= ya/ yet (iet)= ya, todavia/
just (dzast)= exactamente, en este momento/ clean the floor (klin de flo:)= limpiar el suelo/
do the ironing (du de aienin)= planchar/ do the washing (du de ua:sin)= hacer la colada/
do the washing-up (du de ua:sin)= limpiar los platos/ lay the table (lei de teibol)= poner la mesa/ clear the table (clier de teibol)= quitar la mesa/ course (ko:rs)= curso/
pick up dirty clothes (pik ap de:rti clouds)= recoger la ropa del suelo/
put away your clothes (put e'wei io;r clouds)= ordenar tu ropa/
take out the rubbish (teik aut de rabis)= sacar la basura/ to mind (tzu maind)= importar/
tidy your room (taidi io:r rum)= ordena tu habitación/ to vacuum (tzu vaekium)= aspirar/
to do the dusting (tzu du de dasting)= limpiar el polvo

- Student's book. Pag. 133. Exercises 4A a), b)

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