jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Restaurant problems

9 de febrero de 2017
* STUDENT'S BOOK Pag. 26. 1 In the New York office
a) 1- The New York office is smaller than the London office F/
    2- Barbara is the designer of the magazine F/ 3- Rob has never been to New York before F/
    4- Barbara is going to have lunch with Rob and Jenny F/ 5- Holly is going to work with Rob T
    6- Holly wants to go to the restaurant because she's hungry F

b) 1- The New York office is bigger than the London office/
    2- Barbara is the editor of the magazine/
    3- He was in New York when he was eighteen but only for a few days/
    4- Barbara has meeting at 1:00, she'll see they at 3.00/
    5-Holly don't have hungry, she ate a sandwich earlier. she want to talk to Rob

What do you call...?
 1- It's the menu/ 2- They are the courses (starters, main course, dessert)/
 3- waiter, waitress/ 4- the bill, the check/ 5- the tip
What do you say?
 1- Could I have a table for four, please?- Do you have a table for four, please?
 2- Are you ready to order?
 3- Could we have the check, please? - Could we have the bill, please?

a) 1- Rob ordered steak well done and fries . Jenny ordered tunna and green salad.
         Holly didn't order.
    2- Jenny ordered green salad, not fries. Rob ordered steak well done and that is rare

b) Are you ready to order?/ Can I get you something for start with?/
    Would you like that with fries or a baked potato?/
    How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?/
   Ok. And to drink?/ still or sparkling?/ The tuna for you ma'am, and the steak for you, sir/
   No problem. I'll change it/ I'm really sorry. I'll take it back to the kitchen

a) No, they are serious, there is a bad feeling
b) 1- He want to write of his impressions of New York, night life, museums
    2- She │can to introduce Rob to some musicians, actors
               │has some contacts in the music world
    3- They could go to a show and after he could talk to the actors
    4- It includes three bottles of the water, and them only had two
    5- They have a meeting with Barbara at 3.00
    9- No, she doesn't

something  / - one  / - body │
anything     / - one  / - body │  else (es lo mismo)
everything  / - one  / - body │

- kind of potatoes: (GB) chips = (US) -french- fries
                              (GB) crips  = (US) chips (lays, pringles)

- king of steak (how it's cooking) = rare           -  poco hecha
                                                         medium    -  al punto
                                                         well done  -  muy hecha      

- I'd like a (tuna, steak) = I would like a (tuna, steak)
  I'll have (I shall have) ---- Request

  I'd like         │ forma educada de pedir algo = I want ( sería exigir algo)
  I would like │

  shall = indica requerimiento u ofrecimiento. Ej. I shall open the door for you -- offer

- still water = agua natural sin gas
  still   │(adj) │ that doesn't more
           │        │ (about wine or water) that doesn't have bubbles
           │(adv) I still loving you

- Holly & Rob make friends = Holly & Rob se hacen amigos
  Holly make friends with Rob = Holly se hace amiga de Rob
  Hacerse amigo de alguien - siempre la palabra friends en plural

- How old are you? = What's your age? = Cuántos años tienes? = Cual es tu edad?

- Teenagers often │ irritate │ their parents  /  Teenagers can be very  │ irritating │
                             │ annoy  │                                                               │ annoying│

world (ue:ld)= mundo/ caterpillar (katepiler)= oruga/ fries (fris)= patatas fritas (USA)/
steak (steik)= filete/ vegetable (fechtablau)= verdura/ rare (rer)= poco hecho/
bill (bil)= cuenta/ check (chek)= cuenta (USA)/ order (oder)= pedido en un restaurante/
menu (meniu)= menú/ dessert (dise:t)= postre/tip (tip)= propina/
course (ko:rs)= plato de comida/ still water (stil uater)= agua natural/
sparkling (spa:klin)= agua con gas/ bubble (babol)= burbuja/ age (eidz)= edad

- Workbook. Pag. 23 execirses 1,3,4 a-b
- Fotocopias. Pag, 29. Reading Task 2
- Verbs in past

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