jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

New world in English

2 de Febrero de 2017
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 101. 3C What's the word?
a) - A photo which it's a piece of paper with one image on it
    - Lazy is somebody who it's tired because it's watching TV all the time
    - Trainers it's shoes which you use when do you sport
    - I go sightseeing when I stay in a city on holiday and I go to Historic's places
    - Arrivals is something which it's relative at the airports
    - Passanger it's a person who its travels by bus, by plane, by car

- Cuando NO USAMOS un verbo con terminación  -ING  junto con el verbo TO LIKE

     To LIKE +  │ - NOUN PHRASE    He like football
                        │                                    I like your black dress
                        │- ING                          He likes playing football                      
                        │- TO INFINITIVE      He likes to play football
                        │                                    He would  │ like  to play football
                        │                                    He'd          │

a) - Different ways of creating new words in England:
       - by combining two worlds. Ej,: emotion - icono EMOTICON

       - by changing the category of a world:  - noun into verb Ej.: TO TEXT
                                                                      - changing its meaning. Ej. TWEET

       - by adopting words from the other languages. Ej. LATTE

       - by using brands of names on companies. Ej.: IPOD, GOOGLE

       - new words to decribe new technology. Ej.: WIFI, RINGTONE, SMARTPHONE

b) 1- TOY BOY (noun) a young man who is going out with a much older woman
    2- TO TEXT  (verb)  to send a message using a mobile phone
    3- BARISTA  (noun) a person who works in a coffee bar
    4- ROAD RAGE (noun) feeling angry because of the traffic or another person's driving
    5- A LATTE (noun) coffee with hot milk
    6- GASTROPUB (noun) a pub where you can also have very good food

a) 1- A builder is a person who builds houses/  2- A hairdresser is somebody who cutes your hair/
    3- A library is a place where you can read or borrow books/
    4- A campsite is a place where people sleep in tents/
    5- Mugs are things which you drink from/
    6- An Ipod is something which you listen to music with/
    7- An architect is someone who designs buildings/
    8- An internet café is a place where you can send emails and have a coffee/
    9- An art gallery is a place where you look at paintings/
   10- Trainers are shoes which people wear for sport/
   11- A bookshop is a place where you buy books/
   12- Scissors are things which you use to cut paper with/
   13- Lipstick is something which you put on your lips/ 14- A pilot is a person who flies planes/
   15- A tourist is a person who visites another country

a) 1- v verb / 2- adj adjetive/ 3- sb somebody/ 4- sth something

b) Comprobando la pronunciación en el diccionario:
    Este simbolo ( ' ) muestra la fuerza de la pronunciación.
    La sílaba con más fuerza es la que sigue al símbolo ( ' ) 

jumper (dzamper)= jersey/ crowded (kraudid)= lleno de gente/ suit (sui:t)= traje/
lazy (leisi)= perezoso/ barista (beri:sta)= camarero, barman/
borrow (bo:rou)= prestado, pedir prestado/ lipstick (lipstik)= pintalabios/ tweet (tui:t)= piar/
rage (reidz)= ira, rabia

* CORRECTION WORKHOME. Workbook. Pag 21.
a) 1- F That's the hotel where spent our honeymoom/
    2- A I need a phone which has a good camera/
    3- D My mum is the only person who remembers my birthday/
    4- H I love the picture which is on the wall of your room/
    5- B That bus is the one which my brother takes to work/
    6- G Benicasim is the Spanish town where they have a famous music festival/
    7- E David Hockney is the artist who painted Mr & Mrs Clarke/
    8- C That's the restaurant which serves fresh fish

b) 1- Do you know the man who lives next door?/
    2- That's the gallery which had the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition
    3- Are those the people who are selling their house?/
    4- Do you know a good restaurant which is openon Sunday night?/
    5- Is that the bus which goes to the airport?/
    6- We walked past the school where their children go/
    7- She's the woman who everyone is talking about/
    8- I took my laptop back to the shop where I bought it
    9- Anstwerp is the city where I lived as a child/
  10- Is there someone who can speak Arabic in your class?

1- MEAN  It's the opposite of generous/ 2- CARDIGAN It's a kind of jumper/
3- HIRE It's similar to rent/ 4- SLIM It's like thin, but it's more polite/
5- SOUVENIR It's something you buy to remind you of your holiday/
6- SUNBATHE For example, you do this on the beach/
7- PILOT It's someone who flies a plane/ 8- CAMPSITE It's somewhere you can sleep in tents

a) 1- beard b, bald a/ 2- quiet b, quite a/ 3- shoes a, socks b/ 4- suit b, sweet/
    5- sightsee a, sunbathe b/ 6- height b, weight a/ 7- shirt a, shorts b/ 8- crowded b, cloudy a

- Student's book. Pag. 25. 5 READING
- Workbook. Pag. 22. 4 READING
- Book Much ado about nothing Pag. 25 - to end. Second exercise. Pag 46 exercise 1
                                                                                                           Pag 42 everything




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