jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017


23 de febrero de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 133. 4a)
1- She's bought a new jacket/ 2- He hasn't found a job yet/ 3- Have you spoken to Mr. Jackson?/
4- We've found a fantastic hotel/ 5- They haven't finished eating/
6- Have you seen Peter this morning?/ 7- Have you done your homework this week?/
8- We haven't replied to Mr. Jone's email yet.

* (PAST SIMPLE)                            (PAST)                                 (PRESENT PERFECT)
          Everyday                               Last week                                            Lately

Last week I've come to class on time/ Last week everything has cost a lot of money/
Lately I've cut some flowers/ Lately I've done my homework carefully/
Lately I've drunk a cup of coffee/ Did our parents choose the forniture?/
Where does she like sitting?/ How many single people are there in the world?/
Does she like football?

- Present Perfect grammar rules:
Subject + Aux  + Verb main past partic.│Aux  + Subject + Past Participle? (irregular verbs)
You      have/haven't          spoken                     Have     you             spoken?

Subjet +  Aux  +           Verb -ed    │  Aux + Subject + Verb -ed  (regular verbs)
 You      have/haven't     finished         Have     you       finished ?

-  Diferencia entre He's/ She's/ It's  (he is, she is, it is) y He's/ she's/ it's (he has, she has, it has)
       He's/ she's/ it's + nex verb terminado en ing  (He is/ she is/ it is)   TO BE 
       He's/ she's/ it's + nex verb past participle (He has/ she has/ it has) TO HAVE

* FOTOCOPIAS Pag. 40. 4A GRAMMAR present perfect + yet, just, already
1- Has he done the washing-up yet?/ 2- Has he cleaned the floor yet? Yes, he's already cleaned/
3- Has she done the ironing yet? Yes, she has already done the ironing/
4- Have you taken out the rubbish yet? No, I haven't/
5- Have you done the shopping yet? Yes, I've already done the shopping/
6- Has he done the washing yet? Yes, he's already done washing/
7- Has she cleaned the window yet? No, she hasn't/ 8- Has he tidied his desk yet? No, he hasn't/
9- Has she laid the table yet? Yes, she's already layed the table/
10- Has he made his bed yet? No, he hasn't

to LAY (present) - LAID (past simple) - LAID (past participle)
    SET  (present) -  SET  (past simple) -  SET   (past participle)
          lay= posar, poner con cuidado.
             Ej.: He has laid the table = He has set the table.

f) 1- I've finished ( I haven't finished)/ 2- It hasn't rained (It's rained)/
    3- You haven't changed (You've changed)/ 4- He's arrived (He hasn't arrived)/
    5- We haven't argued (we've argued)/ 6- It's started (It hasn't started)/
    7- They haven't landed (they've landed)/ 8- She hasn't passed (she's passed)/
    9- I haven't studied a lot (I've studied a lot)/ It hasn't stopped raining (It's stopped raining)

a)  el símbolo j se pronuncia i  yacht (iot) /  el símbolo dz se pronuncia chz  jazz (chzas)

b) dz = just/ jumper/ change/ enjoy/ jacket/ bridge/ student/ teenager
       j = yet/ yellow/ new/ uniform/ year/ beautiful/ young/ argue

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 39. 4A Vocabulary Housework, make and do
1- I don't like do the ironing/ 2- She's very untidy. She never puts away her clothes/
3- Shhh, don't make a noise. The baby 's asleep/ 4- My mother does the washing on Mondays/
5- When I was little , I always did my bed before I went to school/
6- Can you do the shopping for me, please?/ 7- Please do the table! We're eating in five minutes/
8- How often do you do exercise?/ 9- My children have made a lot of friends at their new school/
10- I broke a glass while I was making the washing-up/
11- I made the mistake of telling her my secret/
12- Do you like make plans for the future?/
13- Please do your room. There are books and clothes all over the floor/
14- It's my job to make out the rubbish at night/ 15- When was the last time you make an exam?/
16- You've left your towel on the floor. Please make it up/
17- I don't have time to make lunch. Let's eat out/
18- Did you do anything exciting at the weekend?/ 19- Please can you do exercise 1 on page 46?/
20- Can I borrow your phone, I need to make a call

asleep (adj) = dormido     /  to sleep (verb)= dormir
awake (adj)= despierto    /  to wake up (verb)= despertarse
             wake up # sleep  /  awake # asleep

a) 1- The teenagers have a bad reputation, they are lazy and untidy
    2- they have to look after members of the family. Father, mother, brother
    3- They have to help between 25 and 50 hours weekly.

wheelchair (ui:lchear)= silla de ruedas/ crutches (kratch:es)= muletas/
M.E. multiple sclerosis (maltipel skle'rousis)= esclerosis múltiple/  to care (tzu ker)= cuidar/
to take care of (tzu teik ker of)= cuidar a alguien, algo/ rubbish (rabis)= basura/
to lay (tzu lei) = poner con cuidado, posar/ washing-up (uasin ap)= lavar los platos, la vajilla/
asleep (a'sli:p)= dormido/ awake (e:uiek)= despierto/ untidy (an'taidi)= desordenado/
lazy (leisi)= perezoso/ to wake up (tzu weik ap)= despertarse/ to sleep (tzu sli:p)= dormir

- Fotocopias. Pag. 39. 4A Vocabulary housework, make and do
- Fotocopias. Pag. 17. Task 1 Writing
- Student's book. Pag. 29. 5 Listening a, b, c
- Workbook. Pag. 24 & Pag. 25 everything
- Elementary English in Use: Unit 15 I have done
                                               Unit 16 I've just I've already I haven't yet (Present Perfect 2)


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