jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016


3 de noviembre 2016.
Correction Workhome.
Entry Checker 3. Pag 8-9

3A present simple + and -
- Usamos el presente simple para cosas que son ciertas y que cosas que ocurren habitualmente.
    Ej.: I work in my house / We listen to radio everyday
- Para hacer la forma negativa se puede utilizar formas contraidas.
    Ej:  don´t = do not  / doesn't = does not
  Para hacer la forma negativa se utiliza el axuliar don´t / doesn't junto con el verbo en infinitivo
    Ej.: I don´t work in my house = I do not work in my house / He doesn´t read = He does not read
- Regla ortográfica para he/she/ it es la misma que para los plurales.
    Ej: I have - He has / I go - He goes / I do - She does / I say - She says.

3A Exercises Pag. 9
a) 1- She drives to work/ 2- We enjoy the theatre/ 3- I don't work late/ 4- Your friend has a boat/
    5- The teacher is on holiday/ 6- She doesn't play the violin/ 7- All the players hope to win/
    8- My aunt doesn't send emails/ 9- My father watchesthe 6 o'clock new/
   10- Some children don't like fish.

b) 1- Amira has a younger sister/ 2- I don't play tennis/ 3- We all eat healthy food/
    4- Our students listen to recordings/ 5- Francis works in a bank/ 6- Andrew don't wear sandals/
    7- I speak some Spanish/ 8- Jill and Susan don´t study history

3B present simple ?
- Utilizamos el auxiliar do o (does con he, she, it) para hacer preguntas.
   Ej.: Do you work at home? / Does she play tennis?
- Do y does pueden ser:
   1- Auxiliar del verbo cuando lo utilizamos para hacer preguntas en el presente simple
        Ej.: Do you listen to radio?  / Does he have a car?
   2- Verbo hacer
        Ej.: I do my homework every day / He does exercise in the evening
- El orden del presente simple en su forma interrogativa es ASI = Auxiliar verbo, Sujeto e Infinitivo
       Ej.: Do you work today?  / Does she read a book at work?

3B Exercises Pag. 9
a) 1- Does your neighbour own a cat?/ 2- Do you often travel by train?/
    3- Do you know any French songs?/ 4- Does your sister like her new house?/
    5- How many people do they collect stamps?/ 6- Does your friend visit often?/
    7-Does this shop open on Sundays?/ 8- Do all the students in this class come from Milan?

b) 1- Does he need new shoes too?/ 2- Do they eat later than you?/ 3- Does he speak Spanish?/
    4- Does it take more than an hour?/ 5- Does she wear sunglasses?/
    6- Do you find any languages easy?/ 7- Do they grow very tall?

3C Word order in questions?  
- El orden en la forma interrogativa del presente simple con el auxiliar do o does es ASI (auxiliar, sujeto, infinitivo) o QASI (question, auxiliar, sujeto, infinitivo.
  Ej.: ASI-     Do you work this sunday?  / Does she play tennis tomorrow?
         QASI-  What do you do? / Where does he live?
- El orden en la forma interrogativa con el verbo to be ,el verbo to be se pone antes que el sujeto.
  Ej.: Where are you from? / What is your name? / Is he Spanish?

3C Exercises Pag. 9
a) 1- Do you spend travelling much time?/ 2- How far is the station nearest?/
    3- What kind of books does your brother like?/ 4- Would do you like go to coffee?/
    5- Are there many good beaches?/ 6- Does your friend live far away?/
    7- Do you have a computer at home?/ 8- At this college do we can learn Japanese?/
    9- What kind of work does he do?/ 10- Do you like clothes for shopping?

b) 1- Which subjects does she like?/ 2- How often do you go to the library?/
    3- What kind of hotels do you like?/ How far from here does she live?/
    5- What kind of music do they listen?/ 6- When do you phone your parents?/
    7- Which country are you from?/ 8- Why do they go to the cinema today?/
    9- What kind of food do you cook?/ 10- How much cream does she put on her fruit?

4A Whose..? possessive 's
- Usamos la forma 's del posesivo cuando nos referimos a la familia o posesiones de una persona
   Ej.: George Cloony´s mother NUNCA the mother of George Cloony
- Utilizamos s' NO 's con los sustantivos plurales regulares
   Ej.: They are my parents' friends NUNCA They are my parent´s friends
-  Con los sustantivos irregulares (men, children, people...) se utiliza la forma 's
   Ej.: The children's room / men´s clothes /
- Utilizamos Whose...? para preguntar acerca del poseedor (de quién es...?)
   Ej.: Whose is this bag?/ Whose bag is this? las dos formas son correctas
- No utilizamos la forma 's para referirnos a una cosa.
  Ej.: the end of the class NO the class´s end / the city centre NO the city's centre
- Hay que prestar atención con 's, ya que puede ser dos cosas diferentes:
  1- el poseedor de una cosa o una relación familiar Ej.: Mary´s mother
  2- la forma de la tercera persona del verbo TO BE (he´s, she´s)  Ej.: Maria´s Spanish
- Who's significa quien es? Ej.: Who's that girl?
- Whoes significa de quién es? Ej.: Whose is this bag? It´s Jack´s
- Who's y Whose se pronuncian igual (jou´s)

4A Exercises Pag. 11
a) 1- This my sister's home/ 2- Today is Susan's birthday/ 3- Where are the teacher's students?/
    4- That's Andrew's computer/ 5- We´ll arrive at the start of the concert/
    6- Rosemary Clooney's nephew

b) 1- They´re John's/ 2- It´s John's/ 3- It's Frank's/ 4- They're John's/ 5- It's Frank's

c)  1- Whose chair is this?/ 2- Who's coming to lunch?/ 3- Who's that over there?/ 4- Whose note are those?/ 5- Who's your new friend?/ 6- Whose photo is that?

4B Prepositions: (at, in, on, to) 
Cuando hace referencia a Tiempo o espacios de Tiempo
- Usamos la preposición IN para las partes del dia, las temporadas del año, con los meses y años
   Ej.: in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening/ in the summer/ in December/ in 2015
- Utilizamos la preposición ON para referirnos a los dias de la semana y las fechas
   Ej.: on Monday/ on Tuesday/ on Tuesday morning/ on 1 January
- Usamos la preposición AT para referirnos a horas del dia, a la noche, fin de semana y Fiestas
   Ej.: at three o'clock/ at midday/ at midnight/ at lunchtime/ at the night/ at the weekend/ at Christmas

Cuando hace referencia a movimiento y lugar
- Usamos TO para  movimiento o dirección Ej.: She goes to the gym  NO  she goes at the gym
- Utilizamos AT y IN para referirnos a posición Ej: he studies at university / he lives in Bilbao
- Se utiliza siempre at cuando nos referimos a work, home, school, university
   Ej.: He has lunch at work/ she goes at home/ I study at univesity/ they are at school
- Se utiliza IN con los demás lugares.  Ej.: I live in a flat, he is in the office, she study in her room
- Se puede utilizar ambas preposiciones IN o AT cuando nos referimos a lugares públicos
   Ej.: On Saturdays he usually has lunch in/at a restaurant

4B Exercises Pag. 11
a) 1- in July/ 2- on weekdays/ 3- in the morning/ 4- at Christmas/ 5- on 12 February/ 6- in winter/
    7- at night/ 8- at the holidays
b) 1- Maria lives in London/ 2- Can we go to the Zoo?/ 3- She travels at work by train/
    4- Are your children at school?/ 5- My mother works in an office/
    6- I have to take my niece at home/ 7- We're going to town tomorrow/
    8- She has to stay in hospital/ 9- You can finish your work at home/
    10- Our next class is in the new building

4C Adverbs and expressions of frequency
- Utilizamos los adverbios de frecuencia para decir cada cuanto hacemos algo 
   Ej.: I always have toast for breakfast
- Los adverbios de frecuencia van ANTES que el verbo principal, excepto con el verbo TO BE.
   Ej.: She hardly ever watches TV /  He is never stressed
- Siempre se utiliza la forma positiva del verbo con los adverbios NEVER y HARDLY EVER
   Ej.: He never smokes NO He doesn´t never smoke
          He hardly ever read NO he doesn´t hardly ever read
- En la forma negativa los adverbios de frecuencia van entre el auxiliar y el verbo
   Ej.: I don't always read a book / He doesn't usually listen to radio
- En la forma interrogativa los adverbios de frecuencia van entre el sujeto y el verbo principal
   Ej.: Do you usually go to work by bus?
- Las expresiones de frecuencia van generalmente al final de la frase o de la frase verbal
   Ej.: I have English classes twice a week / She doesn't work every day

4C Exercises Pag. 11
a) 1- It often snow in Scotland/ 2- He read the newspaper every day/
    3- They don´t always shop at the supermarket/ 4- The children never are bored/
    5- I usually work at 5 o'clock/ 6- I hardly ever send letters- I send emails instead/
    7- It´s best to wait before you decide sometimes/ 7- We go on holiday twice a year
b) 1- Do your children have homework every day?/ 2- She hardly ever goes to back Australia/
    3- I always eat plenty of vegetables/ 4- Studying Italian is never bored/
    5- Do you usually catch the bus 8 o'clock?/ 6- Us often visit my parents at weekends/
    7- That train is not always on time/ 8- we sometimes stay watching TV up late

- to be right - tener razón, estar correcto
  to be wrong - estar equivocado, estar incorrecto
         Ej.: Is it right to say ----- I have 20 years?  ----- No, it's wrong
                  correcto                                                                  incorrecto

- people es plural no se puede decir much people, siempre ANY PEOPLE

- Countable and uncontable nouns
  Nos referimos a nouns countable cuando se pueden contar y numerar (1,2,3...)
      Ej.: one car, two car, three car...
   y uncountable nouns cuando no se pueden contar y numerar (1.2.3....)
      Ej.: money no podemos decir 1 money, 2 money, 3 money
   Algunas palabras pueden ser countables y uncountables según el contexto al que se refieren
      Ej.: coffee How much coffee do you drink? /  How many cups of coffee do you drink?
   Cuando nos referimos a palabra uncountable siempre MUCH
                                                                                                       se puede sustituir por A LOT OF
                                                       countable     siempre MANY

- diferencias de la palabra live
   live (liv)  ---- verbo     ---- they live in Bilbao
   live (laiv)---- adjetivo ---- there´s a live concert

     se escribe igual pero su pronunciación cambia según sea verbo o adjetivo

- los números y el plural
  50 million                               50 millions                                   millions    (people)
  50 hundred           NUNCA    50 hundreds       CORRECTO   hundreds   (people)
  50 thousand                            50 thousands                                thousands  (people)
  Sin un número que haga referencia SI correcto hacer el plural (millions, hundreds, thousands)

- Diferente pronunciación terminación -ow
  now (nau) / know (nou) / how (jau)

- Relación de las preposiciones IN - ON con referencia a la fecha
  IN 2016 / IN November / IN November, 2016 -- años / meses / meses junto con año siempre IN
  ON Noviembre 11th, 2016 -- cuando se menciona el dia del mes siempre ON

- la forma posesiva
  El poseedor del objeto o su relación familiar es el que va acompañado de apostrofe ( ' )
  Ej.:-The teacher has some students they are very young
         Poseedor el teacher es el que tiene, students es lo que posee.
         Traducción: el profesor tiene algunos estudiantes, ellos son muy jovenes
         The teacher´s students are very young
              poseedor    lo que posee

       - The students have a teacher, she's very old
         Poseedor los students son los que tienen, teacher es lo que poseen
         Traducción: Los estudiantes tienen un profesor, ella es muy vieja
         The student´s teacher is very old
              poseedor   lo que posee

    - Where are the students' teacher's? INCORRECTO nunca puede terminar una frase con 's
                                                                                             el orden del posesivo está cambiado
      Where are the teacher's students? CORRECTO

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag 111. 1 Describing a person
   a) 1- I'm 21 years old/ 2- I'm studying/ 3- photo/ 4- brown eyes/ 5- my friends/ 6- I can be/
       7- I don't have/ 8- I don't have much free time/ 9- because/ 10- English

   b) 1- He's from Barcelona/ 2- His real name is Carlos/ 3-He lives with his parents and his dog/
       4- He's studying physical at university/ 5- He has black hair and brown eyes/
       6- He´s extrovert and funny/ 7- He likes watching TV series and playing computer games

- Modal Verbs son un grupo de verbos dentro de los auxiliares.
   su característica común es que NUNCA van acompañados de To, ni antes ni después
                                                       SIEMPRE aparecen en frases afirmativas

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag 8. 1C Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy
a) 5- boots/ 2-shirt/ 6- shoes/ 3-skirt/ 1- top/ 4- trousers

b) STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag 151. Things you wear.
a) 12- cardigan (ka:diguðn)/ 3- coat (kðut)/ 2- dress (dres)/ 9- jacket (d§ækit)/ 5- jeans (d§i:nz)/
     8- shirt (§e:t)/ 1- shorts (§ð:ts)/ 6- skirt (sk­Ê:t)/ 7- suit (su:t)/ 14- sweater-jumper (suietð)/
     4- top (top)/ 10- tracksuit (træksu:t)/ 11- trousers (trauzez)/ 13- T-shirt (ti:§Ê:t)
    18- boots (bu:ts)/ 19- flip-flops (flip flops)/ 16- sandals (sændelz)/ 17- shoes (§u:z)/
    15- trainers (treinðz)
    21- belt (belt)/ 25- cap (kæp)/ 27- hat (hæt)/ 26- leggings (legin§)/ 23- gloves (glavz)/
    24- scarf (ska:f)/ 28- socks (socks)/ 22- tie (tai)/ 20- tights (taits)
   30- bracelet (breislÊt)/ 29- earrings (iÊrinz)/ 32- necklace (neklÊs)/ 31- ring (rin)

- Clothes (ropa/s) es plural pero no tiene equivalente singular,
                                            valiendo lo mismo para una ropa, o varias ropas.
- La ropa se puede
  to wear clothes/ to buy clothes/ to try clothes/ to put on some clothes = to put some clothes on
                                                                             to take off some clothes = to take some clothes off

   cardigan (ka:diguðn) = chaqueta punto/ coat (kðut)= abrigo/ dress (dres)= vestido/
   jacket (d§ækit)= chaqueta/ jeans (d§i:nz)= pantalones vaqueros/ shirt (§e:t)= camisa/
   shorts (§ð:ts)= pantalones cortos/ skirt (sk­Ê:t)= falda/ suit (su:t)= traje/
   sweater-jumper (suietð)= jersey/ top (top)= camiseta chica/ tracksuit (træksu:t)= chandal/
   trousers (trauzez)= pantalones/ T-shirt (ti:§Ê:t)= camiseta 
   boots (bu:ts)= botas/ flip-flops (flip flops)= chanclas playa/ sandals (sændelz)= sandalias/
   shoes (§u:z)= zapatos/ trainers (treinðz)= deportivas
   belt (belt)= cinturón/ cap (kæp)= gorra / hat (hæt)= sombrero/ leggings (legin§)= polainas/
   gloves (glavz)= guantes/ scarf (ska:f)= bufanda/ socks (socks)= calcetines/ tie (tai)= corbata/
   tights (taits)= medias
   bracelet (breislÊt)= pulsera/ earrings (iÊrinz)= pendientes/ necklace (neklÊs)= collar/
   ring (rin)= anillo

-  Student´s book. Pag 111. Ejercicio c). Redacción +-100 palabras
-  Workbook. Page 7 (everything)
-  Essential Grammar in Use. Units 5,6,7
-  Study the vocabulary in units 1A-1B

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