jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Use I'll (I will)

17 de noviembre de 2016
* CORRECTION WORKHOME. Student's book. Pag.10. Exercise 1c
1- She's an editor magazine New York 24 seven/ 2- She went to London/
3- Rob Walker is a writer in the London's Magazine/
4- They had coffee together, they went sigthseeing, and she helped he buy on shirt/
5- She thinks that he's loving to she/ 6- He's most unpunctual person in the world/
7- He's going to New York for a month

- Rob is  │ a) one of the writers  │
               │                                   │ in the company
               │ b) a writer                 │

   there's   │ one   │                             one enfatiza que es uno específico, insiste en el número
                │          │ child in class
                │   a     │                               a    es uno cualquiera, sin especificar, sin señalar

- Go to + verbo-ing + verb es la construcción de FUTURO

-Diferencias entre:
    Rome (roum)= Roma/ wrong (roN)= equivocado/ room (ru:m)= habitación/ run (ran)= correr
                             Ej.: What's it the capital of Italy? It's Rome

a) He's calling by phone. He has a problem in your room

b) How can I help you?/ I'll send somebody up to look at it right now/ Good evening reception/
     I'll put you through to IT

- Posible problems in a hotel bedroom:
   - The bedroom is dirty / - You don't have any towels/ - There isn't hot water/ - There isn't WI-FI/
     The heating is broken down/ The air conditioning is broken down, isn't working

- To put somebody through to somebody - Poner a alguien en contacto con alguien

- I'll = I will. Utilizamos I'll + verbo para ofrecer hacer algo(verbo en forma de present simple)
              Ej.: I'll open the door for you - I will open the door for you

a) 1- Rob says he doesn't like the hotel False/
    2- Jenny is going to show him round the city tomorrow False/ 3- Barbara is Jenny's boss True/
    4- Rob is hungry False/ 5- It's four in the morning for Rob False/
    6- They're going to meet at eleven True/ 7- Jenny thinks that Rob is going to get lost False

c) Here you are at last (por fin aqui estás)/ It's great to be here (es fantástico que estés aqui)/
    Do you have a good view? (Tienes buenas vistas?)/
    Barbara's looking forward to meeting you (Barbara está deseando de conocerte)/
   You much be really tired (estás muy cansado)/I guess you're right(Supongo que tienes razón)/
    By the way (por cierto)/ It's great to see you too (encantado de verte también)

- To get lost (perderse)             │
             │ married (casarse)        │  Verbo reflexivo
             │ divorced (divorciarse) │

- go out for a drink= salir a tomar algo

- is going to get lost= llegar a perderse

- To be looking forward toverb+ ing    │Ej.: I'm looking forward to hearing from you
                                             │                     │      (fórmula de despedida de una carta)
                                             │                     │      estoy deseando recibir noticias de ti
                                             │                     │
                                             │ noon phrase│Ej.: I'm looking forward to my holidays
                                                                            estoy deseando tener vacaciones
                                                                            tengo muchas ganas de tener vacaciones

writer (raite..r)= escritor/ punctual (p^nktsue..l)= puntual/ unpunctual (anp^nktsue..l)=inpuntual/
dirty (de:rti)= sucio/ towel (taue..l)= toalla/ heating (ji;tiN)= calefacción/
broken down (bre..uke..n daun)= estropeado/
air conditioning (ee..r ke..n'dise..niN)= aire acondicionado/I.T (ai.ti)=información tecnológica/
to put through to (tzu put zru:)= poner en contacto con/ bother (bode..r)= molestar/
signal (signe..l)= señal/ tired (taie..d)= cansado/ yawn (io:n)= bostezar/
yawning (io:nin)= bostezando/

- From Essential Grammar in Use, units:


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