jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016


24 de noviembre de 2016
a) go went irregular/ begin began irregular/ spend spent irregular/ leave left irregular/
    want wanted regular/ be was-were irregular/ stay stayed regular/ think thought irregular/
    know knew irregular/ argue argued regular/ sunbathe sunbathed regular/ take toke irregular

b) booked book/ can could/ rented rent/ felt feel/ asked ask/ had have/ complained complain/
    said say/ wanted want/ was be/ invited invite/ went go/ bought buy/ ate eat/ paid pay

c) I didn't show them to everyone                she just didn't want to pay for anything
         │         │                                                              │       │
    aux past   infinitive                                          aux past    infinitive

    Did you show them to everyone?
       │            │
    aux past    infinitive

  normal verbs   ? aux past  ... main verb infinitive               Ej.: Did you want to go home?
                          - aux past negative ... main verb infinitive  Ej.: You didn't want to go home

  with was/were ? was/were  ES main verb           Ej.: Was Venice magical?
                          - wasn't/ weren't ES main verb    Ej.: Venice wasn't magical, venice was horrible

with could  ? could ... main verb infinitive      Ej.: Could you help to him?
                   - couldn't ... main verb inifnitive  Ej.: You couldn't help to him
  El auxiliar informa que la frase es una pregunta o una negación del verbo
      Did you go to Venice?    You didn't go to Venice

8A. a) Did your father go fishing there?/ Yes, he went out fishing in a boat/
           How many fish did he catch?/ He caught about five/ What did he do with them?/
           Did you eat them for tea?/ Yes, we cooked them and ate them with chips/
           Were the good to eat?/ Yes, because they tasted so fresh

      b) Last weekend I went shopping and bought a new pair of trousers.
          When I got homeand tried them on again. I found they didn't fit properly.
          My mother told me to take them back to the shop.
          When I explained to the manager that I wanted to return them,
          she agreed and gave me my money back

8B. a) 1- There are some flowers on the table./ 2- Is there a station near here?/
           3- There are some fish in the river/ 4- Are there any trees in the park?/
           5- There is a computer on the desk/ 6- Are there any new students today?/
           7- There are some big birds in the zoo/ 8- Are there any pens in your pocket?/
           9- Is there a mirror in the bedroom?/ 10- There is and old house next door

      b) 1- Are there any  carpet in the house?/ 2- There aren't  any good films on TV/
          3- There is a new teacher in our school/ 4- Is there a diary on the kitchen table?/
          5-There isn't any milk in the shop/ 6- There are some old portraits in the art gallery/
          7- There aren't any bicycles in the garage/ 8- Is there any furniture in the flat?/
         9- There aren't any children in the classroom/ 10- There is an interesting play in the theatre

8C. a) 1- Yes, there were quite a few/ 2- there wasn't enough space to invite them all/
           3- Was there a meal after the wedding?/ 4- Yes, there was a meal/ 5- there was a band/
          6- there wasn't anyone dancing/ 7- How many children were there?/
          8- there were five girls/ 9- there weren't any boys/
         10- How many guests were there altogether?

     b) 1- We chose that hotel because there was a good restaurant next door/
         2- I waited ten minutes to park the car because there weren't any spaces free/
         3- We wore our warmest clothes because there was a some cold wind/
         4- She went into the shop because there were some delicious cakes in the window/
         5- There were some strange sounds coming from our neighbours' house/
         6- I didn't order tea because there wasn't any fresh milk available/
         7- There was a man outside the hotel who was taking photos of all stars as they arrived/
         8- There were some unsual flowers growing in my aunt's garden

= Past simple: regular and irregular verbs
 El pasado del verbo to be es was (1ª y 3ªpersona singular) o were. Ej. I was in the market
 Forma negativa se añade not. Ej. I was not (wasn't) in Tokyo the last summer
 Forma interrogativa se invierte el orden del sujeto y el verbo. Ej.: Were you in Tokio?
 Los verbos regulares se les añade -ed o -d en el pasado simple. Ej. I booked a room/ I liked eat
 Los verbos irregulares cambian su forma en el pasado simple.Ej:I bought a car/I went in Tokyo

- Los verbos regulares y los irregulares (excepto can) utilizan;
 - didn't + infinitivo para hacer la forma negativa Ej.: I didn't like it / She didn't see him
 - did + sujeto + infinitivo para hacer la forma interrogativa Ej.: Did you want to come?

- Can/could
 El pasado de can es could. Se añade not para hacer el negativo.
    Ej. I couldn't find my glasses
 La forma interrogativa se hace cambiando el orden del sujeto y el verbo.
    Ej, ; Could you use you mobile on the mountain?

= There is/ there are, some/ any + sustantivos plurales
 Utilizamos there is/there are para expresar que algo o alguien existe. Ej.: there is a garage
 Usamos la forma there is con sustantivos en singular y there are con sustantivos plurales
    Ej.: there is a pencil / There are pencils
 There is generalmente se contrae there's, la forma there are no se contrae
    Ej.: there's a pencil
 Cuando nombramos una serie de cosas:
      usamos la forma there is si la primera palabra de la lista es singular
                                 there are cuando la primera palabra de la lista es plural 
    Ej.: In my bedroom there's a bed, two chairs, and a desk
          In the living room there are two airmchairs and a sofa

- Generalmente usamos there is/ there are con a-an, some y any
    Ej.: there's a book on the desk / There are some pencils in the box
  Utilizamos some y any con los sustantivos plurales. some es un número indeterminado
   Ej.: there are some books on the desk
  Utilizamos some para frases afirmativas o positivas y any en frases interrogativas y negativas
   Ej.: There are some books on the desk/ there are any books on the desk?/ Are there any books?

- There is o it is son diferentes, no confundirlo
   Ej.: There's a key on the table / It's the key to the kitchen

= There was/ there were es el pasado de there is/ there are

present           past simple     past participle
 be              │ was/weree    │ been
 become     │ became         │ become
 begin         │ began            │ begun
 break         │ broke            │ broken
 bring         │ brought         │ brought
 build          │ built             │ built
 buy            │ bought          │ bought
 can             │ could            │ -----
 catch          │ caught          │ caught
 choose        │ chose           │ chosen
 come          │ came            │ come
 cost            │ cost              │ cost
 cut             │cut                 │ cut

c) 1- Venice... It's just a paradise/
    2- They went ride in gondola, visited museums, and had fantastic meals/
    3- It wasn't very expensive, it's was a reasonable price/ 4- She suggest that they was to go again

2A past simple: regular and irregular verbs
- Usamos el past simple para hablar de acciones ocurridas en el pasado
   Ej.: I went to office
- La forma del past simple es igual para todas las personas, excepto en el verbo TO BE
   Ej: I worked the last Sunday/ You worked yesterday/ I was born / You were born
- Construimos el past simple para frases afirmativas de los verbos regulares se añade -ed
   Ej.: I wanted go to San Francisco
- Muchos verbos tienen una forma irregular en el past simple
   Ej: I buy a pencil / I bought a pencil yesterday
- Las frases negativas se utiliza el infinitivo después de didn't  y las interrogativas Did...?
   Ej: I didn't go by bus / Did you go by bus?
- Usamos ASI(aux,subj,infinitive)/QUASI (question, aux, subject, infinitive)para interrogativas
   Ej.: Did you eat fish? /  Where did you eat fish yesterday?
- Normas gramaticales para los verbos regulares en past simple
   / Se añade -ed al final del verbo
       Ej.:    work ---  worked   / want --- wanted  / look --- looked
   / Se añade -d si el verbo termina en "e"
       Ej.: like --- liked
   / Se añade -ied cuando el verbo termina en "cons+Y", se quita la "Y" y se añade -ied
       Ej.: study --- studied
   / Se duplica la consonante final + -ed si el verbo termina consonante-vocal-consonante
       Ej.: stop --- stopped /

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 129. GRAMMAR BANK. Exercise 2A
a) 1- We drove there from London/ 2- Our car broken down on the motorway/
    3- We spent the first night in Birmingham/ 4- We got to Edinburgh/
    5- We couldn't find a good hotel/ 6- they were all full/ 7- we didn't know what to do/
    8- We found a Bed and Breakfast/ 9- we stayed there for the week/ 10- we saw the castle/
   11- went to the Arts Festival/ 12- we bought a lot of souvenirs/
   13- we wanted to go to Loch Ness/ 14- we didn't have much time/
   15- it was quite far away/ 16- the weather wasn't very good/
   17- It started raining / 18- the day we left

b) 1- Did you have a good time?/ 2- Who did you go with?/ 3- Where did you stay?/
    4- How many did the plane ticket cost?/ 5- What was the weather like?/
    6- Where did you go (do) at night?

a) Cuando el verbo acaba en sonido "t" o "d" no se añade ninguna sílaba al pronunciar
    Cuando acaba en sonido "id" y el verbo acaba en "-ted"  o "-ded" 
                                                             y se le añade una sílaba en la pronunciación

b) arrived/ asked/ invited/ liked/ loved/ parked/ started/ stayed
     ended/ nedeed/ started

   No se pronuncia la "e" en la terminación "-ed".
   La terminación "-ed" se pronuncia "t" o"d". La diferencia de estas terminaciones es muy leve
   Pronunciamos la "e" en la terminación "-ed" cuando hay "t" o "d" antes de ella
      Ej.: wanted / ended/   Estos verbos terminados en "-ed" se pronuncia "id"

a) 1Where did you go?/ 2- When did you go?/ 3- Who did you go with?/ 4- Where did you stay?/
    5- What was eat the food like?/ 6- What was the weather like?/
   7- What did you do during the day?/ 8- What did you do at night?/9- Did you have a good time?/
    10- Did you have any problems?

b) 1- I went to Singapur/ 2- I went the last summer/ 3- I went with my wife/
    4- We stayed in a beautiful hotel/ 5- We ate rice and noodles/ 6- It was very hot/
    7- We visited the city and went shopping at markets/ 8- we went to sightseeing by the city/
    9- Yes, It did/ 10- No, we did have any problems, it was fantastic

   Expresiones para mostrar interés por algo 
   Positivo: really?/ wow!/ Fantastic!/ Great!
   Negativo: Oh no!/ How awful!
   Interrogativo: Was it expensive?/ Why?/ What happened?

   sunbathed (sanbeitz)= bronceado, baños de sol/ argued (arguid)= discutido/
   caught (co:t)= cogido, pillado/ became (bi:keim)= convertido/ could (coud)= pude/
   guess (gues)= suponer/ mean (min)= tacaño/ generous (yenerus)= generoso

  - Workbook Pag. 11. 2A - 1 VOCABULARY / 2 GRAMMAR

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