viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

To describe a picture

11 de noviembre de 2016
- The 20th century - Los siglos, milenios siempre se consideran números ordinales
- 1960s, in the sixty's, hace referencia a la década de los sesenta o la década de 1960
- 1965 - 1969 se considera como los últimos años de los sesenta o THE LAST SIXTY'S
- 1960 - 1964 se considera como los primeros años de los sesenta o THE EARLY SIXTY'S

1- Percy is the name of the cat T/ 2- Mr and Mrs Clark made clothes for famous people T/
3- The painting shows their living room F/ 4- The painting is quite small F/
5- Celia is pregnant in the painting T/
6-Ossie is putting his feet into the carpet because he is cold F/
7- The position of couple in the painting is unusual T/
8- The open window is a symbol of the love between them F/ 9- The cat is symbol of infidelity T/
10- Celia and Ossie later got divorced T/ 11- Celia doesn't like the painting F/
12- Ossie Clark died in 1995 F

- Describiendo un cuadro, una pintura o una foto
  - There is / There are para decir que es lo que hay en el cuadro Ej.: There is a table and a vase
  - Se utiliza siempre el PRESENT CONTINUOUS para decir lo que los personajes hacen
      Ej.: The woman is standing and the man is sitting
  - Algunas veces combinamos THERE IS y el PRESENT CONTINUOUS
     Ej.: There is a woman standing near the window

1) 1- Why are you taking a photo of your guitar?/ 2- I want to sell it on eBay/
    3- I don't understand/ 4- You play your guitar every day/ 5- You love it/ 6- I sell my old one/
    7- I want to buy a new one

2) 8- Do you need any help?/ 9- I´m just looking/10-Are you looking for anything in particular?/
   11- I'm thinking of getting a jacket/ 12- I have it/ 13- I wear it all the time

3) 14- You are reading a book/ 15- I don't believe it/ 16- You hate modern art/
    17- I need to learn about it/ 18- my girlfriend is studying it at college/
    19- She is walking in a garden/ 20- No, she isn't walking/ 21- She is flying

pregnant (pregènt)= embarazada/ true (tru:)= verdadero/ portrait (po:tret)= retrato/
fashion-designer (fasion diseiner)= diseñador de moda, modisto/
divorced (di;vo:st)= divorciado, divorciada/ to get married (tzu guet mærrid)= casarse/
favourite (feiver:it)= favorito/ opposite (opo:sit)= uno enfrente de otro/ vase (va:sz)= jarrón/
lamp (læmp)= lámpara/ shop assintant (sop asistent)= vendedor/
customer (kastèmèr)= cliente/ hate (jeit)= odio/ modern (moden)= moderno/
late (leit)= tarde, último/early (e:li)= temprano, primeros/ 
neighbour of...(neibèr of)= vecino de.../ which (uitd§)= cual

- to be pregnant = expecting a baby. Ej.: I'm pregnant = I'm expecting a baby
- Celia es la abreviatura de Cecilia
- TO GET MARRIED / TO GET DIVORCED NUNCA lleva preposición de, con
   Ej.: Cinderella got married                       Mrs Clark got divorced
                           married Prince                                    divorced Mr. Clark
    Importante GET representa el cambio de situación social de la persona
- Parece físicamente  look like. Ej.: What does she look like?
- Como es la personalidad de alguien like. Ej.: What's she like?

-  Fotocopia 10/11/16 Pag.2
-  Workbook Pag.8 - Exercise 1B
-  Workbook Pag.9 - Exercise 2A- 2B
-  Essential Grammar in Use Unit 3,4,5
-  Entry checker units 5, 6

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