martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Practical English. Hotel problems

15 de noviembre de 2016
* FOTOCOPIA 15/11/16. Pag.1
Find the mistakes in the following lines
- Hi, Anna./ - I'm an journalist/ - I have big blues eyes/ - I´m a shy person/ - I'm 26 years old/
- I like going to (go to) partys, and to the cinema/ - I often do the housework in the morning/
- I don't have a lot of freetime/ - People like Mediterranean food/
-I do my homework in the evening

- Caracteres ortográficos: 
   ":" colon (coulon)/ ";" semi-colon (semi'coulon)/ "," comma (koma)/ "." full stop (fu stop)/
   ".]" another paragraph,new paragraph(a´n^öer pæragra:f, nju pæragra:f)/"-" hyphen (haifen)

- Diferencia en una carta entre Dear Peter,--- estimado, querido, presentación formal e informal
                                                  Hi, Peter    --- hola, presentación informal

- Diferencias entre year  --- cuando es adjetivo siempre singular
                                        Ej.: I'm 26 year old woman
                               years--- cuando es sustantivo es singular  uno y plural  varios
                                        Ej.: I'm 26 years old

- En inglés NO se puede dividir las palabras en sílabas, no es un idioma fonético, NO SILABICO
          Ej.: ci-nema    /    cinema

- TO LIKE +        │- noun phrase. Ej.: He likes football  /  I like your black dress
                         │                                                noun                             noun
                         │- verb + ing. Ej.: He likes playing football
                         │                                     present simple
                         │- to infinitive. Ej.: He likes to play football
                         │                                         infinitive
                         │He would
                         │                 │ like to play football
                         │  He'd       │

- NUNCA all people por ser tercera persona del singular SIEMPRE everybody

* CORRECTION WORKHOME. Fotocopia 10/11/16. Pag.2 .
1- fighting between two countries WAR/ 2- a stupid person IDIOT/
3- 12 o'clock at night MIDNIGHT/ 4- your uncle's or aunt's child COUSIN/
5- to say or do something funny JOKE/
6- to fall down suddenly because you are ill or when you hear bad news FAINT/
7- something that hides your face MASK/ 8- the opposite of "friend" ENEMY/
9- a man who fights for his country SOLDIER/ 10- opposite of "to love" HATE/
11- when two people marry, often in a church WEDDING/
12- to shout angrily when you don't agree with someone ARGUE/
13- a girldfriend or boyfriend LOVER/ 14- not afraid of anything BRAVE/
15- someone who works in another person's house SERVANT/ 16- a married man HUSBAND/
17- to run away, to get free ESCAPE/ 18- someone who brings news or information MESSENGER/
19- to go to a place where people can't see you HIDE/
20- to touch someone your love with your lips KISS/
21-  someone who steals thing from other people THIEF/
22- a building where criminals are locked up PRISON

* FOTOCOPIA 15/11/16 (2). Pag 1-2
- QUIZ a- True/ b- false/ c- true/ d- false/ e- false/ f- false/ g- true/ h- false/ i- true/ j- true
- Put the following sections in order: A/ G/ C/ D/ F/ B/ I/ E/ H

a) A- She is in the airport, she is carring a case/ B- They is having a coffee/
    C- He's shopping a shirt, he's trying shirt on, he's trying on a shirt/
    D- He's getting out of the taxi, He's arriving at New York/
    E- Jenny is in the office with her boss, She is shakehands to her boss/
    F- They are in London, they are going sightseeing London

- case= maleta (keis)/ short case= maleta pequeña (So:rt keis)/ luggage= equipaje ('l^guidZ)/
  baggage= equipaje (bæguidZ)

- case countable/ luggage - baggage uncountable

":" dos puntos= colon (coulon)";" punto y coma= semi-colon (semi'coulon)/
"," coma= comma (koma)"."punto seguido o punto final= full stop (fu stop)/
".]" punto y aparte= another paragraph, new paragraph (a´n^öer pæragra:f, nju pæragra:f)/
"-" guión= hyphen (haifen)/ war= guerra (uo:r)/ idiot= estúpido, idiota (ídiÊt)/
mignight= medianoche (midnait)/ cousin= primo (kaszen)/ joke= gracia, chiste (dZeuk)/
faint= desmayar (feint)/ mask= máscara (ma:sk)/ enemy= enemigo (enemi)/
soldier= soldado (s..üldzer)/ hate= odiar (heit)/ wedding= boda ('uiding)/argue= discutir (ar:gju)/
lover= amante (l^ver)/ brave= bravo,valiente (breiv)/ servant= sirviente (se:rve..nt)/
husband= marido (j^sbe..nd)/ escape= escapar (i´skeip)/ messenger= mensajero (mesindZer)/
hide= ocultar (jaid)/ kiss= beso (kis)/ thief= ladrón (zi:f)/ priso= prision (prizen)/
character= personaje, papel en una obra de teatro (kære..kter)/ case= maleta (keis)/
shake hands= dar la mano (seik jænds)/
to go sightseeing= visitar lugares turísticos en una ciudad (tu gue..u saitsi:iN)/ case= maleta (keis)short case= maleta pequeña (So:rt keis)/luggage= equipaje ('l^guidZ)/
baggage= equipaje (bæguidZ)

* HOMEWORK. STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag 10. Exercise 1C


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