martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

What clothes do you wear?

8 de noviembre de 2016

Workbook Pag. 7
a) S- lives/ Z- likes/ Z- starts/ IZ- leaves/ IZ- cooks

c) 1- talk|a|tive/ 2- ex|tro|vert/ 3- un|friend|ly/ 4-ge|ne|rous/ 5- mou|stache/ 6- se|ri|ous/
    7- cur|ly/ 8- qui|et/ 9- o|ver|weight


a) The singer people meet for know

b) 1- T/ 2- T/ 3- F/ 4-F/ 5- T

c) attend= asistir/ held= mantenido/ town hall= ayuntamiento/ billboards= carteles/
    annual income= ingreso anunal/ did not manage= no lo logró/ fence outside= valla exterior/
    over the age= sobre la edad/ unmarried= sin casar (soltero)

a) three

b) 1- C E/ 2- A F/ 3- B D

guy (gai)= chico/ partner (pa:tnð)= compañero, pareja/ single person (singuel pð:son)= soltero
smile (smail)= sonrisa/ sociable (sðu§bel)= sociable/ be into (bi'  intð)= estar en/
feel like (fi:l laik)= tener ganas/ get on well (guet on uel)=  llevarse bien/
go on a date (gðu an ð deit)= ir a una cita, tener una cita
sense of humour (sens ov ju:mð)= sentido del humor/ attend (a'tend)= asistir/
held (jeld)= mantenido/ town hall (taun jol)= ayuntamiento/ billboards (bilbo:d)= carteles/
annual income (ænyuð inkam)= ingreso anunal/ did not manage (did not manisz)= no lo logró/
fence outside (fens ðut'said)= valla exterior/ over the age (euver de eidz)= sobre la edad/
unmarried (an'mærid)= sin casar (soltero)

* STUDENT´S BOOK. Pag 8. 1C Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy
b) act|or -2/ a|rri|ve - 1/ pic|tu|re- 2/ ci|ne|ma-1/ fa|shion- 1/ wor|king- 2/ first- 2/ world-2/
     pre|fer- 1/ pain|ter- 2/ u|ni|ver|si|ty- 1/ third-1

e) - What your clothes do you usually wear at work? I usually wear a suit, shoes. a shirt and a tie
      What your clothes do you usually when you go out at night? I wear at night a dress and high heels
      What your clothes do you usually when you want to relax at the weekend? I wear a tracksuit

3- GRAMMAR present continuous
a) - She has curly blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and thin.
       He has short red hair, brown eyes, tall and medium weight.

   -  He's wearing trousers, a blue sweater and a shirt. He isn't wearing any shoes.
      She´s wearing a long dress and a tie deep red

  -  He's sitting on a chair and she's standing

b) 1- In the painting the man isn't wearing shoes
    2- In the UK woman often wear big hats at weddings
    3- In the painting a white cat is sitting on the man´s knee
    4- My son usually is sits at the back of the class so that the teacher can't see him

c) GRAMMAR BANK 1C present continous: be + verb+ ing. Pag.126
- Usamos el presente continuo o progresivo para:
  1 las cosas o hechos que están ocurriendo en el momento, justo ahora
     Ej.: I'm sending a message to Sarah
  2 por cosas o hechos que aun siendo temporales están sucediendo ahora, esta semana, etc
     Ej.: My brother is doing a two-month course in the UK.
  3 Para describir un cuadro o una fotografia o hacemos una descripción de algo
     In this picture the woman is standing near the window

- Formas del presente continuo
   Afirmativa              I´m working/ You-We-They are working/ He, She, It is working
   Negativa                 I'm not working/ You-We-They aren't working/ He, She, It isn't working
   Interrogativa         Are you-we-they working?/ Is he-she-it working?
   Resp. Afirmativa  Yes, I am/ Yes, we-they are/ Yes, he-she-it is
   Resp. Negativa      No,  I'm not/ No, we-they aren't/ No, he-she-it isn't

- Reglas de ortografia para la forma -ing
   Al verbo se le añada la terminación -ing al final.  Ej.: cook - cooking / study -studying
   Si el verbo termina en "e" se quita la "e" y se añade ing al final. Ej.: live - living/ use- using
   Duplicamos la última consonante y se añade -ing al final cuando se dan estos tres casos juntos:
   1- verbos monosílabos o cuando teniendo dos silabas tiene la pronunciación la ultima silaba
   2- El verbo termina en consonante
   3- La terminación del verbo tiene una sola vocal antes de la consonante final
   + Hay una excepción a las tres reglas:
      Un verbo tiene dos sílabas y la pronunciación fuerte en la primera sílaba y termina en "l"
       Ej.: travel - present continuous travelling (GB) / traveling (US)
              run - running

- Diferencia entre el presente simple y el presente continuo:
  1- Present simple para cosas o hechos que son ciertos o que ocurren siempre
      Ej.: What do you do?  I work for Microsoft
  2- Present continuous para hechos o acciones que ocurren ahora, en este momento
      Ej: What are you doing? I´m checking my emails
  3- Present simple cuando usamos verbos que describe estados de ánimo o sentimientos
    (no verbos de acción) want, need, like siempre en PRESENT SIMPLE
      Ej.: I want a cup of tea/ I like this house/ I need money

- El present continuous está formado siempre por dos verbos
     Ej.: He is standing near the door.

- 1C present continous: be + verb+ ing. Pag.127 EXERCISE
a) 1- John is wearing a shirt today/ 2- It's hot. Why is you wearing a coat?/
    3- Anna isn't sitting next to Jane today/ 4- Hey! You are standing on my foot!/
    5- What book are you reading?/ 6- We are thinking of you at the moment/
    7- Is she wearing make-up?/ 8- They are making a big mistake/
    9- Is your mother shopping in town?/ 10- she isn't living with her parents at the moment

b) 1- My dog's not dangerous. He doesn't bite/ 2- Why are you wearing sunglasses? It's raining/
    3- You can turn off the radio. I'm not listening to it/
    4- I need to go to the bank. I don't have any money/
    5- Be careful! The baby is putting that pen in her mouth!/
    6- Do you usually cook at weekends? No, we normally eat out/
    7- What are you doing here? I'm waiting for Emma. She's late, as usual/
    8- I usually drink tea, but I want a coffee today/
    9- My sister work from 9.00 to 5.00. She's a secretary/
   10- We live in Paris, but we staying in Nice at the moment

- El present simple generalmente se usa cuando la frase tiene adverbios de frecuencia
   Ej.: We normally eat out/ Do you usually cook at weekends?

- El present continuous siempre utiliza como minimo dos verbos
   Ej.: He is going to work

- Se utiliza siempre "a/an" con los sustantivos contables y en su forma singular
  Ej.: a shirt/ a pair of jeans/ a skirt. NUNCA a jeans/ a trousers/ a shorts

  Ej.: I was on my own when I saw that film ------ I went to the cinema  alone/ on my own

- To CHAT hace referencia a una charla sin importancia, banal

high heels (jai jils)= zapatos de tacón/ raincoat (reinkðut)= chubasquero/
deep red (di:p red)= granate/ make-up (meik-ap)= maquillaje/ mouth (mauz)= boca/
month (manz)= mes/ chemist's (kemistes)= farmacia/ butcher's (but§ers) = carnicero

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