martes, 31 de enero de 2017

Defining relative clauses with who, which, where

31 de enero de 2017
- WORKBOOK Pag.19. 3B Let's meet again. 1 GRAMMAR
a) 1- We're starting our trip in about five minutes/ 2- We're driving you straight to Dover/
    3- we aren't stopping for breakfast on the way/ 4- We're getting the 9.15 ferry/
    5- We're going straight to Paris/ 6- We aren't taking you to the city centre/
    7- We're arriving in Paris at about midday/ 9- we're picking you up fromto station in Torey/
   10- We're catching the ferry home at 8.45

b) 1- I'm going to get/ 2- I'm going to visit - I'm visiting/ 3- it's going to be?/
    4- he's going to get the job?/ 5- We aren't going to miss/
    6- Where are you going to go - are you going?/
    7- I'm going to drive - I'm driving because the buses are on strike/
    8- I'm sure she's going to have an accident one day

- WORKBOOK Pag.19. 3B Let's meet again. 2 VOCABULARY
1- I completely agree with you/ 2- We're arriving in Brazil at 6 a.m./
3- I'm worried about my flight because it's snowing/ 4- They're waiting for Anna. She's late/
5- She spends a lot of money on clothes/ 6- I want to speak to my boss after lunch/
7- Sarah's arriving at the airport tonight/ 8-what do you think of the government's proposal?

a) The tours does nine nights

b) 1- travel free on public transport Vienna/ 2- have a traditional evening meal Budapest/
    3- go on a boat trip Prague/ 4- listen a concert Budapest/
    5- have a drink and sweet snack Vienna/ 6- go to a place to relax Prague

a) She's going to visit Italy and France

b) 1- Dawn is going Interrailing with a friend/ 2- Chris went Interrailing when he was a student/
    3- Dawn is going Interrailing for a week/ 4- Dawn's first stop in Italy is Venice/
    5- Dawn wants to visit the Louvre Museum in Paris/
    6- Dawn is spending most nights in hotels, she is spending only one night on the train

a) 1- It´s something which people use to speak to another person/
    2- It's a place where people go when they want to go shopping/
    3- It's somebody who works in a hospital

b) Who hace referencia a personas, where a sitios o lugares, which se refiere a objetos o cosas
                                          Quien                                 Donde                       el cual, lo cual.

a- Computers are used to check when you use your car HONG KONG
b- You pay if you drive to the centre with two people in your car SINGAPORE
c- There are many cycle paths THE NETHERLANDS
e-  You can find new car parks BRITAIN
f- You can drive to the city centre at 8:00 p.m. FLORENCE
g- There are more buses and trains than in the past PORTLAND

- to ban something = to prohibit = prohibir algo
   Ej.: the ban cars / the ban dogs
- altogether = completely = completamente, en total, en conjunto, del todo
- pedestrian = peatonal # driver motorist = conductor de vehiculos a motor
- less than = menos de
- on the outskirts = en las afueras
- motorway = highway = autopista
- instead of (something) = en lugar de

- TO MAKE (someone) + TO infinitive
   Ej: She made me read the book

                                                                defining relative clauses with who, which, where
- Usamos la preposición relativa para decir
                                                         que persona, cosa o sitio es el objeto de la oración
   Ej. He's who makes food / this bus which go to airport/ the shop where I always buy

- Usamos Who para personas, WHICH para cosas, WHERE para lugares.
- THAT puede ser usado en lugar de WHO o WHICH. NUNCA por WHERE
   Ej:  She's the girl WHO works with my brother / It's a thing WHICH connects two computers
                               THAT                                                            THAT

- Who and Which can be:
a)subject of the part of the sentence that follows them if they are inmediately followed by a verb
      Ej.: A nurse is somebody,  who  works  in a hospital
                                                 subj    verb    

             A mobile phone is gadget  which    is    very useful
                                                       subject  verb

  b)  Object of the verb that appears in the part of the sentence that follows them if they are not
        inmediately followed by a verb.
         Ej.: Mary is the nurse  who   I     saw   yesterday
                                                     subj  verb

                the mobile phone which    my brother  bought is very good
                                                            subject        verb

  c) Where can never be the subject, so it's never inmediately followed by a verb
        Ej.: that's the hospital where that nurse works /  that's the hospital which is very old

a) 1- An octopus is an animal WHICH lives in the sea and has eight legs
    2- A lawnmover is a machine WHICH cuts the grass
    3- A waiter is the person WHO serves you in a café
    4- A changing room is a room WHERE people try on clothes
    5- A porter is the person WHO helps you with your luggage
    6- Garlic is a kind of food WHICH keeps wampires away
    7- A garage is a place WHERE people fix cars

b) 1- That's the dog which always barks at night/
    2- That's the shop where I bought my wedding dress/ 3- That's the actor who was in Glee/
    4- They are children who live next doot to me/
    5- This is the restaurant where the make great pizza/
    6- That's the switch which controls the air conditioning/
    7- He's the teacher who teaches my sister/ 8- That's the room where we have out meetings/
    9- This is the light which is broken

b) 1- Do you know the man who lives next door?/
    2- That's the gallery which had an Leonardo da Vinci exhibition/
    3- Are those the people who are selling their house?/
    4- Do you know a good restaurant which is open on Sunday night?/
    5- Is that the bus which goes to the airport?/
    6- We walked past the school where their children go/
    7- She's the woman who everyone is talking about/
    8- I took my laptop back to the shop where I bought it/
    9- Antwep is the city where I lived as a child/
   10- Is there someone who can speak Arabic in your class?

a) I try to mime the word and I try to explain using other words I know

b) 1- It's somebody a person who works in a hospital/  It's a nurse
    2- It's something a thing which we use for everything nowadays/ It's a mobile
    3- It's somewhere a place where people go when they want to buy something/It's supermarket
    4- It's a kind of gadget/ it's asmartphone
    5- It's the opposite of dark/ It's light
    6- It's like light. but you use it to describe hair/ It's blond (men), blonde-fair (woman)
    7- It's similar to intelligent/ It's clever
    8- For example, you do this to the TV/ I turn on-off (switch on - off) the TV

c) 1- a DJ it's somebody who plays the music in the party, in the club
    2- an art gallery It's somewhere where you can sell or buy arts, paintings, drawings
    3- a camare It's something which you use to take photographs
    4- a lift It's a kind of machine which you can go up to your floor
    5- sunbathe for example you do this when you go to the beach
    6- curly It's the opposite of straight

- to ban (tzu ban)= prohibir, no permitido/ pedestrian (pe'destrien)= peatonal/
  altogether (olte'gueder)= completamente, en total, en conjunto, del todo/
  driver motorist (draiver mouterist) = conductor de vehiculos a motor/
  less than (les dan)= menos de/ on the outskirts (on de autske:ts)= en las afueras/
  motorway (moute:uey)= highway (jai:uei)= autopista/ instead of (in'sted af)= en lugar de/
  lawnmower (lo:nmeuer)= cortacesped/ garlic (ga:rlik)= ajo/ fix (fiks)= arreglar/
  nowadays (nau:edeisz)= hoy en dia/

- Workbook Pag 21. 1 GRAMMAR a)

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Verbs + Prepositiions

26 de enero de 2017
- Everyday you spend your money on some sweet
- Everyday I'm stand at the bus stop

a) 1- It depends on the day/ 2- I'm arriving in Budapest at 14.40/
    3- Paul invited me to dinner ages ago

1- I arrived IN Paris on Friday night/ 2- I was very tired when I arrived AT the hotel/
3- I hate waiting FOR people who are late/ 4- what are you going to do AT the weekend?
    I don't know. It depends ON the weather/ 5- I'm sorry, but I really don't agree WITH you/
6- I asked FOR a chicken sandwich, but this is tuna!/ 7- Let's invite Debbie and Tim TO the party/
8- Who's going to pay FOR the meal?/ 9- I need to speak TO Martin ABOUT (IN)  the meeting/
10-I don't spend much money ON food/ 11- Are you going to write TO him soon?/
12- Don't worry ABOUT the exam. It isn't very hard/
13- She fell IN love WITH a man se met on the internet/
14- You're not listening! What are you thinking ABOUT?/
15- What do you think ABOUT (OF) Shakira?

- Utilizamos AT cuando hacemos referencia a pueblos pequeños, aeropuerto, edificios, 
                                                                        estaciones,hotel  junto con el verbo arrive.
   Ej: I arrive at the hotel / You arrive at the bus station / I arrive at the Guggenheim Museum.

  Utilizamos IN cuando hacemos referencia a grandes ciudades, paises, continentes,
                                                                                                  junto con el verbo arrive
   Ej.: I arrive in London /  I arrive in Spain  / I arrive in America

- Relación de verbos y preposiciones:
  Arrive IN/ AT            write   TO                     waiting  FOR                worry ABOUT
  depend  ON                fell      IN                      agree     WITH              love    WITH
  ask       FOR              think   ABOUT              pay        FOR                invite  TO
  speak    TO                spend  ON

c) 1- What do you usually ask FOR if you go to a café with friends?/
         I often ask diet Coke
    2- Who do you think should pay FOR  the meal on a first date?/
         I think should pay the man
    3- Who do you normally speak TO  when you're worried ABOUT something?/
         I usually speak TO my wife
    4- Do you spend more money ON clothes or ON gadgets?/
         He spend more money ON gadgets than ON clothes
    5- Do you think it's possible to fall IN love WITH somebody without meeting them face-toface?
        No, I don't think it's possible if I don't see to her

a) 1- Dear Goran/ 2- Looking forward to hearing from you/ 3- Best wishes/ 7- P.S.

b) 1- Goran is arriving in Summer/ 2- He's travelling by plane/
    3- All Barnes family are going to meet him at the airport/ 4- No, he doesn't/
    5- I hope you write again soon/ 6- I forgot to say this before/
    7- So that he can recognize them at the airport

- PS = post scrip = posdata
  Looking forward to hearing from you = Esperando tus noticias, saber de ti
                                                                                                       (fórmula de despedida)
- so that= para qué

- have to= indica obligación

- to stay (verb) / stay (noun)

- anything siempre se utiliza en frases negativas o interrogativas
  something solo en frases afirmativas, positivas

- I would = I'd = contracción. Ej.: I'd love to = I would love to = me gustaria, me encantaria

b) 1- There are 2 contestants (Martin and Lola)/ 2- They have to guess 6 words/ 3- Martin/
    4- Lola/ 5- He can't use parts the words

c) 1- nurse/ 2- supermarket, grocery/ 3- mobile phone/ 4- blond(e) or fair/ 5- clever/ 6- turn off

1- It's something WHICH people use to speak to another person/
2- It's a place WHERE people go when they want to go shopping/
3- It's somebody WHO works in a hospital

diet coke (daiet kouk)=coca cola light/so that (sou dazt)= para qué/nurse (ne:rs)= enfermera/
PS = post scrip ( poust skrip)= posdata/ board games (bord gueims)= juegos de mesa/
Looking forward to hearing from you (lukin fe:rwerd tzu jierin from yu)= Esperando tus noticias, saber de ti/ crossword puzzle (kro:swe:rd  pazsol)= crucigrama/
presenter (pri'zenter)= presentador/ contestants (kon'testent)= concursantes/
contest (kontest)= participación, concurso/ blond (blond)= rubio hombre/
blonde (blond)= rubia mujer/

- Grammar in Use Unit 25 What are you doing tomorrow?
- Workbook. Pag. 19. exercices Vocabulary. Pag. 20 Everything
- Student's book. Pag. 113.3 An informal email. exercise c. About 110 words.
- Student's book. Pag. 24. 2 Grammar exercise a
- Study combinations verb + prepositions

martes, 24 de enero de 2017

Present continuous (future arrangements)

24 de enero de 2017
d) 1- for ages for a long time/2- arragements definite plans for the future/
    3- I'm still I continue to/ 4- perhaps maybe/ 5- both the two/ 6- fiz to decide sth(day, date)

b) 1- Are you going to have a holiday this summer?/ 2- but we aren't going to the Mediterranean/
    3- we are going to go to Scotland/ 4- when are you going to travel?/
    5- we are going to be there for two weeks/ 6- what are you going to do while you're there?/
    7- we're going to stay in Edinburgh for a week/ 8- we are going to rent a car/
    9- Is it going to be sunny in Scotland/ 10- I hope it isn't going too much

   1-Terminal/2- lift /3- Departures/4- check-in/5- gate/6- passport control/7- Baggage reclaim/
   8- trolley/ 9- customs/ 10- arrivals

a) Beijing is going to have three airports in 2020

b) 1- F/ 2- T/ 3-F/ 4- T/ 5- T/ 6-F

a) 1- Arrivals/ 2- Check In/ 3- Inmigration/ 4- Baggage reclaim/ 5- Customs

b) 1- He ate a sandwich/ 2- the gate number is B 28/ 3- His telephone number is 415673702/
     4- His suitcase is grey/ 5- The woman bought some chocolate

- ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR in USE. Unit 26. I'm going to...
  - Utilizamos am/is/are going to ... para el futuro
  - Utilizamos el presente continuo para el futuro,cuando hacemos planes de algo
                                                                                   y cuando predecimos un hecho cierto

26.1 1- I'm going to watch TV/ 2- I'm going to take a bath/ 3- I'm going to buy a new car/
        4- We are going to play football

26.2 1- I'm going to wash them/ 2- What are you going to wear to the party tonight?/
        3- I'm going to walk/ 4- He is going to stay with some friends/
        5- I'm going to eat this sandwich/ 6- We are going to give her a present/
        7- She is going to lie down for an hour/ 8- Are you going to watch it?/
        9- What is Rachel going to do when she leaves school?

26.3 1- It's going to rain/ 2- The shelf is going to fall/ 3- The car is going to turn on right/
        4- He is going to play football

26.4 1- I´m going to walk with my dog/ 2- I'm going to read a new book/
        3- I'm going to watch a film

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 18. Section B: Listening Comprehension
1- T/ 2- T/ 3- F/ 4- F/ 5- T/ 6- T

a) Now: Are you still working at Budapest University?/  It's going very well
    Future:  I'm going to book my tickets / I'm going to Vienna/ I'm coming back the same day/
                   What are you doing that week?/

b) 1- I'm flying from Gatwick with Easyjet/ 2- I'm arriving at Budapest airport at 14.40/
     3- I'm staying at a lovely old hotel

- Would = want
   Would dicho de una forma educada (me gustaría, quisiera)
   Want es una forma exigente de pedir algo.

- Formas de futuro
     I'm going to come at Bilbao = I'm coming to Bilbao

- Present continuous(progressive) es tiempo de futuro to be + verb-ing.
                                                                                               │         │
                                                                                           aux     main Ej.What are you doing?
- Future= be going to + infinitive (plan or prediction)
   Ej.: She's going to study German ---- plans (future)  -----  plan sin detalle
          It's going to rain ------------------  prediction (future)- arrangement con detalle

    Present Continuous (progressive) con sentido de futuro
                  │                                                     │
               tense                                                 time

- Los canales de comunicación siempre BY e-mail, BY text, BY computer.

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 130. 3B Present continuous (future arrangements)
  - A menudo usamos el presente continuo con un sentido de futuro, en especial para referirnos
    a planes futuros, o planes que hemos fijado un tiempo o lugar en el futuro para realizarlos.
    Ej.: I'm seeing a friend tonight / She isn't leaving until Friday/ What are you doing this evening?

  - NUNCA usamos el presente simple para expresar nuestros planes de futuro

  - BE GOING TO o present continuo?Se pueden usar para las dos formas sin variar
                                                                                                                          su significado
      Ej.: I'm going to see Anna on Tuesday ----  I'm seeing Anna on Tuesday

  - Es frecuente utilizar el presente continuo con las expresiones tonight, tomorrow, 
    this weekend y  con verbos que describen planes de viaje (go, come. leave, arrive)
      Ej.: I'm leaving on Monday es más normal que  I'm going to leave on Monday

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 131. 3B
a) Now: I'm living in a flat with two Swedish boys/ I'm waiting for the postman/
               I'm reading a really good book about science/ I'm studying for my maths exam
    Future: We're coming back on Monday/ She's moving to Canada soon/
                  We're meeting Sally and James for lunch on Sunday/ Karl is arriving at 6 o'clock

b) 1- I'm packing my suitcase/ 2- I'm flying to Vienna at 8 o'clock tonight/
    3- Why are you going to Vienna?/ 4- I'm seeing the boss of VTech Solutions tomorrow/
    5- Why are you meeting him?/ 6- I'm working on a project for him at the moment

d) They arrage to meet on Thursday.

e) Monday -  He's going to meet with his students/
    Tuesday - He's going to play tennis with three friends/
    Wednesday - He is going to fly to Vienna/ Thursday - He's meeting with Lyly/
    Friday - He's going dentist

g) He goes at meeting with a female friend

ages (eichzes)=  siglos, edades/ arrangement (e'reichment)= planes, organizar cosas/
both (bo:z)= ambos/ to move (tzu mu:f)=cambiar de piso, de casa/
long distance call (lan distens k:ol)= conferencia, llamada de larga distancia/
to text (tzu te:kst)= mandar un mensaje/ close friend (klous frend)= amigo intimo/ 
either (aider)=cualquiera de los dos/ to fix (tzu fiks)= fijar, asegurar

-  Escribir una frase con el presente del verbo TO SPEND y con el verbo TO STAND

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Dates, Numbers and Seasons

19 de enero de 2017
- ill # healthy / illness (ilnes)= enfermedad/ health (jelz)= salud, sano

- cross= verb (walk, run, go) + across
                                          │go       │
  Ej.: cross (the road) = towalk   │ across (the road)
                                          │run     │

a) 1- I´m going to Australia/ 2- I'm going to go in February/ 3- I'm going to go for one month/
    4- I'm going to stay at Two star hotel

1/ We're going to mis the plane!/ 2- I'm going to get a trolley/
3- Are you going to do your homework/ 4- I'm not going to do anything/
5- Where are you going to go next?/ 6- We are going to get the train there/
7- She is going to work in a bookshop for six weeks/ 8- Is she going to have a holiday

- So + subj + verb = así que
- star hotel, star al ir precedido de un noun, STAR se convierte en ADJETIVO 
                  y los ADJETIVOS siempre son SINGULARES
   Ej.: two star hotel  NUNCA    two stars hotel

Spring (sprin)= March, April, May, June
Summer (samer)= June, July, August, September
Autumn (o;tom) - Fall (fo:l)= September, October, November, December
Winter (uinter)= December, January, February, March

6th January = January 6th = the six of January = January the sixth
       SIEMPRE la fecha es número ordinal
Ej.: I was born on 6th of April / I was born on 24th of November
        Cardinal      Ordinal                  Cardinal      Ordinal 
         one                first                         twelve        twelfth
         two                second                    thirteen      thirteenth
         three              third                       fifteen        fifteenth
         four               fourth                     twenty        twentieth
         five               fifth                        thirty          thirtieth
         nine              ninth                       forty           fortieth
         ten                tenth                       fifty            fiftieth                      

  - teenage are from thirteen year until nineteen year
  - en las cifras compuestas el ordinal recae en la última cifra
    Ej.: 37th class = thirty seventh class
           31th December = thirty first of December
           22/6 = twenty second of June = twenty second of sixth

   - En USA la fecha se forma al reves, primero el mes y luego el dia 
     Ej.: 6/3 = thrird of June

a) third of May/ twelfth of August of twenty twelve/ thiry first of December/
    twenty second of June/ twentieth of July nineteen nifty eighth

b) 5/ 6/ 1/ 4/ 3/ 2/ 7

c) Because she is going to go to Budapest to a conference
    They are going to go a great restaurant when Lily is going to arrive at Budapest

e) Date: 2/5 / Budapest at 14:40/ Date: 8/5 / Budapest at 16:35/ Hotel Gellert

chemist's (kemist)= farmacia/ grocery (grouseri)= fruteria, ultramarinos/
grocer's (grousers)= vendedor de fruta, tendero/ at last! (at la:st)= por fin!/
I think so (ai zink so)= creo que si/ I don't think so (ai dont zink so)= creo que no/
advert (adve:t)= anuncio/ luxury cruise (lakseri kru:z)= cruzero de lujo/
rainforest (reinforist)= bosque húmedo/ tour last (tuer la:st)= durar tiempo/
tuition (tiu'izson)= clase (pedagógicas)/ dishes (dizses)= platos elaborados/
family-run (femili ran)= hotel familiar, gestionado por la familia/
I can't wait! (ai cant ueit)= estoy deseando, no veo el momento/
I looking forward to seeing you (ai lukin tzu sieing iu)= estoy deseando saber de ti/ 
I can't wait to see you again (ai cant ueit tzu si iu eguen)=
                                                                estoy deseando saber de ti, estoy impaciente por verte

- Workbook. Pag. 17. GRAMMAR B / VOCABULARY
                     Pag. 18. everything
- Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 26 be going to
- Student's Book. pag. 22. Exercise 1 Reading & Listening exercise d

martes, 17 de enero de 2017

Plans & predictions

17 de enero de 2017
Ado much about nothing Pag. 43 Act.2
1- Beatrice ti Leonato/ 2- Don Pedro to Hero/ 3- Benedick to Don Pedro/ 4- Leonato to Claudio/
5- Claudio to Hero/ 6- Beatrice to Hero/ 7- Don John to Borachio/ 8- Benedick to Beatrice

Ado much about nothing. Pag. 44 Act.3
1- Where did Borachio go? Borachio went to Hero
2- What did Margaret wear? She wore Hero's clothes
3- Who was watching from the garden? Don Pedro and Claudio with Don John
4- How much did Don John give Borachio? He gave to Borachio a hundred pounds
5- Why was Don John happy? He was happy because one of Hero's lovers is going to visit her

- Cuando el sujeto es el mismo que el que realiza la acción del segundo verbo (to be),
     se introduce el object pronoun después del verbo principal
   Ej.:    I don't want him to be happy -- Negative    I want him to be happy  -- Positive
                                  │                                                         │
                       Object pronoun                                    Object pronoun

            I want them to past the test = I want that my students to past the test
                         │                                (quiero que mis alumnos pasen el examen)
               Object pronoun
       I want (Object pronoun) + to verb.  NUNCA  I want (Object pronoun) THAT + to verb

- Pronombres posesivos
  Mine, yours, hers, his, its, yours, theirs
  Ej.: She´s a friend of mine= ella es amiga mia /They're friends of yours=Ellos son amigos tuyos
                                      │                                                                       │            
                        possesive pronoun                                           possesive pronoun

- (behind detrás de) # in front of (delante de)
  Ej.: Iñaki is sitting in front of  Begoña / Carlos is sitting opposite of Begoña /
        Begoña is sitting behind of Iñaki

- Los ADJETIVOS se transforman en ADVERBIO añadiendo la terminación -ly al final
  Ej.: loud (alto, ruidoso)            #  quiet   (silencio, tranquilo, callado)  ADJETIVOS
       loudly (más alto, altísimo) # quietly (más bajo, silenciosamente, tranquilamente)ADVERBIOS
         I speak English badly

- Los secretos siempre se asocian al verbo TELL, NUNCA SAY
   to TELL somebody  │ a secret
        SAY                    │ the truth
                                    │ a lie

 Ej.: My daughter tells me a secret  # My daughter SAYS me a secret

- ¡Qué sorpresa!=What a surprise!surprise--countable singular siempre con determinante a, an

- to be right # to be wrong     perhasps they are right = Quizás ellos │ tengan │ razón
     │                  │                                                                                 │  tienen │
   tener            estar
                                      right and wrong son ADJETIVOS

- Shall and Must Auxiliar Modal. NUNCA FUTURO
  shall indica petición, requerir u ofrecerse a realizar alguna acción verbal.
  Habitualmente aparece en frases interrogativas.
  Ej.: What shall I say to her? = Que le digo a ella? / What do I say? = Qué digo?
                     │                                                                              │
         modal auxiliary                                                         present simple

  must indica obligación, deber de realizar alguna acción, va seguido de infinitivo sin TO
  Ej.: She must come
         Modal aux
LOS MODAL VERBS van seguidos de infinitivo sin TO y no tienen forma en la 3º per. singular
Ej.: We must talk about Benedick and how much he loves Beatrice
       Debemos que hablar acerca de Benedick y cuanto Benedick quiere a Beatrice
      how much - subject verb = cuánto?
       Shall are tell Beatrice? = Se lo decimos a Beatrice?
      we musn't tell her          = No debemos decirle a ella.

- As long as = todo el tiempo que
                       tanto tiempo como
  Ej.: Stay as long as you want =  quédate  │ todo el tiempo que quieras
                                                                    │ tanto tiempo como quieras
                                                                    │ todo lo que quieras
    Infinitivo sin TO = Imperativo
    Superiority          ----     inferority   ----   equiality
   more/ more than                less                 as long as
    long hace referencia a time = tiempo
 Ej.: How long does the class last?

- News = noticia. Uncountable, singular
  Ej: This is bad news for you =       es una mala noticia │ para ti
                                                    esto son malas noticias│ para ti
  para referirse a una única noticia
      a piece of news --- Countable, singular, expression

- Let's = let us + infinitivo sin TO FORMA EL IMPERATIVO
  Ej.: Let´s go to a pub/ Let's buy the magazine
         Let's see if we can find any criminals = Vamos a ver si podemos encontrar algún delincuente

a) My nearest airport is Loiu. It´s a small airport. There are some shops, and only one café
b) 1- Osaka Airport/ 2- Munich Airport/ 3- Seul & Singapore Airport/ 4- Osaka Airport/
    5- Hong Kong Airport/ 6- Zurich Airport/ 7- Singapore Airport
c) connecting flight= vuelos de conexión/ passengers = pasajeros/ board= embarcar/
    sense of direction= sentido de la orientación

a) Cuando la gente habla rápido ellos a menudo pronuncian GOING TO como GONNA
b) 1- It's going to be difficult/ 2- What are we going to do now?/3- Is it going to rain?/
    4- Where are we going to go?/ 5- They aren't going to come/ 6- What's going to happen?

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 101. 3A. What are your plans?
a) 1- What are you going to do after class?/ 2- What time are you going to get up tomorrow?/
    3- Where are you going to have lunch tomorrow?/
    4- What are you going to do on Saturday night?/
    5- Where are you going to go for your next holiday?/
    6- Are you going to study English next year?

b) He's going to go his house after class/ No, he isn't going to read a book/
    He's going to get up six o'clock everyday/ He is going to have breakfast

angry (angri)= enojado/ clever (clefver)= inteligente/ kind (kain)= tipo, clase/
listen secretly (lisen sicret:li)= escuchar secretamente, oculto/ shall (szall)= deberá/
how strangle (jou strengol)= que extraño/ I won't ( ai uon:t)= no lo hare!/
kinder than (kinder zdan)= mejor que, más amable que/ brave (breif)= valiente/
matter (maeter)=asunto/ toothache (tu:zeik)= dolor de muelas/ agree (e'gri:)=de acuerdo/
dying in love (dai:n in laf)= morir de amor/ hurt you ( ja:t iu)= herirte/ mean (mi:n)= suponer/
stop stealing (stop sti:ling)= dejar, parar de robar/ take hold (teik jod)= agarrar/
connecting flight (ke'nektin flait)= vuelos de conexión/ passengers (pesinchers)= pasajeros/
board (bo:rd)= embarcar/ sense of direction (sens of de'reksion)= sentido de la orientación

- Book - Ado much about nothing.  Until Pag 38 and exercise. - 7th February


jueves, 12 de enero de 2017

Be going to + infinitive verb

12 de enero de 2016
Can you understand these people?
1- Justin looks like his father/ 2- Joanna's favourite painting is of an animal/
3- Sarah Jane's last holiday was a sightseeing/ 4- David is in a lot of photos/
5- Andy says most of his favourite films have a sad ending

- Questions for previous answers
1- Who do you look like in your family?/
2- What are you favourite painting and can you described?/
3- What did you go for the last holiday? - Do you have a good time?/
4- Did you take a lot of photos? - What is it at the photos of?/ 5 - What king of films do you prefer?

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 20. 3A
a) It was one year ago, I went to Singapore, I went because
    I was invited to a wedding of my friend

b) 3- arrivals/ 7- baggage drop-off/ 1- Baggage reclaim/ 9- Check-in/ 8- Customs/ 2- Departures/
    11- Gates/ 5-Lifts/ 10-Passport control/ 4-Terminal/ 12- Toillets/ 6- Trolley

a) Olivia is going to work abroad for an NGO/ Lily going to see an ex-partner/
    Matthew going to do a photo shoot in an exotic place

b) Olivia - Nicaragua - voluntary work - she's going to teach English to children
                                                                - she/s going to travel around Nicaragua

    Matthew - Australia - Melbourne - model - he´s going to do a photo shoot of winter clothes
                                                                          he's going to do a photo shoot for a magazine

   Lily - Budapest - She's going to a conference and to met an ex-boyfriend

a) 1- She´s going to teach English to young children/ 2- How long are you going to stay there for?/
    3- It's winter in Australia now, so it's going to be quite cold/
   4- Is he going to wait (met) for you at the airport?/5- I´m sure you are going to have a good time

b) 1- plan/ 2- plan/ 3- prediction/ 4- prediction/ 5- prediction

 NGO = No Governmental Organization) = ONG

week (ui:k)= semana tiene el MISMO SONIDO que weak (ui:k)= débil ┼ strong (stron)= fuerte

Planes (lo que crees que vas ha hacer)  o Predicciones (lo que prevees que pueda ocurrir)
                  aux                   main verb

Formas gramaticales de la composición be going to + verb
  Afirm: I'm going to / you-we-they ´re going to / he-she-it ´s going to      WORK FOR AN NGO
  Negat: I'm not going to / you-we-they aren't going to / hs-she-it isn't going to WORK FOR ...
  Interr: Are you going to / Is he going to. Resp. Afirm. Yes, I am / Yes, he is / Yes, you are
                                                                 Resp. Negat.  No, I'm not / No, he isn't / No you aren't

- Usamos be going to+infinitive para hablar de planes futuros o intenciones futuras
                                                                                 Ej.: I'm  going to go to Scotland
                                                  hacer predicciones cuando preveemos o creemos saber algo
                                                                                 Ej: Tomorrow is going to rain
                                                                                       It´s going to crash

* STUDENT'S BOOK, Pag. 131. GRAMMAR BANK. Exercise 3A
a) 1- Is your sister going to learn Chinese?/ 2- You are going to be in class 3 next year/
    3- We aren't going to do camping next summer. We are going to stay in a hotel/
    4- We are going to get a taxi to the airport/ 5- I'm going to cook a wonderful meal tonight/
    6- You can talk, but I'm not going to listen to you/
    7- What are you going to do when you leave school?

b) 1- It´s going to rain/ 2- It is going to be too expensive/ 3- You are going to love this book!/
    4 - We are going to be late for work!

a) 1- He's going to miss the flight/ 2- I'm going to book my flight online/
    3- He isn't going to steep during the flight/ 4- How is she going to get to the airport?/
    5- That plane isn't going to fly today/ 6- They are going to be late/
    7- I´m not going to stay in a hotel/ 8- Are we going to need a trolley?

a life size picture (e laif saisz pichard)= pintura en tamaño real/ private (prai:det)= privado/
drop-off (drop of)= soltar/ gate (gueit)= puerta de embarque-puerta de verja de hierro/
arrivals (erraifals)= llegadas/ baggage (baguis)= equipaje/ departures (diparches)= salidas/
passport (paspo:t)= pasaporte/ control (control)= control/ trolley (chroli)= carro de equipaje/
plan (plan)= lo que tu crees que vas ha hacer/ choir (kuaier)= coro/
traffic jam (truafik dzam)= atasco, caravana/ going to love (goin tzu laf)= te va ha encantar/
book (buk)= reserva de hotel, de vuelo/ wind (uind)= ala de pajaro, de avion

- Student's book. Pag 21 5a,b
- Book Much ado about nothing Read Pag. 13-24. Exersice Pag.43 Act2. Pag 44. Act3

martes, 10 de enero de 2017

1 & 2 - Revise & Check

10 de enero de 2017
- Something you enjoyed doing during the Christmas days?
  I want to Santo Tomas´ Festival and I has talo and drank txakoli
  He was in his house with his wife and his friends at Christmas night,
  He ate much and he drank more. He listened music and dancing all night
  She went to discotheque
  He was (met)  with his family in Bilbao
  He was with brother-in-law
  She wen to a restaurant with his friends on New Year's Eve

- Did you keep in contact with English person?
  No, he didn't  keep in contact with English

   - On Christmas days (dias de Navidad) / ON Christmas days (dia de Navidad)

   - Noun COUNTABLE, SINGULAR need determinante a/an
       Ej.: to a discotheque/ with his family/ with his brother/ with his family

cliche (cli:Sei)= tópicos (actividades tópicas)/ beside (bi'said)= además de, junto a, al lado de/
among us (emaN as)= entre nosotros/ discotheque (diskatek)= discoteca elegante/
disco (diskau)= discoteca ( ya esta obsoleto hoy se utiliza CLUB)/  saw (so:)= vío/
club (klab)= discoteca, club de.../ clubbing (klabiN)= ir de copas/  with (uiz)= con/
on New Year´s Eve (on niu iar's i:f)= víspera de Año Nuevo/ eve (i:f)= víspera/museum (miu'ssi:am)= museo/ theater (zi:ater)= teatro/ big (bik)= grande/ night (nait)= noche/
celebrate (selibreit)= celebrar/ gloves (glafs)= guantes/ dirty (de:rti)= sucio/
luxurious (lag/suries)= lujoso

- Fotocopias Pag. 25. THE MOZART EFFECT
1- CAN affect our learning/ 2- We all use MUSIC to help us/ 3- a busy day AT work/
4- Campbell ALSO says the music reduces the stress/ 5- ESPECIALLY by reducing pain/
6- classical music has the SAME effect as ten milligrams of/
7- but it can improve your memory, TOO/ 8- before doing a test got much higher MARKS/
9- that children WHO learn to play a musical instrument

- Fotocopias Pag. 30. THE MONA LISA
1- A / 2- E/ 3- F/ 4- D/ 5- H/ 6- I

- Student´s Book. Pag 18-19
1- Do you have any brothers or sisters? C/ 2- Where did you go last night? B/
3- My brother doesn't like football A/ 4- Her parents have a small business C/
5- I never listen to music when I´m working A/
6- In the picture the woman is wearinga blue dress C/ 7- What are you doing? C/
8- She's studying history B/ 9- We went to Malta last August B/
10- I saw the film, but I didn't like- C/
11- When I got home my parents were sitting on the sofa- A/
12- What were you doing at 11 p.m.?- C/
13- She couldn't see him because she wasn't wearing her glasses- A/
14- We went to the cinema then we decided to go for a walk- B/
15- We had a great time, although the weather wasn't very good- C
a) 1- What do you DO?/ 2- What does she LOOK like?/
    3- She doesn't usually WEAR jewellery, only her wedding/ 4- Did you TAKE any photos?/
    5- Where did you STAY?/ 6- Did you BOOK your flights online?/
    7- Let's INVITE your parent to dinner/ 8- Are you going to DRIVE there?/
    9- Ask the Dj to PLAY our song!/ 10- What time do we need to LEAVE home tomorrow?

b) 1- The meeting is ON March 13th/ 2- Shes IN the kitchen/ 3- He was born IN 1989/
    4- It's ON the shelf in my room/ 5- Mark's not back yet, He's still AT school/
    6- It's very quiet town, especially AT night/ 7- We went ON holiday to Malta last year

c) 1- bears is noun los otros son adjetivos relativos al pelo
    2- lazy is actitud negativa y las otras son actitudes positivas
    3- friendly es actitud positiva, las otras son actitudes negativas
    4- tie es prenda masculina, las demás son prendas femeninas
    5- gloves son para cubrir las manos, las demás cubren los pies
    6- scarf es bufanda y las demás son piezas de joyeria
    7- dirty es sucio, las demás hacen refencia al tiempo meteorológico
    8- luxurious es una característica positiva, las demás hacen referencia a cosas negativas

a) 1- J (zsei)/ 2- shorts (so:rts)/ 3- lives (lai:fs)/ 4- weight (ueit)/ 5- university (iu:ni' ve:seti)

b) 1- tal│ka│tive / 2- mou│stache / 3- pre│fer/ 4- dis│gu│sting/ 5- comfor│ta│ble

a) It's a bad because the people doesn't enjoy the art or painting

b) 1-T/ 2- T/ 3- T/ 4- F/ 5- F/ 6- T

c) crow (krou)= multitud/ irritating (iriteitin)= irritante/ pushing (pusin)= molestando/
    make sure (meik sur)= asegurarse/ prove (pru:v)= probar, demostrar/
   posing (posing)= posando,ponerse/label (leibol)= etiqueta, cartel/banned (baned)= prohibido

* Verbs and nouns related with AIRPORT
   to depart (dipa:t)= salida/ to take off (teik of)= despegar/ to board (bo:d)= embarcar/
   to land (land)= aterrizar/ to transfer (transfe:r)= transbordo/ to fly (flai)= volar/
   to delay (di'lei)= retrasar/ to check in (check in)= facturar/ to arrive (erraif)= llegada/
   catch a plane (cach e plein)= coger un vuelo/ take a plain (teik e plein)= coger un vuelo/
   to search (se:ch)= cachear, hacer un registro/
   baggage (baguich) - luggage (laguich) suitcase (su:tkeis)= equipaje/ trolley (tra:li)= carro

trainers (treiners)= zapatillas/ socks (soks)= calcetines/ gloves (glafs)= guantes/
necklace (nekles)= collar/ clever (klever)= inteligente/ lazy (leisi)= perezoso/
mean (mi:n)= tacaño/ tights (taits)=medias de vestir/ worse (ue:s)= peor/
neither (ni:der)= ninguno/ noticed (neoti:s)= observado/ pieta (peita:)= piedad/
worried (uarid)= preocupado/ sad truth (sad tru:z)= triste verdad/