martes, 31 de enero de 2017

Defining relative clauses with who, which, where

31 de enero de 2017
- WORKBOOK Pag.19. 3B Let's meet again. 1 GRAMMAR
a) 1- We're starting our trip in about five minutes/ 2- We're driving you straight to Dover/
    3- we aren't stopping for breakfast on the way/ 4- We're getting the 9.15 ferry/
    5- We're going straight to Paris/ 6- We aren't taking you to the city centre/
    7- We're arriving in Paris at about midday/ 9- we're picking you up fromto station in Torey/
   10- We're catching the ferry home at 8.45

b) 1- I'm going to get/ 2- I'm going to visit - I'm visiting/ 3- it's going to be?/
    4- he's going to get the job?/ 5- We aren't going to miss/
    6- Where are you going to go - are you going?/
    7- I'm going to drive - I'm driving because the buses are on strike/
    8- I'm sure she's going to have an accident one day

- WORKBOOK Pag.19. 3B Let's meet again. 2 VOCABULARY
1- I completely agree with you/ 2- We're arriving in Brazil at 6 a.m./
3- I'm worried about my flight because it's snowing/ 4- They're waiting for Anna. She's late/
5- She spends a lot of money on clothes/ 6- I want to speak to my boss after lunch/
7- Sarah's arriving at the airport tonight/ 8-what do you think of the government's proposal?

a) The tours does nine nights

b) 1- travel free on public transport Vienna/ 2- have a traditional evening meal Budapest/
    3- go on a boat trip Prague/ 4- listen a concert Budapest/
    5- have a drink and sweet snack Vienna/ 6- go to a place to relax Prague

a) She's going to visit Italy and France

b) 1- Dawn is going Interrailing with a friend/ 2- Chris went Interrailing when he was a student/
    3- Dawn is going Interrailing for a week/ 4- Dawn's first stop in Italy is Venice/
    5- Dawn wants to visit the Louvre Museum in Paris/
    6- Dawn is spending most nights in hotels, she is spending only one night on the train

a) 1- It´s something which people use to speak to another person/
    2- It's a place where people go when they want to go shopping/
    3- It's somebody who works in a hospital

b) Who hace referencia a personas, where a sitios o lugares, which se refiere a objetos o cosas
                                          Quien                                 Donde                       el cual, lo cual.

a- Computers are used to check when you use your car HONG KONG
b- You pay if you drive to the centre with two people in your car SINGAPORE
c- There are many cycle paths THE NETHERLANDS
e-  You can find new car parks BRITAIN
f- You can drive to the city centre at 8:00 p.m. FLORENCE
g- There are more buses and trains than in the past PORTLAND

- to ban something = to prohibit = prohibir algo
   Ej.: the ban cars / the ban dogs
- altogether = completely = completamente, en total, en conjunto, del todo
- pedestrian = peatonal # driver motorist = conductor de vehiculos a motor
- less than = menos de
- on the outskirts = en las afueras
- motorway = highway = autopista
- instead of (something) = en lugar de

- TO MAKE (someone) + TO infinitive
   Ej: She made me read the book

                                                                defining relative clauses with who, which, where
- Usamos la preposición relativa para decir
                                                         que persona, cosa o sitio es el objeto de la oración
   Ej. He's who makes food / this bus which go to airport/ the shop where I always buy

- Usamos Who para personas, WHICH para cosas, WHERE para lugares.
- THAT puede ser usado en lugar de WHO o WHICH. NUNCA por WHERE
   Ej:  She's the girl WHO works with my brother / It's a thing WHICH connects two computers
                               THAT                                                            THAT

- Who and Which can be:
a)subject of the part of the sentence that follows them if they are inmediately followed by a verb
      Ej.: A nurse is somebody,  who  works  in a hospital
                                                 subj    verb    

             A mobile phone is gadget  which    is    very useful
                                                       subject  verb

  b)  Object of the verb that appears in the part of the sentence that follows them if they are not
        inmediately followed by a verb.
         Ej.: Mary is the nurse  who   I     saw   yesterday
                                                     subj  verb

                the mobile phone which    my brother  bought is very good
                                                            subject        verb

  c) Where can never be the subject, so it's never inmediately followed by a verb
        Ej.: that's the hospital where that nurse works /  that's the hospital which is very old

a) 1- An octopus is an animal WHICH lives in the sea and has eight legs
    2- A lawnmover is a machine WHICH cuts the grass
    3- A waiter is the person WHO serves you in a café
    4- A changing room is a room WHERE people try on clothes
    5- A porter is the person WHO helps you with your luggage
    6- Garlic is a kind of food WHICH keeps wampires away
    7- A garage is a place WHERE people fix cars

b) 1- That's the dog which always barks at night/
    2- That's the shop where I bought my wedding dress/ 3- That's the actor who was in Glee/
    4- They are children who live next doot to me/
    5- This is the restaurant where the make great pizza/
    6- That's the switch which controls the air conditioning/
    7- He's the teacher who teaches my sister/ 8- That's the room where we have out meetings/
    9- This is the light which is broken

b) 1- Do you know the man who lives next door?/
    2- That's the gallery which had an Leonardo da Vinci exhibition/
    3- Are those the people who are selling their house?/
    4- Do you know a good restaurant which is open on Sunday night?/
    5- Is that the bus which goes to the airport?/
    6- We walked past the school where their children go/
    7- She's the woman who everyone is talking about/
    8- I took my laptop back to the shop where I bought it/
    9- Antwep is the city where I lived as a child/
   10- Is there someone who can speak Arabic in your class?

a) I try to mime the word and I try to explain using other words I know

b) 1- It's somebody a person who works in a hospital/  It's a nurse
    2- It's something a thing which we use for everything nowadays/ It's a mobile
    3- It's somewhere a place where people go when they want to buy something/It's supermarket
    4- It's a kind of gadget/ it's asmartphone
    5- It's the opposite of dark/ It's light
    6- It's like light. but you use it to describe hair/ It's blond (men), blonde-fair (woman)
    7- It's similar to intelligent/ It's clever
    8- For example, you do this to the TV/ I turn on-off (switch on - off) the TV

c) 1- a DJ it's somebody who plays the music in the party, in the club
    2- an art gallery It's somewhere where you can sell or buy arts, paintings, drawings
    3- a camare It's something which you use to take photographs
    4- a lift It's a kind of machine which you can go up to your floor
    5- sunbathe for example you do this when you go to the beach
    6- curly It's the opposite of straight

- to ban (tzu ban)= prohibir, no permitido/ pedestrian (pe'destrien)= peatonal/
  altogether (olte'gueder)= completamente, en total, en conjunto, del todo/
  driver motorist (draiver mouterist) = conductor de vehiculos a motor/
  less than (les dan)= menos de/ on the outskirts (on de autske:ts)= en las afueras/
  motorway (moute:uey)= highway (jai:uei)= autopista/ instead of (in'sted af)= en lugar de/
  lawnmower (lo:nmeuer)= cortacesped/ garlic (ga:rlik)= ajo/ fix (fiks)= arreglar/
  nowadays (nau:edeisz)= hoy en dia/

- Workbook Pag 21. 1 GRAMMAR a)

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