martes, 17 de enero de 2017

Plans & predictions

17 de enero de 2017
Ado much about nothing Pag. 43 Act.2
1- Beatrice ti Leonato/ 2- Don Pedro to Hero/ 3- Benedick to Don Pedro/ 4- Leonato to Claudio/
5- Claudio to Hero/ 6- Beatrice to Hero/ 7- Don John to Borachio/ 8- Benedick to Beatrice

Ado much about nothing. Pag. 44 Act.3
1- Where did Borachio go? Borachio went to Hero
2- What did Margaret wear? She wore Hero's clothes
3- Who was watching from the garden? Don Pedro and Claudio with Don John
4- How much did Don John give Borachio? He gave to Borachio a hundred pounds
5- Why was Don John happy? He was happy because one of Hero's lovers is going to visit her

- Cuando el sujeto es el mismo que el que realiza la acción del segundo verbo (to be),
     se introduce el object pronoun después del verbo principal
   Ej.:    I don't want him to be happy -- Negative    I want him to be happy  -- Positive
                                  │                                                         │
                       Object pronoun                                    Object pronoun

            I want them to past the test = I want that my students to past the test
                         │                                (quiero que mis alumnos pasen el examen)
               Object pronoun
       I want (Object pronoun) + to verb.  NUNCA  I want (Object pronoun) THAT + to verb

- Pronombres posesivos
  Mine, yours, hers, his, its, yours, theirs
  Ej.: She´s a friend of mine= ella es amiga mia /They're friends of yours=Ellos son amigos tuyos
                                      │                                                                       │            
                        possesive pronoun                                           possesive pronoun

- (behind detrás de) # in front of (delante de)
  Ej.: Iñaki is sitting in front of  Begoña / Carlos is sitting opposite of Begoña /
        Begoña is sitting behind of Iñaki

- Los ADJETIVOS se transforman en ADVERBIO añadiendo la terminación -ly al final
  Ej.: loud (alto, ruidoso)            #  quiet   (silencio, tranquilo, callado)  ADJETIVOS
       loudly (más alto, altísimo) # quietly (más bajo, silenciosamente, tranquilamente)ADVERBIOS
         I speak English badly

- Los secretos siempre se asocian al verbo TELL, NUNCA SAY
   to TELL somebody  │ a secret
        SAY                    │ the truth
                                    │ a lie

 Ej.: My daughter tells me a secret  # My daughter SAYS me a secret

- ¡Qué sorpresa!=What a surprise!surprise--countable singular siempre con determinante a, an

- to be right # to be wrong     perhasps they are right = Quizás ellos │ tengan │ razón
     │                  │                                                                                 │  tienen │
   tener            estar
                                      right and wrong son ADJETIVOS

- Shall and Must Auxiliar Modal. NUNCA FUTURO
  shall indica petición, requerir u ofrecerse a realizar alguna acción verbal.
  Habitualmente aparece en frases interrogativas.
  Ej.: What shall I say to her? = Que le digo a ella? / What do I say? = Qué digo?
                     │                                                                              │
         modal auxiliary                                                         present simple

  must indica obligación, deber de realizar alguna acción, va seguido de infinitivo sin TO
  Ej.: She must come
         Modal aux
LOS MODAL VERBS van seguidos de infinitivo sin TO y no tienen forma en la 3º per. singular
Ej.: We must talk about Benedick and how much he loves Beatrice
       Debemos que hablar acerca de Benedick y cuanto Benedick quiere a Beatrice
      how much - subject verb = cuánto?
       Shall are tell Beatrice? = Se lo decimos a Beatrice?
      we musn't tell her          = No debemos decirle a ella.

- As long as = todo el tiempo que
                       tanto tiempo como
  Ej.: Stay as long as you want =  quédate  │ todo el tiempo que quieras
                                                                    │ tanto tiempo como quieras
                                                                    │ todo lo que quieras
    Infinitivo sin TO = Imperativo
    Superiority          ----     inferority   ----   equiality
   more/ more than                less                 as long as
    long hace referencia a time = tiempo
 Ej.: How long does the class last?

- News = noticia. Uncountable, singular
  Ej: This is bad news for you =       es una mala noticia │ para ti
                                                    esto son malas noticias│ para ti
  para referirse a una única noticia
      a piece of news --- Countable, singular, expression

- Let's = let us + infinitivo sin TO FORMA EL IMPERATIVO
  Ej.: Let´s go to a pub/ Let's buy the magazine
         Let's see if we can find any criminals = Vamos a ver si podemos encontrar algún delincuente

a) My nearest airport is Loiu. It´s a small airport. There are some shops, and only one café
b) 1- Osaka Airport/ 2- Munich Airport/ 3- Seul & Singapore Airport/ 4- Osaka Airport/
    5- Hong Kong Airport/ 6- Zurich Airport/ 7- Singapore Airport
c) connecting flight= vuelos de conexión/ passengers = pasajeros/ board= embarcar/
    sense of direction= sentido de la orientación

a) Cuando la gente habla rápido ellos a menudo pronuncian GOING TO como GONNA
b) 1- It's going to be difficult/ 2- What are we going to do now?/3- Is it going to rain?/
    4- Where are we going to go?/ 5- They aren't going to come/ 6- What's going to happen?

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 101. 3A. What are your plans?
a) 1- What are you going to do after class?/ 2- What time are you going to get up tomorrow?/
    3- Where are you going to have lunch tomorrow?/
    4- What are you going to do on Saturday night?/
    5- Where are you going to go for your next holiday?/
    6- Are you going to study English next year?

b) He's going to go his house after class/ No, he isn't going to read a book/
    He's going to get up six o'clock everyday/ He is going to have breakfast

angry (angri)= enojado/ clever (clefver)= inteligente/ kind (kain)= tipo, clase/
listen secretly (lisen sicret:li)= escuchar secretamente, oculto/ shall (szall)= deberá/
how strangle (jou strengol)= que extraño/ I won't ( ai uon:t)= no lo hare!/
kinder than (kinder zdan)= mejor que, más amable que/ brave (breif)= valiente/
matter (maeter)=asunto/ toothache (tu:zeik)= dolor de muelas/ agree (e'gri:)=de acuerdo/
dying in love (dai:n in laf)= morir de amor/ hurt you ( ja:t iu)= herirte/ mean (mi:n)= suponer/
stop stealing (stop sti:ling)= dejar, parar de robar/ take hold (teik jod)= agarrar/
connecting flight (ke'nektin flait)= vuelos de conexión/ passengers (pesinchers)= pasajeros/
board (bo:rd)= embarcar/ sense of direction (sens of de'reksion)= sentido de la orientación

- Book - Ado much about nothing.  Until Pag 38 and exercise. - 7th February


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