jueves, 12 de enero de 2017

Be going to + infinitive verb

12 de enero de 2016
Can you understand these people?
1- Justin looks like his father/ 2- Joanna's favourite painting is of an animal/
3- Sarah Jane's last holiday was a sightseeing/ 4- David is in a lot of photos/
5- Andy says most of his favourite films have a sad ending

- Questions for previous answers
1- Who do you look like in your family?/
2- What are you favourite painting and can you described?/
3- What did you go for the last holiday? - Do you have a good time?/
4- Did you take a lot of photos? - What is it at the photos of?/ 5 - What king of films do you prefer?

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 20. 3A
a) It was one year ago, I went to Singapore, I went because
    I was invited to a wedding of my friend

b) 3- arrivals/ 7- baggage drop-off/ 1- Baggage reclaim/ 9- Check-in/ 8- Customs/ 2- Departures/
    11- Gates/ 5-Lifts/ 10-Passport control/ 4-Terminal/ 12- Toillets/ 6- Trolley

a) Olivia is going to work abroad for an NGO/ Lily going to see an ex-partner/
    Matthew going to do a photo shoot in an exotic place

b) Olivia - Nicaragua - voluntary work - she's going to teach English to children
                                                                - she/s going to travel around Nicaragua

    Matthew - Australia - Melbourne - model - he´s going to do a photo shoot of winter clothes
                                                                          he's going to do a photo shoot for a magazine

   Lily - Budapest - She's going to a conference and to met an ex-boyfriend

a) 1- She´s going to teach English to young children/ 2- How long are you going to stay there for?/
    3- It's winter in Australia now, so it's going to be quite cold/
   4- Is he going to wait (met) for you at the airport?/5- I´m sure you are going to have a good time

b) 1- plan/ 2- plan/ 3- prediction/ 4- prediction/ 5- prediction

 NGO = No Governmental Organization) = ONG

week (ui:k)= semana tiene el MISMO SONIDO que weak (ui:k)= débil ┼ strong (stron)= fuerte

Planes (lo que crees que vas ha hacer)  o Predicciones (lo que prevees que pueda ocurrir)
                  aux                   main verb

Formas gramaticales de la composición be going to + verb
  Afirm: I'm going to / you-we-they ´re going to / he-she-it ´s going to      WORK FOR AN NGO
  Negat: I'm not going to / you-we-they aren't going to / hs-she-it isn't going to WORK FOR ...
  Interr: Are you going to / Is he going to. Resp. Afirm. Yes, I am / Yes, he is / Yes, you are
                                                                 Resp. Negat.  No, I'm not / No, he isn't / No you aren't

- Usamos be going to+infinitive para hablar de planes futuros o intenciones futuras
                                                                                 Ej.: I'm  going to go to Scotland
                                                  hacer predicciones cuando preveemos o creemos saber algo
                                                                                 Ej: Tomorrow is going to rain
                                                                                       It´s going to crash

* STUDENT'S BOOK, Pag. 131. GRAMMAR BANK. Exercise 3A
a) 1- Is your sister going to learn Chinese?/ 2- You are going to be in class 3 next year/
    3- We aren't going to do camping next summer. We are going to stay in a hotel/
    4- We are going to get a taxi to the airport/ 5- I'm going to cook a wonderful meal tonight/
    6- You can talk, but I'm not going to listen to you/
    7- What are you going to do when you leave school?

b) 1- It´s going to rain/ 2- It is going to be too expensive/ 3- You are going to love this book!/
    4 - We are going to be late for work!

a) 1- He's going to miss the flight/ 2- I'm going to book my flight online/
    3- He isn't going to steep during the flight/ 4- How is she going to get to the airport?/
    5- That plane isn't going to fly today/ 6- They are going to be late/
    7- I´m not going to stay in a hotel/ 8- Are we going to need a trolley?

a life size picture (e laif saisz pichard)= pintura en tamaño real/ private (prai:det)= privado/
drop-off (drop of)= soltar/ gate (gueit)= puerta de embarque-puerta de verja de hierro/
arrivals (erraifals)= llegadas/ baggage (baguis)= equipaje/ departures (diparches)= salidas/
passport (paspo:t)= pasaporte/ control (control)= control/ trolley (chroli)= carro de equipaje/
plan (plan)= lo que tu crees que vas ha hacer/ choir (kuaier)= coro/
traffic jam (truafik dzam)= atasco, caravana/ going to love (goin tzu laf)= te va ha encantar/
book (buk)= reserva de hotel, de vuelo/ wind (uind)= ala de pajaro, de avion

- Student's book. Pag 21 5a,b
- Book Much ado about nothing Read Pag. 13-24. Exersice Pag.43 Act2. Pag 44. Act3

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