martes, 24 de enero de 2017

Present continuous (future arrangements)

24 de enero de 2017
d) 1- for ages for a long time/2- arragements definite plans for the future/
    3- I'm still I continue to/ 4- perhaps maybe/ 5- both the two/ 6- fiz to decide sth(day, date)

b) 1- Are you going to have a holiday this summer?/ 2- but we aren't going to the Mediterranean/
    3- we are going to go to Scotland/ 4- when are you going to travel?/
    5- we are going to be there for two weeks/ 6- what are you going to do while you're there?/
    7- we're going to stay in Edinburgh for a week/ 8- we are going to rent a car/
    9- Is it going to be sunny in Scotland/ 10- I hope it isn't going too much

   1-Terminal/2- lift /3- Departures/4- check-in/5- gate/6- passport control/7- Baggage reclaim/
   8- trolley/ 9- customs/ 10- arrivals

a) Beijing is going to have three airports in 2020

b) 1- F/ 2- T/ 3-F/ 4- T/ 5- T/ 6-F

a) 1- Arrivals/ 2- Check In/ 3- Inmigration/ 4- Baggage reclaim/ 5- Customs

b) 1- He ate a sandwich/ 2- the gate number is B 28/ 3- His telephone number is 415673702/
     4- His suitcase is grey/ 5- The woman bought some chocolate

- ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR in USE. Unit 26. I'm going to...
  - Utilizamos am/is/are going to ... para el futuro
  - Utilizamos el presente continuo para el futuro,cuando hacemos planes de algo
                                                                                   y cuando predecimos un hecho cierto

26.1 1- I'm going to watch TV/ 2- I'm going to take a bath/ 3- I'm going to buy a new car/
        4- We are going to play football

26.2 1- I'm going to wash them/ 2- What are you going to wear to the party tonight?/
        3- I'm going to walk/ 4- He is going to stay with some friends/
        5- I'm going to eat this sandwich/ 6- We are going to give her a present/
        7- She is going to lie down for an hour/ 8- Are you going to watch it?/
        9- What is Rachel going to do when she leaves school?

26.3 1- It's going to rain/ 2- The shelf is going to fall/ 3- The car is going to turn on right/
        4- He is going to play football

26.4 1- I´m going to walk with my dog/ 2- I'm going to read a new book/
        3- I'm going to watch a film

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 18. Section B: Listening Comprehension
1- T/ 2- T/ 3- F/ 4- F/ 5- T/ 6- T

a) Now: Are you still working at Budapest University?/  It's going very well
    Future:  I'm going to book my tickets / I'm going to Vienna/ I'm coming back the same day/
                   What are you doing that week?/

b) 1- I'm flying from Gatwick with Easyjet/ 2- I'm arriving at Budapest airport at 14.40/
     3- I'm staying at a lovely old hotel

- Would = want
   Would dicho de una forma educada (me gustaría, quisiera)
   Want es una forma exigente de pedir algo.

- Formas de futuro
     I'm going to come at Bilbao = I'm coming to Bilbao

- Present continuous(progressive) es tiempo de futuro to be + verb-ing.
                                                                                               │         │
                                                                                           aux     main Ej.What are you doing?
- Future= be going to + infinitive (plan or prediction)
   Ej.: She's going to study German ---- plans (future)  -----  plan sin detalle
          It's going to rain ------------------  prediction (future)- arrangement con detalle

    Present Continuous (progressive) con sentido de futuro
                  │                                                     │
               tense                                                 time

- Los canales de comunicación siempre BY e-mail, BY text, BY computer.

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 130. 3B Present continuous (future arrangements)
  - A menudo usamos el presente continuo con un sentido de futuro, en especial para referirnos
    a planes futuros, o planes que hemos fijado un tiempo o lugar en el futuro para realizarlos.
    Ej.: I'm seeing a friend tonight / She isn't leaving until Friday/ What are you doing this evening?

  - NUNCA usamos el presente simple para expresar nuestros planes de futuro

  - BE GOING TO o present continuo?Se pueden usar para las dos formas sin variar
                                                                                                                          su significado
      Ej.: I'm going to see Anna on Tuesday ----  I'm seeing Anna on Tuesday

  - Es frecuente utilizar el presente continuo con las expresiones tonight, tomorrow, 
    this weekend y  con verbos que describen planes de viaje (go, come. leave, arrive)
      Ej.: I'm leaving on Monday es más normal que  I'm going to leave on Monday

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 131. 3B
a) Now: I'm living in a flat with two Swedish boys/ I'm waiting for the postman/
               I'm reading a really good book about science/ I'm studying for my maths exam
    Future: We're coming back on Monday/ She's moving to Canada soon/
                  We're meeting Sally and James for lunch on Sunday/ Karl is arriving at 6 o'clock

b) 1- I'm packing my suitcase/ 2- I'm flying to Vienna at 8 o'clock tonight/
    3- Why are you going to Vienna?/ 4- I'm seeing the boss of VTech Solutions tomorrow/
    5- Why are you meeting him?/ 6- I'm working on a project for him at the moment

d) They arrage to meet on Thursday.

e) Monday -  He's going to meet with his students/
    Tuesday - He's going to play tennis with three friends/
    Wednesday - He is going to fly to Vienna/ Thursday - He's meeting with Lyly/
    Friday - He's going dentist

g) He goes at meeting with a female friend

ages (eichzes)=  siglos, edades/ arrangement (e'reichment)= planes, organizar cosas/
both (bo:z)= ambos/ to move (tzu mu:f)=cambiar de piso, de casa/
long distance call (lan distens k:ol)= conferencia, llamada de larga distancia/
to text (tzu te:kst)= mandar un mensaje/ close friend (klous frend)= amigo intimo/ 
either (aider)=cualquiera de los dos/ to fix (tzu fiks)= fijar, asegurar

-  Escribir una frase con el presente del verbo TO SPEND y con el verbo TO STAND

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