jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Dates, Numbers and Seasons

19 de enero de 2017
- ill # healthy / illness (ilnes)= enfermedad/ health (jelz)= salud, sano

- cross= verb (walk, run, go) + across
                                          │go       │
  Ej.: cross (the road) = towalk   │ across (the road)
                                          │run     │

a) 1- I´m going to Australia/ 2- I'm going to go in February/ 3- I'm going to go for one month/
    4- I'm going to stay at Two star hotel

1/ We're going to mis the plane!/ 2- I'm going to get a trolley/
3- Are you going to do your homework/ 4- I'm not going to do anything/
5- Where are you going to go next?/ 6- We are going to get the train there/
7- She is going to work in a bookshop for six weeks/ 8- Is she going to have a holiday

- So + subj + verb = así que
- star hotel, star al ir precedido de un noun, STAR se convierte en ADJETIVO 
                  y los ADJETIVOS siempre son SINGULARES
   Ej.: two star hotel  NUNCA    two stars hotel

Spring (sprin)= March, April, May, June
Summer (samer)= June, July, August, September
Autumn (o;tom) - Fall (fo:l)= September, October, November, December
Winter (uinter)= December, January, February, March

6th January = January 6th = the six of January = January the sixth
       SIEMPRE la fecha es número ordinal
Ej.: I was born on 6th of April / I was born on 24th of November
        Cardinal      Ordinal                  Cardinal      Ordinal 
         one                first                         twelve        twelfth
         two                second                    thirteen      thirteenth
         three              third                       fifteen        fifteenth
         four               fourth                     twenty        twentieth
         five               fifth                        thirty          thirtieth
         nine              ninth                       forty           fortieth
         ten                tenth                       fifty            fiftieth                      

  - teenage are from thirteen year until nineteen year
  - en las cifras compuestas el ordinal recae en la última cifra
    Ej.: 37th class = thirty seventh class
           31th December = thirty first of December
           22/6 = twenty second of June = twenty second of sixth

   - En USA la fecha se forma al reves, primero el mes y luego el dia 
     Ej.: 6/3 = thrird of June

a) third of May/ twelfth of August of twenty twelve/ thiry first of December/
    twenty second of June/ twentieth of July nineteen nifty eighth

b) 5/ 6/ 1/ 4/ 3/ 2/ 7

c) Because she is going to go to Budapest to a conference
    They are going to go a great restaurant when Lily is going to arrive at Budapest

e) Date: 2/5 / Budapest at 14:40/ Date: 8/5 / Budapest at 16:35/ Hotel Gellert

chemist's (kemist)= farmacia/ grocery (grouseri)= fruteria, ultramarinos/
grocer's (grousers)= vendedor de fruta, tendero/ at last! (at la:st)= por fin!/
I think so (ai zink so)= creo que si/ I don't think so (ai dont zink so)= creo que no/
advert (adve:t)= anuncio/ luxury cruise (lakseri kru:z)= cruzero de lujo/
rainforest (reinforist)= bosque húmedo/ tour last (tuer la:st)= durar tiempo/
tuition (tiu'izson)= clase (pedagógicas)/ dishes (dizses)= platos elaborados/
family-run (femili ran)= hotel familiar, gestionado por la familia/
I can't wait! (ai cant ueit)= estoy deseando, no veo el momento/
I looking forward to seeing you (ai lukin tzu sieing iu)= estoy deseando saber de ti/ 
I can't wait to see you again (ai cant ueit tzu si iu eguen)=
                                                                estoy deseando saber de ti, estoy impaciente por verte

- Workbook. Pag. 17. GRAMMAR B / VOCABULARY
                     Pag. 18. everything
- Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 26 be going to
- Student's Book. pag. 22. Exercise 1 Reading & Listening exercise d

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