martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

PRESENT PERFECT III and just, already, yet

7 de marzo de 2017
* Something you did last week and why did you (went to) do it?
   I went to Plentzia and I walked at the beach with my dog and my family, because I like walk and
   other week I can't do it because I'm working.
   She went at the cinema and she watched  Terminator
   She didn't do nothing that she don´t do everyday it

 - She went to working (work) during for 2 hours  OR    She was working for 2 hours

 - He didn't (do) nothing (anything) special   OR  He did nothing special

 - the last week/ month/ day = last week/ month/ day

- Pretérito perfecto (esp)           =      ocurrido recientemente [ PAST SIMPLE english]
    [me ha dicho, me ha hecho]

-  Diferencia entre listen = escuchar (IMPLICA ATENCION) I listen to radio
                              hear = oir (NO IMPLICA ATENCION)      I hear a noise when I'm walking

toothpicks (tudpiks)= palillos, mondadientes/ in advance (in advanz)= por adelantado
a model bridge (a madel braich)= miniatura, maqueta de un puente

- FOTOCOPIAS Pag. 39. 4A VOCABULARY housework make, do
1- I doin't like doing the ironin/ 2- She's very untidy. She never puts away her clothes/
3- Shh, don't make a noise. The baby's asleep/ 4- My mother does she washing on Mondays/
5- When I was little, I always make my bed before I went to school/
6- Can you do the shopping for me, please?/ 7- Please lay the table! We're eating in five minutes/
8- How often do you do exercise?/ 9- My children have made a lot of friends at their new school/
10- I broke a glass while I was doing the washing-up/
11- I made the mistake of tellling her my secret/ 12- Do you like making plans for the future?/
13- Please do (tidy) your room. These are books and clothes all over the floor/
14- It's my job to put (take) out the rubbish at night/
15- When was the last time you did (took, sat) an exam?/
16- You've left your towel on the floor. Please pick it up/
17- I don't have time to make lunch. Let's eat out/
18- Did you do anything exciting at the weekend?/ 19- Please can you do exercise 1 on page 46?/
20- Can I borrow your phone. I need to make a call.

- WORKBOOK. Pag.24. Pag.25 Everything
a) 1- pich up dirty clothes/ 2- make the beds, lunch/ 3- tidy your room, your desk/
    4- lay the table for dinner/ 5- clean the floor, the bathroom/
    6- take out the rubbish, the newspapers/ 7- do the ironing, the washing-up/
    8- put away the clothes on your bed

b) 1- He never forgets to do his homework after school/
    2- I try not to make a noise when I get up early/ 3- My husband doesn't often make lunch/
    4- I'm going to do a course in Portuguese before I go to Brazil/
    5- We always do housework on Saturday morning/
    6- Some children make friends easily when they go to school/
    7- When do you have time to do sport?/ 8- Sorry, I need to make a phone call

2- GRAMMAR present perfect + yet, just, already
a) 1- I've already done the washing/ 2- Have you made any plans for the weekend, yet?/
    3- We haven't finished lunch yet/ 4- Daniel has already tidied his room/
    5- I've done already the ironing/ 6- Have you been to the supermarket yet?/
    7- I haven't cleaned the bathroom yet/ 8- Edward has already take out the rubbish

b) 1- She's just done the washin up/ 2- He's just fallen off his bike/
    3- They've just won the championship/ 4- I've just cleaned the floor/
    5- He's just laied the table/ 6- Sorry, You've just missed dinner

3- PRONUNCIATION /j/, /dz/
a) /j/   student/ young/ year/ yellow/ uniform
   /dz/  jacket/ teenager/ bridge/ jumper/ enjoy

a) Equality in the home

b) 1- Men and women don't always agree about housework T/
    2- Adults and teenagers took part in the study F/
    3- The participants  had to write down the time they spent on housework T/
    4- The time people spend doing housework has changed since the 1960s T/
    5- Today, women do more housework than they did in the 1960s F/
    6- In general, people think it's normal for women to look after the family car F/
    7- Forty years from  now, men and women will share the housework T

c) put away (put euey)= guardar, poner en orden/ resarches (ri'se:ch)= investigadores/
    diary (daieri)= diario/ maintenance (meintenens)= mantenimiento, conservación/
    chore (cho:r)= tarea, faena/ patient (peichient)= paciente/
    figures (figars)= números, cifras/ agree (e'gri:)= de acuerdo/ wardrobe (uo:dreib)= armario
    on the other hand (on de ader jand)= por otra parte/ improving (im'pravin)= mejorando/
    carry on [texting] (ca:ri on tex:tin)= continua [escribiendo]

a) The speaker number 3 is who does the most housework

b) Speaker 1- We all share it/ Speaker 2- I doa little every day/ Speaker 3- We all share it/
    Speaker 4- There's one thing I like doing/ Speaker 5- We pay someone to do it

a) 1- They're lazy and very tidy
    2- They have to look after members of the family, brothers, father, and mother or help them
    3- They have to help between 25 and 50 hours weekly

b) They are caring of your family.
    The feel is positive to them, because they're helping their families

c) 1- Alice & Daniel/ 2- Alice/ 3- Alice & Daniel/ 4- Alice/ 5- Daniel/ 6- Daniel/ 7- Alice/
    8- Daniel

- ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR IN USE. Unit 15. I have done (present perfect)
15.1 1- He has cleaned his shoes/ 2- She has closed the door/ 3- They have gone to bed/
        4- It has stopped rainning/ 5- He has had a shower/ 6- The picture has fallen down

15.2 1- I've lost my keys. I don't know where they are/
        2- I've bought some new shoes. Do you want to see them?
        3- Where is Helen? She's not here. She has gone out/
        4- I'm looking for Paula. Have you seen her?
        5- Look! Somebody has broken that window/
        6- Does Lisa know that you're going away? Yes I have told her
        7- I can't find my umbrella. Somebody has taken it
        8- Where are my glasses? I don't know. I haven't seen them
        9- I'm looking for Sarah. Where has she gone?
      10- I know that woman, but I have forgotten her name
      11- Sue is having a party tonight. She has invited a lot of people
      12- What are you going to do? Have you decided?
      13- Does Ben know about the meeting tomorrow? I don't think so. I haven't told him
      14- I have finished with this magazine. Do you want it?

Unit 16. I've just... I've already... I haven't.... yet (present perfect 2)
16.1 1- They've just arrived/ 2- He's just woke-up (got up)/ 3- They've just bought a new car/
        4- The race has just started

16.2 1- He's already arrived/ 2- No, they have already seen it/ 3- I've already phoned him/
        4- He's already gone/ 5- I've already read it/ 6- She's already started

16.3 1- She hasn't gone out yet/ 2- The bus has just gone/ 3- The train hasn't left yet/
        4- He hasn't opened it yet/
        5- They' ve just finnished their dinner/ It's just stopped raining

16.4 1- Have you started your new job yet?/ 2- Have you met your new neighbours yet?/
        3- Have your paid your electricity bill yet?/ 4- Has Tom sold his car yet?

- Make or Do: Cuando no se sabe lo que se ha hecho, si es físico o no  siempre DO

- Diferencias de EXERCISES = ejercicios académicos o tareas.
                           EXERCICE  = ejercicio físico, gimnástico, deportivo

- I can't wait hearing from you NO  I can't waiting hearing from you

- I'm looking forward from you NO │ I looking forward from you
  I look forward from you                 │

- I've remembered you = Yo me he acordado de tí

- booked them = las he reservado

- Barcelona's harbour NO harbour at Barcelona

- sun lotion= protector solar

- Estuvimos 20 en la fiesta = There were 20 of us at the party / 20 people came to the party

- Travel (verb)= viajar / Trip (noun)= viaje

                                                                                                           [ I'm reading a new book]

   cardigan = jersey con botones delanteros (tipo chaqueta)/ coat= abrigo/ dress= vestido/
   jacket= chaqueta/ jeans= pantalones vaqueros/ shirt= camisa/ shorts= pantalones cortos/
   skirt= falda/ sweater (jumper)= jersey/ top= camiseta chica/ tracksuit= chandal/
   trousers= pantalones/ T-shirt= camiseta/ boots= botas/ flip-flops= chancletas playa/
   sandals= sandalias/ shoes= zapatos/ belt= cinturon/ cap= gorra/ hat= sombrero/
   leggings= leotardos/ gloves= gluantes/ scarf= bufanda/ socks= calcetines/ tie= corbata/
   tights= medias/ bracelet= pulsera/ earrings= pendientes/ necklace= collar/ ring= anillo

1a) Caroline Herrera (Spanish) for women (perfums, clothes, bags)
      Armani (Italian) for men (suits, perfums, bags)
      Vittorio & Luchino (Spanish) for women (dresses, perfums, bags)

  b) Their dresses designs are very classical

  c) 1- The only things I enjoyed there were art and sewing
      2- I really understand how women want to feel
      3- They are so chic, and their sense of colours is so natural to them
      4- I absolutely hated dressing as a man
      5- My feet were killing me!
      6- My boyfriend at that time was very luckly

d) dyslexic= dislexia/ realized= darse cuenta/ being= siendo/ customers= clientes/
    feeling= sensación/ fancy dress= vestidos de lujo/ bride= novia (el dia de la boda)/
    bridegroom= novio (el dia de la boda)/ goodness= loo mejor/ heels= tacones/
    fallen over= caerse/ take off= quitarse/ in bare feet= descalzo/ leather= cuero

toothpicks (tudpiks)= palillos, mondadientes/ in advance (in advanz)= por adelantado
a model bridge (a madel braich)= miniatura, maqueta de un puente
put away (put euey)= guardar, poner en orden/ resarches (ri'se:chs)= investigadores/
diary (daieri)= diario/ maintenance (meintenens)= mantenimiento, conservación/
chore (cho:r)= tarea, faena/ patient (peichient)= paciente/ improving (im'pravin)= mejorando/
figures (figars)= números, cifras/ agree (e'gri:)= de acuerdo/ wardrobe (uo:dreib)= armario
on the other hand (on de ader jand)= por otra parte/  coat (kout) = abrigo
carry on [texting] (ca:ri on tex:tin)= continua [escribiendo]/ dress (dres)= vestido/
cardigan (kardigan)= jersey con botones delanteros (tipo chaqueta)/ jacket (dzaket)= chaqueta/
jeans (yins)= pantalones vaqueros/ shirt (sze:t)= camisa/ shorts (szo:s)= pantalones cortos/
skirt (ske:t)= falda/ sweater (jumper) (sueter, dzamper)= jersey/ top (top)= camiseta chica/
tracksuit (trak su:t)= chandal/ trousers (trauses)= pantalones/ T-shirt (te-sze:t)= camiseta/
boots (buts)= botas/ flip-flops (flip flops)= chancletas playa/ sandals (sandels)= sandalias/
shoes (dzu:s)= zapatos/ belt (belt)= cinturon/ cap (cap)= gorra/ hat (jat)= sombrero/
leggings (leguinz)= leotardos/ gloves (glafs)= guantes/ scarf (sca:f)= bufanda/
socks (soks)= calcetines/ tie (tai)= corbata/ tights (taits)= medias/ bracelet (breislet)= pulsera/ earrings (irins)= pendientes/ necklace (nekles)= collar/ ring (rin)= anillo

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.30. 4B Fashion and shopping 1 c
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 164. Hoja de verbos irregulares.

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