jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017


30 de de marzo de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 135. 5B 
a) 1- Thais are the most polite people I've ever met/
    2- Yesterday was the hottest day of the year/
    3- This is the worst time to drive to the city/ 4- She's the friendiest girl at school/
    5- This is the most important part of the exam/
    6- The best time to visit New England is autumn/
    7- Ulan Bator is one of the most polluted cities in the world/
    8- The fartherst I've ever flown is to Bali/
    9- That's definitely the funniest film I've ever seen/
   10- Rob's daughters are all pretty, but I think Emily is the prettiest

b) 1- It's the hottest country I've ever been to/
    2- She's the most unfriendly person I've ever met/
    3- It's the easiest exam he's ever done/
    4- They are the most expensive troussers I've ever bought/
    5- It's the longest film I've ever watched/ 6- He is the most atractive man I've ever seen/
    7- It's the worst meal I've ever eaten/ 8- He's the most interesting teacher I've ever had/
    9- It's the most exciting job I've ever done

* FOTOCOPIA 30/3/17. Corregir las siguientes frases.
1- Would you like coming with us?
    Would you like to come with us? / Do you like coming with us?
    Con WOULD no puede el verbo que acompaña terminar en -ing
2- Is there salt enough?
    Is there enough salt?
    En esta frase enough va acompañado de  noun, por lo tanto va antes del noun
3- I've had orange juice for the breakfast at 10.00 a.m.
    I had orange juice for breakfast at 10.00 a.m.
    La frase está escrita en present perfect y es incorrecta porque 
                         hace referencia a un tiempo pasado concreto, por lo tanto es en past simple
4- There is a lot of I still have to do
    There is a lot I still have to do
    la expresión a lot of, es incorrecta porque no es necesario of

- Expresión WOULD LIKE │ n. d. -- I'd like a lemon tea
                                                │- to infinitve -- I'd like to have a lemon tea
                                                │- ing       INCORRECT

- Enough ---- NOUN  --- I have enough money to buy a bicycle
       │                                                   ( but I don't have enough money to buy a Mercedes)
    Adjetive + enough -- I'm not tall enough to play basketball

        enough + noun = antes del nombre  /  enough + adjetive = después del adjetivo

- Is there siempre para noun singular      Ej.Is there any book?
  Are there siempre para noun plural       Ej. Are the any books?

- Los adverbios por lo general van antes del verbo principal

 hacer las preguntas y respuestas correspondientes a estas tarjetas.

 1- When is the museum open?/When does the museum open?/What time does the museum open?
               │              │
              verb      subject
      It opens from 10 am to 8 pm / It's open from 10 am to 8pm
             │                                             │
           verb                                        Adjective
2- Is it open every day? /  Does it open every day?
     The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday
3- How much does the ticket cost?
     It costs € 6.50 (six euros fifty or six euros and fifty cents)
4- Is there any public transport to go there?  / Can I go there by public transport?
     Yes, you can go by bus, and underground. Its underground station is at Moyua station
5- Is there a shop in the museum? Yes, there is a shop on the ground floor

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 42. 5B Grammar
a) 1- the friendliest/ 2- the cheappest/ 3- the most boring/ 4- the meanest/ 5- the most impatient/
    6-  the quietest/ 7- the emptiest/ 8- the laziest

- Corregir 3 o 4 frases de la fotocopia 30/03/17
- Workbook. Pag. 32. Grammar exercises a, b, c
- Fotocopias. Pag. 42. 5B Grammar b


miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017





             Aportación mínima un paquete entero de txutxes y tendrás actualización de por vida.

martes, 28 de marzo de 2017


28 de marzo de 2017
- WORKBOOK. Pag. 30. 5A No time for anything. 1 Grammar
a) 1- My new boss is more patient than the old one/
    2- Pollution is worse in cities than it is in the country/
    3- We aren't in a hurry. You can drive more slowly/
    4- The summers here are hotter than they were in the past/
    5- I failed the test. I'll work harder next time/
    6- It's farther to my parent's house than it is to my boyfriend's/
    7- You can make the dinner tonight. Your cook better than me/
    8- The Japanese diet is healthier than the American diet/
    9- A motorbike is more dangerous than a car/
  10- Heatrow airport is busier than Manchester airport

b) 1- That car doesn't go as fast as this one/ 2- Her handbag wasn't as stylish as her shoes/
    3- My office isn't as big as my boss's office/ 4- The Netherlands didn't play as well as the Spain/
    5- You don't drive as carefully as me/ 6- Mobile phones aren't as expensive as laptops/
    7- Sally doesn't look as relaxed as Harry/ 8- His trousers weren't as dirty as his shirt

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 30. 5A No time for anything. 2 Vocabulary
1- The flight to Beijing is going to take about 11 hours/
2- She needs to spend more time studying/
3- I hope we arrive on time. My dad is meeting me at the airport/
4- Don't waste time doing things you don't enjoy/
5- We'll save time if we go on the motorway. There's much less traffic/
6- My girlfriend gets very stressed when she's in a hurry

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 30. 5A No time for anything. 3 Pronunciation
a) 1- fas│ter/ 2- cen│tre/ 3- pa│rents/ 4- a│go/ 5- chil│dren/ 6- pa│tient/ 7- pro│blem/
    8- co│mmu│ni│ca│tion/ 9- tra│di│tio│nal/ 10- a│round/ 11- se│conds/ 12- be│tter

b) 1- fas│ter/ 2- cen│tre/ 3- pa│rents/ 4- a│go/ 5- chil│dren/ 6- pa│tient/ 7- pro│blem/
    8- co│mmu│ni│ca│tion/ 9- tra│di│tio│nal/ 10- a│round/ 11- se│conds/ 12- be│tter

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 31. 5A No time for anything. 4 Reading

b) 1- The fisherman needed to catch more fish F/ 2- The American thought he was very busy F/
    3- The American wanted him to work harder T/ 4- He told the fisherman to buy more boats T/
    5- The American said than he couldn't live in New York F/
    6- The American promised the fisherman a lot of money F

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 31. 5A No time for anything. 5 Listening

a) 1- has just started working from home / 2- has had a baby 5 / 3- has lost his/her job 2/
    4- has moved to a different country / 5 has retired 4

b) Two speakers are happiest: Speaker 5 because she had a baby / Speaker 4 because he's retired
    The least happy is Speaker 2 because he has lot his job

- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 42. 5B Grammar
a) 1- He's happier than his wife/ 2- Spain is hotter than France/
    3- The sandwiches are more expensive than the drinks/ 4- David speaks Italian better than Kim/
    5- Sydney is farther from London than Delhi/ 6- He's taller than his brother/
    7- Clarie works harder than Sally/ 8- The traffic at 8.30 is worse than the traffic at 9.30/
    9- Harry writes more quickly than Paul/
   10- Life in the city is more stressful than life in the country

b) 1- His wife isn't as happy as him/ 2- France isn't as hot as Spain/
    3- The drinks aren't as expensive as the sandwiches/ 4- Kim doesn't speak as well as David/
    5- Delhi isn't as far from London as Sydney/ 6- His brother isn't as tall as he/
    7- Sally doesn't work as hard as Claire/ 8- The traffic at 9.30 isn't as bad as the traffic at 8.30/
    9- Paul doesn't write as quickly as Harry/
 10- Life in the country isn't as stressful as life in the city

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.34. 3&4 Revise and Check. Vocabulary
a) 1- We arrived in Prague at 7.15/ 2- I'm coming! Wait for me/
    3- What did you ask for meat or fish? / 4- I don't know. It depends on the price/
    5- How much did you pay for those shoes?

b) 1- do the washing-up/ 2- make a mistake/ 3- do an exam/ 4- do exercise/ 5- make a noise

c) 1- Please, could you lay the table/ 2- I'll cook if you do the washing-up/
    3- I want to try on this sweater/
    4- If you want to take something back to a shop, you need to have the receipt/
    5- These shoes don't fit me/ 6- The flight to Berlin is now leaving from Gate 12/
    7- You can find a trolley over there/
    8- First you need to go to the check-in desk where you get your boarding pass/
    9- International flights depart from Terminal 2/ 10- There are lifts to the first and second floors

d) 1- This exercise is really boring/ 2- I never feel relaxed the day before I go on holiday/
    3- It was a very exciting match/ 4- Jack is a bit depressed. He lost his job/
    5- Are you interested in art?

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.35. 3&4 Revise and Check. Can you understand this text?
a) They stole in Sweden

b) 1- The robbery was in Malmó/ 2- They were two man, and they stole seven left shoes/
    3- The police were helped by shop assitants/ 4- There are 30 minutes by train/
    5- Because in both places display the same shoes, in Sweden  the left shoes/
    6- Yes, they arrested the men responsable for the robberies/
    7- It's a product attractive by they are easy to move and
        easy to sell and they have become very expensive lately/
    8- Because the thieves will have to do is move to Germany,
        because in Germany too are selling right shoes

b) puzzled= perplejo/ robbery= robo/ staff= personal/ disappearing= desaparecieron/
    thieves= ladrones/ several= varios/ brands= marca comercial/ fear= miedo

- cliffs= acantalidos/ waterfall= cascada, catarata/
  shepherd pie= pastel de patata con verduras/
  stew= sopa de carne con vegetables/ aunties= tias/

- Where are we going to go? / How much are we going to pay?/ How much does it cost?

- hot= calor / very hot = mucho calor / scorching = calor abrasador  /
  tropical showers = lluvia tropical

- One syllable adjetives/ adverbs al final se le añade la terminación -est.
                                                      al principio SIEMPRE con el articulo the
     Ej: My brother is the fastest runner in the school
         My brother is the boy who runs the fastest in the school

- Two syllables adjetives: La mayoria de los casos tiene la misma forma que los de 3 sílabas
                                          Cuando terminan en -y se convierte en i+est = iest
                          adverbio slowly se forma el superlativo con more = the most slowly            
   Ej.: He's the happiest person of the group
          I'm the most tired person in the class

- Three syllables o more adjetives/adverbs se le forma:          
                                                           the most + (Adjetive/Adverb) │ in  ---  sitios
                                                                                                          │ of ---  cosas, personas
    Ej: Mary is the most beatiful woman of the all
          She's singer who sings the most beatifully of all the choir

-                                                   TWO SYLLABLE
     Adjetives                                                  │                                        Adverbs
      happy= happiest                                        │     slowly = the most slowly
   Ej. She's the happiest person in this class       │   Ej, She works the most slowly
    Comparativo worse                                     │    farther
    Superlativo worst                                        │  fartherst

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 38. 5B Superlative cities. 1 Grammar
a) 3- Barcelona (Spain)/ 1- Copenhagen (Denmark)/ 4- Dublin (Ireland)/ 5- Paris (France)/
    2- Venice (Italy)

b) 1- Venice is the most romantic city/ 2- Copenhagen is the cleanest city/
    3- Paris has the best-dressed people/ 4- Barcelona has the best architecture/
    5- Dublin is the friendliest city

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 134. 5B Superlatives
- Utilizamos el adjetivo superlativo para decir cual es lo más grande, etc de un grupo

- Despúes del adjetivo superlativo usamos "in" + el nombre de un sitio
                                                              +  palabras en singular que representa a un grupo

    Ej: It's the noisiest city in the world / It's the dirtiest city in Europe

- A menudo utilizamos el adjetivo superlativo con el present perfect + ever
   Ej: It's the hottest country I've ever been (estado ó ido) to

-  Adjetive             Comparative         Superlative
    cold                     colder                   the coldest              Regular Una Sílaba
    hot                       hotter                   the hottest               Regular Una Silaba
    pretty                   prettier                 the prettiest             Regular Dos Silabas
    beatiful                more beatiful       the most beatiful        Regular Tres Sílabas
    good                    better                    the best                         IRREGULAR
    bad                      worse                    the worst                      IRREGULAR
    far                       further                   the furthest                  IRREGULAR
                               farther                   the farthest                   IRREGULAR

puzzled (paseld)= perplejo/ robbery (raberi)= robo/ staff (sta:f)= personal/
disappearing (dise'piarin)= desaparecieron/ thieves (ci:fs)= ladrones/
several (sevrel)= varios/ brand (brand)= marca comercial/ fear (fier)= miedo/
cliffs (klifs)= acantalidos/ waterfall (ua:terfol)= cascada, catarata/
shepherd pie ('seped pai) = pastel de patata con verduras/
stew (stiu:)= sopa de carne con vegetables/ aunties (a:nties)= tias/
scorching ('sko:tdzin)= calor abrasador

- Oral presentation: Name? / Age / Family / Freetime / Hobbys
- Student's Book. Pag. 135, 5B a, b

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017


23 de Marzo de 2017
- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 41. 4B Grammar
a) 1- Have you ever eaten octopus?/ 2- I've never flown in a helicopter/
    3- Has she ever been late for work?/ 4- He hasn't  bought any expensive clothes/
    5- She's met a lot of famous people/ 6- We have never seen a Spike Lee film/
    7- She's won a lot of prizes for her novels/ 8- Have you ever lose a credit card/
    9- I've never work in a shop or a restaurant/ 10- Have you ever sold something on eBay/
   11- He's fallen off his bike five times/ 12- I haven't read any of the Lord of The Rings books

b) 1- Have you ever been to an action?/ 2- Yes, I have/ 3- I went to one /
    4- Did you buy anything?/ 5- Yes, I bought a necklace/ 6- How much did you pay for it?/
    7- But I've worn it a lot/ 8- Have you ever heard the group Muse?/ 9- No, I haven't /
  10- I saw them in concert last month/ 11- Was it a good concert?/ 12- Yes, I really liked it

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.32. 4C.Reading
a) - People sometimes don't tell the truth about their weekend C
b) 1- b lie about their weekend
    2- b had a very tiring week
    3- a their real weekend is very boring
    4- b try to make their lives seem more exciting

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.33. 6 Vocabulary
a) tired described how you feel / tiring describes things and situations
b) 1- Do you think Sundays are usually boring?/ 2- Are you bored with your job or studies?/
    3- What kind of weather makes you feel depressed?/
    4- Why do you think the news is often depressing?/
    5- What activity do you find most relaxing?/
    6- Do you usually feel relaxed at the end of the weekend?/
    7- What is the most interesting book you've read recently?/
    8- What sports are you interested in?/ 9- Are you excited about your next holiday?/
  10- What's the most exciting sports mathc you've ever watched?

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 133. 4B
a) 1- Have you ever bought clothes from than shop?/
    2- I've always wanted a pair of designer shoes/ 3- I haven't read the newspaper today/
    4- We haven't been to the new shopping centre yet/
    5- Have your brother lived abroad all his life?/ 6- They've gone to live in South America/
    7- She hasn't flown before/ 8- James hasn't met his girlfriend's family yet/
    9- Have you eaten in this restaurant before?/
   10- Jane has gone to the gym - she'll be back in an hour

b) 1- When did you see it?/ 2- I went to the cinema in March and it was on then/
    3- I have been to the cinema in ages/ 4- The last film I saw was Mamma Mia!/
    5- Did you enjoy it?/ 6- I loved it!/

c) 1- The kids aren't here. They've all gone out/
    2- Have you ever been to the swimming pool in town?/
    3- I haven't been to Sue's new flat yet/ 4- My sistes has gone to teach in France/
    5- Oh good. Dad's been to the shop- the fridge is full

- Para formar el comparativo utilizamos el pronombre sujeto
                  THAN + Pronombre sujeto           (me, you, him, her, us you, them) al final

  Ej: I'm tall but my sisters are taller that │me
                                                             │I am  (I am al final de la frase NO SE CONTRAE)

         John is nice but Peter is nice that │him
                                                          │ he is

   Siempre es como los de tres sílabas EXCEPTO cuando terminan en -Y,
                                                                          que se convierte la terminación -Y en -IER

   Adjetives: happy - happi + er = happier  / easy - easi + er = easier
   Ej.: Children are happier than adults / English grammar is easier than French Grammar

   Adverbs: slowly - slowy + more = more slowly
   Ej: a bike runs more slowly than a plane

  La mayoria de ellos forman el comparativo como si tuvieran 3 o más sílabas.
  Ej: She's more tired than │ him
                                          │ he is
  Si la terminación del adjetivo/adverbio es en -Y, la -Y se convierte en "i" y se le añade "ER"
  Ej. She's happier than you

  Se forma con la palabra "LESS" + (Adj / Adv) + THAN
  Ej. I'm less tall than my sisters / Staying in a hostel is less expensive than staying in hotel

  Se forma con NOT AS + (Adj/Adv) + AS ....
  Ej.: I´m not as tall as │my sisters  
                                    │ them
                                     │they are
        Going camping isn't as expensive as staying in a hotel
        Buying "EL MUNDO" is as expensive as buying "EL PAIS".
          En este caso el verbo "buying" es equivalente al sustantivo y se añade -ing al final
           Buy-  buying  / Play  - playing

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 37. 2 Grammar
a) Adverbs: quickly/ slowly /
    Adjetivs: patient/ busy / stressed
    Boths: fast / bad
 b) 1- Life is faster than before/ 2- Traffic in cities is more worse than it was/
     3- Everybody is busier than they were five years ago/
     4- We are more stressed than our grandparents were/
     5- We do everything more quickly, faster/ 6- People aren't as patient as they were before

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 134. 5A Grammar
-  Para comparar dos personas, lugares, cosas o acciones utilizamos:
   1- Adjetivos comparativos
   2- Adverbios compartativos (para referirnos a acciones del verbo)
   3- (not) as + adjetive/adverb + as

- Adjetivos comparativos Regulares
  1- Una sola sílaba se añade la terminación -er. Ej. short - shorter
  2- Una sola vocal + una sola consonante, se añade una doble consonante al final + - er
       Ej.: big - bigger
  3- Consonante y terminación en -Y, se le anula Y y se añade + -ier
       Ej: easy - easier  / busy - busier
  4- Con dos o más sílabas se le convierte en more + adjetive
       Ej: relaxed - more relaxed   /   expensive  - more expensive /

-  Adjetivos comparativos Irregulares
  Tienen su propia palabra para construirlos
   good --- better                 │   bad --- worse         │ far  --- further/farther (solo para distancias)
   stressed--- more stressed │  tired --- more tired │ bored --- more bored

- Adverbios regulares
  Siempre se les añade "more" + Adverbio. 
  Ej: more quickly / more slowly

- Adverbios irregulares
  Tienen su propia palabra
  hard --- harder  │  well --- better  │ badly --- worse

- Los comparativos con pronombres, después de un comparativo + than o as ... as utilizamos
  un objeto pronombre (me, you, him, her, our, you, them) 
  o un pronombre + auxiliar de verbo.
  Ej.: My brother's taller than me / My brother's taller than I am
        He's not as intelligent as her / He's not as intelligent as she is

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 135. 5A
a) 1- Modern computers are much faster than the early ones/ 2- My sister is taller than me/
    3- I'm busier this week than last week/ 4- Newcastle is farther from London than Leeds/
    5- I thought the third Men in Black film was worse than the first two/
    6- Manchester United played better than Arsenal/
    7- The French exam was harder than the German/ 8- My new job is more boring my old one/
    9- My new apartment is bigger than my old one/
  10- I'm not lazzy - I just work more slowly than you!

b) 1- Jerry isn't as short as Adam/ 2- My bag isn't as nice as your bag/
    3- London isn't as big as Tokio/ 4- Cricket isn't as popular as tennis/
    5- Adults don't learn languages as fast as adults/ 6- You don't work as hard as me/
    7- France didn't play as well as England

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 42. 5A Grammar
a) 1- He's happier than his wife / 2- Spain is hotter than France/
    3- The sandwiches are more expensive than the drink/
    4- David speaks Italian better than Kim/
    5- Sydney is farther from London than Delhi/ 6- He's taller than his brother/
    7- Claire works harder than Sally/ 8- The traffic at 8.30 is worse than the traffic at 9.30/
    9- Harry writes more quickly than Paul

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 12 - 13
- Introduce youself:
   Name:                  Hello, my name's
   Age:                     I was born on xxxxx and I was xxxx years old
   From:                   I'm from in xxxx
   Where you live:   I live in xxxxx
   Job:                      I work in XXXX
   Studies:                I studied XXXX
   hobbies:               I like XXXXXX
   family members: I XXX

- Dialogo
  2 Preguntas acerca de ti o lo expuesto anteriormente

- Interacción a través de una tarjeta
  Se pueden ver modelos en la Web
                     www.eoi/ examenes/ modelos de examen/ nivel basico/ examenes A2-task

- Fotocopias Pag. 42. 5A Grammar b

- Workbook. Pag. 30 everything
                     Pag. 31 everything
- Student's book. Pag. 34. 3&4 Revise and Check. Vocabulary a,b,c,d

- Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 86, 87, 88, 89

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017


21 de Marzo de 2017
- FOTOCOPIAS Pag.41 4B Grammar 
a) 1- Have you ever eaten octopus?/ 2- I've never flown in a helicopter/
    3- Has she ever been late for work?/ 4- He hasn't bought any expensive clothes/
    5-She's met a lot of famous people/ 6- We have never seen a S Spike Lee film/
    7- She's won a lot of prizes for her novel/ 8- Have you ever lose a credit card?/
    9- I've never work in a shop or a restaurant/ 10- Have you ever sold anything on Ebay?/
    11- He's fallen off his bike five times/ 12- U haven't read any of the Lord of the Rings books

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.133. 4C
a) 1- Dis you me anyone last night?/
    2- Somebody phoned when you were out. They're going to call back later/
    3- I've seeen your waller somewhere but I can't remember where/
    4- There's nothing interesting on TV tonight. Let's go out/ 5- Did anybody call while I was out?/
    6- Did you go anywhere exciting at the weekend?/
    7- I've bought you something really nice for Christmas!/
    8- I rang the doorbell, but nobody answered/ 9-We went shopping, but we didn't buy anything/
  10- There's nowhere more expensive than London!

b) 1- What did you do last night? Nothing/ 2- Where did you go yesterday? Nowhere/
    3- Who did you see? Nobody, no one

c) 1- I didn't do anything last night/ 2- I didn't go anywhere yesterday/ 3- I didn't see anybody

-  Nothing    │
   Nowhere   │+ verbo principal en afirmativo , la frase se convierte en NEGATIVA 
   Nobody     │

       Ej.: I nothing did do yesterday! # I didn't yesterday it!

- anything/ anywhere/ anybody SIEMPRE el verbo en NEGATIVO
       Ej.:  I don't bought  anything at the supermaket

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 32.  4 Reading
a) People sometimes don't tell the truth about their weekend

b) 1- b- lie about their weekend/ 2- b- had a very tiring week/
    3- a- their real weekend is very boring/ 4- b-try to make their lives seen more exciting

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.33. 6 Vocabulary
b) 1- Do you think Sundays are usually boring?/ 2- Are you bored with your job or studies?/
    3- What king of weather makes you feel depressed?/
    4- Why do you think the news is often depressing?/
    5- What activity do you find most relaxing?/
    6-Do you usually feel relaxed at the end of the weekend?/
    7- What is more interesting book you've read recently?/ 8- What sports are you interested in?/
    9- Are you excited about your next holiday?/
   10- What's the most exciting sports match you've ever watched?

-  truth (noun) = verdad  /   true (adj)= verdadero

       CORRECT       to tell the truth   / INCORRECT      to say the true
                                                 noun                                                  Adj

- Adjetives ending in --ed say the person/object that they refer to
        Ej. John is very interested in technology                      experiencies that emotion/feeling
            My son is very excited about going to Paris

- Adjetives ending in --ing say that the person/object that refer to causes that feeling/emotion
       Ej.: This book is very interesting / The films is very boring
             I hope my classes are not boring / I hope my students are not bored

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 26. Listening Comprehension
- Speaker 1 A - C   /       Speaker 2 B - F   /    Speaker 3   D - E 

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 35. Can you understand these people?
 1- Paul went to the airport to get a plane to London/ 2- Tonight Gurjot is meeting an old friend/
 3- Ellie likes ironing/ 4- The shoes Alise bought online were the wrong size/
 5- Last weekend Anya bought something for a friend's birthday

- to mind (verb)= importar. SIEMPRE en frases interrogativas y negativas
                                             NUNCA   en frases negativas
    Ej.: I don't mind doing the ironing

-  I did some shopping = bought something

- Pizza Domino's se refiere al tipo de pizza, para decir vamos a Pizza Dominos
   la frase es = We are going to have at Domino's pizza bar

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 36. 5A 1 Reading & Vocabulary 
a) 2- No time for Snow White/ 4- No time to write/ 3- No time to wait/ 6- More time on the road/
    5- No time for Van Gogh/ 1- No time to stop

c) save time= ahorrar, reservar tiempo # wasting time= gastar el tiempo/ worse= peor
    immediately= inmediatamente/ to allow= permitir/ even= incluso/ average= la media (mat.)
    spend more time= pasar más tiempo/ much less time= pasar mucho más tiempo

    in a hurry= con prisa ----  to be in a hurry = tener prisa -- hurry up! = date prisa, corre
                                                                 noun                         verb

                   │ the doctor  (noun). Ej. The doctor is seeing a patient
                   │ the doctor (adj). Ej. If you grown plants you need to be patient

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 37. 2 Grammar
a) quickly= adverbio/ fast= adverbio & adjetivo/ busy= adjetive/ patient= adjetivo/
    slowly= adverbio/ stressed= adjetivo

b) 1- Life is faster than before/ 2- Traffic in cities is more worse than it was/
    3- Everybody is busier than they were five years ago/
    4- We are more stressed than our grandparents were/
    5- We do everything more quickly/ 6- People aren't as patient than they were before

- Compatatives (of adjetives / adverbs)
   - Superiority

  - ONE- syllabe adjetives  ...  + er
     Ej.:                    │ is  │
             my brother│      │   faster than │ me    
                               │my│                       │  I   │am
                                                                          │ do    (Aux)

  - THREE or more syllables  --- more + (adjetive) + than....  siempre es la misma fórmula
         Ej.: My sister is morte betiful than │me
                                                                 │  I
prizes (praises)= premios / home town (joum taun) = la ciudad donde nació/
invent (in'vent)= invertar/ boring (bo:rin)= aburrido, aburrimiento/ meal (mi:l)= encuentro/
resting (restin)= descansado, reposado/ else (els)= más, además, de otro modo/
paperwork (peiperwe:k)= papeleo/ encouraging (in'karidzin)= alentador, esperanzador/
save time (seif taim)= ahorrar, reservar tiempo # wasting time (uestin time)= gastar el tiempo/ 
worse (ue:s)= peor/ immediately (i'mi:dietli)= inmediatamente/ to allow (tzu e'lou)= permitir/
even (i:ven)= incluso/ average (averidz)= la media (mat.)/ to mind (tzu maind)=  importar/
spend more time (spen mor taim) = pasar más tiempo/ 
much less time (mudz les taim)= pasar mucho más tiempo/ in a hurry (in a jarri)= con prisa 

-  Workbook: Pag. 28 - Vocabulary + Pronunciation
                      Pag. 29 Everything

- Student's book: Pag. 34 Grammar
                                         Vocabulary a.b.c.d  ---  for  the next Tuesday
                            Pag. 35 Can you understand this text? ----- everything

- Essential Grammar in Use: Unit 78- not + anaybody/ anyone/ anything
                                               Unit 79 somebody/ anything/ nowhere,etc..


jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017


16 de marzo de 2016
* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 41.B Grammar
b) -Have you ever been to an action? / - Yes, I have. I went to one about two years ago/
    - Did you buy anything? Yes, I bought a necklace. How much did you pay for it? /
    - A fortune!. But I've worn it a lot. I love it / - Have you ever heard the  group Muse?/
    - No, I haven´t What kind pf music do they play?/
    - Rock music. I saw them in concert last month/ -Was it a good concert?/- Yes, I really liked it

- Present Simple se utiliza cuando hablamos de un momento concreto del pasado y ya finalizó.
  Present Perfect se utiliza cuando hablamos de una acción ocurrida en un tiempo pasado,
                            pero que ha dia de hoy puede continuar o no ha finalizado

- Never NUNCA puede estar en una frase sin AUXILIAR.
  Ej: I haven't never.   INCORRECT/     I haven't     CORRECT

1- I don't like doing the ironing / 2- She's very untidy. She never puts away her clothes/
3- Shh, don't make a noise. The baby's sleep/ 4- My mother does the washing on Mondays/
5- When I was litlle, I always make my bed before I went to school/
6- Can you do the shopping for me, please?/ 7- How often do you do exercise?/
8- My children have make lot of friends at their new school/
9- Do you like making plans for the future?/

- like + verb -ing  SIEMPRE el siguiente verbo terminado en -ING
    Ej.  I like doing the washing

a)  He spend his weekend locked in office's lift

b) 1- He is a lawyer/ 2- His office is on the 12th floor/
    3- The lift started going down, and then stopped/
    4- He pressed the alarm. He shouted and he tried to call his wife/
    5- She thought perhaps he was with another woman/
    6- Somebody came and repaired the lift. He was happy and hungry/
    7- He is going to walk up the stairs

  skiing resort (ski:in ri'zso:t)= estación de esquí / lift (GB) (lift) = elevator (US) (eliveitor)
  break down (brik daun)= estropearse/ to shout (tzu saut)= gritar/ to press (tzu pres)= pulsar/
  along time (elon taim)= mucho tiempo/
  to take the stairs(tzu teik de steer)= ir por las escaleras/
  emergency number (i'me:dzensi nambar)= llamar al número de emergencia/
  alarm button (e'la:m baton)= botón de alarma/ to push (tzu pus)= pulsar/
  to call   │
               │emergency number  = llamar al número de emergencia
  to dial   │

  to push  │
                 │the alarm button= pulsar, apretar el botos de alarma
  to press

            │  up    │
    walk│          │ the stairs = subir, bajar por las escaleras

       fit (adj) = in good physical condition  /  fittness (noun) = good health physical condition

a) 1- I pressed the button again, but nothing happened/ 2- The police couldn't  find him anywhere/
    3- They phoned the emergency number and someone came and repaired the lift

b) 1- Use something, anything and nothing for things/
    2- Use somebody, anybody, and nobody for people/
    3- Use somewhere, anywhere, and nowhere for places

Affirmative -------- SOMETHING--   │        │- UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS
                                                     │   +    │          He has some money
Negative------- │                           │         │          Does he any money?
                         │--- ANYTHING  - │          │          He doesn't have any money
Interrogative--│                                        │
                                                                 │ - COUNTABLE PLURAL NOUNS
                                                                 │          He has some books
                                                                 │          Does he have any books?
                                                                 │          He doesn't have any books.
   somebody = someone
   some--- frases afirmativas  / any ---- frases negativas e interrogativas

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 132. 4C something, anything, nothing, etc,

- Utilizamos:  somebody   │                                                           │
                       someone     │                                                         │- WHO
                       something  │  cuando no decimos exactamente     │- WHAT
                       somewhere │                                                         │- WHERE

- Utilizamos: anybody        │                 │- INTERROGATIVAS   
                      anyone        │  en frases
                      anything      │                  │- NEGATIVAS
                      anywhere     │

- Utilizamos  nobody            │                  │- CORTAS
                      no one=noone  en frases
                      nothing           │                  │- CON EL VERBO EN AFIRMATIVO 
                      nowhere         │                  │                      PARA DARLE
                                                                  │    UN SENTIDO NEGATIVO  A  LA FRASE

- no one = noone = no-one  

- Una frase con VERBO NEGATIVO no puede tener dos NEGATIVOS en la misma frase

- Una frase NUNCA puede COMENZAR por any.., EMPEZARIA SIEMPRE  con NO..

                      │- INTERROGATIVO = ALGUIEN    Ej. Did anybody phone?
- ANY.....      │
                      │ - NEGATIVO            = NADIE          Ej.:There isn't  anything in the fridge

- Para referirnos a:
                              │SOMEBODY/ SOMEONE -  AFFIRMATIVE
                              │NOBODY / NO ONE          -  NEGATIVE ANSWER

                              │SOMETHING    - AFFIRMATIVE
           - THINGS  │ANYTHING      -  NEGATIVE   or INTERROGATIVE      
                              │NOTHING         -  NEGATIVE ANSWER    
                              │SOMEWHERE  - AFFIRMATIVE
           - THINGS  │ANYWHERE     -  NEGATIVE   or INTERROGATIVE      
                              │NOWHERE        -  NEGATIVE ANSWER      

skiing resort (ski:in ri'zso:t)= estación de esquí / lift (GB) (lift) elevator (US) (eliveitor)
break down (brik daun)= estropearse/ to shout (tzu saut)= gritar/ to press (tzu pres)= pulsar/
along time (elon taim)= mucho tiempo/
to take the stairs (tzu teik de steer)= ir por las escaleras/
emergency number (i'me:dzensi nambar)= llamar al número de emergencia/
alarm button (e'la:m baton)= botón de alarma/ to push (tzu pus)= pulsar/
to pull (tzu pul)= empujar/ bungee-jumping (bandzi iampin)= puenting/
summary (sameri)= resumen/ survey (ser:vei)= encuesta/ jealous (dzeles)= celos, envidia/
seem (si:m)= parecer/ truthful (truz:ful)= sincero, verdadero/
social networking site (suse'l net uerkin sait)= red social en internet/ 
tired (taied)= cansado/ tiring (taierin)= actividad que cansa/

- to lie # to thel the truth  /  tired = cansado, se refiere a la persona  --- person -- I tired
                                         tiring = cansina se refiere a la actividad --- activity - Running is tiring

- Fotocopias. Pag. 41 Grammar a

- Workbook Pag. 27 everything in the right column
                    Pag. 28 Grammar 1a, b

- Student's book. Pag. 133 4C a,b,c
                           Pag. 32. 4 Reading a, b
                           Pag. 33. 6 Vocabulary b


martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


14 de marzo de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 133. 4B
a) 1- Have you ever bought clothes from that shop?/
    2- I've always wanted a pair of designer shoes/  3- I haven't read the newspaper today/
    4- We haven't been to the new shopping centre yet/
    5- Have your brother lived abroad all his life?/ 6- They've gone to live in South America/
    6- She hasn't flown before/ 8- James hasn't met his girlfriend's family yet/
    9- Have you eaten in this restaurant before?/
  10- Jane has gone to the gymn - she'll be back in an hour

c) 1- The kids aren't here. They've all gone out/
    2- Have your ever been to the swimming pool in town?/ 3- I haven't been to Sue's new flat yer/
    4- My sister has gone to teach in France/ 5- Oh good. Dad's been to the shop-the fridge is full

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 155. 2 Online
a) 1- first you go to the website/ 2- you usually have to create an account/
    3- and click on each item/ 4- make sure you get the right size/
    5- everything you buy goes into your shopping bag o basket/
    6- when you are ready to pay you click on proceed to checkout/
    7- you then have to give your delivery address/ 8- and give you payment details/
    9- also buy and sell things online at auctions sites like eBay

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 26. 1 Vocabulary shopping a,b.
a) 1- I don't have time to try on clothes/ 2- There's always a long queue for the changing room/
    3- I just take them straight to the checkout to pay/4- I keep the receipt so I can change them/
    5- if they don't suit me/ 6- I get the wrong size/ 7- and the clothes don't fit/
    8- I often take things back to shops/ 9- but the shop assistant don't seem to mind at all

b) Clues down
    1- you normally have to create an account/ 2- something you want to buy is called an item/
    5- eBay is an online auction site/ 7- Amazon is a popular website
    Clues across
    3- you put it in your shopping basket/ 4- You can make a payment in differents ways/
    6- when you are ready to buy something you go to the checkout/
    8- you have to enter your delivery address

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 27- Grammar present perfect or past simple?
a) 1- She's bought a new jacket/ 2- I haven't bought with my creditcard/
    3- Has Ana been (gonna) shopping?/ 4- Has your sister ever worked as a model?/
    5- You haven't worn your newshirt/ 6- Have I ever told you about my holiday in Greece?/
    7- The shopping centre has never been so crowded/ 8- I have never used eBay

- GRAMMAR in USE. Unit 17. Have you ever...? (present perfect 3)
- Usamos el present perfect (have + verb past participle) cuando hablamos de un hecho 
   que su acción comienz en el pasado y dura hasta el momento actual
     Ej.: Have you been to France? / I have seen thar woman before, but I can't remember where

- present perfect + ever (in questions) and never. 
       ever= alguna vez / never= nunca             Siempre se coloca delante del verbo principal.
     Ej.: Has Ann ever been in Australia? / I have never ridden a horse

- gone and been 
    he has gone = el ha ido pero aún no ha regresado, o sigue en el sitio que hace referencia
    he has been= el ha ido pero ya ha vuelto al lugar o sitio de origen desde el que se habla

17.1 1- Have you ever been to London?/ 2- Have you ever played golf?/
        3- Have you ever been to Australia?/ 4- Have you ever lost your passport?/
        5- Have you ever flown in a helicopter?/ 6- Have you ever won a race?/
        7- Have you ever been to New York?/ 8- Have you ever driven a bus?/
        9- Have you ever broken your leg?

17.2 1- She's been to New York twice/ 2- She's been to Australia once/
        3- She's been to Australia once/ 2- She has never won a race/
        4- She's flown in a helicopter a few times/ 5- No, I've never been to New York/
        6- Yes, I've played tennis a few times/ 7- Yes, I 've driven a lorry twice/
        8- No, I've never been late for the work

17.3 1- She has had many differents jobs/ 2- She's done a lot of interesting things/
        3- She's met a lot interesting people/ 4- She's been married three times/
        5- She's written ten books/ 6- She's travelled all over the world

17.4 1- Bes is on holiday at the moment. He's gone to Spain/
        2- Have you ever been to Mexico? No, never/
        3- My parents aren't at home at the moment. They've gone out/
        4- There's a new restaurant in town. Have you been to it?/
        5- Rebecca loves Paris. She's been there many times/
        6- Helen was here earlier, but. I think she's gone now/
        7- Where's Jessica? She's not in the office I think she's gone home!/
        8- Hello, Sue. I was looking for you. Where have you been?

- GRAMMAR in USE. Unit 20. I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)
- Cuando nos referimos a un tiempo pasado ya terminado, se utiliza el past 
         Ej: We arrived yesterday  /    we arrived last week  /   we arrived at 3 o'clock

 - NUNCA usamos el present perfect para referirnos a un hecho acabado
         Ej: I saw Paula yesterday   /  Where were you on Sunday afternoon?  / I stayed at home

- Utilizamos el pasado SIEMPRE con WHEN....?  ó   WHAT TIME...?
        Ej: When did you buy your computer?  /   What time did Andy go out?

- El present perfect hace referencia al periodo comprendido entre un hecho pasado 
   y que puede continuar dicha acción o hecho hasta el momento actual
    Ej: I have lost my key  /   Have you seen Kate?    /  Have you ever been to Spain?

- El pasado siempre hace referencia a un hecho o acción ocurrida en el pasado y ya TERMINADA
    Ej.: I lost my key last week  /  Did you see Kate on Saturday?/ Did you go to Spain last year?

20.1 1- Yes, I saw her five minutes ago/ 2- Yes, I sarted last week/ 3- Yes, they started at 5 o'clock/
        4- Yes, she went on Friday/ 5- Yes, I wore yesterday

20.2 1- OK/ 2- Did you see Kate yesterday?/ 3- I finished my work at 2 o'clock/ 4- OK/
        5- What time did you finish your work?/ 6- OK/ 7- Steve's grandmother died two years ago/
        8- OK

20.3 1- My friend is a writer. He has written many books/ 2- We didn't have a holiday last year/
        3- I played tennis yesterday afternoon/ 4- What time did you go to bed last night?/
        5- Have you ever met a famous persons?/ 6- The weather wasn't  very good yesterday/
        7- Kathy travels a lot. She's visited many counties/
        8- I switched off the light before going out this morning/
        9- I live in New York now, but I lived in Mexico for many years/
       10- What's Canada like? Is it beatiful? I don't know I haven't never been there

20.4 1- Have your ever been to Florida? Yes, we went there on holiday two years ago.
            Did you have a good time?. Yes It was great/
        2- Where's Alan? Have you seen him?. Yes, he went out a few minutes ago. And Rachel?
            I don't know. I haven't seen/
        3- Rose works in a factory. She has worked there for six months. Before that she was a
          waitress in a restaurant.She worked there for two years,but she didn't enjoy it very much/
        4- Do you know Mark's sister? I have seen her a few times, but I have never spoken to her.
            Have you ever spoken to her? Yes, I met her at a party last week. She's very nice

- Forma BEEN TO + place

                    │ been │                                      He's    │ been to Italy twice
    has/ have │          │to + place                                 │gone  to Italy and he'll come  back soon
                    │gone  │
   has/ have been to+ verb  =   INCORRECTO   Ej.: He's been to teach in Italy

   has/ have gone to + verb =     CORRECTO      Ej: He's gone to teach in Italy

- Present perfect es similar al pretérito perfecto, PERO NO ES IGUAL.
  Present perfect CONECTA el PASADO HASTA el momento ACTUAL

- Present Perfect refers to:
  a) Something that happened in the past, even it if finished, if the specific time 
                                                                 when it happened isn't mentioned
       Ej.: Have you ever seen the Queen?. Yes, I 've seen her many times

b) Something that started in the past but it has NOT finished
       Ej.: I've been a teach for 36 years. I've worked here since 1994

- Iñaki crosses the High Street/ Iñaki walking across the High Street now
              verb                                                      noun

- I feel asleep #  awake  /   ill # healthy / vacuum (vakeum)= pasar la aspiradora/
   to break up (tzu brik ap)= separarse   Ej.: Peter break up with Elisa
   book a room (buk e rum)= reservar una habitación
   she's pregnant = she's expecting    /      extrovert # introvert = shy

1- Hello Peter,  NUNCA se pone "," con Hello ó Hi se pone punto. La "." se ponen con Dear
         Hello Peter. ---- correct

2- I can not to buy some bread for you in my way home becouse I don't come back home tonight
     NUNCA "can not" es "can't"
   corregida la frase=
   I can't buy any bread for you on my way home because│ I won't
                                                                                       │I'm not│going to│come back home
                                                                                                    │coming │
3-I have to go to take care of my mother
   corregida = I have to go to my parents' to take care of my mother

4- This evening my parents come to the city
     corregida = This evening my parents' │will come to         │
                                                              │are going to come│  the city
                                                              │are coming           │

5- I'm going to spend this night in my parent's home
     corregida = I'm going to spend the nightly ( to night) in my parents' home

6- See you in the evening / 7- Best wishes -- ESTAN FUERA DE CONTEXTO para una NOTA

8- We've bread in the freezer --- NUNCA se CONTRAE el VERBO HAVE si no es AUXILIAR
     corregida = We have some bread in the freeze

9- Today I'm not going to buy bread for you
     corregida = Today I can't buy some bread for you

   la palabra "parents' " con apostrofe al final significa en CASA DE MIS PADRES
    Ej. I'm going to be with my parents = Yo voy a estar con mis padres
          I'm going to be at my parents'    =  Yo voy a estar en casa de mis padres

a) 1- Have you ever bought or sold anything on eBay?/
    2- Have you ever bought something online and had a problem with it?/
    3- Have you ever had an argument with a shop assistant?/
    4-Have you ever tried to change something without the receipt?/
    5- Have you ever accidentally taken something form a shop without paying?/
    6- Have you ever bought shoes without trying them on?/
    7- Have you ever got to the supermarket checkout and then found
        you didn't have enough money?
    8- Have you ever lost your credit card?

queue (kiu:)= cola/ changing room (chen:ying rum)= probador
checkout (chek: aut)= punto de pago/ receipt (ri'sit)= recibo/
suit (su:t)= sentar, gustar, convenir/ size (saizs)= talla/ fit (fit)= ajustar, adaptar/
take...back (teik bak)= devolver algoshop assistant (sop asistant)= vendedor/
item (aitem)= articulo/ payment (peymen)= pago/auction (o:kszion)= subasta/
account (e'kaunt)= cuenta de pago/ delivery (di'liveri)= entrega/
basket (ba:skit)= cesta/ fridge (frids)= frigorífico/ asleep (e'slip)= adormecido/
awake (e'ueik)= despierto/ ill (il)= enfermo/ healthy (jel:zy)= sano, saludable /
vacuum (vakeum)= pasar la aspiradora/ to break up (tzu brik ap)= separarse/
shy (sai)= timido/ parents' (parents)= casa de nus padres/ hug (jag)= abrazo

- Repasar vocabulario y verbos (past, past participle)

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017


9 de marzo de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 30. 4B Fashion and shopping. 1c
1- E They only things I enjoyed there were art and sewing/
2- B I reallyu understand how women want to feel/
3- F They are so chic, and their sense of colour is so natural to them
4- A I absolutely hated dressing as a man
5- D My feet were killing me!
6- C My boyfriend at that time was very lucky

0- Anita has found a place for her new restaurant/
1- Anita's restaurant is in a building in the center of town near a school/ 
2- She's going to serve traditional English, Italian, French and European food/
3- Anita's going to change her menus every two weeks/
4- She'll serve 3 desserts: chocolate mousse, homemade ice-cream and apple pie with cream/
5- Anita thinks it's important to have friendly and efficient waiters
6- The restaurant is going to have music to create a young atmosphere
7- She wants to have paintings on the walls to attract more customers

- Diferencias con la palabra EVERY: Siempre es singular el noun que le sigue 
        every + (noun singular) = every day
                                                    every week
                                                    every month
                                                    every year
     EXCEPTO cuando se define el número de veces del (noun)
        every + number + (noun plural) = every 3 days
                                                                  every 2 weeks
                                                                  every 5 months
                                                                  every 2 years

1- Have you ever fallen over because you were wearing very high heels?
    Have you ever designed clothes for a man?

2- What did you do?/ When was it?

3- "ever" mean "sometime". In Spanish "alguna vez"

Nunca se puede construir una frase con WHEN + PRESENT PERFECT. es INCOMPATIBLE
   Ej.: When did you see him?   NUNCA     When have you seen him?

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 132. 4B present perfect or past simple?
- Present perfect Se forma to HAVE "present" + "Past participle"
                                                      auxiliar                    main verb

- Usamos el present perfect para hablar acerca de hechos pasados,
                   cuando no conocemos o especificamos el tiempo                Ej.: I've never met

- Las conversaciones a menudo comienzan en present perfect (con una pregunta en general) y
   luego se cambia a pasado simple para responder o dar detalles específicos,
     porque se SABE YA  cuando ocurrió los hechos que se relatan.
      Ej.: have you ever been to Mexico? Yes, I have/ When did you go there?/ I went last year

- Cuando se forman las preguntas con When, what, where, who, with, 
                                                                                                        se utiliza PAST SIMPLE

- Diferencias entre been and gone
                             │gone - expresa haber ido y haberse quedado en el lugar │    
       To go - went │                                                                                                │+ to
                             │been - expresa haber ido  y haber vuelto                           │

    Ej.: Mike has been to Paris = He went to Paris and came back
           Mike has gone to Paris = He's in Paris now      

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 133. exercise 4B
c) 1- When did you see it?/ 2- I went to the cinema in March and it was on then/
    3- I have been to the cinema in ages/ 4- I saw was Mamma Mia!
    5- Did you enjoy it?/ 6- I loved it!

* SPOKEN. Exercise with piece of paper. Choose the best answer for each of the questions.
1- Do you want to come and see the new Sophia Coppola film?  D- I've already seen it

2- Have you done your English homework?  E- Yes, I've just finished it

3- What time's your mother leaving?  A-  She's already left

4- Would you like a cup of coffee?  F-  No, thanks. I've just had one

5- Have you tidied your room yet? B- No, not yet. I'm going to tidy it later

6- Why can't we have chips for dinner? G- Because you've already had them three times this week

7- Do you know how Sheila is?  C-  She's fine. I've just spoken to her

8- What's his new girlfriend like? H-  I don't know. I haven't met her yet

a) Speaker 4- a coat/ Speaker 2- some sports clothes/ Speaker 3- a skirt/
    Speaker 1- some troussers   ------    The shirt didn't buy anybody

b) This person...
     4- bought something online, but didn't like the clothes when they arrived
     3- bought the clothes too quickly and later didn't like them
     1- wanted to look like a famous singer, but looked like another
     2- suddenly didn't need the new clothes any more

- to sell it.....(something).....on│Ebay
                                                  │ the internet

to do something in a hurry [noun] (tzu du sanzin in e jarri) [sustantivo] = hacer al con prisa
to knock out [somebody] (tzu nok aut)  [sambedi]= dejar sin sentido, eliminar (K.O.)/
stripe (straip)= raya, linea/ changing room (dzeindzin rum)= probador/ ever (ever)= alguna vez
receipt (ri'si:t)= comprobante de compra/ bill (bil)= cuenta de restaurante/
ticket (tikit)= entrada a recintos, conciertos, autobús, tren)

- Workbook. Pag. 26 Vocabulary a, b. Pag. 27 GRAMMAR a
- Student's book. Pag. 133. 4B exercises a, c
                            Pag. 155. Shopping 2 Online a, b.
- Grammar in Use Unit 17 Have you ever (prsent perfect).
                              Unit 20 I have done (present perfect)  and I did (past)                    

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

PRESENT PERFECT III and just, already, yet

7 de marzo de 2017
* Something you did last week and why did you (went to) do it?
   I went to Plentzia and I walked at the beach with my dog and my family, because I like walk and
   other week I can't do it because I'm working.
   She went at the cinema and she watched  Terminator
   She didn't do nothing that she don´t do everyday it

 - She went to working (work) during for 2 hours  OR    She was working for 2 hours

 - He didn't (do) nothing (anything) special   OR  He did nothing special

 - the last week/ month/ day = last week/ month/ day

- Pretérito perfecto (esp)           =      ocurrido recientemente [ PAST SIMPLE english]
    [me ha dicho, me ha hecho]

-  Diferencia entre listen = escuchar (IMPLICA ATENCION) I listen to radio
                              hear = oir (NO IMPLICA ATENCION)      I hear a noise when I'm walking

toothpicks (tudpiks)= palillos, mondadientes/ in advance (in advanz)= por adelantado
a model bridge (a madel braich)= miniatura, maqueta de un puente

- FOTOCOPIAS Pag. 39. 4A VOCABULARY housework make, do
1- I doin't like doing the ironin/ 2- She's very untidy. She never puts away her clothes/
3- Shh, don't make a noise. The baby's asleep/ 4- My mother does she washing on Mondays/
5- When I was little, I always make my bed before I went to school/
6- Can you do the shopping for me, please?/ 7- Please lay the table! We're eating in five minutes/
8- How often do you do exercise?/ 9- My children have made a lot of friends at their new school/
10- I broke a glass while I was doing the washing-up/
11- I made the mistake of tellling her my secret/ 12- Do you like making plans for the future?/
13- Please do (tidy) your room. These are books and clothes all over the floor/
14- It's my job to put (take) out the rubbish at night/
15- When was the last time you did (took, sat) an exam?/
16- You've left your towel on the floor. Please pick it up/
17- I don't have time to make lunch. Let's eat out/
18- Did you do anything exciting at the weekend?/ 19- Please can you do exercise 1 on page 46?/
20- Can I borrow your phone. I need to make a call.

- WORKBOOK. Pag.24. Pag.25 Everything
a) 1- pich up dirty clothes/ 2- make the beds, lunch/ 3- tidy your room, your desk/
    4- lay the table for dinner/ 5- clean the floor, the bathroom/
    6- take out the rubbish, the newspapers/ 7- do the ironing, the washing-up/
    8- put away the clothes on your bed

b) 1- He never forgets to do his homework after school/
    2- I try not to make a noise when I get up early/ 3- My husband doesn't often make lunch/
    4- I'm going to do a course in Portuguese before I go to Brazil/
    5- We always do housework on Saturday morning/
    6- Some children make friends easily when they go to school/
    7- When do you have time to do sport?/ 8- Sorry, I need to make a phone call

2- GRAMMAR present perfect + yet, just, already
a) 1- I've already done the washing/ 2- Have you made any plans for the weekend, yet?/
    3- We haven't finished lunch yet/ 4- Daniel has already tidied his room/
    5- I've done already the ironing/ 6- Have you been to the supermarket yet?/
    7- I haven't cleaned the bathroom yet/ 8- Edward has already take out the rubbish

b) 1- She's just done the washin up/ 2- He's just fallen off his bike/
    3- They've just won the championship/ 4- I've just cleaned the floor/
    5- He's just laied the table/ 6- Sorry, You've just missed dinner

3- PRONUNCIATION /j/, /dz/
a) /j/   student/ young/ year/ yellow/ uniform
   /dz/  jacket/ teenager/ bridge/ jumper/ enjoy

a) Equality in the home

b) 1- Men and women don't always agree about housework T/
    2- Adults and teenagers took part in the study F/
    3- The participants  had to write down the time they spent on housework T/
    4- The time people spend doing housework has changed since the 1960s T/
    5- Today, women do more housework than they did in the 1960s F/
    6- In general, people think it's normal for women to look after the family car F/
    7- Forty years from  now, men and women will share the housework T

c) put away (put euey)= guardar, poner en orden/ resarches (ri'se:ch)= investigadores/
    diary (daieri)= diario/ maintenance (meintenens)= mantenimiento, conservación/
    chore (cho:r)= tarea, faena/ patient (peichient)= paciente/
    figures (figars)= números, cifras/ agree (e'gri:)= de acuerdo/ wardrobe (uo:dreib)= armario
    on the other hand (on de ader jand)= por otra parte/ improving (im'pravin)= mejorando/
    carry on [texting] (ca:ri on tex:tin)= continua [escribiendo]

a) The speaker number 3 is who does the most housework

b) Speaker 1- We all share it/ Speaker 2- I doa little every day/ Speaker 3- We all share it/
    Speaker 4- There's one thing I like doing/ Speaker 5- We pay someone to do it

a) 1- They're lazy and very tidy
    2- They have to look after members of the family, brothers, father, and mother or help them
    3- They have to help between 25 and 50 hours weekly

b) They are caring of your family.
    The feel is positive to them, because they're helping their families

c) 1- Alice & Daniel/ 2- Alice/ 3- Alice & Daniel/ 4- Alice/ 5- Daniel/ 6- Daniel/ 7- Alice/
    8- Daniel

- ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR IN USE. Unit 15. I have done (present perfect)
15.1 1- He has cleaned his shoes/ 2- She has closed the door/ 3- They have gone to bed/
        4- It has stopped rainning/ 5- He has had a shower/ 6- The picture has fallen down

15.2 1- I've lost my keys. I don't know where they are/
        2- I've bought some new shoes. Do you want to see them?
        3- Where is Helen? She's not here. She has gone out/
        4- I'm looking for Paula. Have you seen her?
        5- Look! Somebody has broken that window/
        6- Does Lisa know that you're going away? Yes I have told her
        7- I can't find my umbrella. Somebody has taken it
        8- Where are my glasses? I don't know. I haven't seen them
        9- I'm looking for Sarah. Where has she gone?
      10- I know that woman, but I have forgotten her name
      11- Sue is having a party tonight. She has invited a lot of people
      12- What are you going to do? Have you decided?
      13- Does Ben know about the meeting tomorrow? I don't think so. I haven't told him
      14- I have finished with this magazine. Do you want it?

Unit 16. I've just... I've already... I haven't.... yet (present perfect 2)
16.1 1- They've just arrived/ 2- He's just woke-up (got up)/ 3- They've just bought a new car/
        4- The race has just started

16.2 1- He's already arrived/ 2- No, they have already seen it/ 3- I've already phoned him/
        4- He's already gone/ 5- I've already read it/ 6- She's already started

16.3 1- She hasn't gone out yet/ 2- The bus has just gone/ 3- The train hasn't left yet/
        4- He hasn't opened it yet/
        5- They' ve just finnished their dinner/ It's just stopped raining

16.4 1- Have you started your new job yet?/ 2- Have you met your new neighbours yet?/
        3- Have your paid your electricity bill yet?/ 4- Has Tom sold his car yet?

- Make or Do: Cuando no se sabe lo que se ha hecho, si es físico o no  siempre DO

- Diferencias de EXERCISES = ejercicios académicos o tareas.
                           EXERCICE  = ejercicio físico, gimnástico, deportivo

- I can't wait hearing from you NO  I can't waiting hearing from you

- I'm looking forward from you NO │ I looking forward from you
  I look forward from you                 │

- I've remembered you = Yo me he acordado de tí

- booked them = las he reservado

- Barcelona's harbour NO harbour at Barcelona

- sun lotion= protector solar

- Estuvimos 20 en la fiesta = There were 20 of us at the party / 20 people came to the party

- Travel (verb)= viajar / Trip (noun)= viaje

                                                                                                           [ I'm reading a new book]

   cardigan = jersey con botones delanteros (tipo chaqueta)/ coat= abrigo/ dress= vestido/
   jacket= chaqueta/ jeans= pantalones vaqueros/ shirt= camisa/ shorts= pantalones cortos/
   skirt= falda/ sweater (jumper)= jersey/ top= camiseta chica/ tracksuit= chandal/
   trousers= pantalones/ T-shirt= camiseta/ boots= botas/ flip-flops= chancletas playa/
   sandals= sandalias/ shoes= zapatos/ belt= cinturon/ cap= gorra/ hat= sombrero/
   leggings= leotardos/ gloves= gluantes/ scarf= bufanda/ socks= calcetines/ tie= corbata/
   tights= medias/ bracelet= pulsera/ earrings= pendientes/ necklace= collar/ ring= anillo

1a) Caroline Herrera (Spanish) for women (perfums, clothes, bags)
      Armani (Italian) for men (suits, perfums, bags)
      Vittorio & Luchino (Spanish) for women (dresses, perfums, bags)

  b) Their dresses designs are very classical

  c) 1- The only things I enjoyed there were art and sewing
      2- I really understand how women want to feel
      3- They are so chic, and their sense of colours is so natural to them
      4- I absolutely hated dressing as a man
      5- My feet were killing me!
      6- My boyfriend at that time was very luckly

d) dyslexic= dislexia/ realized= darse cuenta/ being= siendo/ customers= clientes/
    feeling= sensación/ fancy dress= vestidos de lujo/ bride= novia (el dia de la boda)/
    bridegroom= novio (el dia de la boda)/ goodness= loo mejor/ heels= tacones/
    fallen over= caerse/ take off= quitarse/ in bare feet= descalzo/ leather= cuero

toothpicks (tudpiks)= palillos, mondadientes/ in advance (in advanz)= por adelantado
a model bridge (a madel braich)= miniatura, maqueta de un puente
put away (put euey)= guardar, poner en orden/ resarches (ri'se:chs)= investigadores/
diary (daieri)= diario/ maintenance (meintenens)= mantenimiento, conservación/
chore (cho:r)= tarea, faena/ patient (peichient)= paciente/ improving (im'pravin)= mejorando/
figures (figars)= números, cifras/ agree (e'gri:)= de acuerdo/ wardrobe (uo:dreib)= armario
on the other hand (on de ader jand)= por otra parte/  coat (kout) = abrigo
carry on [texting] (ca:ri on tex:tin)= continua [escribiendo]/ dress (dres)= vestido/
cardigan (kardigan)= jersey con botones delanteros (tipo chaqueta)/ jacket (dzaket)= chaqueta/
jeans (yins)= pantalones vaqueros/ shirt (sze:t)= camisa/ shorts (szo:s)= pantalones cortos/
skirt (ske:t)= falda/ sweater (jumper) (sueter, dzamper)= jersey/ top (top)= camiseta chica/
tracksuit (trak su:t)= chandal/ trousers (trauses)= pantalones/ T-shirt (te-sze:t)= camiseta/
boots (buts)= botas/ flip-flops (flip flops)= chancletas playa/ sandals (sandels)= sandalias/
shoes (dzu:s)= zapatos/ belt (belt)= cinturon/ cap (cap)= gorra/ hat (jat)= sombrero/
leggings (leguinz)= leotardos/ gloves (glafs)= guantes/ scarf (sca:f)= bufanda/
socks (soks)= calcetines/ tie (tai)= corbata/ tights (taits)= medias/ bracelet (breislet)= pulsera/ earrings (irins)= pendientes/ necklace (nekles)= collar/ ring (rin)= anillo

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.30. 4B Fashion and shopping 1 c
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 164. Hoja de verbos irregulares.