martes, 28 de marzo de 2017


28 de marzo de 2017
- WORKBOOK. Pag. 30. 5A No time for anything. 1 Grammar
a) 1- My new boss is more patient than the old one/
    2- Pollution is worse in cities than it is in the country/
    3- We aren't in a hurry. You can drive more slowly/
    4- The summers here are hotter than they were in the past/
    5- I failed the test. I'll work harder next time/
    6- It's farther to my parent's house than it is to my boyfriend's/
    7- You can make the dinner tonight. Your cook better than me/
    8- The Japanese diet is healthier than the American diet/
    9- A motorbike is more dangerous than a car/
  10- Heatrow airport is busier than Manchester airport

b) 1- That car doesn't go as fast as this one/ 2- Her handbag wasn't as stylish as her shoes/
    3- My office isn't as big as my boss's office/ 4- The Netherlands didn't play as well as the Spain/
    5- You don't drive as carefully as me/ 6- Mobile phones aren't as expensive as laptops/
    7- Sally doesn't look as relaxed as Harry/ 8- His trousers weren't as dirty as his shirt

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 30. 5A No time for anything. 2 Vocabulary
1- The flight to Beijing is going to take about 11 hours/
2- She needs to spend more time studying/
3- I hope we arrive on time. My dad is meeting me at the airport/
4- Don't waste time doing things you don't enjoy/
5- We'll save time if we go on the motorway. There's much less traffic/
6- My girlfriend gets very stressed when she's in a hurry

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 30. 5A No time for anything. 3 Pronunciation
a) 1- fas│ter/ 2- cen│tre/ 3- pa│rents/ 4- a│go/ 5- chil│dren/ 6- pa│tient/ 7- pro│blem/
    8- co│mmu│ni│ca│tion/ 9- tra│di│tio│nal/ 10- a│round/ 11- se│conds/ 12- be│tter

b) 1- fas│ter/ 2- cen│tre/ 3- pa│rents/ 4- a│go/ 5- chil│dren/ 6- pa│tient/ 7- pro│blem/
    8- co│mmu│ni│ca│tion/ 9- tra│di│tio│nal/ 10- a│round/ 11- se│conds/ 12- be│tter

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 31. 5A No time for anything. 4 Reading

b) 1- The fisherman needed to catch more fish F/ 2- The American thought he was very busy F/
    3- The American wanted him to work harder T/ 4- He told the fisherman to buy more boats T/
    5- The American said than he couldn't live in New York F/
    6- The American promised the fisherman a lot of money F

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 31. 5A No time for anything. 5 Listening

a) 1- has just started working from home / 2- has had a baby 5 / 3- has lost his/her job 2/
    4- has moved to a different country / 5 has retired 4

b) Two speakers are happiest: Speaker 5 because she had a baby / Speaker 4 because he's retired
    The least happy is Speaker 2 because he has lot his job

- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 42. 5B Grammar
a) 1- He's happier than his wife/ 2- Spain is hotter than France/
    3- The sandwiches are more expensive than the drinks/ 4- David speaks Italian better than Kim/
    5- Sydney is farther from London than Delhi/ 6- He's taller than his brother/
    7- Clarie works harder than Sally/ 8- The traffic at 8.30 is worse than the traffic at 9.30/
    9- Harry writes more quickly than Paul/
   10- Life in the city is more stressful than life in the country

b) 1- His wife isn't as happy as him/ 2- France isn't as hot as Spain/
    3- The drinks aren't as expensive as the sandwiches/ 4- Kim doesn't speak as well as David/
    5- Delhi isn't as far from London as Sydney/ 6- His brother isn't as tall as he/
    7- Sally doesn't work as hard as Claire/ 8- The traffic at 9.30 isn't as bad as the traffic at 8.30/
    9- Paul doesn't write as quickly as Harry/
 10- Life in the country isn't as stressful as life in the city

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.34. 3&4 Revise and Check. Vocabulary
a) 1- We arrived in Prague at 7.15/ 2- I'm coming! Wait for me/
    3- What did you ask for meat or fish? / 4- I don't know. It depends on the price/
    5- How much did you pay for those shoes?

b) 1- do the washing-up/ 2- make a mistake/ 3- do an exam/ 4- do exercise/ 5- make a noise

c) 1- Please, could you lay the table/ 2- I'll cook if you do the washing-up/
    3- I want to try on this sweater/
    4- If you want to take something back to a shop, you need to have the receipt/
    5- These shoes don't fit me/ 6- The flight to Berlin is now leaving from Gate 12/
    7- You can find a trolley over there/
    8- First you need to go to the check-in desk where you get your boarding pass/
    9- International flights depart from Terminal 2/ 10- There are lifts to the first and second floors

d) 1- This exercise is really boring/ 2- I never feel relaxed the day before I go on holiday/
    3- It was a very exciting match/ 4- Jack is a bit depressed. He lost his job/
    5- Are you interested in art?

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.35. 3&4 Revise and Check. Can you understand this text?
a) They stole in Sweden

b) 1- The robbery was in Malmó/ 2- They were two man, and they stole seven left shoes/
    3- The police were helped by shop assitants/ 4- There are 30 minutes by train/
    5- Because in both places display the same shoes, in Sweden  the left shoes/
    6- Yes, they arrested the men responsable for the robberies/
    7- It's a product attractive by they are easy to move and
        easy to sell and they have become very expensive lately/
    8- Because the thieves will have to do is move to Germany,
        because in Germany too are selling right shoes

b) puzzled= perplejo/ robbery= robo/ staff= personal/ disappearing= desaparecieron/
    thieves= ladrones/ several= varios/ brands= marca comercial/ fear= miedo

- cliffs= acantalidos/ waterfall= cascada, catarata/
  shepherd pie= pastel de patata con verduras/
  stew= sopa de carne con vegetables/ aunties= tias/

- Where are we going to go? / How much are we going to pay?/ How much does it cost?

- hot= calor / very hot = mucho calor / scorching = calor abrasador  /
  tropical showers = lluvia tropical

- One syllable adjetives/ adverbs al final se le añade la terminación -est.
                                                      al principio SIEMPRE con el articulo the
     Ej: My brother is the fastest runner in the school
         My brother is the boy who runs the fastest in the school

- Two syllables adjetives: La mayoria de los casos tiene la misma forma que los de 3 sílabas
                                          Cuando terminan en -y se convierte en i+est = iest
                          adverbio slowly se forma el superlativo con more = the most slowly            
   Ej.: He's the happiest person of the group
          I'm the most tired person in the class

- Three syllables o more adjetives/adverbs se le forma:          
                                                           the most + (Adjetive/Adverb) │ in  ---  sitios
                                                                                                          │ of ---  cosas, personas
    Ej: Mary is the most beatiful woman of the all
          She's singer who sings the most beatifully of all the choir

-                                                   TWO SYLLABLE
     Adjetives                                                  │                                        Adverbs
      happy= happiest                                        │     slowly = the most slowly
   Ej. She's the happiest person in this class       │   Ej, She works the most slowly
    Comparativo worse                                     │    farther
    Superlativo worst                                        │  fartherst

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 38. 5B Superlative cities. 1 Grammar
a) 3- Barcelona (Spain)/ 1- Copenhagen (Denmark)/ 4- Dublin (Ireland)/ 5- Paris (France)/
    2- Venice (Italy)

b) 1- Venice is the most romantic city/ 2- Copenhagen is the cleanest city/
    3- Paris has the best-dressed people/ 4- Barcelona has the best architecture/
    5- Dublin is the friendliest city

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 134. 5B Superlatives
- Utilizamos el adjetivo superlativo para decir cual es lo más grande, etc de un grupo

- Despúes del adjetivo superlativo usamos "in" + el nombre de un sitio
                                                              +  palabras en singular que representa a un grupo

    Ej: It's the noisiest city in the world / It's the dirtiest city in Europe

- A menudo utilizamos el adjetivo superlativo con el present perfect + ever
   Ej: It's the hottest country I've ever been (estado ó ido) to

-  Adjetive             Comparative         Superlative
    cold                     colder                   the coldest              Regular Una Sílaba
    hot                       hotter                   the hottest               Regular Una Silaba
    pretty                   prettier                 the prettiest             Regular Dos Silabas
    beatiful                more beatiful       the most beatiful        Regular Tres Sílabas
    good                    better                    the best                         IRREGULAR
    bad                      worse                    the worst                      IRREGULAR
    far                       further                   the furthest                  IRREGULAR
                               farther                   the farthest                   IRREGULAR

puzzled (paseld)= perplejo/ robbery (raberi)= robo/ staff (sta:f)= personal/
disappearing (dise'piarin)= desaparecieron/ thieves (ci:fs)= ladrones/
several (sevrel)= varios/ brand (brand)= marca comercial/ fear (fier)= miedo/
cliffs (klifs)= acantalidos/ waterfall (ua:terfol)= cascada, catarata/
shepherd pie ('seped pai) = pastel de patata con verduras/
stew (stiu:)= sopa de carne con vegetables/ aunties (a:nties)= tias/
scorching ('sko:tdzin)= calor abrasador

- Oral presentation: Name? / Age / Family / Freetime / Hobbys
- Student's Book. Pag. 135, 5B a, b

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