martes, 21 de marzo de 2017


21 de Marzo de 2017
- FOTOCOPIAS Pag.41 4B Grammar 
a) 1- Have you ever eaten octopus?/ 2- I've never flown in a helicopter/
    3- Has she ever been late for work?/ 4- He hasn't bought any expensive clothes/
    5-She's met a lot of famous people/ 6- We have never seen a S Spike Lee film/
    7- She's won a lot of prizes for her novel/ 8- Have you ever lose a credit card?/
    9- I've never work in a shop or a restaurant/ 10- Have you ever sold anything on Ebay?/
    11- He's fallen off his bike five times/ 12- U haven't read any of the Lord of the Rings books

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.133. 4C
a) 1- Dis you me anyone last night?/
    2- Somebody phoned when you were out. They're going to call back later/
    3- I've seeen your waller somewhere but I can't remember where/
    4- There's nothing interesting on TV tonight. Let's go out/ 5- Did anybody call while I was out?/
    6- Did you go anywhere exciting at the weekend?/
    7- I've bought you something really nice for Christmas!/
    8- I rang the doorbell, but nobody answered/ 9-We went shopping, but we didn't buy anything/
  10- There's nowhere more expensive than London!

b) 1- What did you do last night? Nothing/ 2- Where did you go yesterday? Nowhere/
    3- Who did you see? Nobody, no one

c) 1- I didn't do anything last night/ 2- I didn't go anywhere yesterday/ 3- I didn't see anybody

-  Nothing    │
   Nowhere   │+ verbo principal en afirmativo , la frase se convierte en NEGATIVA 
   Nobody     │

       Ej.: I nothing did do yesterday! # I didn't yesterday it!

- anything/ anywhere/ anybody SIEMPRE el verbo en NEGATIVO
       Ej.:  I don't bought  anything at the supermaket

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 32.  4 Reading
a) People sometimes don't tell the truth about their weekend

b) 1- b- lie about their weekend/ 2- b- had a very tiring week/
    3- a- their real weekend is very boring/ 4- b-try to make their lives seen more exciting

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.33. 6 Vocabulary
b) 1- Do you think Sundays are usually boring?/ 2- Are you bored with your job or studies?/
    3- What king of weather makes you feel depressed?/
    4- Why do you think the news is often depressing?/
    5- What activity do you find most relaxing?/
    6-Do you usually feel relaxed at the end of the weekend?/
    7- What is more interesting book you've read recently?/ 8- What sports are you interested in?/
    9- Are you excited about your next holiday?/
   10- What's the most exciting sports match you've ever watched?

-  truth (noun) = verdad  /   true (adj)= verdadero

       CORRECT       to tell the truth   / INCORRECT      to say the true
                                                 noun                                                  Adj

- Adjetives ending in --ed say the person/object that they refer to
        Ej. John is very interested in technology                      experiencies that emotion/feeling
            My son is very excited about going to Paris

- Adjetives ending in --ing say that the person/object that refer to causes that feeling/emotion
       Ej.: This book is very interesting / The films is very boring
             I hope my classes are not boring / I hope my students are not bored

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 26. Listening Comprehension
- Speaker 1 A - C   /       Speaker 2 B - F   /    Speaker 3   D - E 

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 35. Can you understand these people?
 1- Paul went to the airport to get a plane to London/ 2- Tonight Gurjot is meeting an old friend/
 3- Ellie likes ironing/ 4- The shoes Alise bought online were the wrong size/
 5- Last weekend Anya bought something for a friend's birthday

- to mind (verb)= importar. SIEMPRE en frases interrogativas y negativas
                                             NUNCA   en frases negativas
    Ej.: I don't mind doing the ironing

-  I did some shopping = bought something

- Pizza Domino's se refiere al tipo de pizza, para decir vamos a Pizza Dominos
   la frase es = We are going to have at Domino's pizza bar

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 36. 5A 1 Reading & Vocabulary 
a) 2- No time for Snow White/ 4- No time to write/ 3- No time to wait/ 6- More time on the road/
    5- No time for Van Gogh/ 1- No time to stop

c) save time= ahorrar, reservar tiempo # wasting time= gastar el tiempo/ worse= peor
    immediately= inmediatamente/ to allow= permitir/ even= incluso/ average= la media (mat.)
    spend more time= pasar más tiempo/ much less time= pasar mucho más tiempo

    in a hurry= con prisa ----  to be in a hurry = tener prisa -- hurry up! = date prisa, corre
                                                                 noun                         verb

                   │ the doctor  (noun). Ej. The doctor is seeing a patient
                   │ the doctor (adj). Ej. If you grown plants you need to be patient

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 37. 2 Grammar
a) quickly= adverbio/ fast= adverbio & adjetivo/ busy= adjetive/ patient= adjetivo/
    slowly= adverbio/ stressed= adjetivo

b) 1- Life is faster than before/ 2- Traffic in cities is more worse than it was/
    3- Everybody is busier than they were five years ago/
    4- We are more stressed than our grandparents were/
    5- We do everything more quickly/ 6- People aren't as patient than they were before

- Compatatives (of adjetives / adverbs)
   - Superiority

  - ONE- syllabe adjetives  ...  + er
     Ej.:                    │ is  │
             my brother│      │   faster than │ me    
                               │my│                       │  I   │am
                                                                          │ do    (Aux)

  - THREE or more syllables  --- more + (adjetive) + than....  siempre es la misma fórmula
         Ej.: My sister is morte betiful than │me
                                                                 │  I
prizes (praises)= premios / home town (joum taun) = la ciudad donde nació/
invent (in'vent)= invertar/ boring (bo:rin)= aburrido, aburrimiento/ meal (mi:l)= encuentro/
resting (restin)= descansado, reposado/ else (els)= más, además, de otro modo/
paperwork (peiperwe:k)= papeleo/ encouraging (in'karidzin)= alentador, esperanzador/
save time (seif taim)= ahorrar, reservar tiempo # wasting time (uestin time)= gastar el tiempo/ 
worse (ue:s)= peor/ immediately (i'mi:dietli)= inmediatamente/ to allow (tzu e'lou)= permitir/
even (i:ven)= incluso/ average (averidz)= la media (mat.)/ to mind (tzu maind)=  importar/
spend more time (spen mor taim) = pasar más tiempo/ 
much less time (mudz les taim)= pasar mucho más tiempo/ in a hurry (in a jarri)= con prisa 

-  Workbook: Pag. 28 - Vocabulary + Pronunciation
                      Pag. 29 Everything

- Student's book: Pag. 34 Grammar
                                         Vocabulary a.b.c.d  ---  for  the next Tuesday
                            Pag. 35 Can you understand this text? ----- everything

- Essential Grammar in Use: Unit 78- not + anaybody/ anyone/ anything
                                               Unit 79 somebody/ anything/ nowhere,etc..


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