jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017


23 de Marzo de 2017
- FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 41. 4B Grammar
a) 1- Have you ever eaten octopus?/ 2- I've never flown in a helicopter/
    3- Has she ever been late for work?/ 4- He hasn't  bought any expensive clothes/
    5- She's met a lot of famous people/ 6- We have never seen a Spike Lee film/
    7- She's won a lot of prizes for her novels/ 8- Have you ever lose a credit card/
    9- I've never work in a shop or a restaurant/ 10- Have you ever sold something on eBay/
   11- He's fallen off his bike five times/ 12- I haven't read any of the Lord of The Rings books

b) 1- Have you ever been to an action?/ 2- Yes, I have/ 3- I went to one /
    4- Did you buy anything?/ 5- Yes, I bought a necklace/ 6- How much did you pay for it?/
    7- But I've worn it a lot/ 8- Have you ever heard the group Muse?/ 9- No, I haven't /
  10- I saw them in concert last month/ 11- Was it a good concert?/ 12- Yes, I really liked it

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.32. 4C.Reading
a) - People sometimes don't tell the truth about their weekend C
b) 1- b lie about their weekend
    2- b had a very tiring week
    3- a their real weekend is very boring
    4- b try to make their lives seem more exciting

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.33. 6 Vocabulary
a) tired described how you feel / tiring describes things and situations
b) 1- Do you think Sundays are usually boring?/ 2- Are you bored with your job or studies?/
    3- What kind of weather makes you feel depressed?/
    4- Why do you think the news is often depressing?/
    5- What activity do you find most relaxing?/
    6- Do you usually feel relaxed at the end of the weekend?/
    7- What is the most interesting book you've read recently?/
    8- What sports are you interested in?/ 9- Are you excited about your next holiday?/
  10- What's the most exciting sports mathc you've ever watched?

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 133. 4B
a) 1- Have you ever bought clothes from than shop?/
    2- I've always wanted a pair of designer shoes/ 3- I haven't read the newspaper today/
    4- We haven't been to the new shopping centre yet/
    5- Have your brother lived abroad all his life?/ 6- They've gone to live in South America/
    7- She hasn't flown before/ 8- James hasn't met his girlfriend's family yet/
    9- Have you eaten in this restaurant before?/
   10- Jane has gone to the gym - she'll be back in an hour

b) 1- When did you see it?/ 2- I went to the cinema in March and it was on then/
    3- I have been to the cinema in ages/ 4- The last film I saw was Mamma Mia!/
    5- Did you enjoy it?/ 6- I loved it!/

c) 1- The kids aren't here. They've all gone out/
    2- Have you ever been to the swimming pool in town?/
    3- I haven't been to Sue's new flat yet/ 4- My sistes has gone to teach in France/
    5- Oh good. Dad's been to the shop- the fridge is full

- Para formar el comparativo utilizamos el pronombre sujeto
                  THAN + Pronombre sujeto           (me, you, him, her, us you, them) al final

  Ej: I'm tall but my sisters are taller that │me
                                                             │I am  (I am al final de la frase NO SE CONTRAE)

         John is nice but Peter is nice that │him
                                                          │ he is

   Siempre es como los de tres sílabas EXCEPTO cuando terminan en -Y,
                                                                          que se convierte la terminación -Y en -IER

   Adjetives: happy - happi + er = happier  / easy - easi + er = easier
   Ej.: Children are happier than adults / English grammar is easier than French Grammar

   Adverbs: slowly - slowy + more = more slowly
   Ej: a bike runs more slowly than a plane

  La mayoria de ellos forman el comparativo como si tuvieran 3 o más sílabas.
  Ej: She's more tired than │ him
                                          │ he is
  Si la terminación del adjetivo/adverbio es en -Y, la -Y se convierte en "i" y se le añade "ER"
  Ej. She's happier than you

  Se forma con la palabra "LESS" + (Adj / Adv) + THAN
  Ej. I'm less tall than my sisters / Staying in a hostel is less expensive than staying in hotel

  Se forma con NOT AS + (Adj/Adv) + AS ....
  Ej.: I´m not as tall as │my sisters  
                                    │ them
                                     │they are
        Going camping isn't as expensive as staying in a hotel
        Buying "EL MUNDO" is as expensive as buying "EL PAIS".
          En este caso el verbo "buying" es equivalente al sustantivo y se añade -ing al final
           Buy-  buying  / Play  - playing

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 37. 2 Grammar
a) Adverbs: quickly/ slowly /
    Adjetivs: patient/ busy / stressed
    Boths: fast / bad
 b) 1- Life is faster than before/ 2- Traffic in cities is more worse than it was/
     3- Everybody is busier than they were five years ago/
     4- We are more stressed than our grandparents were/
     5- We do everything more quickly, faster/ 6- People aren't as patient as they were before

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 134. 5A Grammar
-  Para comparar dos personas, lugares, cosas o acciones utilizamos:
   1- Adjetivos comparativos
   2- Adverbios compartativos (para referirnos a acciones del verbo)
   3- (not) as + adjetive/adverb + as

- Adjetivos comparativos Regulares
  1- Una sola sílaba se añade la terminación -er. Ej. short - shorter
  2- Una sola vocal + una sola consonante, se añade una doble consonante al final + - er
       Ej.: big - bigger
  3- Consonante y terminación en -Y, se le anula Y y se añade + -ier
       Ej: easy - easier  / busy - busier
  4- Con dos o más sílabas se le convierte en more + adjetive
       Ej: relaxed - more relaxed   /   expensive  - more expensive /

-  Adjetivos comparativos Irregulares
  Tienen su propia palabra para construirlos
   good --- better                 │   bad --- worse         │ far  --- further/farther (solo para distancias)
   stressed--- more stressed │  tired --- more tired │ bored --- more bored

- Adverbios regulares
  Siempre se les añade "more" + Adverbio. 
  Ej: more quickly / more slowly

- Adverbios irregulares
  Tienen su propia palabra
  hard --- harder  │  well --- better  │ badly --- worse

- Los comparativos con pronombres, después de un comparativo + than o as ... as utilizamos
  un objeto pronombre (me, you, him, her, our, you, them) 
  o un pronombre + auxiliar de verbo.
  Ej.: My brother's taller than me / My brother's taller than I am
        He's not as intelligent as her / He's not as intelligent as she is

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 135. 5A
a) 1- Modern computers are much faster than the early ones/ 2- My sister is taller than me/
    3- I'm busier this week than last week/ 4- Newcastle is farther from London than Leeds/
    5- I thought the third Men in Black film was worse than the first two/
    6- Manchester United played better than Arsenal/
    7- The French exam was harder than the German/ 8- My new job is more boring my old one/
    9- My new apartment is bigger than my old one/
  10- I'm not lazzy - I just work more slowly than you!

b) 1- Jerry isn't as short as Adam/ 2- My bag isn't as nice as your bag/
    3- London isn't as big as Tokio/ 4- Cricket isn't as popular as tennis/
    5- Adults don't learn languages as fast as adults/ 6- You don't work as hard as me/
    7- France didn't play as well as England

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 42. 5A Grammar
a) 1- He's happier than his wife / 2- Spain is hotter than France/
    3- The sandwiches are more expensive than the drink/
    4- David speaks Italian better than Kim/
    5- Sydney is farther from London than Delhi/ 6- He's taller than his brother/
    7- Claire works harder than Sally/ 8- The traffic at 8.30 is worse than the traffic at 9.30/
    9- Harry writes more quickly than Paul

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 12 - 13
- Introduce youself:
   Name:                  Hello, my name's
   Age:                     I was born on xxxxx and I was xxxx years old
   From:                   I'm from in xxxx
   Where you live:   I live in xxxxx
   Job:                      I work in XXXX
   Studies:                I studied XXXX
   hobbies:               I like XXXXXX
   family members: I XXX

- Dialogo
  2 Preguntas acerca de ti o lo expuesto anteriormente

- Interacción a través de una tarjeta
  Se pueden ver modelos en la Web
                     www.eoi/ examenes/ modelos de examen/ nivel basico/ examenes A2-task

- Fotocopias Pag. 42. 5A Grammar b

- Workbook. Pag. 30 everything
                     Pag. 31 everything
- Student's book. Pag. 34. 3&4 Revise and Check. Vocabulary a,b,c,d

- Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 86, 87, 88, 89

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