jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017


9 de marzo de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 30. 4B Fashion and shopping. 1c
1- E They only things I enjoyed there were art and sewing/
2- B I reallyu understand how women want to feel/
3- F They are so chic, and their sense of colour is so natural to them
4- A I absolutely hated dressing as a man
5- D My feet were killing me!
6- C My boyfriend at that time was very lucky

0- Anita has found a place for her new restaurant/
1- Anita's restaurant is in a building in the center of town near a school/ 
2- She's going to serve traditional English, Italian, French and European food/
3- Anita's going to change her menus every two weeks/
4- She'll serve 3 desserts: chocolate mousse, homemade ice-cream and apple pie with cream/
5- Anita thinks it's important to have friendly and efficient waiters
6- The restaurant is going to have music to create a young atmosphere
7- She wants to have paintings on the walls to attract more customers

- Diferencias con la palabra EVERY: Siempre es singular el noun que le sigue 
        every + (noun singular) = every day
                                                    every week
                                                    every month
                                                    every year
     EXCEPTO cuando se define el número de veces del (noun)
        every + number + (noun plural) = every 3 days
                                                                  every 2 weeks
                                                                  every 5 months
                                                                  every 2 years

1- Have you ever fallen over because you were wearing very high heels?
    Have you ever designed clothes for a man?

2- What did you do?/ When was it?

3- "ever" mean "sometime". In Spanish "alguna vez"

Nunca se puede construir una frase con WHEN + PRESENT PERFECT. es INCOMPATIBLE
   Ej.: When did you see him?   NUNCA     When have you seen him?

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 132. 4B present perfect or past simple?
- Present perfect Se forma to HAVE "present" + "Past participle"
                                                      auxiliar                    main verb

- Usamos el present perfect para hablar acerca de hechos pasados,
                   cuando no conocemos o especificamos el tiempo                Ej.: I've never met

- Las conversaciones a menudo comienzan en present perfect (con una pregunta en general) y
   luego se cambia a pasado simple para responder o dar detalles específicos,
     porque se SABE YA  cuando ocurrió los hechos que se relatan.
      Ej.: have you ever been to Mexico? Yes, I have/ When did you go there?/ I went last year

- Cuando se forman las preguntas con When, what, where, who, with, 
                                                                                                        se utiliza PAST SIMPLE

- Diferencias entre been and gone
                             │gone - expresa haber ido y haberse quedado en el lugar │    
       To go - went │                                                                                                │+ to
                             │been - expresa haber ido  y haber vuelto                           │

    Ej.: Mike has been to Paris = He went to Paris and came back
           Mike has gone to Paris = He's in Paris now      

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 133. exercise 4B
c) 1- When did you see it?/ 2- I went to the cinema in March and it was on then/
    3- I have been to the cinema in ages/ 4- I saw was Mamma Mia!
    5- Did you enjoy it?/ 6- I loved it!

* SPOKEN. Exercise with piece of paper. Choose the best answer for each of the questions.
1- Do you want to come and see the new Sophia Coppola film?  D- I've already seen it

2- Have you done your English homework?  E- Yes, I've just finished it

3- What time's your mother leaving?  A-  She's already left

4- Would you like a cup of coffee?  F-  No, thanks. I've just had one

5- Have you tidied your room yet? B- No, not yet. I'm going to tidy it later

6- Why can't we have chips for dinner? G- Because you've already had them three times this week

7- Do you know how Sheila is?  C-  She's fine. I've just spoken to her

8- What's his new girlfriend like? H-  I don't know. I haven't met her yet

a) Speaker 4- a coat/ Speaker 2- some sports clothes/ Speaker 3- a skirt/
    Speaker 1- some troussers   ------    The shirt didn't buy anybody

b) This person...
     4- bought something online, but didn't like the clothes when they arrived
     3- bought the clothes too quickly and later didn't like them
     1- wanted to look like a famous singer, but looked like another
     2- suddenly didn't need the new clothes any more

- to sell it.....(something).....on│Ebay
                                                  │ the internet

to do something in a hurry [noun] (tzu du sanzin in e jarri) [sustantivo] = hacer al con prisa
to knock out [somebody] (tzu nok aut)  [sambedi]= dejar sin sentido, eliminar (K.O.)/
stripe (straip)= raya, linea/ changing room (dzeindzin rum)= probador/ ever (ever)= alguna vez
receipt (ri'si:t)= comprobante de compra/ bill (bil)= cuenta de restaurante/
ticket (tikit)= entrada a recintos, conciertos, autobús, tren)

- Workbook. Pag. 26 Vocabulary a, b. Pag. 27 GRAMMAR a
- Student's book. Pag. 133. 4B exercises a, c
                            Pag. 155. Shopping 2 Online a, b.
- Grammar in Use Unit 17 Have you ever (prsent perfect).
                              Unit 20 I have done (present perfect)  and I did (past)                    

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