jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017


16 de marzo de 2016
* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 41.B Grammar
b) -Have you ever been to an action? / - Yes, I have. I went to one about two years ago/
    - Did you buy anything? Yes, I bought a necklace. How much did you pay for it? /
    - A fortune!. But I've worn it a lot. I love it / - Have you ever heard the  group Muse?/
    - No, I haven´t What kind pf music do they play?/
    - Rock music. I saw them in concert last month/ -Was it a good concert?/- Yes, I really liked it

- Present Simple se utiliza cuando hablamos de un momento concreto del pasado y ya finalizó.
  Present Perfect se utiliza cuando hablamos de una acción ocurrida en un tiempo pasado,
                            pero que ha dia de hoy puede continuar o no ha finalizado

- Never NUNCA puede estar en una frase sin AUXILIAR.
  Ej: I haven't never.   INCORRECT/     I haven't     CORRECT

1- I don't like doing the ironing / 2- She's very untidy. She never puts away her clothes/
3- Shh, don't make a noise. The baby's sleep/ 4- My mother does the washing on Mondays/
5- When I was litlle, I always make my bed before I went to school/
6- Can you do the shopping for me, please?/ 7- How often do you do exercise?/
8- My children have make lot of friends at their new school/
9- Do you like making plans for the future?/

- like + verb -ing  SIEMPRE el siguiente verbo terminado en -ING
    Ej.  I like doing the washing

a)  He spend his weekend locked in office's lift

b) 1- He is a lawyer/ 2- His office is on the 12th floor/
    3- The lift started going down, and then stopped/
    4- He pressed the alarm. He shouted and he tried to call his wife/
    5- She thought perhaps he was with another woman/
    6- Somebody came and repaired the lift. He was happy and hungry/
    7- He is going to walk up the stairs

  skiing resort (ski:in ri'zso:t)= estación de esquí / lift (GB) (lift) = elevator (US) (eliveitor)
  break down (brik daun)= estropearse/ to shout (tzu saut)= gritar/ to press (tzu pres)= pulsar/
  along time (elon taim)= mucho tiempo/
  to take the stairs(tzu teik de steer)= ir por las escaleras/
  emergency number (i'me:dzensi nambar)= llamar al número de emergencia/
  alarm button (e'la:m baton)= botón de alarma/ to push (tzu pus)= pulsar/
  to call   │
               │emergency number  = llamar al número de emergencia
  to dial   │

  to push  │
                 │the alarm button= pulsar, apretar el botos de alarma
  to press

            │  up    │
    walk│          │ the stairs = subir, bajar por las escaleras

       fit (adj) = in good physical condition  /  fittness (noun) = good health physical condition

a) 1- I pressed the button again, but nothing happened/ 2- The police couldn't  find him anywhere/
    3- They phoned the emergency number and someone came and repaired the lift

b) 1- Use something, anything and nothing for things/
    2- Use somebody, anybody, and nobody for people/
    3- Use somewhere, anywhere, and nowhere for places

Affirmative -------- SOMETHING--   │        │- UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS
                                                     │   +    │          He has some money
Negative------- │                           │         │          Does he any money?
                         │--- ANYTHING  - │          │          He doesn't have any money
Interrogative--│                                        │
                                                                 │ - COUNTABLE PLURAL NOUNS
                                                                 │          He has some books
                                                                 │          Does he have any books?
                                                                 │          He doesn't have any books.
   somebody = someone
   some--- frases afirmativas  / any ---- frases negativas e interrogativas

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 132. 4C something, anything, nothing, etc,

- Utilizamos:  somebody   │                                                           │
                       someone     │                                                         │- WHO
                       something  │  cuando no decimos exactamente     │- WHAT
                       somewhere │                                                         │- WHERE

- Utilizamos: anybody        │                 │- INTERROGATIVAS   
                      anyone        │  en frases
                      anything      │                  │- NEGATIVAS
                      anywhere     │

- Utilizamos  nobody            │                  │- CORTAS
                      no one=noone  en frases
                      nothing           │                  │- CON EL VERBO EN AFIRMATIVO 
                      nowhere         │                  │                      PARA DARLE
                                                                  │    UN SENTIDO NEGATIVO  A  LA FRASE

- no one = noone = no-one  

- Una frase con VERBO NEGATIVO no puede tener dos NEGATIVOS en la misma frase

- Una frase NUNCA puede COMENZAR por any.., EMPEZARIA SIEMPRE  con NO..

                      │- INTERROGATIVO = ALGUIEN    Ej. Did anybody phone?
- ANY.....      │
                      │ - NEGATIVO            = NADIE          Ej.:There isn't  anything in the fridge

- Para referirnos a:
                              │SOMEBODY/ SOMEONE -  AFFIRMATIVE
                              │NOBODY / NO ONE          -  NEGATIVE ANSWER

                              │SOMETHING    - AFFIRMATIVE
           - THINGS  │ANYTHING      -  NEGATIVE   or INTERROGATIVE      
                              │NOTHING         -  NEGATIVE ANSWER    
                              │SOMEWHERE  - AFFIRMATIVE
           - THINGS  │ANYWHERE     -  NEGATIVE   or INTERROGATIVE      
                              │NOWHERE        -  NEGATIVE ANSWER      

skiing resort (ski:in ri'zso:t)= estación de esquí / lift (GB) (lift) elevator (US) (eliveitor)
break down (brik daun)= estropearse/ to shout (tzu saut)= gritar/ to press (tzu pres)= pulsar/
along time (elon taim)= mucho tiempo/
to take the stairs (tzu teik de steer)= ir por las escaleras/
emergency number (i'me:dzensi nambar)= llamar al número de emergencia/
alarm button (e'la:m baton)= botón de alarma/ to push (tzu pus)= pulsar/
to pull (tzu pul)= empujar/ bungee-jumping (bandzi iampin)= puenting/
summary (sameri)= resumen/ survey (ser:vei)= encuesta/ jealous (dzeles)= celos, envidia/
seem (si:m)= parecer/ truthful (truz:ful)= sincero, verdadero/
social networking site (suse'l net uerkin sait)= red social en internet/ 
tired (taied)= cansado/ tiring (taierin)= actividad que cansa/

- to lie # to thel the truth  /  tired = cansado, se refiere a la persona  --- person -- I tired
                                         tiring = cansina se refiere a la actividad --- activity - Running is tiring

- Fotocopias. Pag. 41 Grammar a

- Workbook Pag. 27 everything in the right column
                    Pag. 28 Grammar 1a, b

- Student's book. Pag. 133 4C a,b,c
                           Pag. 32. 4 Reading a, b
                           Pag. 33. 6 Vocabulary b


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