martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


14 de marzo de 2017
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 133. 4B
a) 1- Have you ever bought clothes from that shop?/
    2- I've always wanted a pair of designer shoes/  3- I haven't read the newspaper today/
    4- We haven't been to the new shopping centre yet/
    5- Have your brother lived abroad all his life?/ 6- They've gone to live in South America/
    6- She hasn't flown before/ 8- James hasn't met his girlfriend's family yet/
    9- Have you eaten in this restaurant before?/
  10- Jane has gone to the gymn - she'll be back in an hour

c) 1- The kids aren't here. They've all gone out/
    2- Have your ever been to the swimming pool in town?/ 3- I haven't been to Sue's new flat yer/
    4- My sister has gone to teach in France/ 5- Oh good. Dad's been to the shop-the fridge is full

- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 155. 2 Online
a) 1- first you go to the website/ 2- you usually have to create an account/
    3- and click on each item/ 4- make sure you get the right size/
    5- everything you buy goes into your shopping bag o basket/
    6- when you are ready to pay you click on proceed to checkout/
    7- you then have to give your delivery address/ 8- and give you payment details/
    9- also buy and sell things online at auctions sites like eBay

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 26. 1 Vocabulary shopping a,b.
a) 1- I don't have time to try on clothes/ 2- There's always a long queue for the changing room/
    3- I just take them straight to the checkout to pay/4- I keep the receipt so I can change them/
    5- if they don't suit me/ 6- I get the wrong size/ 7- and the clothes don't fit/
    8- I often take things back to shops/ 9- but the shop assistant don't seem to mind at all

b) Clues down
    1- you normally have to create an account/ 2- something you want to buy is called an item/
    5- eBay is an online auction site/ 7- Amazon is a popular website
    Clues across
    3- you put it in your shopping basket/ 4- You can make a payment in differents ways/
    6- when you are ready to buy something you go to the checkout/
    8- you have to enter your delivery address

- WORKBOOK. Pag. 27- Grammar present perfect or past simple?
a) 1- She's bought a new jacket/ 2- I haven't bought with my creditcard/
    3- Has Ana been (gonna) shopping?/ 4- Has your sister ever worked as a model?/
    5- You haven't worn your newshirt/ 6- Have I ever told you about my holiday in Greece?/
    7- The shopping centre has never been so crowded/ 8- I have never used eBay

- GRAMMAR in USE. Unit 17. Have you ever...? (present perfect 3)
- Usamos el present perfect (have + verb past participle) cuando hablamos de un hecho 
   que su acción comienz en el pasado y dura hasta el momento actual
     Ej.: Have you been to France? / I have seen thar woman before, but I can't remember where

- present perfect + ever (in questions) and never. 
       ever= alguna vez / never= nunca             Siempre se coloca delante del verbo principal.
     Ej.: Has Ann ever been in Australia? / I have never ridden a horse

- gone and been 
    he has gone = el ha ido pero aún no ha regresado, o sigue en el sitio que hace referencia
    he has been= el ha ido pero ya ha vuelto al lugar o sitio de origen desde el que se habla

17.1 1- Have you ever been to London?/ 2- Have you ever played golf?/
        3- Have you ever been to Australia?/ 4- Have you ever lost your passport?/
        5- Have you ever flown in a helicopter?/ 6- Have you ever won a race?/
        7- Have you ever been to New York?/ 8- Have you ever driven a bus?/
        9- Have you ever broken your leg?

17.2 1- She's been to New York twice/ 2- She's been to Australia once/
        3- She's been to Australia once/ 2- She has never won a race/
        4- She's flown in a helicopter a few times/ 5- No, I've never been to New York/
        6- Yes, I've played tennis a few times/ 7- Yes, I 've driven a lorry twice/
        8- No, I've never been late for the work

17.3 1- She has had many differents jobs/ 2- She's done a lot of interesting things/
        3- She's met a lot interesting people/ 4- She's been married three times/
        5- She's written ten books/ 6- She's travelled all over the world

17.4 1- Bes is on holiday at the moment. He's gone to Spain/
        2- Have you ever been to Mexico? No, never/
        3- My parents aren't at home at the moment. They've gone out/
        4- There's a new restaurant in town. Have you been to it?/
        5- Rebecca loves Paris. She's been there many times/
        6- Helen was here earlier, but. I think she's gone now/
        7- Where's Jessica? She's not in the office I think she's gone home!/
        8- Hello, Sue. I was looking for you. Where have you been?

- GRAMMAR in USE. Unit 20. I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)
- Cuando nos referimos a un tiempo pasado ya terminado, se utiliza el past 
         Ej: We arrived yesterday  /    we arrived last week  /   we arrived at 3 o'clock

 - NUNCA usamos el present perfect para referirnos a un hecho acabado
         Ej: I saw Paula yesterday   /  Where were you on Sunday afternoon?  / I stayed at home

- Utilizamos el pasado SIEMPRE con WHEN....?  ó   WHAT TIME...?
        Ej: When did you buy your computer?  /   What time did Andy go out?

- El present perfect hace referencia al periodo comprendido entre un hecho pasado 
   y que puede continuar dicha acción o hecho hasta el momento actual
    Ej: I have lost my key  /   Have you seen Kate?    /  Have you ever been to Spain?

- El pasado siempre hace referencia a un hecho o acción ocurrida en el pasado y ya TERMINADA
    Ej.: I lost my key last week  /  Did you see Kate on Saturday?/ Did you go to Spain last year?

20.1 1- Yes, I saw her five minutes ago/ 2- Yes, I sarted last week/ 3- Yes, they started at 5 o'clock/
        4- Yes, she went on Friday/ 5- Yes, I wore yesterday

20.2 1- OK/ 2- Did you see Kate yesterday?/ 3- I finished my work at 2 o'clock/ 4- OK/
        5- What time did you finish your work?/ 6- OK/ 7- Steve's grandmother died two years ago/
        8- OK

20.3 1- My friend is a writer. He has written many books/ 2- We didn't have a holiday last year/
        3- I played tennis yesterday afternoon/ 4- What time did you go to bed last night?/
        5- Have you ever met a famous persons?/ 6- The weather wasn't  very good yesterday/
        7- Kathy travels a lot. She's visited many counties/
        8- I switched off the light before going out this morning/
        9- I live in New York now, but I lived in Mexico for many years/
       10- What's Canada like? Is it beatiful? I don't know I haven't never been there

20.4 1- Have your ever been to Florida? Yes, we went there on holiday two years ago.
            Did you have a good time?. Yes It was great/
        2- Where's Alan? Have you seen him?. Yes, he went out a few minutes ago. And Rachel?
            I don't know. I haven't seen/
        3- Rose works in a factory. She has worked there for six months. Before that she was a
          waitress in a restaurant.She worked there for two years,but she didn't enjoy it very much/
        4- Do you know Mark's sister? I have seen her a few times, but I have never spoken to her.
            Have you ever spoken to her? Yes, I met her at a party last week. She's very nice

- Forma BEEN TO + place

                    │ been │                                      He's    │ been to Italy twice
    has/ have │          │to + place                                 │gone  to Italy and he'll come  back soon
                    │gone  │
   has/ have been to+ verb  =   INCORRECTO   Ej.: He's been to teach in Italy

   has/ have gone to + verb =     CORRECTO      Ej: He's gone to teach in Italy

- Present perfect es similar al pretérito perfecto, PERO NO ES IGUAL.
  Present perfect CONECTA el PASADO HASTA el momento ACTUAL

- Present Perfect refers to:
  a) Something that happened in the past, even it if finished, if the specific time 
                                                                 when it happened isn't mentioned
       Ej.: Have you ever seen the Queen?. Yes, I 've seen her many times

b) Something that started in the past but it has NOT finished
       Ej.: I've been a teach for 36 years. I've worked here since 1994

- Iñaki crosses the High Street/ Iñaki walking across the High Street now
              verb                                                      noun

- I feel asleep #  awake  /   ill # healthy / vacuum (vakeum)= pasar la aspiradora/
   to break up (tzu brik ap)= separarse   Ej.: Peter break up with Elisa
   book a room (buk e rum)= reservar una habitación
   she's pregnant = she's expecting    /      extrovert # introvert = shy

1- Hello Peter,  NUNCA se pone "," con Hello ó Hi se pone punto. La "." se ponen con Dear
         Hello Peter. ---- correct

2- I can not to buy some bread for you in my way home becouse I don't come back home tonight
     NUNCA "can not" es "can't"
   corregida la frase=
   I can't buy any bread for you on my way home because│ I won't
                                                                                       │I'm not│going to│come back home
                                                                                                    │coming │
3-I have to go to take care of my mother
   corregida = I have to go to my parents' to take care of my mother

4- This evening my parents come to the city
     corregida = This evening my parents' │will come to         │
                                                              │are going to come│  the city
                                                              │are coming           │

5- I'm going to spend this night in my parent's home
     corregida = I'm going to spend the nightly ( to night) in my parents' home

6- See you in the evening / 7- Best wishes -- ESTAN FUERA DE CONTEXTO para una NOTA

8- We've bread in the freezer --- NUNCA se CONTRAE el VERBO HAVE si no es AUXILIAR
     corregida = We have some bread in the freeze

9- Today I'm not going to buy bread for you
     corregida = Today I can't buy some bread for you

   la palabra "parents' " con apostrofe al final significa en CASA DE MIS PADRES
    Ej. I'm going to be with my parents = Yo voy a estar con mis padres
          I'm going to be at my parents'    =  Yo voy a estar en casa de mis padres

a) 1- Have you ever bought or sold anything on eBay?/
    2- Have you ever bought something online and had a problem with it?/
    3- Have you ever had an argument with a shop assistant?/
    4-Have you ever tried to change something without the receipt?/
    5- Have you ever accidentally taken something form a shop without paying?/
    6- Have you ever bought shoes without trying them on?/
    7- Have you ever got to the supermarket checkout and then found
        you didn't have enough money?
    8- Have you ever lost your credit card?

queue (kiu:)= cola/ changing room (chen:ying rum)= probador
checkout (chek: aut)= punto de pago/ receipt (ri'sit)= recibo/
suit (su:t)= sentar, gustar, convenir/ size (saizs)= talla/ fit (fit)= ajustar, adaptar/
take...back (teik bak)= devolver algoshop assistant (sop asistant)= vendedor/
item (aitem)= articulo/ payment (peymen)= pago/auction (o:kszion)= subasta/
account (e'kaunt)= cuenta de pago/ delivery (di'liveri)= entrega/
basket (ba:skit)= cesta/ fridge (frids)= frigorífico/ asleep (e'slip)= adormecido/
awake (e'ueik)= despierto/ ill (il)= enfermo/ healthy (jel:zy)= sano, saludable /
vacuum (vakeum)= pasar la aspiradora/ to break up (tzu brik ap)= separarse/
shy (sai)= timido/ parents' (parents)= casa de nus padres/ hug (jag)= abrazo

- Repasar vocabulario y verbos (past, past participle)

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