lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

ORAL CLASS 15/05/17

15 de mayo de 2017
- Make three sentences with the word "drive", and one sentence with "less" plus "drive".
      most -- to move, to go, own car    /  less -- town

   Learning how to drive is very important to move in the city, and you can drive your own car. If I
   have a license to drive I can go to other cities because I like sightseeing.
   It's less important to have a driving licence in the city because there there is public transport to go
   from one place to another.

- You are Canadian, tell us because your country is the best.
   I'm Canadian. My country is the best because it's beatiful. I like its  nature,
   its landscape, its big lakes and its waterfalls. It's a very clean country.
   Canada is near the U.S.A.
   I don't like its weather, it's very cold and rainy in winter

- Tell us about your job, you are a MECHANIC
   I like cars. I like to repair car motors. My best moment is when I turn on the motor and
   it starts for the first time. I love my job.

- To make sentences with there words: - football/ Parlament/ wardrobe/ witch/ foreign/ spices/
                                                                  lamp/ tennis/ Cardiff/ boxing/ birds
   - He scored a goal in the football match
   - He tried to kill the King in Parlament
   - This morning I hung my dress in the wardrobe
   - The witch uses the broom to fly
   - I'm learning a foreign language
   - Spices are good for your healt
   - The lamp was lit
   - She's playing tennis
   - The champions League  will be played final in Cardiff
   - I watch boxing matches on TV
   - Crows, ducks and eagles are birds

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