jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017


25 de mayo de 2017
- Student's book. Pag. 60. Reading
b) 1-C/ 2-B/ 3-C/ 4-A/ 5-B/ 6-A
c) This seems an easy one= esto parece fácil/ avoid her= evitarla/ it's worth= merece la pena/
    You don't have to like her sister= Tu no tienes que gustarle a ella/
    every one else= todos los demás/ should go for it= deberias ir a ello/
    is a once in a lifetime moment for her= es un momento importante en su vida/
    keep in touch= mantener el contacto/ it will make things worse= ello haría las cosas peor/
    change your mind= cambiar de opinion

- Student's book. Pag. 61, Vocabulary get
1- b receive/ 2- a buy/ 3- c became

- Fotocopias Pag. 46 Grammar
3- She'd pass her exams if she studied harder/
4- I'm sure she'll lend you the money if you ask her nicely/
5- I'd like your dog more if he weren't so noisy!/
6- If I don't  see you this evenng, I'll see you on Friday/
7- I won't say anything to James if you don't want me to/
8- If you don't hurry up, we'll miss the train/
9- If I were you, I wouldn't go the UK in the winter/
10- What would you do if you found snake in your bed?

To want + │ - noun Phrase - He wants a new car   (Do you want a new car? ) Yes, I want│it
                 │                                               │                                     │                       │ one
                 │                                        noun Phrase                    noun Phrase
                 │  - Inifinitive - He wants to buy a new car  (Do you want to buy a new car?
                 │                                                                                                     │  Yes, I want to
                 │                                                                                             Object direct

          Hace función de verbo transitivo. TO reemplaza a la frase a la que hace objeto

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 159. Get
a) get= become (+ adjetive/ past participle) 
    5- get angry/ 3- get divorced/ 6- get fit/ 4- get lost/ 2- get married/ 1- get nervous

    get= become (+ comparative)
    7- get better/ 9- get colder/ 8- get worse

    get= buy/ obtain
    11- get a job/ 12- get a newspaper/ 10- get a ticket

    get + preposition (phrasal verbs)
    15- get on/ off a bus/ 13- get on (well) with/ 14- get up
    get to (arrive)
    16- get home/ 18- get to school/ 17- get to work

    get= receive
    19- get an email/ 21- get a present/ 20- get a (text) message

* FOTOCOPIA. 30/03/17. Sentences with mistakes
22- When I was child, I used to have long hair
       When I was a child I used to have long hair ---- CORRECT
       Noun countable, siempre con el articulo a/an
         USED TO: - express habit in the past
                            - it's followed by "to infinitive"
                            - it's a main verb so the corresponding question and negative
                                                                  sentences need the auxiliary "TO DO"

        Hace función de Pretérito Imperfecto = Use to
        It can be translated into Spanish as:
        a) solia + verbo into INFINITIVE
        b) verb into - INFINITIVE in English  as a Pretérito Imperfecto

       When I was a child │ I used to visiting grand mother every weekend --- habitual
                                       │    (visitaba / solia visitar)
                                       │ I visited my grandmother (before she died) --- ocasional
                                       │              (visité)

23- She don't mind to do the washing, although she prefer watching TV
      She doesn't mind doing the washing, althougn she prefers watching TV --- CORRECT
      Doesn't -- por ser tercera persona del singular
      Prefers -- por ser tercera persona del singular
      Doing en lugar de to do

24- It's important to not wear dirties clothes when you going to have a new job
      It's important not to wear dirty clothes when you are going to have a new job -- CORRECT
      Not to wear  en lugar de to not wear, la negación antes del verbo
      Dirty es adjetivo y los adjetivos no se pluralizan
      You are going en lugar de You going, Present continuo To be +  verb  terminado -ing

25- They can not to play football well without to train every day
      They cannot play football wel without  training every day --- CORRECT
      Cannot / Can't NUNCA can not
      Can't play  porque lo verbos modales NUNCA van seguidos de TO
      Training no to train, detrás de las preposiciones los verbo terminan en -ing
26- Don't forget buying some bread when you come home this evening
      Don't forget to buy some bread when you com home this evening  --- CORRECT
      To buy no buying, los verbos solo terminan en -ing cuando precede una preposición

27- My brother don't need stuyding because he's very clever
      My brother doesn't need to study becarse he's very clever --- CORRECT
      Doesn't -- por ser tercera persona del singular
      To study no studying, los verbos solo terminan en -ing cuando les precede una preposición

28- Have you pen? - Yes, I take
      Do you have a pen? -  Yes, I do / here you are --- CORRECT
      Do you have por ser una frase interrogativa
      Yes, I do es frase corta para respoder afirmativamente a algo
      Here you are - seria la forma de decir: si aqui tienes

29- During the exam, you musn't speak to your classmates  --- CORRECT

30- Two years old childrens may be very difficult to understand when they start speaking
      Two year old children may be very difficult to understand when they start speaking-- CORRECT
      Year no years por hacer función de adjetivo
      Children no childrens el plural es children y el singular child
      May be es un verbo modal que indica probabilidad

b) 1- I used to sit at the back of the class/ 2- He used to go to school on Saturday mornings/
    3- We didn't use to understand our German teacher/ 4- Did you use to go to school by bus?/
    5- School used to stat at 9.00 but now it starts at 8.30/
    6- Did your friends use to help you with your homework?

- is a modal (auxiliary)
- is followed by TO INFINITY (without TO)
- No -s for 3rd person singular subject
- indicates obligation
- El orden de Subject + verb puede ser cambiado Verb + Subject
   Ej.: He must come to work at 8.00 am  ó  Must he come to work at 8.00 am
- La forma negativa:
    must not  │ The negative of "must" indicated PROHIBITION
    mustn't    │
                            Ej. He mustn't bring his dog to work

Main verb
- is not an auxiliary (so it needs "don't/ doesn't ",
                                didn't to form the negative or interrogative  sentences)
- indicates obligation
  He has to come to work at 8.00 am
  Does he have to come to work...?
  Don't / doesn't/ didn't have to...
- indicate absence of obligation. Is not prohibition
  He doesn't have to come to work at 7.00

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 138. 7C have to , don¡t have to, must, mustn't
- Usamos have to + verb infinitive cuando nos referimos a normas u obligaciones
- Usamos don't have to + verb infinitive para decir que no hay obligación o algo no es necesario
- Usamos do/ does para hacer frases interrrogativas o negativas
- Nunca se contrae have o has

- Usamos must + verb (infinitivo sin to) para referirnos a normas y obligaciones-
- Must / mustn't es la misma forma para todas las personas
- Usamos mustn't + verb (infinitivo sin to) cuando nos referimos a algo que está prohibido

- Usamos have to para referirnos a una obligación general
- Usamos must para referirnos a una obligación personal, el hablante impone su idea
- Mustn't hace referencia siempre a prohibir
- Don't have recomienda, pero no prohibe
- A menudo usamos to have y must con el impersonal you (gente en general)

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 139. 7C
a) 1- Janice has to study very hard - she has exams soon/
    2- You have to wear uniform to be a policeman/
    3- Does your sister have to go to London for her job interview?/
    4- You have to get up early tomorroe. Our flight leaves at 6.30/
    6- Harry doesn't have to work today-his shop is closed/
    7- I have to go now. It's very late/ 8- Do we have go to bed? It's only 10 o'clock!

1-  When did you use to live/ 2- I didn't use to like exams/ 3- I used to have long hair/
4- Did you see to work hard?/ 5- I used to be very shy/ 6- I didn't used to do any sports

- Workbook. Pag. 65. 2 Grammar exercise a
                     Pag. 66 everything

- Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 36 (I used to)

                 THE COURSE OVER
             THAT'S ALL FOLKS
                     May the Force be with you



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