jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017


18 de mayo de 2017
- Student's book. Pag. 145. 10A
b) 1- The Ipod and the iPhone was designed by Jonathan Ive/
    2- Olive oil is produced by most Mediterranean countries/
    3- Uranus was discovered by Herschel/
    4- The Men in Black films were directed by Bary Sonnenfield/
    5- Mr an Mrs Clark and Percy was painted by David Hockney/
    6- Blue Suede Shoes wasn't written by Elvis Presley/
    7- The Harry Potter books were written by Jk Rowling/ 8- Daihatsu cars are made in Japan

* SECOND CONDITIONAL: if + past, would/wouldn't
If I won the lottery at Christmas, I would buy a car

would se utiliza para situaciones que no son muy probables.
Cambia el tiempo en la parte de la oración If siendo en este condicional el verbo en pasado.

- Tipos de condicionales:
                                  │ a) future
  If ..... present, ......│ b) present
                                  │ c) imperative

a) future        -- If win the lottery, I'll buy you a present
    present      -- If you don't sleep for a week, you die
    imperative -- If you see Peter, tell him I want to speak to him

- Second conditional

- The speak express the idea that something ins't very probable, or it's even impossible
      Ej. If I won a lottery Christmas, I would buy a car / If I saw a ghost,│I would │be terrified
                                                                                                           │I'd         │
-  IF and will     opposite parts
               would  opposite parts

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 142. 9A. Second conditional: if+ past, would/wouldn't
- Usamos IF+PAST para hablar de algo imaginario o una hipotética situación y
                WOULD / WOULDN'T + VERB para decir la consecuencia de dicha acción

- WOULD / WOULDN'T  siempre es de la misma forma para todas las personas

- Si IF es la primera oración utilizamos una coma antes de la siguiente oración

- Podemos usar COULD + TO INFINITIVE en lugar de WOULD  + TO INFINITIVE 
                              en la otra oración.

- Con el verbo TO BE podemos usar WERE  después de I/ HE/ SHE / IT

- Usamos esta forma del segundo condicional para dar consejo sobre algo.

- Usamos el PRIMER CONDICIONAL para situaciones de FUTURO


* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 143. 9A. 
a) 1- I'd enjoy the weekend more if I didn't have to work on Saturday E/
    2- If it's sunny tomorrow we could go to the beach D/
    3- Would you wear it if I bought it for you? C/
    4- If we learned Portuguese, we could go and work in Brazil F/
    5- I wouldn't work if I didn't need the money G/
    6- If I went to live in London would you come to visit me? B/

- WOULD= .....ría / gustaría  /  COULD= podría

- ADVICE uncountable noun. an advice, some advice, a piece of advice

1- Apple was found by Steve Jobs/ 2- Washmachine was invented in USA/
3- This wine is produced near here/ 4- Who is the film directed by?/
5- Who were those painted by?/ 6- The cash machine wasn't invented until 1967

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 77. 3 Reading & Vocabulary
a) 1- to discover verb to find or learn something for the first time/
    2- to base verb to make something using something else as a starting point
    3- to design verb to draw a plan which shows how to make something
    4- to invent verb to make or think of something for the first time

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 140. 8A should / shouldn't
If I were you, I'd stop smoking

- Como dar un consejo
    If you want to feel healthier   │ - you should + (to infinitive)
                                                  │ - why don't go...?
                                                  │- you could try to...?
- should = debería

- Utilizamos SHOULD/ SHOULDN'T + VERB (sin to) - para dar a alguien un consejo 
                                                                                   - decir lo que crees que está bien hacer

- SHOULD/ SHOULDN'T es de la misma forma para todas las personas
                  I/ YOU/ HE/ SHE/ IT/ WE/ THEY   SHOULD/ SHOULDN'T

- Con el verbo THINK el negativo se hace con el verbo THINK en lugar de con SHOULD
         Ej. I think you should....     I don't think you should

- Podemos usar OUGHT TO / OUGHT NOT TO en lugar de SHOULD / SHOULDN'T
        Ej: You ought to wear a suit  / He ought not to work so hard

* FOTOCOPIA 30/03/17. Sentences with mistakes
22- When I was child, I used to have long hair
      When I was child, I had long hair  ---  CORRECT

23- She don't mind to do the washing, although she prefer watching TV
      She doesn't mind doing the washing, although she prefers watching TV -- CORRECT
      - Es tercera persona del singular DOESN'T  no DON'T
      - Detras del verbo mind el siguiente verbo termina en -ing sin to DOING no TO DO
      - Es tercera persona del singular PREFERS no PREFER

- Student's book. Pag. 143. 9A exercise b
                                   77. 3 Reading & Vocabulary exercises 3 b, c.
                                 141. 8A exercises a,b

- Workbook. Pag. 63. Grammar exercises a,b,c
                             64. Pronunciation a. Listening. Use wods and phrases

- Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 21. is done was done (passive 1)


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