martes, 16 de mayo de 2017


16 de mayo de 2017
- Student's book. Pag.143. 9C
b) 1- A- How long has he lived there?/ 1- B- He moved there in September/
    2- A- When did Picaso die?/ 2- A- How long has he lived in France?/
    2- B- He left Spain when he was 25/ 3- B- How long have they been married?/
    3- A- They have been married since 1995. They met at university/ 3- B- Was that in Paris?

- Fotocopias. Pag.46. 9B Grammar
2- How long have you had your cat? I've had it for a few weeks now/
3- How long have you been married? I've been married since 1981/
4- How long have they known each other? They have known each other for 50 years/
5- How long have you lived here? We've lived here since 2006/
6- How long have you had this phobia? I've had it since about 2010/
7- How long have you been in this team? I've been in it since I was 17

   FOR + period of time
   SINCE + moment in time

- How long have you worked here? / - They've been married for 20 years/
- She hasn't travel by plane since 2005/ - How long has she lived in Italy?/
- We've known them fron a long time

* FOTOCOPIAS. Pag. 34. What? No meat?
1- Mark sometimes has a few problems being a vegetarian -- TRUE

2- a- Mark eats fish FALSE/ b- Mark bacame a vegetarian when he was on holiday in India FALSE/
    c- He has three reasons for being a vegetarian TRUE/
    d- He is the only vegetarian in his familiy TRUE/
    e- His parents don't like vegetarian food FALSE/
    f- Mark's favourite food is Indian FALSE/ g- His favourite dish is a green curry TRUE/
    h- The people in Ukraine think being a vegetarian is normal FALSE/
    i- It's easy being vegetarian in India TRUE/ j- It's difficult eating vegetarian food in UK FALSE/
    k- He never visits other people's homes FALSE/ l- He ate yak meat in China to be polite TRUE/
    m- Jackie was a vegetarian in the past TRUE

Oxford University Press  publishes  a lot of English coursebooks
                  │                          │                           │
             subject                    verb              Object Direct

A lot of English coursebooks  are published by Oxford University Press
Construcción de SETENCE PASSIVE:
       subject + "to be" + main verb  +     by ....................  )
                          │               │                             │
        present or past       past participle        agent

Ej.: Hamlet was written in the 17th century ----   agent no es necesario

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 144. 10A Passive: be + past participle
- Present= afirmativa  IS/ARE + PAST PARTICIPLE. 
                                        Ej. Kevlar is used to make bullet-proof vests
                 negativa  ISN'T/ AREN'T  + PAST PARTICIPLE
                                        Ej. Tippex isn't used very much today
                 interrogativa  IS/ ARE + SUBJECT + PAST PARTICIPLE
                                        Ej. Are disposable nappies used all over the world?

- Past= afirmativa WAS/ WERE + PAST PARTICIPLE
                                        Ej. The dishwasher was invented by Josephine Cochrane
            negativa    WASN'T/ WEREN'T + PAST PARTICIPLE
                                       Ej. Windscreen wipers weren't invented until 1903
            interrogativa  WAS/ WERE + SUBJECT + PAST PARTICIPLE
                                      Ej. When was the washing machine invented?

- Podemos decir las cosas de dos formas: en ACTIVA o PASIVA

- En las frases en ACTIVA hace referencia al sujeto que realiza la acción
                                             Ej. Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher
                             PASIVA hace referencia al objeto que resulta de la acción
                                             Ej. The dishwasher was invented by Josephine Cochrane

- Usamos la forma PASIVA cuando no conocemos o no es importante quien hace o hizo la acción
                           Ej. My car was stolen last week / Volvo cars are made in Sweden

- Usamos BY para referirnos a quien hizo la acción
                           Ej.: The Lord of the Tings was written by Tolkien

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 145. 10A
a) 1- Many of the things we use every day were invented by woman/
    2- In the UK most children are educated in state schools/
    3- Australia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770/
    4- This morning I was woke up by the neighbour's dog/
    5- Criket is played in the summer in the UK/
    6- The songs on this album were recorded last year/
    7- Nowadays a lot of toys are made in China/ 8- Carols are songs which are sung at Christmas/
    9- These birds aren't usually seen in northen Europe/ 10- "Rome wasn't built in a day"

* FOTOCOPIA 30/03/17. Sentences with mistakes
21- A lot of toys are made by chinese people
      A lot of toys are made by Chinese people --- CORRECT
     - Los nombres de ciudades, mares, regiones, lenguajes y gentilicios con MAYUSCULA

* FOTOCOPIAS Pag.39 - 40. Communicative
- Student B                                                      
1- What was your worst subject at school?  Math was worst subject when I've been student    
2- What's the most exciting holiday you've ever had? The most exciting holiday was in Egypt
3- What's the most boring sport on television? I think that the most boring sport is formula 1
4- Who do think is the best actor/actress in Spain? I think the best actor is Antonio Banderas
5- What do you think is the most stressful job in the world?  The most stressful job is broker

- Student A 
1- Who do you think is the most beatiful actress in Spain?
     I think the most beatiful actress is Penelope Cruz
2- What's worst film you've seen recently? The worst film I've seen was 24 hours
3- What's the most difficult thing about studying English? The most difficult thing are the verbs
4- What do you think is easier way to get fit? I think easier  way to fit is to do exercise
5- Who's the most famous sportsperson in Spain? The most famous sportsperson is Aduriz

hen (jen)= gallina/ cruel (kru:l)= cruel/ west (uest)= chaleco/
bullet-proof (bolit-pruf)= a prueba de bala/ nappies (napis)= pañales/
disposable (dispousebol)= desechable/ windscreen (uindscri:n)= parabrisas/
wipers (uaipers)= limpiaparabrisas/ to wipe (tzu wipe)= limpiar, pasar un paño

- Workbook. Pag.58 exercise 2a,b
                     Pag 59 exercise 2c,d
                     Pag 56 grammar (everything)
                     Pag 57 everything
- Essential Grammar in Use Unit 100 (If I had if we went)

- Student's book. Pag. 145 10A b


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