jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017


4 de mayo de 2017
* Present verbs vs Past verbs
- feel - felt / find - found / fly - flew / steal - stole / make - made / wake me up - woke me up /
  is - was

* Make the question.
- How is she travelling? / How much money do you need? / Is there any milk in the fridge?/
  What kind sport do you like?/ Where does she like sitting?/
  How many single people are there in the world?

Task 1 - Speaker 1- D, E  /  Speaker 2 - B, C   /  Speaker 3 - A, G

a hard cover= tapa dura/ paper back= tapa blanda, libro edición de bolsillo/
just before bed= antes de irme a la cama/ nightmare= pesadilla/ once a year= una vez al año/
twice a month= dos veces al mes/ three times a day= tres veces al dia/
cover to cover= de principio a fin (cuando leemos un libro)/ line= cola= queue/
standline= ponerse a la fila

- Corregir frases. Fotocopia 30/3/17
15- Whose books are these?  - CORRECT
       They aren't mines. They may be of Peter.
       They aren't mine. They may be Peter's.    CORRECT
       mine nunca aparece en plural por ser un pronombre posesivo
                                                                                y estos no cambiar con la cantidad
       may be indica posibilidad, que puede que sean.
                    Es un verbo auxiliar modal. Sin preposición.
       Whose + noun + verb ...? = Whose + verb + noun ... ?

16- Tell me what to do. I don't know where to start. CORRECT
      - to start / to do = infinitive + TO .
                                              Aparece detrás de las preguntas WHEN, WHAT, WHERE...

- Los verbos que van después de preposición siempre terminan en -ing.
                         In Spanish                                                In English
         They change depending on:                              They only chande depending on  
         a- who has something                                        who has something
         b- how many things the                                    NOT how many things the possesor has
             possessor has                                                  (about me book)
             a-  el mio  │ (about one                                the mine = one book, 2 books, 3 books...
                  el tuyo │     book)
                                                                                          yours= one book, 2 books. 3 books...
             b- el mio    │ (about
                 los mios │  2 boooks)

- MAY BE = indica posibilidad, puede que sean
  may ( verb Modal Auxiliary) = Aparece antes del sujeto en la pregunta modal,
  - indicates possibility
  - is followed by to infinitive (without TO) 
  - No cambia con los sujetos verbales
  - Doesn't have an -s for a 3rd person singular subject.
    Ej.: If he doesn't answer the phone, he may be asleep.

- Usamos los pronombres posesivos cuando nos referimos acerca de la posesión de algo.
   Ej.: Is it yours? Yes, It's mine
- Usamos WHOSE para preguntar quien es el poseedor
  Whose book is it?  /  Whose is that bag?
- No usamos los pronombres posesivos junto con el sustantivo.
  NOT It's mine book      YES It's mine
- No usamos el articulo "the" con los pronombres posesivos
  NOT Is this the yours?       Yes  Is this the yours?

    Pronombres                          Pronombres                   Adjetivos                    Pronombres 
     Personales                           de Objeto                     Posesivos                      Posesivos
     I        can come                   She loves me                  This is my   seat         It's mine
    You                                                    you                            your                      yours
    He                                                      him                            his                        his
    She                                                    her                              her                        hers
    It                                                        it                                its                          its
    We                                                     us                               our                        ours
    They                                                  them                          their                      theirs    

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 141. Exercise 8C
a) 1- This isn't my pen, it's Susan's/ 2- I think this book is yours/
    3- This isn't your suitcase, it's ours/ 4- Where's Mary? I thik these are her gloves/
    5- These keys are mine/ 6- The showed us all their photographs/
    7- These seats are theirs, not ours. We're over there/ 8- Is this your bag?/
    9- This isn't my jacket. It's hers

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 158. Verbs forms
a) 1- We've decided to go to France for our holiday decide/
    2- Don't forget to turn off all the lights forget/ 3- We hope to see you again soon hope/
    4- I'm learning to drive. My test's next month learn/
    5- I need to go to the supermarket. We don't have any milk need/
    6- He offered to help me with my CV offer/ 7- They're planning to get married soon plan/
    8- He pretended to be ill, but he wasn't really pretend/
    9- He's promise to pay me back when he gets a job promise/
  10- Remember to bring your dictionaries to class tomorrow remember/
  11- It was very cloudy and it started to rain start/
  12- I'm trying to find a job, but it's very hard try/ 13- I want to catch the six o'clock train want/
  14- I'd like to buy a new car next month would like

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 138. 7A. Uses of infinity with do
- El infinitivo es la forma base del verbo. A menudo lo usamos con TO. 
  Puede ser positivo o negativo. Ej. POSITIVE To be   /  NEGATIVE   not To be

- Usamos el infinitivo con to en los siguientes casos: 
  1- Después de algunos verbos. Recordar las formas verbales. Pag. 158
      Ej.: I need to buy some new clothes   /  Try not to talk about politics
  2- Después de adjetivos
      Ej.: It'll be nice to meet your parents  /  It's important not to be late
  3- Después de las palabras que hace referencia a preguntas What, where, when, etc
      Ej.: I don't know where to go or what to do?
  4- Para decir porqué hacemos algo
      Ej: Why did you go to the party?  To meet new people. I went to the party to meet new people
                                                                                                                        reason purpose

- IMPORTANTE RECORDAR que nosotros utilizamos el infinitivo sin "TO":
  1- después de verbos auxiliares (do/ does/ didn't )
  2- después de la mayoria de los verbos modales (can, could, will, would, etc.)  
  Ej.: Do you live near here?  / Can you help me? / I won't forget / What would you do?

- To try + to infinitive. Ej,: He tried to help me  / He didn't try to help me
  Ej.:    he tried to make some strange sounds          
       1- he didn't try to make any strange sounds
       2- he tried not to make any strange sounds

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 139. Exercise 7A
a) 1- Do we need to buy some dollars at the airport? E/
    2- In some countries it's important to dress correctly in public D/
    3- I know you're tired, but try not to fall asleep during the film! F/
    4- We were late, so Simon offered to give us a lift to the station A/
    5- It's difficult not to forget people's names in a big class C

a hard cover (e jard cover)= tapa dura/
paper back (paper bak)= tapa blanda, libro edición de bolsillo/
just before bed (iast bifor bed) = antes de irme a la cama/ nightmare (naitmer)= pesadilla/
once a year (uans e iear)= una vez al año/ twice a month (tuais e manz)= dos veces al mes/
three times a day (tzri tai:ms e dei)= tres veces al dia/
cover to cover (cover tzu cover)= de principio a fin (cuando leemos un libro)/
line (lain)= cola= queue (kiu)standline (stan lain)= ponerse a la fila/
CV (si:vfi)= Curriculum Vitae/ to pretend (tzu pritend)= fingir, pretender

- Student's book. Pag. 141. 8C. Exercise b
- Student's book. Pag. 139. 7A. Exercise b
- Sentences with verbs. Pag.158
- Fotocopias. Pag. 44. 7A Grammar Uses of infinitve with do a)
- Fotocopia 30/3/17 Frases.

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