jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017


11 de mayo de 2017
- Student's book. Pag. 139. 7A
b) 1- I'm Rennée. Nice to meet you / 2- What do you want to do tonight?/
    3- I need to go to the shop. I don't have any bread and milk/
    4- Try not to make noice. Your father's asleep/ 5- I'd really like to learn how to drive/
    6- Be careful not to drive too fast on the way home-the roads are icy/
    7- He's decided to look for a new job

- Fotocopia frases 30/03/17. Corregir
- 20 I'm his friend since I knew him at Mary's 20th birthday party
       I've been his friend since I met him at Mary's 20th birthday party --- CORRECT
   - Se utiliza Present Perfect porque la conociste en la fiesta de Mary,
                                                                                    pero a dia de hoy la sigues conociendo
   - meet es el verbo que hace referencia a la primera vez que conoces a alguien

- Present Perfect + SINCE or FOR
   Diferencia entre estas frases:
  1- I started working for the EOI in Bilbao in 1994 --- Se realizó en el pasado pero no continua
        Past simple

  2- I've worked for the EOI in Bilbao since 1994 --Comenzó en el pasado, aún todavia continua
              │                                           │
          Present Perfect                    since  follow by the moment when something started
                                                        CONECT THE PAST AT THE PRESENT

  3- I've worked for the EOI in Bilbao for 23 years
               │                                          │
        Present Perfect                     for se utiliza para un periodo de tiempo.
                                                      FOR + periodo de tiempo
                                                      FROM+ ... + TO ...
                                                          - place Ej. I went running from Pl. Circular to Pl. Moyua
                                                          - time Ej. I work in the office from 9 to 5      

                                  IT STILL COTINUES AT PRESENT in sentences 2 - 3

  4- I've seen this film before             │
           │                                          │
       Present Perfect                            │
                                                         │► The action doesn't continue in the present
 5- I've already done my homework      │
        │                 │                            │
        Present Perfect                          │

 6- I've seen this film last year            │
                                        │              │► Adverbio de tiempo # Present perfect.
                        Adverbio de tiempo    │        When es incompatible con el present perfect

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 142. 9C Present perfect or Past simple?
- Usamos el past simple cuando nos hablamos de un periodo de tiempo terminado en el pasado
   Ej: How long was Bob Marley a musician?   ---  He was a musician for twenty years

- Usamos el present perfect para hablar de un periodo de tiempo comenzado en el pasado
                                                                                                      pero que continua hasta ahora
   Ej: How long has Ziggy Marley been a musician? -- He's been a musician since he was ten

- Comparación entre el past simple y el present perfect
   Ej: Jack was married for ten years = Jack no está casado ahora. El está divorciado o muerto.
   Ej. Jack has been married for ten years = Jack continua casado a dia de hoy

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 143. 9C
a) 1- He left school two yeas ago/
    2- I lived in Cardiff for two years, but then I moved to Swansea/
    3- She's lived in Florida since 2010/ 4- My sister had her baby yesterday!/
    5- I work in an office. I've worked there for 20 years/
    6- The city has changed a lot since I was a child/
    7- They're divorced now. They were married for ten years/
    8- I met Sandrea when I was at university

* SPEAKING. Práctica Exámen,

              Questions                                                        Answers
- Where is the flat?                                      The flat is in the city centre
                                                                     It's in the center of Bilbao

- Does it have an elevator?                           No, it doesn't

- How many rooms │ does the flat have?        It has         │    two rooms
                            │ are there in the flat?      There are  │

- How much │does it cost│( a month) ?       It costs €800 a month
                     │is it         │

- What's your phone number?                       The phone number is 944624126,
                                                                       You can contact Asun at 944624126
                                                                      Your contact is Asun and her number is 944624126

- Can you give me your phone number?       The contact number is 944624126

- Who can I contact?                                      The contact is Asun

- Do you have a contact?                               Yes, the contact is Asun

- El apostrofe al final de la frase se utiliza solo para personas y animales
- Usamos What para preguntar en lugar de Which,
          porque Which se utiliza cuando hay una lista de selección . Ej: Which of these ....

- Student's book. Pag. 143. 9C exercise B
- Fotocopias. Pag. 46. 9B Grammar a
- Fotocopia 30/03/17. Corregir frases.

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