martes, 23 de mayo de 2017


23 de mayo 2017
- Student's book. Pag 143. 9A
b) 1- We would buy the house if it had a garden/
    2- If you tried Indian food, I'm sure you'd like it/
    3- You 'd learn more if you worked harder/
    4- If we rented a car, we could drive up to the mountains/
    5- We'd see our son more often if he lived nearer/
    6- I wouldn't go to that restaurant if I were you - it's vere expensive/
    7- I'd take you to the airport if my mun didn't have the car/
    8- I quite like cycling, but I wouldn't cycle to work if I had a car/
    9- Would you leave yuor country if you got a well-paid job abroad?/
  10- I love living here, I wouldn't be happy if I had to leave

- Student's book. Pag.77. 3 Reading & Vocabulary
b) 1- It was designed by an American student/ 2- She was later given a gold ring/
    3- Tinned food was invented in 1810/ 4- tins were opened with dificulty/
    5- company Parker Brothers were first shown the board game "Monopoly"/
    6- It was originally only played by men/ 7- and was called "golf"/
    8- Botox was first used in 1985/
    9- to make people's faces look younger was only discovered 20 years later/
  10- House M.D. is based on Conan Doyle's detective

- Student's book. Pag. 141. 8A
a) 1- You shouldn't work really long hours every day/ 2- You should lose a bit of weight/
    3- You should eat more fruit and vegetables/
    4- You shouldn't put so much sugar in your coffee/ 5- You should start doing some exercise/
    6- You should drink less alcohol/ 7- You should drink more water/
    8- You shouldn't go to be so late

b) 1- You should wear a scarf. It's going to start snowing soon/
    2- I should study this afternoon. I have an exam tomorrow/
    3- You shouldn't walk alone in that part of the city. Get a taxi/
    4- She should relax more. She's very stressed/
    5- You shouldn't drive so fast at night- the roads are dangerous/
    6- You should go to bed. You look tired/ 7- Parents should spend more time with their children/
    8- We shouldn't have a break yet- we only started work at 10.00

-  She was later given a gold ring    They gave her a gold ring
             │                                                        │          │
            Past                                                     OI        OD

              (Ellos) le dieron (a ella) un anillo de oro  = │Un anillo de oro le fue dado
                         │                │              │                 │ She was given a gold ring
                        OI               OI            OD

       El Objeto Indirecto pasa a ser sujeto


1- I don't eat much because I'm not hungry, but if...
    If I was hungry I would eat more

2- I study English because it's very useful but if...
    If it was very useful I would study English

3- I eat fruit every day because it's very healthy but if...
    If it were very healthy I would eat every day

4- I'm cold because I don't have a think coat but if...
    If I had a think coat I wouldn't be cold

5- All my students will pass the exam if they study hard but if...
    If they don't study hard │they won't pass the exam
                                          │ not all my students will pass

6- She lives in Barcelona because her family is there but if ...
    If her family wasn't there she won't live in Barcelona

1- What should I do?/ 2- You should read a good book/ 3- You can send her an email/
4- I wouldn't like to be in your situation/ 5- Could you help me with these?/
6- You shouldn't worry about it

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 61. 4 Listening & Speaking
a) caller 1-        Problem
                    His best friend is flirting with his girlfriend
                    He says to her that she's wearing a beatiful dress
                    When they go to a party, his friend asks her to dance

                        expert's advice
                    You should speak to your best friend
                    You could try to tell your girlfriend how you feel and you should her opinion
                    Why don't you ask your best friend if he is in love with your girlfriend
                    You should talk to her ask her she feels and what she thinks about Alan behaviour

deeply (di:pli)= profundamente/ thoughts (zo:ts)= pensamientos/
second thoughts (secon zo:ts)= duda a acerca de una decisión/
attend (e'tend)= asistir, acompañar/ risk (risk)= riesgo/
to take a risk (tzu teik e risk)= arriesgarse/
to behave (tzu bi'jeif)= comportarse/ behaviour (bi'jeivier)= comportamiento

- Workbook. Pag. 56. Grammar (everything) │ 2nd Conditional
                    Pag. 57 (everything)                │

- Fotocopias. Pag. 46. 9A Grammar

- Student's book. Pag. 60.  Reading b,c,d
                            Pag. 61.  Vocabulary get
                            Pag. 159 Vocabulary bank. Get

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