martes, 9 de mayo de 2017


9 de mayo de 2017
- Student's Book. Pag. 141.8C.
b) 1- Is that her car? - No, it's her boyfriend's. Hers is a white Peugeot/
    2- Maya has a new boyfriend, but I haven't met him yet/
    3- Look. Here's a photo of Alex and Kim with their new baby/
    4- We've finished paying for our house, so it's ours now/
    5- These are our tickets. Can you give Maria and Marta theirs/
    6- We're very lucky. Our parents bought this dog for us/
    7 We both love gardening. Would you like to see our garden?/
    8- London is famous for its parks

- Student's Book. Pag. 139. 7A.
b) 1- I'm Renee. Nice to meet you/ 2- What do you want to do tonight?/
     3- I need to go to the shop. I don't have any bread and milk/
    4- Try not to make a noise. Your father's asleep/ 5- I'd really like to learn how to drive/
    6- Be careful not to drive too fast on the way home-the roads are icy/
    7- He's decided to look for a new job

- Fotocopias Pag. 44. 7A GRAMMAR uses of the infinitive with to
1- Are you ready to start work now?/ 2- It's not difficult to pass the first year exam/
3- Promise not to tell anyone about this. It's a secret/
4- They're planning to build a supermarket there/
5- Can you show me how to use the new coffee machine?/
6- You need to print your boarding pass before you go to the airport/
7- Don't forget to turn off the computer when you leave/
8- Does he know where to go when he arrives?/ 9- She shouldn't pretend to be happy if she isn't/
10- Is it safe to swim in this river?/ 11- Try not to worry about your exam. You'll pass easily/
12- What's the best way to learn I a new language?/ 13- Did you remember to lock the door?/
14- It was really nice to see you again/ 15- I can't think what to get her for her birthday/
16- He tried to tell her that he was leaving her, but she started to cry/
17- It's really important to make a good impression on your first day in a new job/
18- He phoned her to say that he was sorry/ 19- I don't know who to ask for advice/
20- Don't worry. It's quite normal not to know the answers

- to make a │ good │ impression
                 │  bad  │

- to ask for something

- This verbs go follow with TO + INFINITIVE
    to  promise     │
    to remember  │
    to try              │
    to forget         │   TO + INFINITIVE
    to plan            │
    to need           │
    to pretend      │
    to start           │

- Show me how to use this machine = enséñame │ a usar          │ esta máquina
                                                                        │como se usa │
- Fotocopia 30/03/17. Correct these sentences
17- He speak french very bad
      He speaks French very badly  --- CORRECT
     - speaks por que hace referencia a 3ª persona del singular en Presente
     - French es en mayúsculas porque hace referencia lugar, idioma o referencia a un lugar
     - badly porque es adverbio

18- What of these sentences is the more difficult
      What of theses sentences is the most difficult --- CORRECT
      - most porque es un adjetivo superlativo y difficult tiene tres sílabas

19- It doesn't never rain if I'm carrying umbrella
      It never rains if I'm carrying an umbrella  --- CORRECT
      - doesn't por hacer referencia never el negativo de la frase, nunca puede haber dos negativos
      - rains por ser 3ª persona del singular en presente
      - an porque los antes de un countable noun siempre tiene que ir el artículo

* Fotocopias. Pag. 27. LISTENING COMPREHESION. Task 3
1- In Sudoku, the time you spend doing it ...
      helps you know if you are better or worse than other people A
2- The Times National Sudoku Championship had ...
      three age categories B
3- On the school bus, Jack ...
      solves Sudokus without a pencil B
4- Sudoku was invented...
      by a Swiss person B
5- Wayne Gould first worked as a ...
      judge  B
6- Wayne Gould's program was first introduce in ...
      the U.K. B
7- Sudokus are popular because ...
     people of different ages can do them  C

- really cool - realmente genial
- I took me 10 minutes to do it  - Me llevó 10 minutos hacerlo - Me tomó 10 minutos hacerlo
- Who cares about the time? - A quien le importa el tiempo?
- It keeps me busy o the long ride to school - me mantine ocupado en largo viaje a la escuela

- Preparar el examen oral


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